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show episodes

Obrolan JuKo

Obrolan Jurusan Komunikasi Bina Nusantara

Podcast "Obrolan Juko (Jurusan Komunikasi)" Menjadi sebuah media mahasiswa untuk mengekspresikan pendapat dan meningkatkan kreatifitas mahasiswa.
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"Life is beautiful when it is meaningful" Sebuah podcast utk nemenin kalian di sela-sela kegiatan sehari-hari. Hal-hal yang dibahas di podcast ini hopefully bisa diterima dan diselami kalian yang mendengarkan dan menambah wawasan baru! IG: loeiraymond Email: raymondloei@gmail.com
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Skincare Sense

Nikhat Badami

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Berbagi obrolan, pengalaman personal, dan cerita seputar kehidupan diaspora di berbagai negara. Eksplorasi berbagai topik dari mulai kultur, gaya hidup, dunia akademik dan professional. Podcast ini direkam selama host @cherikanh lagi jalan-jalan. Conversations about personal experience and stories about diaspora’s life in different parts of the world. Exploring various topics from culture, lifestyle, academic and professional life. This podcast is recorded when the host @cherikanh is on her ...
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PamPam Cuap Show

Pam Pam Cuap Show

PamPam Cuap Show season 3 is coming very soon. ---------------------------------------------------------- PamPam Cuap berisikan keluh kesah lelaki yang memasuki fase umur 'dewasa' dengan berbagai macam fenomena yang terjadi disekitarnya. Tidak berfaedah, tetapi penuh harapan dan doa untuk kalian para pendengarnya. Hope you enjoy the show, this is Pam Pam Cuap!
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Bidan Kita

Bidan Kita

KNOWLEDGE is POWER. dan untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan terkait dengan GENTLE BIRTH dan kesehatan ibu dan bayi, banyak sekali caranya, mulai dari membaca buku, buka buka instagram, nonton youtubenya bidan kita, hingga mendengarkan podcast ini.
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Semua hal mengenai mindset, inspirasi, motivasi, edukasi dan pengembangan kewirausahaan dengan The Entrepreneurs Society akan bisa anda temukan disini. Klemens Rahardja is an Entrepreneur | Mentor | Author | Globetrotter | Adventurer. An Avid Traveller and a Torch Bearer who Inspires and Motivates wherever he goes to better the world. Follow his Ig @klemensrahardja or @entrepreneursociety.co
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Berdaya menemui banyak orang untuk ngobrol tentang kisah personal dan mengulik pandangan mereka akan suatu hal. This is Berdaya Podcast: Inspiration, Insight, Pop Culture. Visit us on berdaya.net
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KATA Podcast

Kata Podcast is hosted by, then, three young fresh-grads who regularly meet over the weekend. Their discussions have graduated from post-grad life into a socio-politics phenomenon.
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show series
Podcast ini membahas tentang teknologi yang beberapa tahun kebelakang ini sedang booming, yakni mengenai teknologi AI (Artificial Intelligence). Ternyata, teknologi AI tak hanya berdampak positif untuk dapat membantu mempermudah pekerjaan manusia, melainkan memiliki dampak negatif juga. Didalam podcast ini kami membahas mengenai AI dari segi sisi p…
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Pada podcast yang berjudul “Apa Itu Cyber Crime” akan membicarakan seputaran apa itu cyber crime yang dimana kejahatan tersebut sangat merugikan banyak pihakmasyarakat. Podcast ini akan di bagi dengan 3 segement pembahasan penting di awali dengan penjelasan mengenai arti dan macam-macam cyber crime, lalu di lanjuti dengan kasus-kasus, dan yang terk…
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Podcast dengan judul "Sosial Media Bikin Bego?" membahas tentang dampak penggunaan media sosial terhadap budaya, etika, dan perilaku di masyarakat. Podcast ini membahastentang bagaimana teknologi dan media sosial telah mempengaruhi cara kita berinteraksi dengan orang lain, dan bagaimana hal ini dapat mempengaruhi pola pikir dan perilaku kita secara…
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‘blessed Lord, it is you who caused all holy scriptures to be written for our learning. ‘ And so we ask then that you would allow us to hear them, to read, to mark, to learn them. ‘And Father, that we would embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of eternal life, which you have given to us in our savior, Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray. Ame…
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Perkembangan teknologi dan digital yang semakin pesat menuntut para e-commerce, khususnya e-commerce yang terdapat di Indonesia untuk meningkatkan performa dan layanannya. Hal tersebut menciptakan persaingan antara masing-masing e-commerce dan tidak menutup kemungkinan juga terjadinya persaingan antara para pengguna. Podcast di atas akan membahas i…
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Paul addresses that great future hope that we now have been given in him. Romans 8:14-25. We look to the reading of God’s word if you would join me in prayer. God, indeed, you are our helper. And by your Holy spirit, we ask that you would open our minds so that as scriptures are read, as your word is complained, that we would be led into your truth…
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Di era digital, sosial media pasti tidak ketinggalan. Sosial media menjadi salah satu sarana utama untuk memperoleh dan menyampaikan informasi ke ranah publik dan untuk semua kalangan. Banyak informasi yang beredar di sosial media yang tidak diketahui kebenarannya yang kadang dirubah dan banyak masyarakat yang tidak mengerti apa yang perlu dilakuka…
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Pada podcast ini, kelompok kami membahas mengenai pentingnya digital literasi untuk diajarkan kepada anak-anak yang mulai menjelajahi internet untuk keamanan privasi mereka.Topik ini membahas mengenai definisi digital literasi, bagaimana anak-anak zaman sekarang mulai tertarik dengan membuat konten online dan juga berinteraksi dengan orang-orang se…
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‘he who raised Christ from dead will also give you your mortal bodies through his spirit who dwells in you. ‘ Likewise, the spirit helps us in our weakness, for we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the spirit himself intercede for us with groanings too deep for words. And he, who searches hearts, knows what is the mind of the spirit, be…
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Podcast “Aja aja ada” membicarakan sebuah dunia tanpa handphone, dibicarakan oleh tiga manusia jenius, yaitu Azka, Bagas, dan Vincent. Mereka membicarakan pengalamannya, prediksi mereka tentang aktivitas manusia sehari hari, dan dampak kehilangan sebuah alat yang sudah diandalkan sama semua manusia modern.…
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Apakah anda pernah berpikir hobi yang anda jalankan itu bermanfaat atau tidak kedepannya?Jangan khawatir lagi, anda tiba di podcast yang tepat. Podcast MAGANG, kami mengambil topik digital fluency dengan sub-topik hobi dan pekerjaan yang bertujuan untuk membicarakan apa hubungannya hobi dengan pekerjaan zaman sekarang dalam dunia digital ini serta …
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PodMaping (Podcast Mari Practice Speaking) " Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dari Dulu, Tapi Masih Belum Bisa Ngomong?" membahas mengenai isu seputar pengembangan kemampuan berbicara bahasa inggris yang sudah sejak lama dipelajari, tetapi masih banyak yang belum bisa memiliki kemampuan untuk berbicara dalam bahasa inggris. Akan dibahas oleh narasumber kita …
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Presence, the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. You may be seated. Let me pray for the preaching of God’s word. Father, as my words are true to your word, may they be taken to heart. But if my words should stray from your word, may they be quickly forgotten. I pray this in the name and in the power of Jesus Christ. Amen. On Pentecost Sunday, the …
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Romans 8. Paul keeps spelling out what our new life in Christ is to look like, Christ in us and Christ for us. And here is a picture of that as he continues. So we look to the reading of God’s word if you please join me in prayer. God of all mercy, you promise never to break your covenant with us. And amid all the changing words of our generation, …
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Undemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do by sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh. And for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh in order that the righteous requirement…
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Buku yang mengisahkan Majapahit 👇👇👇 Dalam naungan gunung-gunung api di Jawa pernah berdiri sebuah kerajaan yang berabad-abad kemudian membentuk apa yang sekarang kita kenal sebagai wilayah Asia Tenggara. Inilah Majapahit. Majapahit dilingkupi beragam kisah tentang perang, penelikungan, para cerdik pandai berambut kusut, dan para raja eksentrik, ser…
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Of the role of the law of Moses in the life of a Christian. As we look to the reading of God’s word, if you please join me in prayer. Merciful Father, from you are all the blessings of the light. And even in our darkness, you are near to us. We praise you for your manifest goodness. We thank you for your Holy word delivered to your church for the f…
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Father, as my words are true to your word, may they be taken to heart. But if my words should stray from yours, may they be quickly forgotten. I pray this in the name and in the power of Jesus Christ. Amen. Well, the signs of spring are beginning to abound. Many gardeners have started seedlings in pots by windows, and a few have decided to brave th…
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In the world we live in, paying someone up front for the work they promised to do is usually considered foolish. Half now, half on completion, something like that. Why? Because once they have our money, what’s the incentive to finish the job? The objection that Paul addresses is similar. Paul, all this grace up front is going to keep people from a …
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Romans 6. What a great way to move from Easter back to Romans, just as Jesus died and was raised to life, so too we are dead to sin and alive to him. We look to the reading of God’s word if you join me in prayer. Living God, we ask you to help us to hear your Holy word that we may truly understand and that in understanding we may believe and believ…
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Darkness of Good Friday gave way to the brightness of Easter morning. He has risen indeed. Our text before us is John 20. We’ll be starting with the first 10 verses. And as we look to the reading of God’s word, if you please join me in prayer. Blessed are you, Holy God, in Jesus Christ, your light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not ov…
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That the inspiration of our thoughts may be true and all our ways truly righteous. Pour down your spirit, that we might be lifted up in your presence, that we might dwell in your righteousness and live forever bathed in your truth. We pray this through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. This morning, you can see our scripture passage is John 12:12-21. O…
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Before we look at these verses 12 through 21, let’s pray together. Please pray with me. Our Father in heaven, we give you thanks for this beautiful day in which the creation is revealing your glory and power. We give you thanks for this beautiful day in which there is grace in this place for these people. We give you thanks that this is your Holy w…
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