Sermons from River Oaks Community Church in Clemmons, NC.
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Do you feel intimidated? Would you be comfortable talking about your faith with someone who held very different religious beliefs from yours? In Acts chapter 17, the apostle Paul spoke with people who were "religious," yet worshiped various...Oleh David Beaty
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Oleh Tejado Hanchell
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It's human nature to respond to adversity by complaining. When our circumstances seem unfair, we are especially prone to grumbling. But Scripture teaches us a better way. Based on Acts chapter 16, this message explores the power of prayer and...Oleh David Beaty
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Following Christ is not always easy. In fact, Christ himself said that his followers would be rejected and persecuted. This message points us to faithfulness - and hope - as we obey the Lord despite what it costs us.Oleh David Beaty
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From the very first century onward, there has always been people who want to push back on the idea that one can be saved by faith alone in Christ alone. In our passage this morning, we'll see the first instance of this and how the early church...Oleh Andrew Wild
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We understand that biblical figures like the apostle Paul were called to share the gospel. But is every Christian called to do that? This message seeks to address that question and to provide practical help in being "always ready" to share...Oleh David Beaty
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Oleh Andrew Wild
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This Sunday, we return to the series Always Ready - our churchwide focus on sharing the gospel and coming alongside others in discipleship. In Acts 10, a pivotal moment in redemptive history, we will discover the work of God’s grace to break down...Oleh David Holcomb
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The existence of suffering keeps many people from trusting God. But God provides a wealth of teaching about suffering in Scripture in order to help us grow closer to Him. This message explores how good can come from suffering when we follow Jesus and...Oleh David Beaty
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Jesus presented some of the most challenging teaching in Scripture on the subject of money. He directed His followers to view earthly wealth with an eternal perspective and to "lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven." How can we do that?...Oleh David Beaty
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Oleh Tejado Hanchell
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This message is intended to help us use our time more wisely in the new year. Based on Psalm 90, the teaching guides us in praying for God's help in re-ordering our lives for lasting significance.Oleh David Beaty
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The Christmas Eve message starts with the proclamation of Jesus by angels to the shepherds: For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." What does it mean for Jesus to be your "Lord?" The message...Oleh David Beaty
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Oleh Andrew Wild
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Jesus said "I am the good Shepherd." He is later called "The Great Shepherd of the sheep." What does that mean for us, and how should we respond to Jesus as "The Great Shepherd"? This Advent message explores the...Oleh David Beaty
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What does it mean to have God with us? How can our lives be changed by God's indwelling presence? This Advent message explores Jesus' work on "Immanuel" - "God with us" - and how Christ's work enable God to be...Oleh David Beaty
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During the four Sundays of Advent, we're going to be looking at names or titles given to Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew. Of all the things Matthew could have said to introduce his Jewish readers to Jesus, he wants us to know that He is the Son of...Oleh Andrew Wild
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This worship service includes music, prayer, the reading of God's Word, and a sermon by Reverend Luke Yeghnazar titled "Ready to Serve."Oleh Luke Yeghnazar
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The conversion of Saul of Tarsus shaped Christian history. Three little-known people played key roles in the faith journey of the man we know as the apostle Paul. Who were they and how did they influence Paul? This message explores that question so we...Oleh David Beaty
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Would you be ready to explain who Jesus is and what He has done for us if someone asked you? This message explores the account of Philip, a deacon who shared the gospel with a man from Ethiopia. The message helps us to be "always ready."Oleh David Beaty
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Today, we'll look at the brief, but remarkable life of a man who was always ready to make a defense to anyone who asks him to give a reason for the hope that was in him. The span of his ministry would be measured in months not decades, but the...Oleh Andrew Wild
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Some people think prayer should always be a private matter. But the book of Acts teaches otherwise! This message focuses on the power of united prayer and gives guidance for praying in a crisis.Oleh David Beaty
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Reverend Tejado Hanchell gives an excellent teaching on how to always be ready to share the Gospel despite seasons or moments of opposition.Oleh Tejado Hanchell
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Can the book of Acts guide us in sharing our faith with others? Yes! This message from Acts chapter 3 provides practical guidance for sharing the gospel with family and friends from various backgrounds.Oleh David Beaty
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Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to be a part of the very first church? In this sermon we will bring our attention to four activities in Acts chapter 2 that were characteristic of the first church. You can call them four foundations...Oleh Andrew Wild
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What's the best way to explain the gospel (the message of what Jesus has done for us) to another person? There are a number of good approaches, but the best ones always utilize Scripture. This message from Acts 2 focuses on the importance of...Oleh David Beaty
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Sharing the gospel with others can be intimidating! But we don't need to rely on our own persuasiveness to be effective in personal witnessing. This message explores God's promise of power for those who share the gospel with others.Oleh David Beaty
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Today, we're going to build upon the foundation laid by Pastor David Holcomb last Sunday. He added some nuance to what it means to be always ready. That's great if you're always ready to talk college football, or grandkids, or...Oleh Andrew Wild
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This Sunday, we begin a new series titled 'Always Ready,' which aims to initiate a churchwide focus on sharing and coming alongside others in discipleship. In 1 Peter 3:8-17, we will discover a call to intentional and consistent readiness...Oleh David Holcomb
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The little-known book of Jude includes both warning and encouragement. This message on Jude explores how Christians can live ever-more-closely with God in a world that experiences His judgment.Oleh David Beaty
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As we approach the fall season, this message asks, "Why is it important to live with an eternal perspective?" "How can we invest our time in things that will last?" Based on 2 Peter chapter 3, this teaching focuses on the...Oleh David Beaty
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There are some things we can only learn when God allows us to go through things the hard way. This message will explore three things we can only learn when God allows us to go through things the hard way.Oleh Tejado Hanchell
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Scripture encourages us to expect answers to prayer. But what about prayer that is not answered - how should we understand that? This message explores the mystery of unanswered prayer by examining the life of Moses.Oleh David Beaty
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One of the keys to faith is found in Psalm 19: God's wonder, which is the process of realizing our brokenness, dying to these imperfect desires, leaning into what we don't know about faith, and beginning to see God work in us and our community.Oleh William Salsman
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We've all wondered why bad things happen to good people. And we've wondered why life can seem so unfair. This message examines the life of Joseph to provide us with guidance when our own circumstances seem unjust or unfair.Oleh David Beaty
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This worship service includes music, prayer, the reading of God's Word, special music from students of Kinshasa Christian School in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and a sermon by Pastor David Beaty titled "Growing Stronger Through...Oleh David Beaty
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Today, we explore how we can deepen our faith even as we walk through times of trials, pain, and suffering.Oleh Sonny Flowers
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This worship service includes music, prayer, the reading of God's Word, the celebration of the Lord's Supper and a sermon by Pastor David Beaty titled "Being Strong in the Lord." The second message in our 2-part series on Spiritual...Oleh David Beaty
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Is Satan real? Are demons real? What do they do? How can we avoid their influence and attacks? This message addresses these questions. It's the first of two parts on what the Bible says about spiritual warfare.Oleh David Beaty
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As we conclude our series on the prophet Isaiah, we will see how our own expectations of who Jesus is and what he lived and died to do determined how well we recognize his presence among us.Oleh David Holcomb
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One of the most beautiful words in the Old Testament is the word "Shalom," translated "peace." The prophet Isaiah tells us how God has provided peace for us and how we can experience it. This message explores the pathway to peace...Oleh David Beaty
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God has chosen to reveal Himself to His people by His Word. What timeless truths does He want us to grasp about who He is? This message explores chapters 44 and 45 of Isaiah, and reveals God's uniqueness as Creator, Ruler, and Savior.Oleh David Beaty
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As we spend time today in Isaiah 40, my prayer is that all the graduates as well as each of us collectively would be edified and comforted through the reading and understanding of God's Word.Oleh Brian Edmonds
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Today we'll look at a guy who had a pretty big problem and we're going to see how he tried to deal with that problem. In the process, we'll gain a blueprint, a playbook, a Standard Operating Procedure, for how we should deal with...
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The prophet Isaiah called God's people to wait upon the Lord. What did the prophet mean? How do we actually "wait upon the Lord?" This message explores the biblical concept of waiting on God as actively seeking and eagerly anticipating...Oleh David Beaty
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Though the prophet Isaiah lived 700 years before Christ, his words paint a remarkable precise picture of Jesus. This message explores how people have found - and can still find - light and liberty, peace and purpose, by trusting Jesus.Oleh David Beaty
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A.W. Tozer said: "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us." Our image of God is everything. In this message, we will study Isaiah chapter 6 to learn about who God says He is in His Word.Oleh Andrew Wild
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The Prophet Isaiah called the Israelites the Lord's "vineyard." Though he lamented Israel's lack of fruit, Isaiah prophesied of a better day. This message explains how Jesus brought that better day as "the true vine" and...Oleh David Beaty
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The book of Isaiah contains both pronouncements of judgment and promises of salvation. What determines which of these a person receives? A key word is "repent." This message explores why "repent" is one of the most beautiful words...Oleh David Beaty
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Do you think of giving as a duty or a privilege? Have you then wondered why God wants us to give? This message considers why giving is so beneficial for us. It also addresses practical guidance for wise giving.Oleh David Beaty
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