These talks were given by Thanissaro Bhikkhu during the evening meditation sessions at Metta Forest Monastery.
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Dhamma Talks, Chanting, Precepts and Meditation with Ajahn Dhammasiha and other experienced Senior Buddhist Monks in the Theravada Forest Tradition of Ajahn Chah. Recorded at Dhammagiri Forest Hermitage, Brisbane, Australia. Our website: Our Youtube Channel, including regular live streams on the weekend "Dhammatalks at Dhammagiri": Our email Newsletter: Our Spotify Playlists ...
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Dhamma teachings from the tradition of Ajahn Brahm and the Western Australian Buddhist Sangha for those looking for something deeper.
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These short Dhamma talks by Thanissaro Bhikkhu were given at Metta Forest Monastery most mornings in both English and Thai. The English portion has been excerpted and offered here for streaming and downloading. The talks last about 3 to 5 minutes.
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Dhamma talks
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Talks on Buddhist Suttas by Bhante Vimalaramsi and Delson Armstrong- A variety of suttas is discussed and what they mean. We teach Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation (TWIM) . We teach the BrahmaVihara Metta (Lovingkindness) practice with the goal of attaining Nibbana in this very life.
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Sharing dhamma talks and guided meditations from the Theravada Thai Forest Tradition, Ajahn Chah and Luang Por Pasanno lineage, and others.
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Dhamma Talks given at Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery.
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Dhamma as taught by the Buddha is simple and easy to practice. It is about ourselves and how we can be free from personal suffering. As suffering beings we are deluded about the truths of our body and mind. However, if we practice the Dhamma, we turn our attention to our body and our mind and unveil their true characteristics. Our suffering lessens as we gradually come to understand the Dhamma more and more.
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Open and honest discussions with wise and skillful teachers about their experiences with life, death, and Buddhism. If you wonder how others on the path have dealt with death and dying and grief, be sure to listen in. Everyone has a story, a perspective, and a valuable lesson to share. Embrace death, live a full life, and learn to love impermanence because nobody gets out of this alive.
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พระอาจารย์ธัม์มทีโป ประธานศูนย์พัฒนาจิตเฉลิมพระเกียรติ บ้านวังเมือง และพระอาจารย์สุรพจน์ สัท์ธาธิโก ยูทูป ช่อง Dhammadipo Channel ยูทูป ช่อง TMP37 MindTraining เฟซบุ๊ก บ้านวังเมือง ศูนย์พัฒนาจิตเฉลิมพระเกียรติ บ้านวังเมือง อ.ท้ายเหมือง จ.พังงา สอนตามแนวทาง มหาสติปัฏฐาน 4 ...
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တရားတော်များ စုစည်းမှု (MP3)
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This is in Sinhaleese. I had no option but to select English as the language. Apologies for that.
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මෙම දේශනා මාලාව තුල දිට්ඨි විසුද්ධිය නම් වූ නාමරූප පරිච්ඡෙද ඤාණයේ පටන් භාවනා මාර්ගයට දියුණු කර ගැනීමට අවශ්ය ශ්රැතමය ඤාණය ලබා ගැනීමට අතිශය උපකාරී වන අභිධර්ම කාරණා පිලිබද ක්රමාණුකූල ඉගැන්වීමක් සිදු වේ
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These are the latest Dhamma Talks given mainly in the Amaravati Temple during the Wan Phras (moon/observance days). These talks include those given during the Winter Retreat, Rains / Vassa retreat and the rest of the year. A complete audio library can be found on
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Dhamma talks of the Buddhist Nun Ayya Khema. Content from Dharma Seed Shared under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
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These talks by Venerable Ajahn Anan were given during the inaugural opening of the newly-constructed meditation hall at Buddha Bodhivana Monastery in Melbourne, Australia and are skillfully translated by the abbot and Ajahn Anan's long-time student, Ajahn Kalyano. For more information, visit
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MN13: Mahādukkhakkhandha Sutta | Ajahn Hasapanna | 23 March 2025
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Putar nanti
1:08:09Ajahn Hasapanna discusses sutta MN13 from the Majjhima Nikaya: Mahādukkhakkhandha Sutta, "The Greater Discourse on Mass of Suffering". Ajahn Hasapanna is using Bhikkhu Bodhi's translation Read MN13 on Sutta Central here. "Challenged to show the difference between his teaching and that of other ascetics, the Bu…
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Panic is never a solution. In moments of crisis or uncertainty, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and reactive. By cultivating equanimity, we can sidestep panic and instead approach challenges with a level head. This doesn’t mean we ignore our feelings but rather that we create a mental framework that allows us to address issues rationally and calmly.…
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Devouring Form and Remorse-Talk on the 5 aggregates and Remorse -Delson Armstrong
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50:06Khandhasamyutta Sn 22.79 (7) Sutta for Mar 23rd Also AN 2.108 Remorseful dhammasukha.orgOleh Dhamma Sukha Meditation Center
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Ajahn Karunadhammo reflects on his transition from Amaravati back to Abhayagiri. He discusses how it made him notice the concepts that were built up around his original plan to stay there for a longer period of time. He then discusses how the conceptual mind creates the world we live in, and how that is both useful and can end up leading to sufferi…
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Dhammapada verse 155, renunciation, youth, medicine, foundation, story, wealthy parents, education, poor, unshakeable realisation, fundamental principle, building a house, Ajahn Chah, visiting the West, going without to develop, affluence, option fatigue, overwhelmed, anxiety, entitlement, gratification, agrarian society, pre-internet, true princip…
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A talk by Thanissaro Bhikkhu entitled "Adult Dhamma"
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Jessica Swanson | Let Suffering Cease Where it Arises | 2/23/2025 | ep. 286
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35:08Oleh Portland Friends of the Dhamma
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Edited and narrated - The World is Chaotic, but We can Be at Peace - 11 Jun 2022
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Putar nanti
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Equanimity | Upekkha | Buddhist Dhamma Talk by Ajahn Dhammasiha
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33:55Equanimity, in Pali 'Upekkhā', means letting go of likes and dislikes. Neither aversion nor attraction. The mind is even, balanced, neither attached nor repulsed by whatever sense impressions impinge on us. However, Ajahn Dhammasiha points out that we have to develop Equanimity based on wisdom, insight and understanding. There's a danger that we ma…
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A talk by Thanissaro Bhikkhu entitled "Listening to the True Dhamma"
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A talk by Thanissaro Bhikkhu entitled "Skills for Dying Well"
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A talk by Thanissaro Bhikkhu entitled "The Goldsmith"
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A talk by Thanissaro Bhikkhu entitled "Wisdom Through Doing"
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A talk by Thanissaro Bhikkhu entitled "Separate"
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A talk by Thanissaro Bhikkhu entitled "More Wisdom for Dummies"
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A talk by Thanissaro Bhikkhu entitled "Lighter & Stronger"
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All Buddha's Respect Saddhamma - So Should We! | SUTTA EXPLORATION AN 4.21 | Ajahn Dhammasiha
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30:24Ajahn Dhammasiha reads out and discusses Anguttara Nikāya / Numerical Discourses of the Buddha, Book of Fours, No 21. Shortly after his supreme awakening, the Buddha reflects that without anything to look up to and respect and revere, one dwells in suffering. However, not finding any being in the whole universe that would exceed him in virtue, or s…
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Mettasutta 2 - Ways to Brighten the Mind | Ayya Karunika | 18 August 2024
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Putar nanti
1:38:45This is Part 2 of Sunday morning sutta class on Karaniyametta sutta (sutta on loving kindness). It is an in depth discussion and this session explains what it means to be straightforward and upright, how to straighten and brighten the mind (uhu and suhuju quality). Also explains ways to become a good listener and why this is so important not only f…
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A talk by Thanissaro Bhikkhu entitled "Jhana & Discernment"
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Ajahn Cunda discusses his experiences on retreat. He gives advice on how to transition out of a retreat period and how to skillfully relate to events in the world. He gives guidance on seeing the mind’s tendencies of planning, becoming, and forming expectations. This talk was offered on March 15, 2025 at Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery.…
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Buddha's Most Important Teachings: Choosing Suttas to Enshrine in Stupa | Ajahn Dhammasiha
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Putar nanti
1:00:18Ajahn Dhammasiha explains the project to enshrine ultra-long lasting ceremic tablets into our Saddhamma Stupa, inscribed with the most essential suttas. All practitioners of the Dhamma should have their own little anthology of suttas and verses that they really like, to learn by heart, to contemplate, to recite again and again, and to practise & re…
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A talk by Thanissaro Bhikkhu entitled "Discernment Fosters Concentration"
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A talk by Thanissaro Bhikkhu entitled "Ardent, Alert, & Mindful"
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A talk by Thanissaro Bhikkhu entitled "Concentration Isn’t Dumb"
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Finding Equanimity: Navigating Anger in Chaotic Times
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10:05Recognizing that anger is one of the unskillful roots that hinder our spiritual practice, Margaret emphasizes the importance of transforming negative emotions into goodwill, compassion, and equanimity. The heart of this episode centers around five effective strategies to combat feelings of hatred: 1. Develop goodwill 2. Cultivate compassion 3. Prac…
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Going Beyond the 4 Elements: Contemplating Water, Wind, Fire, Earth | Ajahn Dhammasiha | Dhatu
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Putar nanti
31:44When we contemplate the 4 elements of earth, water, fire and wind, we need conviction that there exists an escape beyond these elements. Without that confidence, a complete materialist would feel very despondent when reflecting on the unreliable, unpredictable and uncontrollable nature of the elements. However, if we have faith in the Buddha's teac…
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A talk by Thanissaro Bhikkhu entitled "What’s Going On"
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A talk by Thanissaro Bhikkhu entitled "Be Present"
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A talk by Thanissaro Bhikkhu entitled "In Control"
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A talk by Thanissaro Bhikkhu entitled "Days & Nights Fly Past"
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A talk by Thanissaro Bhikkhu entitled "Goodwill as a Framework"
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A talk by Thanissaro Bhikkhu entitled "To Be a Mainstay"
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A talk by Thanissaro Bhikkhu entitled "Centered"
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A talk by Thanissaro Bhikkhu entitled "Metta in Stages"
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A talk by Thanissaro Bhikkhu entitled "Truth with Boundaries"
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A talk by Thanissaro Bhikkhu entitled "The Skills of Truth & Calm"
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A talk by Thanissaro Bhikkhu entitled "Persuasion"
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A talk by Thanissaro Bhikkhu entitled "Patience & Sensitivity"
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