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show episodes
Nosso podcast será composto de humor/entretenimento. Falaremos de diversos assuntos: notícias, dia-a-dia. Então, aproveite nosso momento e nos siga. Nossa trupe: @ Gabriela @ Otávio @ Gabriel @ marcelo
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Gabriela Darmetko

Gabriela Darmetko

W moim podcaście znajdziecie niesamowite historie i zaskakujące opowieści. Nowe technologie, psychologia, problemy współczesnego świata i ludzie, którzy robią coś niebanalnego. Mój mikrofon nagrywa tylko fascynujące dźwięki! Kontakt:
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Gabriela Cowperthwaite talks about her new documentary psychological thriller Blackfish, which has the killer whale Tilikum at its centre. Blackfish highlights the often devastating consequence of keeping killer whales in captivity. Moderated by Chris Hewitt at the Apple Store, Regent Street in London.
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Jsem nezávislá makléřka a mým cílem je vzdělávat své klienty o věcech, které žádný makléř nechce vyzradit. Zakládám podcast, abych svou zkušenost mohla předat svým posluchačům. Reality dělám od roku 2014. Začala jsem v RK Coloseum, potom v Remax Mind. Tam jsem se naučila toto tvrdé řemeslo. Specializuji se na oblasti: Brno, Brno-venkov, Jihomoravský kraj, Vysočina. Zabývám se rodinnými domy, byty, pozemky. Dělám také chaty, chalupy, komerční objekty, výkupy, řešení exekuce a odhady nemovitos ...
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A podcast where Rowan and Gabriela DeBues-Stafford (2 x Olympian and 7 x Canadian Record Holder) chat about all things running and athletics. From high school tracks in Canada to the Olympics in Rio and Tokyo, we hope you enjoy these conversations about life in the world of professional track and field
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TalkSex with Gabriela Rosa

Gabriela Rosa | Author, Fertility Specialist and Sexuality Researcher

TalkSex™ with Gabriela Rosa is the podcast where reproductive health, science, education, self-discovery, love, and lust meet. Sex is so much more than the mere function designed to fulfill the biological imperative of human reproduction. Interwoven in the sexual act there is an even deeper yearning essential to the experience of sexual satisfaction. Inside our greatest inner longings, humans want to, above all, feel - seen, desired, and met within multiple dimensions of our beings. Join Har ...
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Rodrigo y Gabriela's videos of live performances! a foretaste of RodGab's new album, "11:11". It is this willingness to explore musical expression, to embrace new sounds irrespective of fashion or trends; and a point blank refusal to be pigeon-holed as any particular genre, which lies at the very foundation of Rodrigo y Gabriela. To them, music is a garden with many flowers; and they will continue to move from stem to stem like strumming hummingbirds.
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Welcome weary travelers, to The Inn Between, where the trees are green, the rooms are cozy, and the guests are a little bit strange. Join Gabriela Jones, a recent botany undergrad who takes a job as Innkeeper near the rural town of Shearwater. There are three rules: ∙ Keep out of the study ∙ Always trust the cat ∙ Never ever disturb the guests Created by Bailey Loveless
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Esto es un programa el cual su contenido es: educativo y a su vez informativo. También contará con la presencia de una Patologa de habla y lenguaje la cual nos estará informando sobre la tartamudez. De igual manera se anunciarán noticias, actividades e historias sobre Puerto Rico. Esperemos que les guste gracias por su atención.
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I am super excited to present to you a series of conversations about the permanence of our Spirit, and its gentle lens on life and living when faced with a cancer diagnosis, or any health challenges. These conversations have been inspired by the wonderful teachings of A Course in Miracles (published by the Foundation for Inner Peace). Some of my guests are teachers of ACIM, others are authors of inspiring books that point to the permanence of the Human Spirit. Hope you find something in thes ...
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show series
Episode 24: Embracing Spirituality and Healing with Gary Renard and Cindy Lora-Renard Welcome back to our podcast! In this episode, we are delighted to once again host the extraordinary duo, Gary Renard and Cindy Lora-Renard, who join us for their third appearance. Gary, best known for his groundbreaking book The Disappearance of the Universe, cont…
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In this inspiring episode of our podcast, we are honored to welcome back Gary Renard and Cindy Lora-Renard, distinguished figures in the realm of spirituality and healing. Gary, celebrated for his influential book "The Disappearance of the Universe," along with Cindy, acclaimed for her impactful works like "Spiritual Coupling" and "The Business of …
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Welcome to Episode 22 of "Conversations with Dr. Gabriela Ilie and guests"! I am thrilled to have Gary Renard and Cindy Lora-Renard as my guests today. Gary is best selling author of The Disappearance of the Universe, Your Immortal Reality, Love has forgotten no one, and The lives when Jesus and Buddha knew each other. Wayne Dyer wrote of Gary’s bo…
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Welcome to Episode 21 of "Conversations with Dr. Gabriela Ilie and guests"! My guest today is Michael Tamura, who is not only a dear long-time friend but also the author of You are the Answer. Michael is a Spiritual Teacher, Clairvoyant Visionary, Radio Show Host & Author of “You Are The Answer”. Michael Tamura lives the miracle: Spiritually aware …
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Welcome to Episode 20 of "Conversations with Dr. Gabriela Ilie and guests"! My guest today is Cindy Lora-Renard, who is not only a dear long-time friend but also an author. Join us as we delve into her latest book, "Spiritual Coupling: A Guidebook for Experiencing a Holy Relationship," which is now available on Amazon (you can find Cindy’s new book…
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Vocês já tiveram vontade de melhorar a capacidade de argumentação? Já tentaram defender seus pontos de vista e as palavras não vieram? Hoje, Maytê Carvalho, professora, escritora e publicitária explica alguns perfis de argumentação. A ideia é fazer a gente entender melhor as estratégias, conseguir identificá-las e aplicar no nosso dia a dia em desa…
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A economia está na pauta do novo governo Lula. Em destaque, uma discussão sobre qual deveria ser a taxa básica de juros, a SELIC. Convidamos o professor Samuel Pessôa, doutor em Economia pela Universidade de São Paulo, pesquisador do Instituto Brasileiro de Economia da Fundação Getulio Vargas e da Julius Baer Family Office e colunista da Folha de S…
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Vocês já tiveram vontade de ler um dos clássicos da literatura, mas deu aquele medo, aquela dúvida, "será que eu dou conta"? "Será que é para mim"? 'Será que não é muito difícil?” "E se eu não entender nada?" Pedro Pacífico, o Bookster, volta para o canal para nos dar sete dicas de livros especiais, para quem quer se aventurar na leitura dos clássi…
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When the guest is just a little bit extra strange. Welcome, weary travelers, to The Inn Between. Join Gabriela Jones, a recent botany undergrad, in her new job as Innkeeper near the rural town of Shearwater. New episodes monthly on the first quarter moon.Written and read by Bailey Loveless TIP YOUR INNKEEPER at Ko-Fi to keep the show advertisement …
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I introduce you to an evergreen tree and explain what happened to all those bananas last fall...Welcome, weary travelers, to The Inn Between. Join Gabriela Jones, a botany lover, in her job keeping a vaguely magical inn near the rural town of Shearwater. New episodes monthly on the first quarter moon.Written and read by Bailey Loveless TIP YOUR INN…
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Convidamos a Nathalia Arcuri, do maior canal de finanças no Youtube, o Me Poupe, para uma conversa super importante: você consegue falar sobre dinheiro? Tem controle sobre suas finanças? Já sofreu de dinheirofobia? Aqui no canal, nós estamos sempre buscando a autonomia, nas nossas ideias e nas nossas vidas, e isso tem tudo a ver com a nossa relação…
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Vocês têm vontade de ler mais? Nós sabemos que nossa galera aqui do Youtube adora a leitura, mas, hoje em dia, sempre parece que tem algo que nos atrapalha nesse momento de calma e de aprofundamento (celular, é você?). Ler é importante para a construção de repertório, para que a gente forme nossa própria opinião sobre os assuntos que nos interessam…
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Hoje, convidamos o especialista David Nemer para conversar com a gente sobre as redes de desinformação e fake news usadas na organização dos ataques de oito de janeiro em Brasília. David Nemer é professor de estudos de mídia na Universidade da Virgínia, nos Estados Unidos, e pesquisador na Universidade de Harvard. Ele é autor de "Tecnologia do Opri…
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Today's guest (Episode nr. 19) is a dear friend and author, Cindy Lora-Renard. Join us as we talk about her latest book, Heaven is Now, available on Amazon. In this conversation Cindy offers practical advice on other ways to look at challenges related to health, cancer occurrence, reoccurrence, stress due to medical appointments and more, and share…
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Oi, galera! Convidamos a cientista social Beatriz Della Costa Pedreira para conversar com a gente sobre o seu livro "Feminismo em disputa: Um estudo sobre o imaginário político das mulheres brasileiras". O livro foi escrito em parceria com as pesquisadoras Camila Rocha e Esther Solano, e trata sobre como as mulheres brasileiras enxergam um conceito…
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Hoje, convidamos o jornalista Guilherme Amado para apresentar o seu mais novo livro "Sem máscara: O governo Bolsonaro e a aposta pelo caos". O livro relata a sequência de crises criadas pelo governo Bolsonaro, nos anos iniciais da pandemia, momento de maior tensão entre o atual presidente e as instituições brasileiras. Como Bolsonaro fez a aposta p…
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Oi galera! Dei uma pausa na minha licença por um ótimo motivo. O meu segundo livro, "Ideologias", chegou! Nesse vídeo falo um pouco de ideologias e do processo de escrita do meu livro. E se você for de São Paulo, venha para o lançamento que vai acontecer no dia 8 de dezembro, na Livraria da Travessa do Shopping Iguatemi. Vai ser uma delícia encontr…
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Hoje, Cila Schulman, especialista em comunicação política e vice-presidente do instituto de pesquisa Ideia, conta para a gente como a transição entre o atual governo Bolsonaro e o futuro governo Lula está se desenrolando e como é o histórico de transições presidenciais no Brasil. Transições de governo são momentos cruciais em uma democracia. Vamos …
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Para começar a licença-maternidade da Gabi, hoje temos uma entrevista com a jornalista Juliana Dal Piva, que já foi nossa convidada aqui no canal. A Juliana fala sobre o seu novo livro "O Negócio do Jair", que conta, com detalhes, os bastidores do caso das "rachadinhas" ligado à família que agora deixa o Palácio do Planalto.…
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No man (or woman) is an island. Welcome, weary travelers, to The Inn Between. Join Gabriela Jones, a recent botany undergrad, in her new job as Innkeeper near the rural town of Shearwater. New episodes bi-weekly on the quarter moon.Written and read by Bailey Loveless TIP YOUR INNKEEPER at Ko-Fi to keep the show advertisement free and access bonus c…
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A livestream to remember. Welcome, weary travelers, to The Inn Between. Join Gabriela Jones, a recent botany undergrad, in her new job as Innkeeper near the rural town of Shearwater. New episodes bi-weekly on the quarter moon.Written and read by Bailey Loveless TIP YOUR INNKEEPER at Ko-Fi to keep the show advertisement free and access bonus content…
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Muito se discutiu na semana passada sobre liberdade de expressão, censura e o papel do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral. Hoje, eu convidei o meu amigo e advogado criminalista Thiago Anastácio para explicar para a gente o que está em jogo. Sigam o Thiago nas redes sociais: @TGANASTACIO (no Twitter) @thiagonanastacio_oficial (no Instagram)…
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When the scariest thing is what's on the news. Warning: the following episode contains explosive and other unpleasant sounds--literal, figurative, and satirical. Proceed with caution or follow along with the transcript here. Welcome, weary travelers, to The Inn Between. Join Gabriela Jones, a recent botany undergrad, in her new job as Innkeeper nea…
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Today's guest (Episode nr. 18) is dear friend and Psychologist Dr. Lee Jampolsky. Join us as we talk about the 12 steps of attitudinal healing and how they can help support patients on their cancer journey. Let had to remind me he is deaf. Jerry Jampolski, his dad, used to say: Lee rarely if ever complained about this or any of his health challenge…
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Thank goodness, I'm a cat person. Welcome, weary travelers, to The Inn Between. Join Gabriela Jones, a recent botany undergrad, in her new job as Innkeeper near the rural town of Shearwater. New episodes bi-weekly on the quarter moon.Written and read by Bailey Loveless TIP YOUR INNKEEPER at Ko-Fi to keep the show advertisement free and access bonus…
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