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There is an answer to the hopelessness, anxiety, and depression that you have encountered. Andrew and Wendy Palau have experienced the pain of loss and guilt but have had their lives restored by God. Now they want to share with you the joy and peace they have found in Jesus Christ. Hope with God offers daily reminders of the good things that can be yours too. Hope with God is a podcast from the Luis Palau Association’s digital outreach, Hope with God exists give everyone on ...
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This podcast focuses on Pennsylvania Libraries and the people who make them special. Every day in Pennsylvania a librarian impacts the life of a child, family, student, job seeker, grandparent or the guy next door. This is your opportunity to hear what is happening at a library somewhere in Pennsylvania - maybe even your home town. This podcast was created as part of the Pennsylvania Library Association Academy of Leadership Studies. Developed by Mina Edmondson, Brian Fulton, Jill Hallam-Mil ...
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Ewangelizacja - Luis Palau

Radio Chrześcijanin

Oferujemy do dosłuchania wykłady poświęcone ewangelizacji. Zostały wygłoszone przez dr Luisa Palau. Adresowane były (i są) do duchowych przywódców w Polsce. Termin konferencji: 4-6 kwietnia 1989r. Miejsce: Warszawa Wykłady jakie były wygłoszone to: - Życie osobiste duchowego przywódcy - Życie rodzinne duchowego przywódcy - Osobiste świadectwo duchowego przywódcy - Ewangelizacja a zbór lokalny - Wizja ewangelizacji Prawa autorskie: Materiał został zgrany i udostępniony przez Radio Chrześcijan ...
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show series
What do you say when someone says, “Tell me about yourself”? Do you immediately answer, “I’m a follower of Jesus”? Maybe not. But if you are a follower of Jesus, that means your life has indeed been changed by the power of the Gospel. More than that, you’ve become part of God’s wonderful, unfolding story of love for the whole earth! Even though it …
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You may be at a difficult place in your life right now when you are struggling. I want to encourage you today with some quotes from the Bible which tell us about the help and strength available to us in God. Psalm 54:4 tells us: “God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me.” Are you burned out from the stresses of life? In Matthew 11:28 we …
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Do you sometimes feel haunted by your past…things you've done? Or things that have been done to you? Do you have those times, maybe in the middle of the night, when you're under pressure…the memories arise and you feel haunted? Maybe the guilt emerges, and you thought you were past it. Oh, my friend, you are not alone. You can be clean. You can kno…
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One of my favorite Bible verses is John 10:10. Jesus says, “I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full.” He continues with this amazing statement: “I am the good shepherd…and I lay down my life for the sheep.” Jesus was using the analogy of a shepherd who loves and cares for his sheep to describe His relationship with us. He is …
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What do you need today? In the Old Testament, God is named, “Provider.” The one who can miraculously meet our needs. The creator of all knows what you need. Maybe your need today is physical. Maybe your need is emotional. He is able to provide for you. Being a provider is part of His character. In fact, He's provided for our greatest need—the need …
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There’s an intriguing verse in the Bible, in the tiny book of Philemon. It’s Philemon 1:6 and it says, “I pray that you will be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of all the good things that you have in Christ Jesus.” You would think God would have said, “I pray you’ll be active in sharing your faith because I …
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Sometimes we find ourselves in a dark place. We all go through struggles with sin, the old darkness that tries to creep back into our new lives. In those times we need God to come with His wonderful light and keep us from giving in to temptation and despair. We need Him to forgive and restore us, and fill us with His love. We need Him to shine His …
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Psalm 107 tells us that God's love endures forever. The actual verse says, Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, His love endures forever. Have you thought much about forever and how few things last forever? To think that the God of the universe has told us that His love will last forever…His love for us, His creation. People who reject Him…we i…
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There is a house under construction in my neighborhood. The builders started by pouring a solid, level foundation. They then add the sturdy bones of the house. Without that solid foundation and the beams and joists, the whole thing would collapse. The Bible describes Jesus in a similar role. Jesus became the basis of our salvation, the foundation o…
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In Psalm 95, God is called the rock of our salvation. What a beautiful image of something immovable, like a huge rock. God isn’t described as a pebble or a stone. We can't pick Him up in our hands and move Him. We can't hold Him. He is unmovable. And guess what… He holds us. Christianity is so beautifully unique because of the solid nature of God. …
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Change is hard! Perhaps you are going through a big change in your life, and it all feels like an unstable mess. It may feel as though chaos is taking over, and your life is completely out of control. The good news is that God never changes. Even when everything else is shifting, He stays the same. God will give you a firm place to stand – in Jesus…
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The Bible records more than 160 of God’s miracles. By miracles, I mean supernatural events that occurred only because the one true God made them happen. One of my favorite miracles took place during the early days of the Christian Church. The king had arrested the apostle Peter and had placed him behind bars, under heavy armed guard. On the night b…
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Can I remind you today of some beautiful things about God? Listen to these truths from Psalm 103 and worship Him with me, wherever you are. He forgives all my sins. He heals my diseases. He redeems my life from the pit. He crowns me with love. He crowns me with compassion. He satisfies my desires with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle…
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God’s promises to us are like gems we find all throughout the Bible. They are reminders, not only about what He does and will do, but about who He is. They are about the deep goodness of His character and faithfulness. When we have an international evangelistic festival in some distant country, it can be exhausting. I sometimes feel weary and weak,…
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Is your heart pure, clean? Mine isn’t. I'm consistently surprised at some of the things I feel and think… some of the things I say and do. And I stop myself and I think, “Wendy, what is wrong with you?” But the words in Psalm 51 continue to be my prayer, Create in me a pure heart, O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me. If you feel impure or …
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When someone upsets you, do you find yourself quickly becoming angry? There is a time and place for anger – even Jesus got angry so we know that in itself, anger is not a sin. It can lead to sin, though. You can ask God to make you more like Him – to give you patience in place of a quick temper. Patience is not easy, but it’s a skill you can develo…
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Do you need help today? Our God is a friend to the weak and a refuge for those in need. If you know God, you are in good hands. He has compassion toward those who call out to Him for help. He is the God who is with us – who is willing and able to help. In Psalm 54 we read: “Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me.” That is a trut…
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Do you remember when you first fell in love with Jesus, that He was real and He loved you… that He'd forgiven you? Do you remember? Maybe today, you've lost some of your joy, the pressures of life, maybe even sin, or an addiction that is stealing your hope. Maybe you've simply drifted away as the years have gone by, and you realize that you miss Hi…
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Have you ever wondered if God really wants to be with you? Doesn’t He have more important people to be with, or more urgent things to attend to? No – God doesn’t work that way, but it is sometimes hard to believe that the God of the universe cares about us and wants to be close to us. The truth is, He wants it so badly that He gave His Son over to …
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Has God done marvelous things in your life? Has He done things that when you take a moment to think about these things, to remember, do you marvel at His ways? I do. Sometimes I think of the things I fearfully prayed for my children, or situations I was in, or even who I was… and how God has so kindly changed me and helped me and I marvel. I'm amaz…
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The words, “I don’t love you anymore,” can cause a deep wound with lasting scars. It is so painful to hear that from a partner or spouse. Those are words you will never hear from God. He never takes His love away from you. His love for you is strong and will never be broken. In Romans 8 we read, “Nothing in all creation will ever be able to separat…
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God has a wonderful purpose for your life. You get to participate as He enacts His will in your life and the lives of those around you. And you don’t need to be perfect before God can work through you. All you need to offer Him is a willing and surrendered heart. In Luke chapter 1, we see how Mary responded when an angel told her she was highly fav…
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There's a story in the book of John about a woman brought to Jesus. She's caught in the act of adultery, and an angry group of leaders bring her to Jesus, and they accuse her. We're told that they didn't really care about her, they were just testing Jesus. And, of course, Jesus' response is so perfect and beautiful. He defends her, and He reveals t…
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Have you ever read Jesus’ genealogy? It’s in the Word of God, Matthew chapter 1. The author traces Jesus’ ancestors all the way back to Abraham. And there’s something very unusual about this list—there are several women included! And many of them of unsavory and humble background. The author departed from the usual way of tracing lineage (through m…
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Does your life feel spent, worn out, used up? There is a beautiful image in the book of Ezekiel where God brings dead bones to life. He breathes His spirit on dry bones and they become a vast army, an impossible thing, a miracle. But it's an image of exactly what God can and wants to do in your life. He is in the business of bringing life from deat…
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Have you ever been afraid to draw close to God? Maybe you’ve felt your sin is too bad to be forgiven or that you don’t have anything to offer God. Well, in Luke chapter 7, we’re told that during the middle of a dinner party hosted by the religious leaders of the day, a sinful woman came, uninvited, and she began to wash Jesus’ feet- it says, with h…
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What is weighing on your heart today? No matter what it is, Jesus cares about it.The things that cause you mental or emotional pain, they matter to Jesus because YOU matter to Jesus! Luke chapter 7 tells about Jesus happening upon a procession- a funeral. There was a dead boy being carried out of town, followed by his mother and a group of mourners…
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It's easy to understand ourselves if we are a victim of abuse or pain, but sometimes it's more difficult to see ourselves as a victimizer. As we read about the life of Jesus, we see His kind love for the victim. But the truth is, Jesus also came for the victimizer, the one inflicting the suffering and the need. In fact, the most famous words Jesus …
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What was Jesus thinking about just before He died on the cross? We can’t know everything that was on His mind, of course, but there is one thing that rose up in His thoughts. We see it in the Word of God. It was just moments before He breathed His last and it was this: Jesus wanted to make sure there was someone to care for His mother, after He was…
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Are you defined by your past? None of us can escape our past, things we've done, maybe even things that have been done to us. Have you ever laid in bed at night, overcome with memories, things you cannot change, things you've done? There is hope. When you walk with God, you're defined by your future. Your future is more powerful than your past. The…
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What do you think Jesus wants from you today? Maybe you’re thinking, He wants me to sing worship songs, He wants me to pray, He wants me to serve. All of those are wonderful. But what if Jesus simply wants to be with you? Luke chapter 10 tells us about two sisters, they were with Jesus at a dinner party. Martha rushed to make everything perfect for…
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What kind of people did Jesus hang out with? Do you believe that He wants to spend time with you? The Bible tells us that He often traveled from town to town, sharing the Good News with His friends: twelve disciples. But that’s not all! Luke chapter 8 tells us: He took his twelve disciples with him, along with some women who had been cured of evil …
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Jesus is the best teacher, and He wants to teach you. In the world, we live by being tested. Sometimes, we think that walking with Jesus is a test. We put so much pressure on ourselves to pass this imagined test. But His way is the way of a teacher. Over and over again in the New Testament, we read stories of Jesus sitting down to teach. One by one…
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Have you found yourself in a weak and vulnerable situation? Maybe you messed up and got yourself into some trouble. Maybe some things happened and you had to just humble yourself and ask for help. Those vulnerable moments are when Jesus meets us with His amazing power. There’s a story in the Bible of a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years. She …
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There's a story in the book of John about a woman caught in the act of adultery. She's brought before Jesus and she is accused. But He would not allow the humiliation of this woman to take place. He spoke to her accusers and one by one they walked away realizing that they were just as sinful. This is a radical encounter in the ancient world where w…
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Who have you rejected? Is there a person or a group of people that you just don’t enjoy being around, for whatever reason? Okay, now imagine Jesus walking right up to that person or group and starting a conversation. Jesus had no interest in avoiding unsavory characters…even the most controversial people of His time. There’s a story in John chapter…
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Why did God send Jesus to come and offer Himself as a sacrifice for our salvation? Not because we deserved it. Not because it was His duty. He came because He loved us. John 3:16 says… For this is the way God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son i…
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Have you ever heard of compassion fatigue? It happens when people get worn out from long seasons of caring for others. They can become detached or irritable and angry. Our human capacity for compassion is limited, but Jesus’ isn’t. Matthew 9 says this about Jesus…When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpl…
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I’ve had seasons of my life when I feel encouraged—like anything is possible. And I’ve had times when nothing seems to go as planned. But I’m so thankful that God’s goodness and faithfulness never change. In 1 Corinthians, chapter 16, Paul says this about the town where he is preaching the Gospel: There is a wide-open door for a great work here, al…
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My friend, listen today to the beautiful words of Psalm 118: I will not die; instead, I will liveto tell what the Lord has done. These words are true of every person who has given their lives to Jesus—including you and me. Because of God’s saving power, we will not die. Isn’t that amazing? So Beautiful! And not only that, our lives have taken on a …
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God has rescued you. He has taken you from death to life! That is - if you’ve accepted His free gift. Why did Jesus come and give His life? He wanted us to be reunited with God the Father. He wanted to give us life that is truly life— filled with peace and with hope. And He wanted to offer us eternal life through His righteousness. I am so grateful…
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There are no special qualifications for sharing the Good News of Jesus. You don’t have to be good with words, educated, have it all together, or even be “called to evangelism” specifically. Sharing what Jesus has done for you—especially in your weakest seasons of life—can become a natural and normal part of your day-to-day. The Apostle Paul, in 1 C…
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Imagine with me today: How would your life be different if God had not met you, transformed you, rescued you? Psalm 94 captures this thought so beautifully, Unless the Lord has given me help,I would soon have dwelt in the silence of death.When I said, “My foot is slipping,”your unfailing love, Lord, supported me.When anxiety was great within me,you…
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