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RFM Connect

Pastor Rema Spencer

Inspiration for all. Tune in as Pastor Rema Spencer shares God's heart from the Holy Scriptures. As you listen to these Anointed messages, may you experience the urgency of the Holy Spirit to be a witness of Love and Truth in these final days! "It is time to awaken! For our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed" (Rom 13:11). Learn more about RFM Connect at
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show series
Sunday's Word of Inspiration - God desires intimacy with each of us! He wants to spend quality time with you! What a gift that the Creator of the universe is so mindful of you and cares for you! He loves you and carries you in His heart! Now, will you reciprocate that love? The Holy Spirit is speaking and prompting you to spend more time in His Pre…
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An Excerpt from Sunday's Word of Inspiration - Nehemiah beheld the condition of the walls of Jerusalem and he concluded that change needs to come. Child of God, how are the walls in your life? What needs to be restored and completed? There is no better time than now! This is the time! Brothers and sisters, let us rebuild together! Amen! Ref: (Neh 1…
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An Excerpt from Sunday's Word of Inspiration - Pastor Spencer shares from Jeremiah 29:11. God's thoughts and plans towards you are good! The Lord says "I will restore to you the years the locust has eaten" (Joel 2:25). Restoration cometh! So be still and wait on the Lord in expectation! Speak life! Practice the art of Thanksgiving as you wait on Go…
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An Excerpt from Sunday's Word of Inspiration - Pastor Spencer shares the heart of Christ from the book of Ruth. God's heart beat is an intimate relationship with each of His children. The Lord says "Return to Me and I will heal you of your backsliding" (Jer 3:22). It is never too late to turn around and make the right choice for God. Do not get com…
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An Excerpt from Sunday's Word of Inspiration - "Seek the Lord while he may be found! Call on Him while He is near!" (Isa 55:6) Saints of God, it is time to give God our undivided attention. He says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person and they with me" (Rev 3:2…
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An Excerpt from Sunday's Word of Inspiration - "Who shall separate us from the LOVE OF GOD? I am persuaded that NOTHING CAN!" Child of God, be encouraged! God is for you! There is NOTHING in all creation that can separate you from the Love of Abba, Father! Now, that is something to celebrate! Hallelujah! You are LOVED! Ref: Romans (8: 31 - 39) Supp…
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An Excerpt from Sunday's Word of Inspiration - Is there Hope for discouragement and defilement, Child of God? The Word of the Lord says yes! Pastor Spencer shares on the grace of God which is greater than our sins. Because of God's tender mercies and love for us, we can face tomorrow! We have Eternal Life and that life is already in us if we have p…
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An Excerpt from Sunday's Word of Inspiration - Jesus Christ fulfilled the requirements of the Old Testament law by living a life of complete obedience to the will of the Father, even unto death. He died for all humanity! He died for you! Now, will you live for Him? Main Message: Grace is not a license to live as we please apart from God, but Power …
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An Excerpt from Sunday's Word of Inspiration - Pastor Spencer encourages believers to be witnesses for Christ, lights shining in a dark world. We live in a world that embraces the works of the flesh and rejects the Spirit of God. We need to stand in the Anointing of the Holy Spirit as the early disciples did and walk in Truth despite persecution. W…
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An Excerpt from Sunday's Word of Inspiration - On this Mothers Day, Pastor Spencer shares from the story of Hannah, a woman who was misunderstood in her time of grief. Like many, she was initially judged as she poured out her heart to God. Yet, God did not put her to shame, but gave her the desire of her heart when she promised to honor God with th…
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An Excerpt from Sunday's Word of Inspiration - "God is our Refuge and Strength! Call upon Him and He will answer! Be Still and KNOW that He is God! Selah!" Remember Children of God that there is a Rest and a Peace that belongs to you! You can enter that Rest in Christ. Just sit at His feet and wait on Him! For He is Mighty to Save! Ref: (Psalm 46) …
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An Excerpt from Sunday's Word of Inspiration - Pastor Spencer shares from Psalm 92 encouraging God's people to intentionally give thanks to God in the midst of difficulties. We are truly blessed when we learn the art of staying thankful no matter what. During this season of Lent, let us trade in our complaints for a spirit of praise! For our God is…
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An Excerpt from Sunday's Word of Inspiration - "Come near to God and He will come near to you!" God desires closeness with us, but our sins have created a barrier so that we cannot worship Him with a clean conscience. We need to confess and ask for His cleansing. Sometimes we may even need to weep and humble ourselves a bit on bended knee, but God …
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An Excerpt from Sunday's Word of Inspiration - In this message, Pastor Spencer reminds believers of the need to love and to shine in the midst of the darkness that surrounds us on a daily basis! God is Love and His desire is that we as His children would follow in His footsteps, imitate His example. The Holy, Unconditional Love of Christ is the onl…
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An Excerpt from Sunday's Word of Inspiration - Pastor Spencer encourages believers in this NEW YEAR to draw near to God with confidence! The blood of Jesus Christ has made it possible for people everywhere to draw near! Since we have a GREAT HIGH PRIEST over the House of God who is Christ, let us no longer hesitate, but let us draw near with full a…
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An Excerpt from Sunday's Word of Inspiration - Pastor Spencer shares from John 1 encouraging believers to follow the example of John pointing believers to Christ and the need there is for repentance in a fallen world in need of a savior. Jesus is the Light of the World and Light dispels darkness. So, let us shine and share the good news of Jesus th…
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An Excerpt from Sunday's Word of Inspiration - John the Baptist came preaching repentance. The prophet Isaiah prophesied about him 400 years earlier. John's message is the same message we ought to embrace today. "Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!" Repentance involves a change of mind and heart. As we repent and decide to follow Jesus, ou…
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An Excerpt from Sunday's Word of Inspiration - Pastor Spencer shares a sobering message on being prepared and alert for as it was in the Days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of Christ! At that time, people were going about their business, marrying, and feasting. Then, suddenly! The flood! The world thinks they have the answers. Let us not forg…
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An Excerpt from Sunday's Word of Inspiration - Pastor Spencer encourages believers to "Come! Now is the time to Worship!" It is not easy to sing when we are going through difficulties, but God is calling us to go beyond where we have never been before. Only by God's Spirit can we make a joyful noise when life gets hard! Yet, your Heavenly Father lo…
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An Excerpt from Sunday's Word of Inspiration - Ignite us, Oh God! Reignite us, Oh Lord! Set a fire in us, Oh God that we would run hard after you! Let that be our prayer saints! There is so much more than what we have experienced in God! Whatever it is God is calling you to lay down, just do it! He says lay it down! For God wants to replace it with…
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An Excerpt from Sunday's Word of Inspiration - Pastor Spencer reminds believers to not think it strange when we are confronted with various trials. Our faith in Christ will be tested as children of God, but thanks be to God who always causes us to triumph in Himself! God is Faithful! We never lose with Him! Jesus Christ has already conquered with h…
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An Excerpt from Sunday's Word of Inspiration - Pastor Spencer encourages believers to sit at the feet of Christ and allow God to minister to our hearts through His Holy Word. God wants to heal and set us free by His Truth, but we must take time out to be with Him. This may require some discipline in our lives. Brothers and Sisters! Your answer is f…
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An Excerpt from Sunday's Word of Inspiration - Pastor Spencer shares from Luke 11 reminding believers of the importance of Prayer, specifically the Lord's Prayer. "Lord, teach us to pray!" Did you know there is a right and a wrong way to pray? The disciples understood this and desired to know Jesus' secret. Jesus modelled a life of prayer and intim…
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An Excerpt from Sunday's Word of Inspiration - The Good Samaritan - Pastor Spencer shares from Luke 10 in the Word of God. We need to show mercy to others despite the differences in our cultural background or economic status. We all belong to the human race and are in need of the mercy of God and others. So let us do unto others what we would want …
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Sunday's Message of Inspiration - Pastor Spencer shares from the book of Galatians - God is calling us to live in freedom by His Holy Spirit! This race of faith is not about dos and don'ts, but let us love Christ and serve Him because of all He has done for us. He longs for intimacy with His children so we respond to Him. We pray, fast and seek Him…
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Sunday's Word of Inspiration - Pastor Spencer shares in the 1st service from John 16. "When the Spirit of Truth comes..." We just thank God for His Wonderful Holy Spirit, our Teacher, Encourager and very Best Friend. He is our Guide on this Earth as we await for the Return of our Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this Trinity Sunday, we decl…
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🔥Pentecost🔥 - Sunday's Word of Inspiration - Pastor Spencer shares on the person of the Holy Spirit from the Word of God. Children of God, you will never be the same again! That is what happens when we encounter God's Spirit! He is our Bible Teacher, Comforter, Best friend, Lover and Guide through life. Do you need guidance? Talk to the Holy Ghost!…
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Sunday's Word of Inspiration - Pastor Spencer shares on the Power of Christ's Ascension and what it means for believers today. Jesus Christ is now seated at the right hand of the Father making intercession for you and I! Because He lives, we also live! We are blessed not only on this earth, but in the afterlife which is truly LIFE! Just believe in …
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A Timely Message from Minister Casandra Wallace - We fix our eyes on Jesus Christ! There is no other Way. Brothers and Sisters, let us not get distracted with the things of this world for the things of this earth are but temporary. God has glorious eternal blessings for His children, for those that truly Love Him so we look to Him! God has a crown …
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An Excerpt from Sunday's Word of Inspiration - God is speaking to His Children! Return! Return to that sweet place of Intimacy with Christ! The Holy Spirit yearns and longs for more time with you! God desires to share His heart and plans for your life, but you must set aside quality time to listen to His heartbeat. He loves you! Respond to His Call…
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An Excerpt from Sunday's Word of Inspiration - Jesus Christ rose from the dead! He is Alive and seated at the right hand of the Father constantly making intercession for believers everywhere. Now that is a reason to celebrate! Peace be with you because the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world has conquered! The Lion of the Tribe of Judah…
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An Excerpt from Sunday's Word of Inspiration - On this Palm Sunday, Pastor Spencer shares from Luke 19. Jesus Wept! When have you last wept because you felt God's heart and grief for the human soul? How much time have you wasted doing things God never called you to do? It is time to get back to work and put your hand to the plow. No more looking ba…
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