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Independent news and stories from SBS Audio, connecting you to life in Australia and Japanese-speaking Australians. - 世界やオーストラリアのニュース、インタビュー、特集、そしてコミュニティーの話題などを、SBSの日本語放送でお聴きいただけます。
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縁あって日本にやってきたオーストラリアの青年ポール・エッシングが、不思議にあふれた奈義町に住む素敵な生き物に「ちょっと教えてくれんさい」とインタビューをし、ポッドキャストとして世界に発信します。 生き物は不思議で活躍する様々なジャンルの方に、 素朴なことから、キワドイ事まで、ボチボチとした日本語でじっくり攻めます(笑)。ブログはこち, an Australian, lives in a tiny village in Japan.With the intention of making sense of what's going on around him, Paul asks a lot of questions.These conversations are then broadcast through podcast.While the original program is inevitably in Japanese, Paul discusses what he learned that week wit ...
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「ケアンズFMわくわく日本語ラジオ」は、2015年4月よりスタートしたオーストラリア・ケアンズの日本語FMコミュニティー・ラジオ(Cairn FM89.1)のボランティア番組です。レギュラー・コーナーに加え、インタビュー・コーナーやお知らせなどを日本の音楽をはさみながら運用しています。 Waku Waku Japanese radio on Cairns FM 89.1 will have regular corners and Cairns local community news, interviews, council announcements, Japanese cultural issues, Japanese poetry readings, useful information for daily life and with Japanese and Australian music.
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There may soon not be enough gas to meet demand in the Australian state of Victoria, and this could happen as soon as next year according to the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO).This is pushing more and more Victorians to switch off their gas, especially as their energy bills are getting steeper.“It’s just the savings. Like obviously, envir…
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Ever since humans have journeyed to space, their meals there have proved to be, well, nothing to write home about. But that could change after a Michelin-starred chef teamed up with the Florida-based startup Space Perspective to take fine dining to our upper atmosphere in late 2025.Six guests are set to ascend aboard Spaceship Neptune to the strato…
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Australia is a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which provides extensive protections to religious freedom. However, specific legislated protections vary across jurisdictions. If you have experienced religious discrimination at work, it is important to know your options, whether you are considering submitting a comp…
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On the 58th episode of Mayu Tomaru's "Eating in Australia," we look into the world of fermented foods and seasonings. This episode includes simple recipe that uses shoyu-koji. - 都丸真由さんの『オーストラリアで食べる』。第58回目は世界の発酵食品・調味料、第3弾。このエピソードでは、醤油麹と焼き野菜を合わせた簡単レシピもご紹介しています。
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Researchers are exploring ways to use features in modern cars, such as GPS, to make traffic safer and more efficient. Eventually, the upgrades could do away entirely with the red, yellow, and green lights of today, ceding control to driverless cars.Henry Liu, a civil engineering professor who is leading a study through the University of Michigan, s…
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In the late 1990s, aspiring comedian Tomoaki 'Nasubi' Hamatsu became an unwitting television sensation when he was confined naked to an apartment for more than a year. His TV experience is captured in a new documentary set to screen at Sydney Film Festival. - 90年代に一世を風靡したバラエティー番組、「進ぬ!電波少年」の「懸賞生活企画」で一躍有名となった、なすびこと浜津智明さん。当時の経験を描いたドキュメンタリー、『ザ・コンテスタント』…
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Several dozen young people wearing light blue T-shirts imprinted with “#teachclimate” filled a hearing room in the Minnesota Capitol in St. Paul in late February.The high school and college students and other advocates called on the Minnesota Youth Council, a liaison between young people and state lawmakers, to support a bill requiring schools to t…
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The Australian economy grew by just under 0.2 per cent in the first three months of the year, below the 0.2 per cent forecast by economists. - オーストラリア経済は今年最初の3ヵ月でわずか0.2%弱しか成長しておらず、エコノミストが予測していた0.2%を下回ったことがわかりました。
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Koji Asano, a Melbourne-based Japanese voice actor and musician, hosts music segment J-Pop Hub for SBS Japanese. He picked 'Waltz' by Leo Ieiri for his 123rd episode. - メルボルンの声優・ナレーター、浅野浩治さんによる木曜日(第1~第3)の音楽コーナーJ-Pop Hub。日本の最新ドラマの主題歌になったこの曲を選びました。
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Personal patient information is being given currency in Kenya as a way of expanding patient access to doctors.A mobile start-up says its phone application allows users to pay for medical services by selling their personal data online through blockchain technology which protects their identity.In Kenya, accessing medical services can be expensive. K…
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This year's Sydney Film Festival opens on this Wednesday. One of the films selected for the festival is a Japanese documentary titled 'The Cats of Gokogu Shrine.' Let's ask the director of the film, an award-winning Japanese director Kazuhiro Soda, about the film and his unique filming style, utilizing the art of observation. - 今週から始まるシドニー映画祭(Sydne…
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The tranquil spaces of Kew Gardens are a perfect place for a bit of quiet reflection. And there’s more than one way to do that now.Dotted across the landscape is a series of sculptures, many of them made in stainless steel. The lush green vegetation of Kew is mirrored back from their shiny surfaces. There are 16 works to spot, some sitting on the o…
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The Fair Work Commission's decision today will lift minimum wages and awards by 3.75 per cent from July the 1st onwards. - フェアワークコミションが3日月曜日、7月から全国の最低賃金を3.75%引き上げることを決定しました。
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Our Tuesday segment Australia Wide covers local events and useful community information from six cities across Australia . This week, Yukiko Kuboi from Adelaide reports what's happening is South Australia. Broadcast on the 4th of June, 2024. - 火曜日放送の国内各地の話題や情報をお伝えするコーナー、オーストラリアワイドから。アデレードの久保井有紀さんによるリポートです。2024年6月4日放送。…
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New government statistics have revealed science literacy in Australian schools has barely improved over the past two decades. The Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering is calling for immediate government action to address the education gap. - 政府の新たな統計により、オーストラリアの学校における科学リテラシーが過去20年間でほとんど向上していないことが明らかになりました。オーストラリア技術科学工学アカデミーは…
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Scammers stole more than $3.4 billion from older Americans last year, according to an FBI report that shows a rise in losses through increasingly sophisticated criminal tactics to trick the vulnerable into giving up their life savings.Losses from scams reported by Americans over the age of 60 last year were up 11% over the year before, according to…
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Donald Trump says he will appeal the guilty verdict that has made him the first US president convicted of a crime. - 米国の大統領経験者が刑事事件で有罪となるのは初めて。11月の米大統領選挙で共和党の最有力候補となっているドナルド・トランプ前大統領、大統領選への影響が注目されています。
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Solar panels dot rooftops across sprawling Lagos, a Nigerian city that is undergoing a transformation as it adopts solar power. Nearly a decade ago, things looked quite different.Climate technology was new in Africa, and it was tough to get funding for start-ups that would eventually enable the region’s electrification.But the ecosystem has since c…
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On the 57th episode of Mayu Tomaru's "Eating in Australia," we once again explore the wonderful world of fermented foods and seasonings. This episode includes simple stir-fry recipe that uses 'beancurd preserved with rice sauce'. - 都丸真由さんの『オーストラリアで食べる』。第57回目は世界の発酵食品・調味料、第2弾。このエピソードでは、手に入りやすい青梗菜で作る腐乳炒めのレシピもご紹介しています。…
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An Australian is among 14 pro-democracy activists convicted by a Hong Kong court on national security charges, following a landmark subversion trial. - 香港で国家安全保障法に違反したとして、1人のオーストラリア人を含む14人の民主活動家が有罪判決を受けました。
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Nationally, most teachers report feeling stressed and overwhelmed at work, according to a Pew Research Center survey of teachers last fall. Waning job satisfaction over the last two decades has accompanied a decline in teachers’ sense of autonomy in the classroom, according to a recent study out of Brown University and the University at Albany.At F…
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Australians are coffee-obsessed, so much so that Melbourne is often referred to as the coffee capital of the world. Getting your coffee order right is serious business, so let’s get you ordering coffee like a connoisseur. - 世界でも有数のコーヒー好きの国と知られるオーストラリア。中でもメルボルンは世界のコーヒーキャピタルと呼ばれるほど、コーヒーが人気です。そんなオーストアリアでコーヒーを注文するにはちょっとした知識やボキャブラリーが必要になります。…
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Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz says the company’s leaders should spend more time in stores and focus on coffee drinks as they work to turn around flagging sales.In a LinkedIn post, Schultz said many people had reached out to him after Starbucks reported weaker-than-expected quarterly sales and earnings.The Seattle coffee giant said revenue dro…
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Cana Ito is an established designer from Japan who felt the need to improve her English to further her career. The Melbourne based designer is often seen in the streets of Melbourne, doing live painting and busking. - デザイナーとして確立し、国内外で活躍するCana Itoさん。自身のブランディング強化には英語が必要と感じ、来豪しました。
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Immigration Minister Andrew Giles says he will be updating a controversial ministerial direction that has allowed a number of migrants convicted of violent crimes to escape deportation. - 凶悪犯罪で有罪判決を受けた多くの移民が強制送還を免れることを許す、物議を醸している省令が更新されることがわかりました。
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Ayako Ohtake, a Sydney-based Japanese soprano singer, hosts monthly music segment called VIVA! Opera for SBS Japanese. - オペレッタとオペラの違いを知っていますか。大武さんが選んだのは、オペレッタ「メリー・ウィドウ」から、ロマンチックな愛のデュエット「唇は黙して」です。
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Sheep farmers in Western Australia have been dealt a staggering blow to their livelihoods by the imminent end to the live sheep export industry. - 供給が過剰になっている国内の羊肉市場。中東市場への生きた羊の輸出は羊農家や家族の生活をこれまで何世代にもわたって支えてきました。動物愛護団体から歓迎の声が上がるなか、輸出停止による地方コミュニティーの衰退も懸念されています。
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Spicy, steaming, slurpy ramen may be everyone’s favorite Japanese food. In Tokyo, long lines circle around blocks, and waiting an hour for your favorite ramen is normal. Ramen has also surged in popularity in the U.S., South Korea, and other countries in the past 15 years or so.Menus at the top 500 U.S. restaurant chains have 6% more mentions of ra…
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Thousands of negotiators and observers representing most of the world’s nations gathered in Ottawa to craft a treaty to end the rapidly escalating problem of plastic pollution.The scale of the plastics problem is daunting, but not for the volunteers collecting waste on a Cape Town beach.Cleanup on this scale may be considered a drop in the oceans o…
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A new age cap on a popular graduate visa is leaving many international PhD students in Australia facing uncertain futures. Many say they will be forced to leave the country due to changes set to be made to Temporary Graduate Visa Class 485. - オーストラリアで人気の高い卒業ビザに、7月1日から新たな変更が実施されることを受け、博士課程の学生らが先行き不透明な状況に直面しています。…
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The Western Australian government has announced $400 million for domestic violence prevention efforts in the wake of a double murder in Perth. - 西オーストラリア州政府が、パースで発生した母子の殺人事件を受け、ドメスティック・バイオレンス防止対策に4億豪ドルを拠出すると発表しました。
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This is an extra episode of our monthly Nichigo Preview segment. Kazuyo Baba, Editor-in-Chief and CEO of Nichigo Press, talks about the rising popularity of skiing in Japan among Australians. This recording is a follow-up on the previous skiing episode broadcast last year. - スキー雑誌の編集者でもある、日豪プレスの馬場 一哉編集長兼CEOがゲスト。月1回放送しているコーナー「日豪プレビュー」の番外編です。昨年10月に配信…
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Tatsunoshin (Tatsu) Ishida joined Melbourne Ice this April, after playing for Yokohama GRITS in Japan for two years. Mr Ishida made his childhood dream of becoming a professional ice hockey player come true, but admitted the journey hasn't been as smooth as he hoped. - 4月にメルボルン・アイスに入団した元横浜GRITSの石田龍之進(たつのしん)さん。アイスホッケー選手でポジションはゴールキーパーです。プロ選手になるのを意識した…
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The Biden administration issued final rules to require airlines to automatically issue cash refunds for things like delayed flights and to better disclose fees for baggage or canceling a reservation.The Transportation Department said airlines will be required to provide automatic cash refunds within a few days for canceled flights and “significant”…
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Day-trippers to the fabled canal city of Venice who failed to pay 5 euros ($5.43) to enter the lagoon city’s historic center during a time-limited pilot program launched in April faced fines starting at 10 times the entrance fee.Venice has launched the long-discussed day-tripper fee after the city escaped being placed on the U.N. agency’s list of e…
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In episode 513 of Music File, Naomune Anzai introduces Ange MacMahon, a singer-songwriter and musician from Melbourne, Victoria. She will be appearing in Japan's Fuji Rock Festival in July. - サウンドエンジニアの安齋直宗さんが担当する『Music File』。第513回目で紹介されたのは、メルボルン出身のシンガーソングライター、アンジ―・マクマーン。今年のフジロック・フェスティバルへの出演が決まっています。…
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New York City residents may soon see warning labels next to sugary foods and drinks in chain restaurants and coffee shops, under a law set to go into effect later this year.The rule requires food businesses with 15 storefronts or more to post a warning icon—a black and white spoon loaded with sugar—next to menu items containing at least 50 grams of…
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On the 56th episode of Mayu Tomaru's "Eating in Australia," we explore the wonderful world of fermented foods and seasonings. This episode includes an incredibly simple recipe for water kimchi. - 都丸真由さんの『オーストラリアで食べる』。第56回目は世界の発酵食品・調味料、第1弾。このエピソードでは、今すぐ作れる簡単水キムチのレシピもご紹介しています。
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This spring, NBC News, The New York Times, and National Public Radio (NPR) have each dealt with turmoil for essentially the same reason: journalists taking the critical gaze they deploy to cover the world and turning it inward at their own employers.Journalism as a profession attracts people who are anti-authoritarian, and who see themselves as tru…
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