Let me to share about my life.
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Ceriwis ( Cerita Ra wis-wis ) menjadi wadah kami berdua untuk berbagi kisah tentang hal-hal yang sedang hype ataupun keinginan kami berbagi akan sesuatu hal dengan tujuan menjadi tempat untuk belajar berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi.
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I know I have been missing in action As I was going through my dream book, & I found this prayer. I wanted to share it with you. I pray it blesses you.
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Ngebahas alam, tato, dan "jamu" bareng @salampisang
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35:08Kali ini ngebahas perjalanan seorang perempuan menjelajah Indonesia yang bukan hanya sekedar menikmati alam tapi juga berbagi ilmu dan berguna untuk orang sekitar daerah yang dikunjunginya. Plus ngulik kehidupan yang seru abis walaupun agak explicit hehe:D
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Ngga terasa 2018 udah selesai dan sekarang 2019 telah menyambut kita semua disini. Podcast pertama dari kami, ngalor-ngidul sekalian perkenalan tentang kehidupan. Lumayan nanya-nanya tentang nikah muda, keseriusan dan pelakor yang katanya hype di 2018 dan harus selesai di 2019. Ayo dong dengerin lumayan buat nemenin waktu kosong kalian, agak absrud…
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Shalom Family, I finally decided to jump back into podcasting. Through everything life has taken Me through over the last 3 years. I realize I have to go forward purposely in what Yahuah has sent me to do. I pray you guys who I have miss & love jump back in with me. I want to welcome our new family members. Stick around and enjoy the ride.…
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PPMP (Pengalaman Penyakit Mental dan Psikolog)
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15:36Jadi ini cerita yang benar-benar aku alami karena masalah pribadi segunung sampe ahkirnya muncak karena permasalahan baru. Episode tentang penyakit yang secara fisik ngga bisa terlihat tapi bagi orang terdekat pasti bisa ngerasain. Obatnya apa? Coba dengerin episode kali ini hehe semoga berguna ya
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Quarter Life Crisis (Rehat, Evaluasi, Semoga Ya)
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15:36Perbincangan kami kali ini cukup singkat, selain takut salah ngomong kami juga ngerasa agak kagok hehe. Tapi apa yang di curhatakan ini full pengalaman pribadi yang kami rasakan di fase-fase kekhawatiran seperti apa kehidupan kami kedepannya. Jadi kalau kamu gimana? Apa mengalami quarter life crisis juga?👋…
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Hai kali ini sella harus bercuap-cuap sendiri ngebahas tentang berat badan yang mungkin sedikit bisa memberikan pencerahan untuk kamu diluar sana bahwa selama sehat dan happy ga usah takut gendut gaiss! Paling pentingnya nih, niat menjadi jalan untuk kamu yg sedang mencoba nurunin bb alias berat badan sembari phone interview bareng @khanssyf & @vir…
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No edit no sensor nih, ahkirnya bisa ngulik lebih lanjut cewe yang identik dengan muka judesnya, tapi sukses bikin orang-orang penasaran tentang personality dan kehidupannya🌈🌹👩🎤
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Sadar ga sih kalau outfit kalian, jadi cerminan diri yang akan di lihat pertama kali orang lain? Nah kali ini ada dua orang tamu yang membagikan sedikit pendapatnya tentang seberapa penting outfit dan pastinya harus "kenyamanan" kan 🤔😉
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Anak muda "Konten dulu yang penting bro" waduh bener ga nih?
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23:56Fenomena jaman sekarang, yang memudahkan individu nya untuk membagikan kegiatan sehari-hari melalui platform sosial sehingga bisa dikonsumsik publik, kayaknya makin kesini jadi trend tersendiri untuk menghiasi hari dengan konten-konten yang "konsisten". Ngga cuma itu banyak juga loh anak muda yang nekat demi konten ngelakuin sesuatu lumayan ekstrem…
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Biarkan aku menceritakan tentang apapun yang mungkin belum tersampaikan. Aku mencintai kalian💞 kedenger 3 th, pdahal mo bilang 3000 th hahaha
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If you have lived in survival mode, & have won. You may have lost your fight in losing your fight you can also become stagnant. I've learned my is now different for my emotional & mental survival. I 🙏🏾. That this helps you.
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Matthew Ch 23: 1-5 We must not follow behavior that is in direct error of the word. Yahusha has made that clear. Let’s be obedient to our father. Our King.
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Matthew Ch 5:7-9 PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE CHAPTER. Yahusha is clear reciting, Prophet Isaiah our hearts need to match our lip service. To often we worship Yahuah in vein, saying one thing while our actions prove our hearts believe another. We must repent now & accept true biblical leadership from the living word. Not our traditions, our leader MT 15:…
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Let Us Pray,
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Our Father said to the end, our father is not a man that he should lie.
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Let us not be foolish, to walk in our own understanding. The only P.O.V that is important is the Fathers.
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John 14:15 ; Exodus 20:6; Deut 5:10
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Life, Losses, My Journey To Truth.
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August 19th Was My sons Dezmon Birthday! I was unable to pinpoint my emotions. Never having to mourn & grieve the loss of my child. Being in that process is very difficult.
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Do you know the Lord? Jesus makes it clear through the word we must know the word. I pray you seek him for your self, study the word for yourself. Holy Spirit Will lead you into all truths.
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Surrender is true love. Jesus showed us how to surrender the cross was a heavy price to pay, But Jesus knew it was going to please the father. So he surrendered. I pray you are sold out to Surender.
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God says whoever he sets free is free in deed. Walk in that freedom that is In Christ. Let nothing or no one take what was freely given to you away. Don't be ashamed walk in freedom.
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Joy even when it looks like everything is falling apart Keep Joy in your heart, Joy in our Savior Jesus Christ. Joy that we serve an all knowing God.
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Truth & Love is a true believers heart. We will seek truth & walk in love. Face with a World that scoffs @ it can be discouraging but we should never shrink back. 1John4:1-8
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The word was with God & the word became Flesh. I pray that you stand firm on the word of God & his authority this authority has been freely given to you! In the name of Jesus. Obedience is key🙌🏾
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Direction is necessary, wherever you dwell you will be stabilized in, & will follow Psalm 91:1. Eve did not communicate with God she did not examine what was said . 1Thess 5:21 test everything.
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Prayer is your life line, to your father. In prayer you show gratefulness, adoration, love & repentance. Our creator wants to commune with you. You must listen to. Zephaniah 1vs 7. Prayer transformed.
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God Loves you nothing & no one can separate his love for you. However this does not allow us to willfully sin with the belief that we are safe & can live how we want to live, & still make it to heaven
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Your heart can & will lie to you we must ask God to create in us a clean heart, & Because he is a good father he will do it.
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God says let confront & Conquer in the name of Jesus. You must know the word & the author of that word so we can pray the word with faith that will move mountains. Eph 6 10-18. Matt 10:27 11vs12
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We serve a living God, the creator of this earth & he has given you dominion to rule over it. Genesis 1:26. Stand up & rule. Victory is yours through Jesus Christ
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Lord Create in us a clean heart, heart that pleases you. Psalm 51. Lord we thank you.
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It's time to fight the armor of God. Use the word of God gain wisdom to identify the strong man in your life, & take all that he has stolen by force. Matt 11-12. Matt 12-29. You are a world conqueror.
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God tells us that he watches over his word to perfect & perform it. I pray that you would meditate on scripture make it personal & remind God of his word. Not because he needs it but because we do.
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For God has not given you a spirit of fear & timidity, but of power & love and of a sound mind. 2Timothy 1vs7. I pray that you begin to make sound decisions. Your future will thank you for it.
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Your words have power, use them for life & not death. Do not lie to yourself & be careless against self and/or others.
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We live in a word that constantly challenges who you are, where you are constantly seeking to alter your identity. But Your identity is hidden in Christ. Are you Bold enough to seek him to find it?
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Essence From Wisdom In Red Gives us another perspective of how our emotions are an influence.
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Hey 🌎 Conquerors. God Or Men Who Influences you?
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4:35Galatians 1vs10 Your Journey must not include winning the approval of ppl over God. You must decide for self not with words but with obedience! Choose wisely.
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Jesus has given us his authority to use John 13:13-14. On a daily basis we have access to his authority. Just as we tell our children tell them I said. That is what our King commands us to do.
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Hey 🌎 World Conquerors Your Foundation As a Believer?
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4:15Are you a believer who walks on a solid foundation? Or do you quickly bend when it benefits you to do so?
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Do Not Worry Is A commandment From Your King Matthew 6:25-34 You have to get to a place that you Replace the worry with prayer. Seek 1st the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. Make a decision.
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Hey 🌎 World Conquerors. The Issue With Waiting
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4:54You want what you want when you want it. But you can't have it, or not the way God wants you to God is so faithful allow him to give Don't be like Saul 1Samuel 13: 8-13 read the Chapter Lamen: 3-24-26
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As Believers we want to skip the waiting process, however The Word speaks heavily on waiting Isaiah 40:31 Psalm 37:7 Psalm 27:14 countless others. Let Us rejoice in waiting, Pray In Waiting #LetUsPray
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God says we are more than conquerors, We need to believe it it's time to rise to the occasion
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Their are consequences, for our every word. In Matthew 12:36 it is Jesus tell us we will have to give an account even for our careless speech. Repent
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Often we ask God what happen to the promises, but forget about his timing. So #LetUsPray for Gods timing.
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Let's give our burdens to the Lord our Mighty
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Hey 🌎 World Conquerors. God is 🙅🏽not checking for your sacrfices yo
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2:34I pray that you be bold enough,
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