Insya allah hari ini episode pertama
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Informasi seputar Indonesia dalam hubungan internasional yang dipersembahkan oleh Lulusan Terbaik Jurusan Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Universitas Andalas dengan Predikat "Cum Laude".
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IRP Journal Podcast where Independent Research Providers discuss their views on asset allocations, capital markets, fundamentals, technicals and the macro economy.
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Topik Tentang Gerhana
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Bahas Topik Semifinal Champions Dan Piala Menpora 2021
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Semoga puasa kalian lancar sampe hari terakhir ya gaess aamiin
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Bahas bulan suci ramadhan dan liga champions
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Cerita cerita sedikit aja hehehe
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Kg tau topiknya apaan wkwkw
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Jadi Kali Ini Gw Membahas Tentang Bulan Suci Ramadhan Mohon Maaf Apabila Ada Kesalahan Dan Kekurangan #Syukron(Makasih)
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Podcast Yang Sangat Ngakak
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Kali Ini Episode Pertama Bersama Rizky
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Insya allah episode pertamanya besok ya
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Oleh Marco Bernacchi
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IRP - Alice nel paese dei Box Elders
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26:22Oleh Marco Bernacchi
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Pesawat & Kapal Militer Asing Tiba di Indonesia: Akibat Sistem Pertahanan yang Rapuh?
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13:41Berbagai pesawat dan kapal milter asing tiba di Indonesia. Sebagian masyarakat menganggap hal tersebut terjadi akibat sistem pertahanan Indonesia yang rapuh dan bahkan sebagian menganggap akan terjadi Perang Pasifik. Benarkah opini tersebut?
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Episode perdana ini akan memperkenalkan konten apa yang akan dibahas oleh IRpedia dan siapa anchor yang akan membahas konten tersebut
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Its been 7 years in the making and MIFID 2 finally comes into force this January. One of the guiding principles and an expansion from MIFID 1 is Best Execution . On todays show we’ll talk about Best Execution Reporting with our guest Alex Wolcough a FIX Trading Community Contributor and Director at Appsbroker.…
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The second longest bull market in US history continues its course but October has historically been the month to be wary. Are we reliving 1929 again? . On todays show we’ll talk about the US bull market and which which sectors will prevail or fail with our guest Ron Meisels of Phases & Cycles.Oleh IRP Journal
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On todays show we’ll talk about the UK economy and BREXIT with our guest Dr. Victor Chukwuemeka of the Organisation for Industry and Economic ResearchOleh IRP Journal
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We talked about the continuing rising markets with our guest Robin Grifiths of ECU GroupOleh IRP Journal
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