Come and join Pastor Rick on a daily devotional as he leads you the whole year on a discovery in prayer and study of Genesis through Revelation.
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Rick Warren es un pastor innovador, autor reconocido e influyente global.
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Pastor Rick Knight of Living Waters Family Worship Center
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Rick Warren is an innovative pastor, renowned author, and global influencer.
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Sharpen your leadership skills with Pastor Ricky Temple and improve the quality of your life at home, work, or in ministry. For more info visit
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Today’s devotional is on Joshua 7:6-9 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Oleh Pastor Rick
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La unción de Dios hace posible lo imposible. Él puede manejar cualquier problema que le des. Nada está más allá de Su capacidad o de Sus recursos.
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God wants you to know you’re lovable. But he also wants you to understand that he sees you as acceptable and valuable. Pastor Rick explains how fully embracing these truths will be life-changing.
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A Personal Relationship With God – March 12
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4:15Today’s devotional is on Joshua 5:13-15 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Oleh Pastor Rick
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La unción de Dios te ayuda a ser más como Él. El pastor Rick explora esta verdad mientras continúa enseñando del Salmo 23.
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Pastor Rick explains how God sees you as acceptable, valuable, and lovable. Understanding and trusting these truths will transform the way you live.
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Today’s devotional is on Deuteronomy 32:44-47 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Oleh Pastor Rick
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El Salmo 23 nos dice que en su bondad, Dios nos dará una vida ungida. Eso significa que el Espíritu Santo nos da una visión sobrenatural, habilidad, sabiduría, resistencia y autoridad para hacer las cosas que Dios quiere que hagas. Cuando Dios te nombra, te unge. El nunca te pide que hagas algo sin proveer lo que necesitas para hacerlo. Acompaña al…
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Have you ever been paralyzed by your emotions? In this message, Pastor Rick talks about the role prayer plays in emotional health.
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Today’s devotional is on Deuteronomy 30:14 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Oleh Pastor Rick
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Acompaña al pastor Rick mientras explica del Salmo 23 cómo Dios quiere bendecirnos para mostrar al mundo su bondad.
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The Bible teaches that, with prayer, we can recover from the problems we’ve caused by our own impatience. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick explains why God is never in a hurry with your growth.
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Today’s devotional is on Deuteronomy 26:13-15 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Oleh Pastor Rick
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Today’s devotional is on Deuteronomy 8:15-16 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Oleh Pastor Rick
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Today’s devotional is on Deuteronomy 10:20,21 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Oleh Pastor Rick
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El autor del Salmo 23, el rey David, sabía lo que significaba ser atacado emocional, verbal y físicamente. ¿Cómo podemos confiar en que Dios será nuestro defensor? El Salmo 23 nos muestra que Dios quiere nuestra comunión.
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Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how to build biblical relationships by showing up, accepting others, sincerely listening, and offering help.
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The Greatest Two Commandments – March 6
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4:16Today’s devotional is on Deuteronomy 6:4-9 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Oleh Pastor Rick
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Si te confundes o te alejas, Jesús te encontrará y te traerá de vuelta. Dijo que cada uno de nosotros es importante, por lo que vino a la Tierra en una misión de rescate para llevarnos a casa, al Cielo.
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In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches how you can build relationships by overcoming selfishness, pride, insecurity, and resentment.
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God’s Conditional & Unconditional Promises – March 5
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3:52Today’s devotional is on Deuteronomy 4:29 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Oleh Pastor Rick
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Un pastor siempre sabe más que las ovejas. Jesús siempre va a saber más sobre tu vida que tú; Él conoce tu propósito incluso cuando tú no lo sabes.
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Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how to build relationships by focusing on the interest of others, not just your own.
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Today’s devotional is on Deuteronomy 4:7 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Oleh Pastor Rick
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El Salmo 23 compara la bondad de Dios con la bondad del Pastor. Jesús dijo que es el Buen Pastor, dispuesto a dar la vida por sus ovejas. Si llevas tus problemas a Jesús, Su compasión revela la bondad de Dios. Jesús no te oprime, sino que te levanta. No te atormenta, sino que te sana.
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It’s not your job to convince people to accept Christ, but you are called by God to be a witness. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how to share the hope of Jesus.
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Today’s devotional is on Deuteronomy 3:23-25 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Oleh Pastor Rick
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La bondad de Dios significa que seremos recompensados por ser fieles a Cristo en los valles del fracaso, el miedo, el conflicto, el dolor, el quebranto y los problemas. Y la recompensa durará toda la eternidad.
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For God to use the pain in your life for his purposes, you’ve got to be authentic. Join Pastor Rick as he discusses the things you should be honest about if you want to impact the people around you.
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Today’s devotional is on Numbers 27:15-17 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Oleh Pastor Rick
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Today’s devotional is on Numbers 27:5-7 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Oleh Pastor Rick
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Today’s devotional is on Numbers 21:6-7 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Oleh Pastor Rick
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Los valles forman parte de la vida, pero la bondad de Dios siempre está presente. Los valles son imprevisibles, pero el Salmo 23 nos recuerda que Dios siempre está con nosotros —incluso en los valles.
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Your greatest ministry will flow out of your pain—not out of your strengths or talents. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick uses the biblical example of Paul to show how you can use your weaknesses to help those who are hurting.
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Today’s devotional is on Numbers 16:22 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Oleh Pastor Rick
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El Salmo 23 nos enseña que Dios es el Dios no sólo de nuestras experiencias en la cima de la montaña, sino también de nuestros viajes por los valles. Incluso cuando te enfrentas a problemas, conflictos, penas, miedos o fracasos, Dios está trabajando para crear algo bueno en tu valle. Las sombras en tu vida son la evidencia de la presencia de la luz…
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In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how to face your failures and to quickly let go of them. And he explains why you will be encouraged by God’s response to your confession.
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Forgiving Sin & Rebellion – February 26
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4:11Today’s devotional is on Numbers 14:13-19 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Oleh Pastor Rick
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Si queremos ser guiados por el Espíritu de Dios, tenemos que dejar que el Espíritu Santo nos guíe. Acompaña al pastor Rick mientras explica lo que eso significa, según el Salmo 23.
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Your faith opens doors for God to work within your life. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how to set a “FAITH” goal to help you accomplish the dream God has given you.
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Today’s devotional is on Numbers 12:13 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Oleh Pastor Rick
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Si queremos ser guiados por el Espíritu de Dios, la Biblia enseña que tenemos que permanecer en su Palabra. Acompaña al pastor Rick mientras explica lo que eso significa, según el Salmo 23.
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The number one purpose of your life is to get to know God. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches how staying connected to God daily will allow you to bear fruit in your life.
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Today’s devotional is on Numbers 11:21-23 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Oleh Pastor Rick
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Si queremos ser guiados por el Espíritu de Dios, la Biblia enseña que tenemos que estar dispuestos a hacer lo que Dios dice. ¿Estamos dispuestos a obedecer inmediatamente?
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When it comes to experiencing lasting change, God always responds to humility. Join Pastor Rick as he shares lessons from the life of Jacob about the importance of being honest with God about the problems in your life.
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Today’s devotional is on Numbers 11:10-15 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Oleh Pastor Rick
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Today’s devotional is on Numbers 10:35-36 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Oleh Pastor Rick
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Today’s devotional is on Numbers 10:35-36 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Oleh Pastor Rick
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El Salmo 23 dice que el Buen Pastor no sólo nos alimenta; también nos guía. En su bondad, Dios nos ha dado un mapa que nos guía, la Biblia. También nos ha dado un consejero personal, el Espíritu Santo. Si queremos ser guiados por el Espíritu de Dios, la Biblia enseña que tenemos que querer ser guiados. Acompaña al pastor Rick mientras explica lo qu…
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