Podcast prevažne o NBA, kde vám v show Buzzer Beater komik Joe Trendy spoločne s novinárom a NBA freakom Tomášom Prokopom prináš novinky z NBA, analýzy, predikcie a názory na túto hru. Počúvajte nás a váš prehľad o NBA bude lepší. Aj život samotný.
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Byznysový podcast o nové společenské éře, jejímž leitmotivem je ohleduplnost k okolnímu světu. Své pohledy na udržitelnou budoucnost Česka v něm představují nejen zástupci klíčových byznysových oblastí, ale také zásadní aktéři politické scény.
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Gry & gaming: trendy, nisze i legendy
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My Life and My tarot experiences
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Rachel and heather #coolgals
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Trendy Expres je o všem, co právě frčí. Mějte přehled o cestování, financích, módě, lifestylu… prostě o všem, co je trendy.
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Old friends discuss local legends starting with the ones they know from their home state. Legendary people, places, and random facts about Indiana abound here. While we started in Indiana, the world is full of legends and we want to explore them. Laughter, history, and spooky facts included. We like getting down to the bottom of these legends and giving both the facts as well as the lore. If history and interesting stories, sometimes with a spooky bent, are up your alley, so are we! We like ...
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Welcome to What's Trendy, where amazing things happen.
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El privilegio de ser mujer es una tendencia! Juntas aprendemos para marcar la diferencia!
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From fitness fads to lifestyle chats, join me as we talk all things Trendy.
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Welcome to Trendy Technology, where we talk about technology and its pros and cons!
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My Podcasts are about the random things the internet is crazy about. 🤪
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I’m a principal, mom,and wife. Not terribly unique, but hey you can still be inspired by the everyday life of an ordinary person.
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Where helping you live your best life is always trending!
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Rádi posloucháte podcasty, ale trápí Vás rozhodovací paralýza: "Jakou epizodu si dát do fronty?" Pořad POD TRENDY prochází, co se teď řeší na našich podcastových platformách, aby ušetřil Váš čas, nervy a v neposlední řadě i ušní bubínky. POD TRENDY navazuje na dřívější pořad/nyní rubriku PODCASTER - Podcast s podcastery nejen o podcastech! PODCASTER je oddechovka pro všechny milovníky i tvůrce podcastů, kde můžete nahlédnout do zákulisí tvůrců - jak začínali, jak pracují, co je pro ně důleži ...
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A podcast about family, life working both from and away from home and trying to juggle it all.
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We are a group of outspoken Sisters, and a Brother, that give our views on everything from pop culture to street culture. We might not be politically correct but we are authentic and relatable.
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Hi there , my name is Angely and I give tips on how to begin a YouTube Channel , talk about my personal life experiences and how I am going to start my yt channel in the future for the millions of people in the world to see. But (podcasting) may come first! 😊
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CC Wholesale Clothing is the #1 shopping website carries plethora of options in trendy wholesale clothing. Trendy wholesale plus size clothing is both stylish and affordable will definitely suit you. Trendy clothing is available in a range of styles and fabrics to choose from. The good thing is everything is priced competitively. To buy trendy wholesale clothing online, visit: https://www.ccwholesaleclothing.com/Trendy-Plus-Size-Wholesale_ep_48.html
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Aiming to shine some light on the worlds indie artists! It’s time for indie artist to shine and be heard. There is talent all around the world tha goes unnoticed and I’m hear you help break that barrier and make the world know who we are and what we do! We are independent and we demand respect to be put on our names! We deserve the right to be heard! Let’s gooo!
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Elevate your winter style with Newcastle Knitwears' latest collection of trendy winter wear. Embrace the season in cozy sophistication with our meticulously crafted knits that blend fashion and warmth seamlessly. From sleek pullovers to statement cardigans, each piece is designed to make a stylish statement while keeping you snug in chilly weather. Our collection features a palette of rich, seasonal hues and contemporary patterns, ensuring you stay on-trend throughout winter. Newcastle Knitw ...
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Britain’s top polling expert, Professor Sir John Curtice, and former Downing Street advisor, Rachel Wolf, explore the key political, social and economic trends that help shape what voters think and what politicians do. New episodes drop every Thursday. Follow the feed today to make sure you don't miss an episode. To find out more about Tortoise: Download the Tortoise app for a listening experience curated by our journalists. Subscribe to Tortoise+ on Apple Podcasts for early access and ad-fr ...
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Trendy v udržitelnosti #4 – Violeta Luca, Vodafone
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29:28Violeta Luca patří k nejvýraznějším zahraničním CEOs v Česku. V podcastu Trendy v udržitelnosti představila svou vizi udržitelného leadershipu, ale také pohled na kroky, které musí podniknout celá Evropa. „Rozhodli jsme se postavit do čela zelené transformace. To bylo správné rozhodnutí. Ale zapomněli jsme na podpůrná opatření. Nestačí přijímat záv…
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Send us a text Krys opens us up with tale of Jekyll Island Club Resort. This island off the coast of Georgia and has one hell of a history. Many huge names frequented the island and there are stories that abound of their time in both the past and present of the island. You want ghosts? Tori shows up to the party armed with three different cemeterie…
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Lavocado Nocą 123 - Sony i monety Nintendo
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1:23:26Lavocado Nocą #123Podcast o grach z sercem - odcinek, w którym rozmawiamy o tym, że Nintendo zabrało nam monety, oraz o pokazach z ostatniego State of Play (Onimusha, Saros, Tides of Annihililation, Days Gone, Metal Gear Solid Delta, Darwin's Paradox, Digimon: Story Time Stranger, Mindseye). Omawiamy także Guardians of the Galaxy i The Legend of Ze…
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Epi. 99 Buzzer Beater s Timom Malovcom - Kedy sa chystá na draft do NBA a čo mu povedal Nikola Jokić?
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29:28Slovenskú reprezentáciu čakajú zápasy v Belgicku a doma proti Lotyšsku a my sme radi, že pozvanie k nám prijal jeden z lídrov repre Timotej Malovec. Okrem iného sme sa bavili aj o jeho budúcnosti v NBA, či je jeho GOAT Jordana alebo LeBron a ako vníma to, že európski hráči dominujú v NBA. A čo mu povedal Nikola Jokić?Lístky na zápas Slovensko - Lot…
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Trendy v udržitelnosti #3– Šárka Nevoralová, Komerční banka
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26:07Udržitelná transformace v Česku postrádá politického lídra, stýskají si někdy nejen zástupci firem. Odbornice na komunikaci a mluvčí Komerční banky Šárka Nevoralová to ale vidí trochu jinak. „Nevnímám, že bychom nutně potřebovali nějakou personu, která se toho jako Johanka z Arku chopí a začne udržitelnost tlačit. Myslím si, že cesta je kontinuálně…
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Trendy v udržitelnosti #2 – Alice Machová, EY
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31:06Éra kladoucí důraz na udržitelnost přináší řadu příležitostí. Některé požadavky ale staví celá odvětví do obtížné pozice, protože na ně ještě neexistují správné odpovědi. „Jako se nyní korigují cíle v automobilovém průmyslu, tak bude podle mě velmi důležité, aby se korigovaly nároky a podpořily nezbytné inovace i v chemickém průmyslu a dalších obor…
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Trendy v udržitelnosti #1 – Petr Hladík
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30:18I když si na omezování uhlíkové stopy v tuzemské dopravě budeme muset ještě počkat, v dekarbonizačním úsilí si podle ministra životního prostředí Petra Hladíka v mnoha oblastech vedeme daleko lépe, než se na první pohled může zdát. Česko například bez problémů naplní současné evropské plány na snižování emisí, jak popisuje v premiérovém dílu podcas…
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S.4 Ep.4 Return of the Soundboard Gremlins
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52:46Send us a text 105. Return of the Soundboard Gremlins Tori leads the scene of a well known murder, the Black Dahlia. The Sowden House has been a fixture of LA since the 1920s. This house was designed by Lloyd Wright. This houses sordid history has fascinated people both in LA and beyond. Krys tells us the tale of Nellie Butler. Want a famous ghost,…
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Lavocado Nocą 122 - Cthulhu, samuraj i samochód
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1:26:23Lavocado Nocą #122Podcast o grach z sercem - odcinek, w którym rozmawiamy o powrocie Onimushy 2, sukcesie Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, przydatnej funkcji Steam, omamach Electronic Arts i końcu Xboksa. Omówiliśmy także Forgive Me Father 2 i Tokyo Xtreme Racer.Nagrywali: Marcin „Sakora” Tomkowiak i Arkadiusz „Cascad” OgończykPamiętajcie o tym, że nas…
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Send us a text TAKE TWO!!!!! Krysti leads off with the Curran Theater in San Francisco. This was a hotbed of crime as well as the theater arts. From murder to catching criminals in front of the building, guess what, you want ghosts, that’s how you get ghosts. Tori comes in second with terrible pronunciation and Dragholm Castle in Zealand Denmark. T…
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Epi. 98 Buzzer Beater - MVP debata je o dvoch menách a kto (ne)patrí do All Star Game?
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45:21Bonusový obsah nájdete na našom nájdete na našom ➡️ https://herohero.co/joetrendy Výhody členstva na našom Hero Hero.➡️ predpremiéra hlavných epizód➡️ exkluzívne bonusové epizódy (3 - 4 mesačne)➡️ odpovede na vaše otázky➡️ súťaže➡️ budeme vás mať veľmi radi, pretože iba vďaka vašej podpore budeme mať možnosť točiť video epizódy. budete našim spo…
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Lavocado Nocą 121 - Sto kaszlnięć
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1:18:11Lavocado Nocą #121Podcast o grach z sercem - odcinek, w którym rozmawiamy o prezentacji Nintendo Switch 2, o tym czy Rockstar podwyższy cenę GTA 6 do 100 dolarów, przybliżającej się premierze PlayStation 6, oraz o kolejnych skasowanych grach. W sekcji wrażeń i recenzji skupiliśmy się na Caravan SandWitch i Dynasty Warriors: Origins.Nagrywali: Marci…
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Send us a text Tori leads off with Taunton State Hospital in Massachusetts. Not surprisingly this hospital didn’t have a great reputation. But guess what it does have, you got it, ghosts. Parts of this hospital are still in operation today. Krys follows up with the Presidio and its illustrious history. This has been a landmark of San Francisco for …
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Lavocado Nocą 120 - Nowa Przygoda Specjal
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1:29:22Lavocado Nocą #120Podcast o grach z sercem - odcinek, w którym wyjątkowo rozmawiamy nie o grach. Jest to noworoczny Special, w którym w luźnej formie wracamy do rzeczy, które się nam ostatnio spodobały i szukamy motywów, w których najczęściej szukamy wytchnienia w filmach, książkach i komiksach. No i o grach kilka słów jednak też było.Nagrywali: Ma…
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Send us a text Guess what kids?! Your favorite weird ass Hoosier girls are back in your ears. This week we hit up California for our stories. Krys leads off with the Sutro Baths. These were mainstays of San Francisco for years before shockingly taken out by a mysterious fire. Sutro had a tendency to accumulate relics from around the world, sounds l…
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Lavocado Nocą 119 - Oczekiwania i narzekania
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1:07:30Lavocado Nocą #119Podcast o grach z sercem - odcinek, w którym rozmawiamy o zapowiedziach z The Game Awards 2024 (i o samych nagrodach), najwięcej miejsca otrzymało oczywiście Virtua Fighter, nowa gra Fomito Uedy, Intergalactic i Wiedźmin 4.Nagrywali: Marcin „Sakora” Tomkowiak i Arkadiusz „Cascad” OgończykPamiętajcie o tym, że nasz podcast ląduje t…
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Epi. 97 Buzzer Beater - Jokić hrá ako GOAT a vzkriesenie Ja Moranta
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38:27Súťaž o podpísaný dres od Tomáša Satoranského nájdete na našom https://herohero.co/joetrendy Výhody členstva na našom Hero Hero.➡️ predpremiéra hlavných epizód➡️ exkluzívne bonusové epizódy ➡️ odpovede na vaše otázky➡️ súťaže➡️ budeme vás mať veľmi radi, pretože iba vďaka vašej podpore budeme mať možnosť točiť video epizódy. budete našim sponzo…
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Lavocado Nocą 118 - Typical Razers
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1:29:43Lavocado Nocą #118Podcast o grach z sercem - odcinek, w którym rozmawiamy o 30-leciu PlayStation, możliwym powrocie Virtua Fighter, oraz typujemy co zgarnie nagrody na gali The Game Awards.Grą omawianą na odcinku jest Recolit.Nagrywali: Maciej "Razer" Ciepliński, Marcin „Sakora” Tomkowiak i Arkadiusz „Cascad” OgończykPamiętajcie o tym, że nasz podc…
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In this season finale, Rachel and John look at some of the major trends shaping how we live today and those that are going to matter in the future. To find out more about Tortoise: - Download the Tortoise app - for a listening experience curated by our journalists - Subscribe to Tortoise+ on Apple Podcasts for early access and exclusive content - B…
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How do ethnic minorities in Britain vote?
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35:53Rachel and John are joined by James Kanagasooriam to discuss the trends that explain the attitudes, values and voting patterns of Britain’s ethnic minorities. Guests: James Kanagasooriam, chief researcher at Focaldata To find out more about Tortoise: - Download the Tortoise app - for a listening experience curated by our journalists - Subscribe to …
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Epi. 96 Buzzer Beater - Dončić musí zamakať, Davis je v Lakers konečne číslo jedna
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49:04Podporte nás na https://herohero.co/joetrendy a pripojte sa do našej Buzzer Beater komunity. Do 30. novembra je cena 3 €, potom už bude 5 €. Výhody členstva sú:➡️ predpremiéra hlavných epizód➡️ exkluzívne bonusové epizódy (audio, video)➡️ odpovede na vaše otázky➡️ súťaže➡️ budeme vás mať veľmi radi, pretože iba vďaka vašej podpore budeme mať možn…
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Lavocado Nocą 117 - Ostrze emulacji
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1:11:08Lavocado Nocą #117Podcast o grach z sercem. Odcinek, w którym rozmawiamy o Stellar Blade zmierzającym na PC, nominacjach od The Game Awards, sukcesie Pokemon TCG Pocket, chęci Sony do zakupu Kadokawa, ostatnim Shiren the Wanderer na PC, nowych Pataponach i o perypetiach związanych ze Steam Deckiem.Marcin „Sakora” Tomkowiak i Arkadiusz „Cascad” Ogoń…
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Are we getting healthier? John Curtice and Rachel Wolf discuss the long term trends impacting the nation’s health with Neil Ferguson. Guests: Neil Ferguson, Director of the School of Public Health at Imperial College London To find out more about Tortoise: - Download the Tortoise app - for a listening experience curated by our journalists - Subscri…
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John and Rachel are joined by Nic Newman from the Reuters Institute to discuss how the way we engage with news has changed and what this means for the future of journalism. Hosts: John Curtice and Rachel Wolf Guests: Nic Newman, Senior research associate at the Reuters Institute. To find out more about Tortoise: - Download the Tortoise app - for a …
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Lavocado Nocą 116 - Zgrabny Vibe
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1:11:46Lavocado Nocą #116Podcast o grach z sercem. Odcinek, w którym rozmawiamy o klęsce Concord, tym co zaoferuje Switch 2, o reedycji Ys: Oath in Felghana, skasowanym pomyśle na kosmiczne podboje w Gears of War i o PS5 Pro. Padł także temat gier, które na nas patrzą, a my z nimi nic nie robimy (ale byśmy chcieli)Marcin „Sakora” Tomkowiak i Arkadiusz „Ca…
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As the world prepares for a second Donald Trump presidency, John Curtice and Ben Ansell look at the trends behind his victory and what the results mean for the future of American politics. Hosts: John Curtice Guests: Ben Ansell, Professor of Comparative Democratic Institutions in the Department of Politics and International Relations and Professori…
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Chancellor Rachel Reeves and the Labour Party have unveiled their first budget in 14 years. John and Rachel are joined by Merryn Somerset Webb to discuss the big takeaways and what this means for the country's economic future. Hosts: John Curtice and Rachel Wolf Guest: Merryn Somerset Webb, senior columnist at Bloomberg To find out more about Torto…
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Epi. 95 Buzzer Beater s Máriom Ihringom "Videá White Chocolate sa dajú pozerať dookola"
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53:34🏀 Súťaž o dva lístky na zápas Slovensko vs. Španielsko a podpísaný dres od Mária Ihringa nájdete na našom https://herohero.co/joetrendy 🏀 S Máriom Ihringom sa dá o NBA rozprávať hodiny. Okrem iného má skvelý vstup do sezóny, keď nedávno si s 19 asistenciami utvoril osobný rekord. Čoskoro ho čaká ako lídra reprezentácie "zápas desaťročia" proti Špan…
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Lavocado Nocą 115 - Rekompozycja mgły
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1:37:12Lavocado Nocą #115Podcast o grach z sercem. Odcinek, w którym rozmawiamy o rozwiązaniu zespołu odpowiedzialnego za Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown, podejściu Guerilla Games do serii Killzone, stanie projektów AA i AAA, rewizjach sprzętowych Steam Decka, o pokazie Like a Dragon Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii, oraz omówiliśmy Silent Hill 2 Remake i Metapho…
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With only two weeks to go until the US election, Rachel and John are joined by Professor Chris Carmen to discuss the polls, the big campaign moments and what may happen next. Hosts: John Curtice and Rachel Wolf Guest: Professor Christopher Carman, Stevenson Professor of Citizenship at the University of Glasgow To find out more about Tortoise: - Dow…
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Epi. 94 Buzzer Beater - Obháji Boston titul alebo prichádza éra OKC?
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50:08Podporte nás na https://herohero.co/joetrendy a pripojte sa do našej Buzzer Beater komunity. Výhody členstva sú nasledovné:➡️ predpremiéra hlavných epizód➡️ exkluzívne bonusové epizódy (audio, video)➡️ odpovede na vaše otázky➡️ súťaže➡️ budeme vás mať veľmi radi, pretože iba vďaka vašej podpore budeme mať možnosť točiť video epizódy. budete našim s…
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Hostem seriálu Cupředu je virtuální hudebnice NIVVA! O AI, metaversu i digitální módě
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23:43Oleh Expres FM
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Who belongs to a political party these days? John and Rachel discuss the changing nature of political party membership. Hosts: John Curtice and Rachel Wolf To find out more about Tortoise: - Download the Tortoise app - for a listening experience curated by our journalists - Subscribe to Tortoise+ on Apple Podcasts for early access and exclusive con…
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Hostem seriálu Cupředu je designérka Cindy Kutíková
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26:36Oleh Expres FM
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Lavocado Nocą 114 - Planszówka z samurajem
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1:15:05Lavocado Nocą #114Podcast o grach z sercem. Odcinek, w którym rozmawiamy o zapowiedzi Ghost of Yotei i przesunięciu Assassin's Creed Shadows. O nowym tworze jakim jest Halo Studios, pozwie sądowym wytoczonym w kierunku twórców Palworld przez Nintendo i o Momotaro Dentetsu, które w końcu będzie można ograć po angielsku. Omawianą grą jest Bakeru.Marc…
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Rachel and John are joined by Professor Tim Lang to discuss food trends. From cooked liver to takeaway meals, what are the forces influencing our diets? Hosts: John Curtice and Rachel Wolf Guest: Professor Timothy Lang To find out more about Tortoise: - Download the Tortoise app - for a listening experience curated by our journalists - Subscribe to…
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Jan Mach z Mjölk architekti nám prozradil proč se tak jmenují, jak to, že staví tolik rozhledden a vyhlídek a co je žene cupředu
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24:06Oleh Expres FM
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As universities face financial challenges, John and Rachel are joined by Professor Dame Alison Wolf to discuss higher education funding and how the system can be improved. Hosts: John Curtice and Rachel Wolf Guest: Professor Dame Alison Wolf DBE To find out more about Tortoise: - Download the Tortoise app - for a listening experience curated by our…
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Pavel Přikryl - spoluzakladatel byznys hubu a coworkingu Opero. O podnikání, startupech i moderním Česku
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23:17Oleh Expres FM
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The Conservative party had its worst election defeat in its history, both in terms of votes and seats. In this episode of Trendy John and Rachel discuss who votes Conservative and how has that changed over time. Hosts: John Curtice and Rachel Wolf To find out more about Tortoise: - Download the Tortoise app - for a listening experience curated by o…
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