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凍奶茶- 香港女仔一名,鍾意講下生活上嘅無聊小事、睇法、啟發 :) 請聽最新的集數 Listen to my latest episode for better quality! Hi guys I am a twenty-something-year-old girl from Hong Kong. I just graduated uni and am now working as a junior doctor. In this podcast you will hear my thoughts and inspirations in daily life. Enjoy!! (廣東話 Cantonese Podcast) ♥ Instagram: icedmilktea_podcast
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show series
年尾忙住... 玩!等咗三年,終於有得好好休息~ In this episode we talked about Trip to Tokyo (and my little complaint) 2 days in Disneyland! (and our views on Disney in general) 2023 係個新開始,祝大家新年快樂! Find me on instagram @icedmilktea_podcast
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Edited and new 💖 disclaimer! 其實叉燒包係唔會亦都從來冇試過無啦啦送人返屋企 😂 It’s a hypothetical discussion, Chat Siu Bao has never randomly sent a female home 🫣 (maybe we should have explained it more clearly 😅) 話說我地都熱戀期咗兩年 🥳 Talks about how we manage our relationship - Juicy! Enjoy 😘
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喺一個無聊嘅星期一晚上,我同叉燒包討論自己住過嘅地方同理想嘅居住地方💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♂️ 其實香港仲有好多值得喜歡嘅地方,只係我地都比較鍾意市區🙆🏻‍♀️ Some areas in Hong Kong that we mentioned (for the overseas listeners): TaiKoo, Kennedy town, Sai Ying Pun, Tai Hang, olympic, SaiKung, Shatin, Taipo, Tuen Mun etc
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🌬終於回歸solo podcast呢! 趁打風同大家傾下計☺️ 內容包括:颱風小知識/ 千與千尋/ 3%/ 自我反省太多會帶來害處(?)Just a chill episode by myslef :) Topics discussed: Typhoon/ Spirited away/too much self reflection. Feel free to chat with me on Instagram: icedmilktea_podcast 🧋
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終於返黎啦!近來我和叉燒包都忙於生活和工作,但在忙碌中學會自愛、同行多一些:)祝各位中秋節快樂🎑🏮🌕🥮Happy Mid Autumn's Festival!! We're back! Char Siu Bao and I are busy recently for work and life, but we still learned to love and accompany each other more ;)
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各位新年快樂!喺新一年開始之時等我開始新一季Season 5, 目標係音質要有進步,令聽眾唔好聽得咁辛苦~ Hope you all enjoy the newest episode of season 45- New start to 2021! In this season I aim to improve the sound quality of my podcast :) What are your new year resolutions? share with me on my ig icedmilktea_podcast. Cheers!
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唔知呢集叫咩名好😂 今日我地又好即興咁錄咗一集,其實宜家叉燒包比我仲緊張呢個channel~ 希望大家聽完開心笑一笑,同我一樣感覺輕鬆一點🥰 Another really spontaneuos episode with Char Siu Bao :) Thanks to him I am uploading more frequently! Hope you guys enjoy it xoxo My insta: icedmilktea_podcast
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Single Bells Single Bells Single all the way! 今次邀請到凍檸茶來同我傾單身嘅原因同埋男友必備條件,傾到好興奮😂 希望大家聽完會有所‘啟發’,最緊要係聽完好似我地咁開心 :) (聲音時大時細,下次會注意!)We talked about the reasons of being single and the traits of an ideal boyfriend. Hope you enjoy this episode and have a good laugh! :D Chat with me on insta icedmilktea_podcast…
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第四季!終於買咗個咪😜 希望你喜歡呢一集輕輕鬆鬆嘅分享😚 趁住天氣涼爽去露營真係一個唔錯嘅選擇,當然唔好一大班人去,注意返social distancing :) New season new mic! Hope you enjoy this episode of chitchatting with Char Siu Bao. Find me on insta: icedmilketea_podcast :D Have a good day!
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講下心底話俾各位喜歡呢個節目嘅聽眾~ 突然想同大家坦白傾下計,於是就攤喺床上錄咗呢集 hahahah Suddenly decided to talk about recent changes in my podcast, stress and a teeny tiny bit about the not-so-glamurous doctor's life, or why I don't talk about it. Insta: icedmilktea_podcast
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當好多人都想離開香港嘅時候,都有人想返黎㗎!外國返黎嘅叉燒包同喺度住咗廿幾年嘅我喺某公園草地上討論香港嘅優點~ Not everyone wants to leave Hong Kong, some people want to come back and stay :) Let's hear what Char Siu Bao and I like about Hong Kong. The Gov did not pay me to do this lol Apologies for the background noise again maybe someday we will record in a cosy quiet place. Chat with me on insta: ic…
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非常即興錄嘅一集😆 香港人細細個就要學英文同中文,但點解社會總係睇得起英文好嘅人多啲?所以就出現咗好假嘅偽ABC?A very spontaneous recording with a new guest, who has quite a few opinions on how Hong Kong people perceive 'languages' and why we should value both Cantonese and English :) Find me on insta @icedmilktea_podcast
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今集請來好朋友豆腐花分享佢去伊朗嘅瘋狂事蹟同埋深刻嘅體會!My friend Tofu Pudding shares with us his stories and insights while backpacking in places many people considered ' dangerous'. We will be talking about Iran in this episode. Buckle up and enjoy the ride :) Chat with me on insta @icedmilktea_podcast
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知道音質/聲量仲係唔太好,下次會嘗試調整💁🏻‍♀️ 你試過因抱怨而感到內疚嗎?忍住唔埋怨是否太苦待自己?🤔 Sound quality is still not optimal, will try again next time! Have you ever felt like you don’t have the right to complain about your life? Please tell me I am not alone 😂 Join us on an overthinking discussion on ‘ranting’ and a short catch-up session at the end 😚 Insta: icedmilktea_podcast…
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凍奶茶和凍檸茶能成為對方的理想旅伴嗎?我地嘅旅行觀相似嗎?好想約去旅行😍希望再明... 年!😙 講返清楚小小先: 1. 我形容東北三省時其實係諗緊黃山 2. 黃山喺安徽省 3. 阿凡達山係指黃山/張家界(湖南) Iced Milk Tea and Lemon Tea learnt about each other's preferences on traveling, more specifically what kind of travel buddies we look for 😌 Let's hope that 2021 will be good so we can travel together 😙 Find me on insta: icedmilktea_podcast…
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凍奶茶同凍檸茶好朋友係有原因的💛我地都係鍾意苦中作樂,積極向上嘅打工仔😂 希望呢集帶到俾大家力量💪🏼 Listen to our casual chat about work (how being a houseman is like), how we relax and try to maintain work life balance (mostly by going on netflix 😂), recent surge of COVID cases in HK, and other random things :) Hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did 😙 Insta: icedmilktea_podcast…
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我好快要開工了 :O 將入職場嘅凍奶茶實習醫生請來PR界嘅凍檸茶,同大家傾下做社會大學新鮮人嘅感受同得著 :) Iced Lemon Tea shares her feelings and thoughts on being a newbie in the PR industry, as Iced Milk Tea is starting her medical career in a few days. Stay till the last few min for a slightly longer than normal goodbye. Welcome to follow me on insta icedmilktea_podcast :)…
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朋友終於開啟IG帳號,引起了一番熱烈討論— 不同性格如何影響IG的使用方式呢?這與十六型人格有關係嗎?我們都不是專家,只是輕鬆談談我們的經驗和看法💃🏻 Come listen to my friends and I over-analysing IG behaviours! We are not experts in 16 personalities (lol obviously) we just love discussing this topic and having these semi-deep talks :)
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由蒙古司機大哥,說到身邊的同學 :D 希望大家聽得開心之餘也有一點點的反思!可到我的IG告訴我你的看法 Icedmilktea_podcast :) Is this episode an excuse to talk about a Mongolian driver that I secretly admire? Maybe. Other than that, Iced Lemon Tea and Iced Milk Tea chat about friends who are crazily talented and capable. For more behind-the-mic photos please visit my IG and share what you think!…
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凍奶茶同凍檸茶喺咖啡店聊聊天,希望大家喜歡聽兩個女仔嘅輕鬆對話同傻笑聲 :) 我地傾到相識嘅經歷同有關友情嘅瑣事~Iced milk tea and lemon tea recounts how they became good friends despite not knowing each other in high school :) Apologies for the noise in background 🙈
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這集請來了7個同學仔/準醫生談談這六年的成長和遺憾~ This episode turned out to be more serious and meaningful than I imagined :) Questions discussed: How do you feel about becoming a doctor soon? Do you have any regrets leaving medical school? What are your biggest take-away? 希望大家喜歡這個比較認真的一集 (我的朋友都很聰明和有深度,但我們平時談話不是這樣的 哈)
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你試過跌入自我懷疑的低谷嗎?那好像是無可避免、成長的必經階段啊!中學時代嘅我好努力追求所謂嘅卓越,追到看不到自己的好。你也有類似的經驗嗎?希望這一集能帶給你新的想法 :) (我知呢集聽落會覺得我好chur lol 希望唔會嚇親大家)Self doubt and the obsession with excellence are my old friends, they still come visit me every now and then but I have learned ways to cope with them. In the episode I share a quick update (!!), and then open up about a self-doubting…
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有冇人同我一樣,成日俾人問路呢?唔單止喺香港,就算去旅行都會被問路(笑喊)一定係個樣生得太好人了~ Apparently I look like a nice person because I am often a target of tourists who need help/ sales/ scammers in the street lol Here are some random stories about me giving directions.
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