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show episodes
It was supposed to be a reality show with a twist. In a sun-drenched villa in Ibiza, six hot guys compete for a cash prize and for the love of the beautiful and mysterious Miriam. It’s meant to be her big break: the moment she becomes the superstar she was born to be. But this is the era of “cruel reality TV” and the show producers have a different goal: they want to surprise the men with the fact that Miriam is trans. A new six-episode investigative series from Wondery, the makers of The Sh ...
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Miriam and Youssef

BBC World Service

A 10-part drama about the founding of Israel. Miriam is a Jewish immigrant to Palestine, and Youssef is an Arab inhabitant driven into exile. At the heart of it all is the city of Jerusalem.
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Hi!!! This is a series of educational podcasts in Spanish (and some English in case I need to translate something) to help Spanish teachers and students understand, make connections, learn and grow. I'll be sharing stories, tips to learn and teach Spanish better, and a lot more. So, stay tuned.
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Nourishing with Light. Recorded live as a group meditation, Miriam's Meditations include precision breath exercises along with inner technologies for sensing subtle energies, working with flows and frequencies and other cutting edge consciousness explorations. You’ll find out how to connect with your guide, use breath for healing your body, mind and emotions, and techniques to integrate into a harmonious, highly functioning Oneness. Return from these journeys refreshed, expanded and filled w ...
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Me encanta encontrarme contigo en este espacio que he creado para ti, para recordarte que "hoy es un nuevo comienzo en tú vida" que existe una medida de PODER en tu interior para enfrentar crisis, resolver problemas, encontrar soluciones y conquistar lo que tu corazón desea.Soy experta en redireccionar tu vida y ayudarte a descubrir tu propósito y caminar en tu destino.Sesiones individuales, pareja y familia. Llámame y con gusto te doy una cita mi oficina se encuentra en Chula Vista CA.-619- ...
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In our complex world, healing is a journey and a practice and is linked to finding our life’s purpose. In Biweekly installments, Dr. Miriam Rahav will explore the complexities of health concerns and their intersection with environmental emotional, and spiritual challenges with the ultimate goal of collective consciousness expansion supporting each listener to connect with their own signature divine purpose.
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Este é uma série de áudios sobre vinhos, que pretende reforçar conhecimentos sobre o tema, de forma simples e por meio de recortes que propiciem uma melhor apreensão dos conceitos. Clareza e correção, com exemplos e sugestão de vinhos que permitam conhecer os produtos. MÍRIAM AGUIAR é Pós-Doutora em mercado de vinhos - UMR Innovation, Montpellier. Representante Cafa Wine School ( Bordeaux), Ensina Enologia: Senac Rio,ISG Brasil, Estácio de Sá, Cordon Bleu Rio. 2 livros publicados; colunista ...
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Dr Miriam Stoppard

Dr. Miriam Stoppard

Dr. Miriam Stoppard’s podcasts bring you her reassuring advice in an audio format that you can listen to at any time, any place. More programmes will be posted on her website over the coming months covering baby and childcare, women’s health and family health containing useful advice and information. Miriam’s first podcast series is ‘The Pregnancy Diaries’ where she explains the three trimesters of pregnancy; what women can expect, the progress of the growth of their baby and hints and tips ...
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Become a Paid Subscriber: https://anchor.fm/miriam-hewson/subscribe Become a Paid Subscriber: https://anchor.fm/miriam-hewson/subscribe This podcast is designed to help business owners make the right decisions for themselves and their business. My name is Miriam Hewson and I am the founder of Futureproof Concepts. My approach is holistic, and I am led by purpose. I am covering content such as mental health, time management, performing under pressure, business mindset, why we procrastinate an ...
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Lauri is één van Nederlands meest doortastende coaches (of zoals ze het zelf graag noemt: jouw persoonlijke activist). In 2021 besloot ze om ondernemers te coachen in niet alleen het runnen an een succesvol bedrijf, maar om ze hun passie terug te laten ervaren, een fantastisch privé leven erop na te houden, hun inkomen te verdubbelen én ook nog zingeving te voelen in hun leven. Haar podcast helpt je om écht voor je waarde te gaan staan, deze te ervaren en het duidelijk naar je klanten te com ...
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Du willst MEHR?! Mehr Lebendigkeit. Mehr Abenteuer. Mehr Wahrhaftigkeit. Mehr DU SELBST. Mehr Raum für Seele. Mehr Wertschätzung. Mehr Tiefe. Mehr Leichtigkeit. Mehr Erfüllung. Mehr Frieden in Dir und um Dich herum. Mehr Glaube. Mehr Vertrauen. Mehr Liebe. .... => einfach von ALLEM SCHÖNEN SO VIEL MEHR X Doch bist du dafür gut genug? Hast du das überhaupt verdient? Ist das nicht überheblich, egoistisch und überhaupt einfach unverschämt? Dieser Podcast ist eine Einladung an Dich, Dich zu hint ...
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show series
Thomas Neger In dieser Folge dreht sich alles um die Mainzer Fastnacht! Im Gespräch mit Thomas Neger tauchen wir tief in die Welt der „Meenzer Fassenacht“ ein. Er erzählt von seinem musikalischen Erbe, dem Erbe seines Großvaters Ernst Neger, wie er zum Fastnacht-Star wurde und warum er trotz Live-Auftritten vor Millionenpublikum entspannt bleibt. A…
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Mother Miriam Live - February 24th, 2025 A 1800s homily on the season of Pre-Lent. As a young Catholic Mother, should I be going back to work when my children are around 3? My stepdaughter is actively trying to become a lesbian, how should I handle the situation? Can I as a woman wear a turtleneck to mass?…
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You know those messages that you get all the time, the ones that pop up out of nowhere? They could be real, but something about them seems fishy. You likely dismiss these texts and emails as mere annoyances, thinking you’ve stopped some random stranger from ripping you off. But the shocking truth is, the person behind that message might be trapped …
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The son of a docker, Gary chats about his family background, wonderful Dublin malapropisms, losing his father tragically early, and his varied career. With his pal Damien Dempsey, his new play ‘Dockers’ is a musical drama and a tribute to the men who worked on the Dublin docks in the 1950s, 60s and 70s Details: www.theambassadortheatre.com…
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Míriam Leitão faz uma análise da reação negativa do mercado após queda no lucro líquido da Petrobras. Comentarista destaca o temor de intervenção excessiva do Estado em empreendimentos que podem não ter retorno ou podem levar a prejuízo. ‘Petrobras precisa olhar os erros do passado’.
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Míriam Leitão fala sobre Trump que anunciou que pretende impor tarifas de 25% para produtos importados da União Europeia. ‘Trump tem dois problemas: o que ele faz e como ele faz’. Comentarista destaca que Trump despreza qualquer tentativa de diálogo. Míriam destaca os efeitos da guerra comercial para a economia global. ‘Trump volta ao tempo do impe…
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Ralf Schmitz In dieser Folge von Music Made in Germany wird es laut, spontan und urkomisch! Gastgeberin Miriam Audrey Hannah begrüßt den einzigartigen Comedian, Schauspieler und Improvisationskünstler Ralf Schmitz. Gemeinsam tauchen sie in die Welt des Humors, der Musik und des Alltagswahnsinns ein.Ralf erzählt von den Herausforderungen bei "LOL: L…
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Míriam Leitão critica a regra do saque-aniversário do FGTS, que impede o trabalhador de acessar o saldo total do fundo em caso de demissão. Segundo ela, essa restrição funciona como uma punição injusta e precisa ser corrigida com urgência. MP pode garantir acesso ao saldo integral em caso de demissão.…
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Míriam Leitão repercute a pesquisa do economista André Braz, coordenador de Índices de Preços da FGV. O levantamento apontou que os alimentos já consomem 22,61% do orçamento das famílias de renda mais baixa. Segundo a comentarista, esse tipo de inflação é a mais dolorosa, porque tira a renda dos mais pobres.…
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A eleição na Alemanha trouxe um avanço expressivo da extrema direita, com a Alternativa para a Alemanha dobrando sua votação e atingindo 20% dos votos. No Dia a Dia da Economia, Miriam Leitão analisa os fatores econômicos que influenciaram esse resultado e destaca que o fenômeno vai além da economia.…
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Mother Miriam Live - February 20th, 2025 A 1900 Homily on preparing for Lent: Parable of the Sower As a former Jew, how do I deal with the doubts in my mind about Jesus being the Missiah? Does the pope have the authority to change the liturgy of the Eastern Catholic rites? Where can I find the origins of the office of the bishop in the Bible? Is it…
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Míriam Leitão fala da afirmação do presidente Lula que 'déficit fiscal é uma bobagem' e quem se importa com isso está 'querendo viver de especulação'. Ela destaca que o governo precisa sempre ficar de olho nisso e rememora que o primeiro governo Lula veio após uma grande preocupação com isso com FHC.…
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Míriam Leitão comenta a delação sobre os atos antidemocráticos, que chegará ao gabinete do Alexandre de Moraes para decidir entre tornar, ou não, os denunciados réus. A jornalista conversou com a ministra Maria Elizabeth Rocha, futura presidente do Superior Tribunal Militar, que descreveu o processo como 'uma peça que tem começo meio e fim'.…
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Mother Miriam Live - February 19th, 2025 Roberto de Mattei's report on the Cardinal Cipriani scandal. As a Jewish chaplain what are the differences between Catholic and Episcopal liturgies? How exactly did you convert from Protestantism to Catholicism? How should I react to having a dream about becoming a nun?…
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O Conselho Nacional de Política Energética autorizou nesta terça-feira (18) a adesão do Brasil ao Fórum da OPEP+, que é o grupo de aliados da OPEP, organização que reúne os principais produtores de petróleo do mundo. Míriam Leitão analisa a questão e o que ela significa do ponto de vista da busca pela sustentabilidade.…
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