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uLab - PPC Brainfood

PPC Brainfood

Markéta Kabátová, spoluzakladatelka uLab, exGooglerka a PPC profík, vede podcast s diskuzí o tíživých otázkách marketingového oboru a PPC reklamy. Se svými hosty sdílí výsledky kampaní, zkušenosti, úspěchy i nezdary. Navzájem se motivují a přemýšlejí, kam se posunout a kde vidí budoucnost své práce.
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This is an *almost* daily personal audio journal, I00% unscripted and unedited. There will be ordinary days with small lessons & reflections, as well as accelerated learning projects detailing the insecurities, frustrations, and progress. どうぞ宜しく🙇🏻‍♀️
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CEO BrainFood

Michael Langhout

CEOs successfully leading growth companies require continual learning, new thinking and a guided approach. CEO BrainFood was created to be a resource and guide for entrepreneur founders and CEOs seeking insights and useful tools to help them build enterprise value, generate higher profits, and develop the talent needed to consistently win at the Great Game of Business.
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show series
Přihlášení na camp tady👇🏻 🔗 | Děkujeme moc sponzorům Mergado a Dotidotu!🤝🏻 👉🏻 Další epizody | 🔗 🙋🏻‍♀️ Instagram | 🔗 👉🏻 Blog | 🔗
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DOGE, US Fed Gov and the Future of HR & TA in the USA We have to talk about DOGE. The US Federal Government is the largest single employer in the United States at 2.5 million employees. The intent of the Trump 2.0 administration is to radically reduce this number - by at least 10% in the first tranche - and maybe to end up with a workforce of about…
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Minulý podcast 👉🏻 👉🏻 Další epizody | 🔗 🙋🏻‍♀️ Instagram | 🔗 👉🏻 Blog | 🔗 COŽE, další PPC Camp! 🔗 |
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IDEAL STRUCTURE OF AI-ENABLED TA You might have noticed a run of AI Agent demo's on Brainfood Live recently - product makers are increasingly confident that they are going to produce intelligent software which will increasingly behave more like a colleague than a tool. What does this mean for the humans in the recruitment function? Transformation i…
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Autonomous Agentic AI Recruiters: Here, Now? If 2025 is going to be year of the Agentic AI, then companies like SeekOut are going to be one of the tech companies at the frontier of building them. We have already reviewed what Agentic AI is (see Ep293!) - and discussed how close and how far we are away from seeing them in production. Can product bui…
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Brainfood on Tour - How to Hire in Indonesia in 2025 and beyond? Indonesia has nearly 300 million people and therefore MUST have a huge amount of recruiting going on! And yet, it will come to no surprise to anyone that this is yet another country of which I am shamefully ignorant! Let’s talk to local recruiters and found out how exactly recruiters,…
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Hiring Insights Report 2025 One of the best value changes for Brainfood Live in 2025 is showcasing proprietary data from recruitment technology companies who are able to aggregate data on how TA teams actually behave. Join us for an exclusive webinar as we dive into the key findings from GoodTime’s 2025 Hiring Insights Report, including trends, cha…
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INTRODUCING AI AGENT BY JUICEBOX AI Agents promise to revolutionise the work of recruiting but early experiments with generic products like OpenAI Operator have shown there is still some way to go - humans still needed to oversee, correct and train, especially for the unique use case of finding other human beings as candidates for the jobs we're re…
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Brainfood on Tour - How to Hire in Singapore in 2025 and Beyond? Friends, we’re always on the move and visiting local recruiter communities to find out how those folks here in their local territories. I am delighted to be visiting Singapore once again - the Mighty Mouse of SE Asia! One of the smallest countries by landmass, yet one of the economica…
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Talent Trends: Recruiter Productivity 2025 Ashby produce some fantastic quarterly reports, taking information from their platform to better understand the behaviour of the recruiters in the market. Hot of the press with the latest report, we are going to take this session to deep dive into a topic we all need to care about in 2025 - Recruiter Produ…
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Jak udělat pořádný research kreativ? 👀 Tak to se dozvíte v dnešním podcastu. Markéta nasdílela konkrétní kroky, díky kterým budete přesně vědět, jak má vypadat vaše příští kreativa.💡 Zjistíte kde hledat, jaké aspekty u kreativ sledovat a jak má vypadat výstup takovéto analýzy 🤝🏻 Chceš být stále v obraze? Sleduj nás na instagramu 🔗 | https://www.ins…
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Gestern hat mich ein Coachee am Ende unseres Gesprächs gefragt: „Und Thomas, wie soll ich mich jetzt entscheiden?“ Meine Antwort: „Höre auf dein Herz!“ Er schaute mir in die Augen und antworte mit fester Stimme: „Das mache ich!“ Heute bei Joggen habe ich über dieses Gespräch nachgedacht und mich gefragt, was hättest Du gesagt, wenn er nicht mit „Da…
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AI Agents in TA & HR Hype vs Reality? Some people are saying that will be the year of the AI Agent - an advancement of AI where it crosses over from being an amazing tool to being a competent colleague. The Google Whitepaper shared in recruiting brainfood a few weeks ago was an outstanding introduction to the topic and we're going to use this sessi…
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Wenn ich so auf die Welt blicke mit ihren Kriegen, den Hungersnöten, der Gewalt, dem Hass, dem Töten … mache ich mir zunehmend Sorgen. Ich mache mir Gedanken über Dinge, die ich nicht kontrollieren kann und über deren mögliche negative Folgen im Hier und Jetzt und in der Zukunft. Sorgen können sich wie Schatten auf mein Gemüt legen und sind manchma…
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Zajímalo vás někdy, jak se dají stáhnout hromadně všechny reklamy vašich konkurentů? 🤔 Nachystali jsme si pro vás kompletní návod, jak na to! Sledujte nás pro více hodnotného contentu!💡 Naše social's: 🔗 |
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State of Hiring - What Do 100 Talent Leaders Think for 2025? Every year Willo put together a report from an in-depth survey of 100+ Heads of Talent. And every year Brainfood Live gets CEO Euan Cameron on screen to talk us through it. If you're a TA Leader who needs to benchmark what your peers are thinking, this show is for you: You will learn what…
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How to Hire in Malaysia in 2025 Brainfood On Tour is back on folks - we're now in Malaysia and its time to deep dive into this fascinating country made of many ethnicities, faiths and regions. A nation of 70 million people, Malaysia is a coming powerhouse of SE Asia region with huge economic potential We will find out: - What are the main things pe…
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V dnešním podcastu s Peťou Burešem rozebíráme, proč neoptimalizujeme na PNO, nebo ROAS 🤔A na co teda ty ecommerce kampaně optimalizujeme? (ne, není to POAS...)Poslechni si celý podcast, a buď zase o něco chytřejší💡Naše socials:🔗 | #ppcpodcast…
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Talent Insights for 2025 from 1000 CHRO's Nobody doubts this 2025 is shaping up to be a pivotal year for how businesses organise. Transformational breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence, rapid remodelling of organisation structure, requirement for re-skilling and re-deployment, almost every job will be impacted. How do CHRO's think about this yea…
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Radek mluvil o jeho tipech a zkušenostech přímo z praxe🤝🏻Je to žhavé téma pro rok 2025, tak si rozhodně poslechni celý podcast ať ti jsi zase chytřejší👀Host:🔗 |še social's:🔗 |
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How to Hire in India in 2025 Brainfood On Tour is back for another season! I am delighted to back in India - for the first time since before Covid. This is one of the most diverse, vibrant, populous and important countries in the world - and potentially one of the major engines of economic growth for the future. Let's find out what it is like to hi…
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Req Load: How Much is Too Much Per Recruiter in the Age of AI? If Artificial Intelligence going to make recruiters hyper productive, how many requirements can we now expect to manage? There's no question that this question is going to be on the mind of CEO's going into 2025. Whilst we CAN expect some increase in req load, how much is too much? In t…
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Co dělat, když vaše kampaně narazí na strop? Jak je dál škálovat?O tom se přesvědčte v našem novém podcastu s Peťou Burešem, kde toto téma rozebíráme dopodrobna💡Naše socials:🔗 |…
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Forecasting Recruiting in 2025 Happy New Year Everybody! And welcome to Season 5 of Brainfood Live On Air - the weekly show where we gather the world's top experts to come on and discuss live on air the topics of the day. The year would not make a proper start without a forecast of what we think the recruiting environment is going to look like. Let…
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Brainfood Live Christmas Party 2024 - Open Mic Friends, this is the last Brainfood Live of the year! This will be our 50th show of the year, so our cadence of doing these more or less once per week, every week, remains pretty much unbroken - not even sure where the two missing weeks went! In any case, we're going to do an Open Mic session where all…
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A takto před Vánoci se Peťa s Markét potkali a rozebrali, na čem stojí ty nejúspěšnější spolupráce. Proč se některým firmám tak daří růst? Jsou to lépe nastavené kampaně? Vůbec! Děkujeme všem firmám, se kterými můžeme spolupracovat!🫶🏻 Naše socials🔗:
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Sustainable Recruitment in Healthcare: Strategies for 2024 and Beyond The UK healthcare sector is at a critical crossroads. Recruitment challenges are intensifying, driven by an aging population, workforce burnout, and shifting political landscapes. As we enter 2024 under a new Labour government, healthcare recruiters must brace for significant pol…
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2024 in Review: State of Talent Acquisition It's been another challenging year for Talent Acquisition - I make it two years since the hey days of 2021/2022. What can we learn from the current market conditions for Talent Acquisition, how are companies seeing the function and what are professionals doing to ensure they are staying ahead of the compe…
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2024 in Review: State of Recruitment Job Advertising One of the themes of 2024 has been the surge of job applicants for the job adverts employers are posting out. It's clear that the economic conditions + AI-enablement has created the conditions where traditional duration based advertising is no longer a viable hiring approach - in fact, a counter …
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2024 in Review: State of Flexible Working The rise of the 'Alternative Workforce' has been a trend since before pandemic, as organisations sort to increase agility and reduce risk by expanding the pool of non-FTE into the workforce. Workers too have been keen to explore other ways in which to commercially engage with companies rather than being ful…
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Founders Focus is the show where we get up close and personal with the leaders of the businesses changing the way we work today. Next up is Matthijs Metzemaekers, CEO of Carv - Why do it the second time round?- What are you doing differently at Carv vs your previous tech startup projects?- What are you doing in a same or similar way?- When did the …
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2024 in Review: State of Sourcing Being able to find candidates for hard to hire roles - typically 'sourcing' them from the Internet - has been the backbone of the recruiter skills matrix since the early 2000's. There are thousands of people in industry who consider themselves to be 'sourcers' first rather than 'recruiters'. Yet with the rise of Ge…
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US Presidential Election: Implications for TA / HR Perhaps the most significant election on the planet is who our American friends choose to be the next President of the country. Will it be current VP Kamala Harris who offers a continuity programme or will be it be a remarkable return to Donald Trump for a second term? It's an incredible moment and…
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2024 in Review: UK Staffing Market Recruitment has gone through another turbulent year and it's clear that the global staffing market has had one its most challenging years recent times. How has the UK fared, what are the reasons for this and how do we think the prospects will look in 2025 and beyond? - State of UK staffing Marketing- Big agency bo…
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Diversify Your Talent Pipeline with Employee Referrals Employee Referrals are often thought of as 'anti-diversity' because we inevitably recommend people who are most like us. However, are we throwing out the baby with the bathwater if we dismiss ERP as a channel for talent? - State of Employee Referrals - how many people get hired via this method?…
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Brainfood Live On Air - Ep278 - Hiring in the Gulf States in 2024 & Beyond Over the past 24 months there is been no region on the planet more dynamic and exciting than the Gulf. For decades a commodity / resource economy dominated by the Oil industry, in recent years we have seen huge changes at every level of society, government and industry as th…
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Brainfood On Tour - Hiring in Hong Kong in 2024 & Beyond I am in Hong Kong at least once every year (hi Ma) but have never done a focused show on the recruitment and job market in the Fragrant Harbour! Huge amounts of change going in HK, as elsewhere - how is the recruitment market changing and what are the prospects for the future? - State of Hiri…
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Brainfood On Tour - Hiring in Australia in 2024 & Beyond Its been two year since I was last in Australia so it is a welcome return to one of the most unique recruitment markets on the planet. Everything about Australia is simultaneously familiar yet strange and that includes everything you're going to see in recruiting. How has Australia weathered …
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Brainfood On Tour - Hiring in the Thailand in 2024 & Beyond I've been to Thailand a number of times but never long enough to actually speak to a local recruiters on what is going on in this beautiful country. Unfortunately, I don't speak Thai so until Crowdcast manages to do auto translate on the fly, we're going to be speaking with English speakin…
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