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Sigal-Hava Rotem from Utrecht University (The Netherlands) discusses the article, "Using critical incidents as a tool for promoting prospective teachers' noticing during reflective discussions in a fieldwork-based university course," published in Educational Studies in Mathematics (Vol. 117). Co-authors: Potari and Psycharis Article URL: https://li…
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2024年8月13日为《美轮美换》(The American Roulette;主页、小宇宙镜像)在“看理想”app上开设的专题系列《美国大选与世界转向》录制的推荐语。录音文字整理、以及节目兑换码抽奖,见我的公众号文章:《身处当地,会有更细微的、难以言表的切身感受》。 P.S.:别忘了买我的新书《空谈》(目录及自序、豆瓣页面)。
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2024年8月7日,我(林垚、三土)和淡豹在北京“方所”书店进行了一场题为“AI时代,读文科还有什么用?”的对谈,暨拙著《空谈》的新书分享会。这里是对谈的录音,文字整理稿刊于上海译文出版社公众号“非虚构时间”。 【时间轴】 02:15 薛编介绍三土、淡豹、《空谈》(《空谈》目录及自序⁠、⁠《空谈》豆瓣页面) 04:52 为什么会选择读“文科”? 06:08 中国特色的高中“文理分科”制度 09:22 北大生物系“猪象杂交”的黑历史 14:40 在三土眼中,世界是一幅巨大的拼图 16:35 淡豹的求学与自我表达之路 20:57 淡豹点评《空谈》 25:51 淡豹和三土的友谊 27:36 文科和理科,哪个更容易被AI替代? 31:49 “文科/理科”是极度简化的区分 34:23 自主求知的过程本…
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Dave Coffey and Kathy Coffey from Grand Valley State University discuss their new book, Designing Math Adventures: Using Design Thinking to Support the Teaching and Learning of K-8 Mathematics, available through Amazon. Book URL: Dave's Delta Scape …
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Travis Weiland from the University of Houston (but soon to be at UNC-Charlotte) discusses the chapter "Preparing teachers of statistics: A critical read of standards, review of past research, and future directions" published in The AMTE Handbook of Mathematics Teacher Education (Vol. 5), with chapter co-authors Chris Engledowl and Susan Cannon. Boo…
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Zandra de Araujo (University of Florida), Amber Candela (University of Missouri, St Louis), and Paul Wonsavage (University of Florida) join Sam Otten (University of Missouri, Columbia) to discuss their NSF-funded project entitled Practice-Driven Professional Development (PDPD). They share thoughts on why they are pursuing an incremental approach ra…
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2024年4月8日,我和我的爱人袁源,在上海前滩太古里MOViE MOViE影城观看了茹斯汀·特里耶(Justine Triet)导演的《坠落的审判》(Anatomy of a Fall),并在秦以平主持下进行了一场映后对谈。这是对谈的录音。 我和袁源一起参加的其它对谈: 2021-9-16 @别任性《Vol.98 当四海为家的哲学教授与心系故土的政治学者相爱》 2023-7-7 @端传媒《战争与责任对谈(上)》;《战争与责任对谈(下)》 2024-3-8 @陆家嘴读书会 《袁源×林垚×筱狸:性别与族裔:东亚女性的困境与书写》(视频) 2024-3-17 @上海图书馆 《杨素秋×袁源×林垚:我们为什么需要图书馆?》(音频)…
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Luis Leyva from Vanderbilt University discusses his article, "Queer of Color Justice in Undergraduate Mathematics Education," published in the Notices of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 71. Article URL Episode 1701 with Luis Other…
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Melissa Gallagher from the University of Houston (soon to be at U.S. Math Recovery Council) discusses the article, "Adaptive teaching in mathematics: A review of the literature," published in Educational Review, Volume 7. Co-authors: Parsons and Vaughn. Article URL: Math with Melissa…
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Nathalie Sinclair from Simon Fraser University in Canada discusses her article, "Knowing as remembering: Methodological experiments in embodied experiences of number," published in Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education. Article URL Nathalie's professional webpage…
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In the one hundredth episode of the Translated Chinese Fiction Podcast, we are throwing a goodbye party! Friends, listeners, and past guests joined me for a little reminiscing and musing. I drank precisely one beer. The show is going on hiatus, exactly as I’ve been warning you for the past ten episodes or so. The feed will stay up indefinitely, and…
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In this digest episode we hear summaries from Kelly Demirjian, Joshua Pope, Loella Lapat, and Samuel Otten about the following articles: [01:00] Stephan, M., Register, J., Reinke, L., Robinson, C., Pugalenthi, P., & Pugalee, D. (2021). People use math as a weapon: Critical mathematics consciousness in the time of COVID-19. Educational Studies in Ma…
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‘I wrote the asinine words ‘liquor is literature’ and ‘people who are strangers to liquor are incapable of talking about literature’ when I was good and drunk, and you must not take them to heart.’ In the ninety ninth episode of the Translated Chinese Fiction Podcast we’re taking a lengthy holiday with Mo Yan in The Republic of Wine, so get your vi…
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Higinio Dominguez from Michigan State University discusses the article, "Young philosophers: Fifth-grade students animating the concept of space," published in ZDM Mathematics Education. Co-authors: Abreu and Peralta. Higinio's professional webpage List of episodes…
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2023年11月17日,受上海译文出版社邀请,我和上海财经大学的梁捷老师,在澎湃新闻“翻书党”栏目的杨小舟编辑主持下,与《人类世的“资本论”》一书作者、目前任教于东京大学的斋藤幸平老师进行了一场在线对谈,由上海外国语大学的凌蓉老师现场翻译。对谈的删节版文字稿及删节版视频将由澎湃新闻发表。 【时间轴】 01:03 开场+各人自我介绍 04:15 梁捷 06:19 林垚 08:07 斋藤幸平/凌蓉 09:25 杨小舟 09:56 林垚 15:04 斋藤幸平/凌蓉 18:35 梁捷 22:08 斋藤幸平/凌蓉 25:57 杨小舟 26:51 斋藤幸平/凌蓉 30:38 杨小舟 31:07 林垚 36:29 斋藤幸平/凌蓉 40:20 梁捷 42:39 斋藤幸平/凌蓉 45:50 杨小舟 46:34…
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Christa Jackson from Saint Louis University discusses the book series that she is editing for the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Powerful Mathematicians Who Changed the World. Christa's professional webpage NCTM's bookstore…
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Robert Q. Berry III from the University of Arizona delivers his plenary at PME-NA in Reno, NV. "Preparing teachers to engage students for equitable mathematics education." Robert's Professional Webpage YouTube video of this presentation PME-NA Pro…
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Kathy Sun from Santa Clara University and Jennifer Ruef from the University of Oregon discuss their article, "Examining and conceptualizing the relationship between teacher praise and the co-construction of mathematical competence in classrooms," published in the Journal of Mathematical Behavior, Volume 71. Article URL…
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This episode includes information about the 3 plenary presentations at the 2023 NCTM Annual Meeting and 2 summaries from presenters -- Gail Burrill from Michigan State University, Amanda Huffman-Hayes from Purdue University, and Lindsay Gold from the University of Dayton. The NCTM Annual Meeting and Research Conference were held in Washington, DC. …
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I supposed every last one of this country’s 1.3 billion inhabitants all had their own obsessions with the giant germ cell. In the ninety eighth episode of the Translated Chinese fiction podcast I am joined by two fine fellows, Shi Yifeng and contributing translator Carson Ramsdell. All a-puff with imperial gusto, we leaf through The Book of Beijing…
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Summaries of PME-NA presentations by Mitch Nathan, James Middleton, Lisa Lunney Borden, José Luis Cortina, Theodore Chao, Amy Parks, Melissa Gresalfi, Nathaniel Bryan, Naomi Jessup, Tran Templeton, and others. PME-NA 2023 was held in Reno, NV, led by Teruni Lamberg. List of episodes…
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‘Starting to write a suicide note would be too melodramatic. If she wrote it, it would only contain one line: This love makes me so uncomfortable.’ In the ninety seventh episode of the Translated Chinese Fiction Podcast, we are passing the gates of Fang Si-Chi’s First Love Paradise (房思琪的初戀樂園- fáng sī qí de chūliàn lèyuán), an all-too-real #MeToo no…
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Jeffrey Choppin from the University of Rochester discusses the article, "The role of instructional materials in the relationship between the official curriculum and the enacted curriculum," published by Mathematical Thinking and Learning, Volume 24. Co-authors: Amy Roth McDuffie, Corey Drake, Jon Davis Article URL:…
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‘the man spun instinctively to face them, both hands covering his chest, looking almost sorrowful as blood glazed his fingers’ In the ninety sixth episode of the Translated Chinese Fiction Podcast we are entering into dialogue with bioscientist-turned-historical-fictioneer Chen Yao-chang and translator Chen Tung-jung to learn how they cultivated Pu…
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Trembling hands seem to check for the forgotten secret language. Withered bodies, like finding some long-forgotten receipt. Where have you been all these years? The mountains echo again, spring’s call is finally answered: I am the secret language you forgot. You are my lost credentials. In the ninety fifth episode of the Translated Chinese Fiction …
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In the space marked ‘pregnant’, the machine had quite clearly printed the word ‘no’ In the ninety fourth episode of the Translated Chinese Fiction Podcast we are entering election season. The heroine of Li Er novel Cherries on a Pomegranate Tree (石榴树上结樱桃 - shíliú shù shàng jié yīngtáo) is defending her seat, and that will mean enforcing various pol…
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‘It’s just life, right? One place is as good as another’ In the ninety third episode of the Translated Chinese Fiction Podcast we are Running through Beijing (跑步穿过中关村 - pǎobù chuānguò zhōngguāncūn) in the loping style of 70后 hero Xu Zechen. At the fabled finishing line – observing us wryly, beer and chuan’er in hand – is the translator, Eric Abraha…
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‘I’ve never broken any rules, not even rules at school. Why would I blackmail someone?’ ’In the ninety second episode of The Translated Chinese Fiction Podcast we are getting duped by Bad Kids (坏孩子 - huài háizi). Fleeing the proverbial orphanage with me is the book’s translator, Michelle Deeter, here to mark a breadcrumb trail through the dark chil…
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‘The “exquisite bridges and flowing water” one finds in poetry are not written by real farmers, but those who claim to love rural life when they most fear it.’ In the ninety first episode of the Translated Chinese Podcast, we are travelling half across China to pod you. The writer in question is rural/online star Yu Xiuhua and my guest is her trans…
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Michael Little-Crow from Arizona State University discusses his dissertation study, "Professional Development for Math Educators Podcast: Amplifying, Hearing, and Understanding the Voice of Community Educators," under the direction of Andrea Weinburg. Mike's Professional Webpage As the Little Crow Flies podcas…
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‘I felt that in action and in lore, one and all were far above me; that in spite of the majesty of my manliness, I could not, in point of fact, compare with these characters of the gentle sex’ Share your feedback by email: thetranslatedchinesefictionpodcast@outlook As this show draws only ten episodes short of its ascent to heavenly hiatus, let us …
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2023年5月6日,受出版方【读客文化】邀请,我和梁文道、詹青云一起聊了聊葡萄牙作家、1998年诺贝尔文学奖得主若泽·萨拉马戈 (José Saramago) 的《复明症漫记》(Ensaio sobre a Lucidez)。这次对谈的“看理想”视频版(B站视频回放)、《八分》音频版以及此处备份的版本,三者之间均略有不同。 [时间轴] 00:50 道长:情节梗概 10:28 阿詹:道长您窜台了 11:06 三土:比较政治学小课堂 20:48 道长:从三土的学究视角切换到阿詹的文青视角 23:57 阿詹:作为隐喻的失明与复明 28:50 道长:葡萄牙政府觉得这届葡萄牙人民不行 32:38 三土:我也觉得这届葡萄牙人民不行但理由不同 38:10 道长:人民的洞察力与新话的发明 43:14 阿詹:…
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Julie Nurnberger-Haag discusses the article "Simplest shapes first! But let's use cognitive science to reconceive and specify what "simple" means," co-authored with Clarissa Thompson and published in Mind, Brain, and Education, Volume 17. Article URL (open access) Julie's ResearchGate Reach out …
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‘The man in the bed looks at her. An enormous force seems to be pulling him into a world behind him, a world whose gates will soon be shut forever. She strokes his forehead gently.’ In the eighty ninth episode of the Translated Chinese Fiction Podcast we are enfolding ourselves within Cocoon, the dreamlike and sometimes upsetting dual-bildungsroman…
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