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France Inter

Totémic, c'est une échappée hors du studio pour une rencontre avec un.e artiste. Souriez, c'est vendredi ! Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Привет, на связи Роман Поданев из Тотек Пост. Мы научим Вас правильно применять масла, присадки в трансмиссионные и моторные масла, присадки в дизельное топливо и бензин производителя ТОТЕК | TOTEK.
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Tote + Pears takes a fresh look at women: at home, at work and everywhere in between. Join Amber, co-founder of the female-focused marketing agency, to explore identities beyond gender—as she brings together industry experts, scholars and creatives for honest conversations. From race and age to sexual orientation, motherhood, professional ambitions and more, learn how a woman’s dynamic journey shapes her perspective.
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On Totem, hosts Jamie Yuenger and Piet Hurkmans dive into candid conversations with people from around the world about their quest for purpose. From avant-garde artists to business titans, each episode shares one person’s story of self-discovery, transformation and impact. The show makes listeners wonder, time and again, what am I here to do–and am I truly doing it? Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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GT:s hockeynördar slår sig ner med spelare, ledare, supportrar eller andra gäster med en sak gemensamt: Frölunda. Soffsnacket som sällan ryms i tidningens texter. Expressen Podcasts (via iTunes och applikationer för podcasts). Ansvarig utgivare: Thomas Mattsson. AB Kvällstidningen Expressen.
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La civilización del México antiguo es una de las seis civilizaciones ancestrales de la humanidad. El Anáhuac, como era conocida en lengua náhuatl, tenía una estructura de conocimiento muy compleja, que inició con la invención de la agricultura, el maíz y la milpa hace diez mil años y llegó a percibir al ser humano y su mundo, como un universo de cargas energéticas. Esta sabiduría es la Toltecáyotl, que implica los conocimientos e instituciones de los toltecas, personas de conocimiento, que l ...
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Tote the Note

Jim Rhoads

Get real nuggets of Buy Here Pay Here (BHPH) wisdom and updated information from industry players, vendors, and association influencers. Learn their perspective on the hot topics of the day in subprime automotive finance. Hear success stories and best practices from established, successful operations across the country in the “Dealer Spotlight” series.
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TOTEM TRAXX is a Japanese indie label derived from the indoor RAVE and launched by DO SHOCK BOOZE in 2010. TOTEM may be a supernatural worship in which each group or person experiences a supernatural relationship with specific music, Mother Nature, flora and fauna, or extraterrestrial civilizations, and wishes to receive special powers and blessings. Now we embark on a journey to discover new energies yet to be discovered in an encounter of electronic tribal dance, Jungle flavors and DUB, co ...
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Der erste deutsche Comedy-True-Crime Podcast. Falls ihr uns mit einer Spende Unterstützen möchtet findet ihr uns hier: Spenden könnt ihr auch über Paypal: Folgt uns auf Instagram für Updates und Feedback! Auch auf Facebook zu finden! Email!
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Totes Faves

Yeti City

Join us in the ultimate battle over what is the best in the worlds of pop culture, food, politics, animals, etc one topic at a time. Hosted by Brandon Werner, Deepu Murty and Zara Findlay-Shirras.
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Club der toten Trinker

Club der toten Trinker

1. Simon: erfolgloser Literaturwissenschaftler 2. Thilo: erfolgloser Rapper 3. Biggi: erfolglose Journalistin 4. Jonathan: erfolgloser Autor Alle zwei Wochen besprechen wir Bücher, schauen uns Form und Inhalt an, hassen, wenn Hass angebracht ist, loben, wenn Lob angebracht ist, mehen, wenn Meh angebracht ist. Immer dabei Abschweifungen, Wortspiele, Dummes. Anregungen, Beschimpfungen, Lob und zweifelhafte Angebote bitte an:
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Sommer 1989. Zwei Paare. Beide brutal ermordet in einem großen Waldgebiet nahe Lüneburg. Der Täter? Über 28 Jahre unbekannt. Im Podcast „Die Geheimnisse des Totenwaldes" rekonstruieren Anouk Schollähn (NDR 2) und Björn Platz (NDR Fernsehen) den Fall eines der brutalsten Serienmörder Norddeutschlands: Kurt-Werner Wichmann. Erst 2017 können ihn die Ermittler für die Morde in der Göhrde und den Mord an Birgit Meier, Schwester des ehemaligen Hamburger LKA-Chefs Wolfgang Sielaff, als Täter identi ...
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Am 12. Januar 2020 wird eine dreiköpfige Familie erschossen in ihrem Haus in Starnberg aufgefunden. Die Behörden gehen zunächst von einem erweiterten Suizid aus – doch der Fall entwickelt sich in Dimensionen, die sich die Streifenbeamten vor Ort nicht hätten träumen lassen. Es geht um massenweise Kriegswaffen, Raubüberfalle, Amokfantasien, Drogenkonsum - und um eine jugendliche Clique, von denen einer nicht mehr lebt und zwei wegen Mordes angeklagt wurden. „Die Toten von Starnberg“ ist ein P ...
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Das ist ein Plädoyer in mehreren Folgen. Ein Plädoyer dafür, inspirierenden Kundennutzen von Grund auf neu zu denken, sauber zu konzipieren und in die Tat umzusetzen. Ist das die nächste "bend over, here it comes again"-Nummer für Konzerne, Strategieberater und Designer? Nicht ganz. Mir geht es nicht um die verschwommenen Begriffe 'Innovation' und 'Design' oder gar 'Kundenbedürfnis'. Mir geht es um einen Fokus auf das, was Kunden 'erledigt haben wollen', darauf, was deren zu lösende Aufgaben ...
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Während dieses blutigen Konflikts in Nordirland sind in den Jahren von 1969 bis 2001 insgesamt über 3500 Personen gestorben. Im Format einer audiobasierten Dokumentation möchte ich in vier Episoden mit euch gemeinsam ergründen, wie es dazu kommen konnte, dass Menschen buchstäblich ihre Nachbarn töteten. Wie kam es zu einer gewaltsamen Eskalation dieser Größenordnung? Wieso dauerte der Konflikt so lange an und konnte erst Ende der 1990er Jahre gelöst werden? Oder: Ist der Konflikt überhaupt g ...
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show series
Weezer, trampolines, toilets, we cover it all this week and we're joined by cartoonist and all around cool guy Max Graves. We talk to Max about his history with relationships and a very sweet embarrassing story. And then it's time for your questions. Thanks again to Max for joining us! Find him on Bluesky @maximumgraves and check out his comic What…
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durée : 00:47:59 - Totémic - par : Rebecca Manzoni - David Lynch était à l’honneur à la cinémathèque française de Paris avec une grande rétrospective de ses films. C'est dans une ancienne imprimerie au coeur du quartier Montparnasse où il passait la plupart de son temps lorsqu’il vennait à Paris que Rebecca Manzoni l'avait rencontré - invités : Dav…
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What up Toteland, it's Audrey here with an unlocked RFTB After Dark episode! No main feed this week because of our guest getting sick and Dono and Audrey being busy so here's a classic episode from our Patreon feed! Enjoy! ~ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION~ Welcome back to mf character zone! What's up gang we're back after our live show sorry for the delay its…
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durée : 00:37:46 - Totémic - par : Rebecca Manzoni - L’écrivaine Lola Lafon publie “Il n’a jamais été trop tard”, un recueil de textes nourris de ses articles écrits pour le journal Libération. Son regard sur des faits collectifs, des expériences personnelles qui nous racontent toutes et tous, et son questionnement des mots. - réalisé par : Khoï NG…
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Happy new year gang we're back! Extendo mode! We cover what's in and what's out in 2025 and then answer a bunch of questions. It's a poweful ep to start the year. Griddy forth! Thanks for tuning in! You can support the show and get a bonus episode each week at as well as our continuing Frasier series, Discord access, stickers, and …
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durée : 00:38:35 - Totémic - par : Rebecca Manzoni - Une Echappée avec François Damiens, comédien, réalisateur et belge, dans un chalet de montagne, à Paris. Il sera dans l’un de ses plus beaux rôles le 8 janvier, avec un film qui s’intitule “La fille d’un Grand Amour” d’Agnès de Sacy. - réalisé par : Khoï NGUYEN…
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It was a big bar, you gotta believe me. It was real good tho it was worth it. What's up gang we're joined this week by comedians, filmmakers, actors, 28yos Chicago weekenders, Budd and Judd Crud from Crud Country. We talk about how to make your seltzers not explode in the freezer and dating and embarassing stories and then a ton of questions it's a…
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durée : 00:37:27 - Totémic - par : Rebecca Manzoni - Audrey Tautou est comédienne, photographe, autrice, plasticienne, toutes ces Tautou sont dans cette L'Échappée du jour avec Rebecca Manzoni. Elle raconte avec beaucoup d'humour dans "Superfacial", un livre de textes et de photos, le phénomène de starification qui lui est tombé dessus. - invités :…
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Fast ein Jahr lang standen im Fall Mouhamed Dramé zwei Polizistinnen und drei Polizisten vor Gericht. Jetzt ist das Urteil gefallen: Alle Angeklagten wurden freigesprochen. Hintergründe und Reaktionen zum Urteil gibt es im Januar in Folge 8. Weitere Hintergründe zum Urteil:…
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durée : 00:36:44 - Totémic - par : Rebecca Manzoni - Une Echappée avec Clara Luciani, guitariste, chanteuse, autrice et bientôt actrice dans la comédie musicale" Joli, joli" de Diastème. Elle prépare aussi sa tournée avec l'album "Mon sang" qui commence avec deux concerts à l’Olympia dans 10 jours. - invités : Clara LUCIANI - Clara Luciani : Chante…
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I remembered immediately afterwards - I watched like 100 hoof trimming videos. What's up gang we're joined this week by Deanna from The Worst Week Yet podcast. Also Andrew is here sometimes. We catch up and we have aphasia and then we answer so many questions. Is it fucked up to jerk it thinking of a friend | Dating when you go to alaska for work e…
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durée : 00:37:05 - Totémic - par : Rebecca Manzoni - L’Echappée avec Marc Dugain, écrivain, qui publie des romans depuis 26 ans. Dans son nouveau livre "L'avion, Poutine, l'Amé moi", il fait un portrait de l’Amérique des années Reagan, un portrait de la Russie des années 90 et un portrait de lui aussi. - réalisé par : Khoï NGUYEN…
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GOBBLE GOBBLE IT'S TURKEY DAY! And so ofc we're talking about the food we all know and love - Chili's in 2024. (Editors note there are not wheels on the chilis to go logo that was a fabricated memory damn) Holiday hell and travelling and Dono is a supergenius. And questions: Dating app profile advice returns | Dipping toes into g e n d e r | Update…
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What's up gang! We're joined this week by part of the punk rock band GOCK! We do all the usual, answer a surprising number of questions, and goof out epic style. Sorry idk why I said that I needed a third thing I'm tired. Thanks again to the Gock gals for joining us, find them on Insta @gocknroll and listen to their music wherever ya find music! An…
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durée : 00:36:41 - Totémic - par : Rebecca Manzoni - L’Echappée avec Alison Wheeler, comédienne et humoriste, qui est en tournée en ce moment avec son premier spectacle et seule en scène, “La promesse d’un soir”. Repérée par le cinéma, elle a participé au Grand Journal, à Quotidien et fut aussi chroniqueuse sur France Inter mais pas que... - invité…
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Hey you! We're joined this week by Natalie and Jon from the Fun With Sex podcast and $luts Party Chicago! Wonderful people, we talk about Gen Z's relationship to sex, building a club scene with good communication, and falling off the damn bed. Then it's your questions: Recommended resources that informed our views on sexuality | New partner seems t…
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Well that shit sucked. But this guest? And you, listener? Wonderful. We're joined by musician MaryMary! to talk dating and synth stuff and embarassing story and then it's your questions. Thanks again to Mary for joining us, go listen to her music as MaryMary! and find her on insta @marymarychic And thank you for tuning in! You can support the show …
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Oooooo it's Halloween and election season, double spooky! And joining us this Halloweek it's streamer Libby Watson! We talk to Libby about Wal-Mart, democracy sausages, and a sink-pissing ex before answering YOUR questions, here's what we get into: Having trouble cumming during sex and partner is feeling bad about that | Relationship of over a year…
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New week new guest! We're joined by youtuber Very Tall Bart and it's a good ol time, heres what we get into: Help finding a side hustle without getting burnt out | Follow up to weight loss kink question | Partner has issues with eating Thanks again to Very Tall Bart for joining us, go find his stuff on Youtube and Bluesky @verytallbart and you can …
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Hello hello, how low? tribes!We'd like to bring you guys our 38th TOTEMIX radio show with Sancho Meiso Chaya's latest live set.Sancho Meiso Chaya - BiographySancho Meiso Chaya is a dub/experimental music project by Shin Sasama. His musical career began in the 90s as a saxophone player in a roots dub band called Cultivator(…
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INSOMNIA ENERGY! Joining us this week in the midst of Dono's whirlwind of sleeplessness - it's returning champion Brian Alford from The Worst of All Possible Worlds. We talk about comets and a mexican restaurant with gamer lights and then it's question time: Feeling lightly weird when people find out you've been in a relationship since high school …
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Folks! New ep, great ep, we're joined by a first time guest this week! Comedian, writer, and host of What A Time To Be Alive podcast it's Eli Yudin! We talk about Dono's horrifying cracker experience, Eli's new pup, and an absolutely punishing first date experience. And then it's questions: Navigating being aromantic but wanting to have kids | Chea…
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I'm gonna say it at the top: banger episode. We're joined by streamer DeadBlossomJesse this week and they are fantastic. We talk to Jesse about loneliness while streaming, Chicago, pelicans, their divorce, a thoughtful Valentine's day gone wrong, and then your questions! Here's what we get into: How do you smile through the pain of a divorce | Stre…
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This one is wild out the gate gang, we are joined by Marcos from The Ain't Shit Show and many of the best Western Kabuki episodes. We talk experiences in the Craigslist personals, absolutely wild encounters, and Marcos' relationship history before getting into your question: Dating while living with your parents | Partner seems to be using their au…
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Lotta sponsors on this ep! Fruit (Eat It Up!™), Olivia Newton John, and the dark chocolate bar Dono ate beforehand and so we're gettin wacky. We're joined this week by post extraordinaire Katie Tightpussy, formerly of Twitter now mostly of Bluesky! We get the ol embarrassing dating stories and then it's question time: Dating as women for the first …
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That's right from Blocked Party and YKS we have the inimitable Producer Dan joining us this week. On his first podcast appearance! We talk to Dan about having his phone number out in public, an embarrassing dating story, and the importance of hydration! And then it's your questions: Update to the music festival ex question from last week | How to c…
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Return of the Bryan! Returning champion Bryan Quinby aka MurderBryan from the Guys podcast join us again this week! We catch up on Bryan's life since starting Guys, his daughter moving out to head to our alma mater, self-esteem, and then your questions here's what we get into: GF can't cum and seems fine with that but you're not | Someone writes in…
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What's up gang it's Audrey's bday and to celebrate we're getting through as many backlog questions as we can and ya know what? We did alright we hit a lot. So if you've been waiting for an answer to your question from over a year ago maybe we hit it this time! There's so many questions I can't list em all so you'll have to listen to find out Thanks…
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Good LORD don't get covid people that sucked! Dono's back, we've got Kath Barbadoro back on the show, and we're rip-roaring to go this week. We're talking food around the country, we're talking overcoming injury, we're talking dating, and then it's question time: Ended friendship with a guy after he turned out to be a creep, are you a bad person fo…
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What up tote nashe (nat? naischte?) it's Audrey posting this week because Donovan is afflicted with the Novel Coronavirus. They're alright! Getting better, chattin' with them as we speak. Sitting in as Definitely Not Donovan Donovan this week is friend of the show Andrew Hilary joining us for a rollicking discussion of your questions, queries, quan…
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This week, the Radio Free Tote Buddies are joined by writer Rebecca Alter to talk becoming ordained ministers, Skibidi Toilet and Momo the freaky-ass bird lady! She gets pretty vulnerable about attatchment! Follow it up with some listener questions, which is a thing we do! A relationship is long over and there's still guilt about how a listener tre…
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Greetings dear listener! Gather close and attend ye the tale of our friend, actress and artist Tåsi, joining us on the program! We talk Seltz and the evils of Fanta, we talk bear v gorilla and the horrors of Ursus Maritimus. We get into a very fun embarassing dating story about a clogged toilet. Then, listener questions! Anxious/Depressed person wi…
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THUNDER NOISE! It's stormin in Chicago, Dono's sick, Audrey had a nice date, and we're joined this week by musician Darren Keen aka PROBLEMS! We're talking sobriety, getting back into dating, ART, and your QUESTIONS: Dating after being hardcore gaslit | Struggling with the initial loneliness after moviing to a new city | Nebraska dog - good or nah?…
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Alright listen Audrey drank several beers and Dono napped right before this, I don't know what to tell ya. But wait we're joined this week by Ash from the Horror Vanguard podcast! Who is now out as trans! LFG! We catch up, Audrey takes a bird ID quiz, and then it's question time: Relearning how to have sex after gaining the ability to orgasm for th…
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That's right, we hear the blues a-callin! You got us to our Patreon goal and, as promised, we're doing a bonus series on Frasier! Audrey's seen it multiple times, Dono's never seen an episode, and we're watching and discussing. THE FIRST TASTE IS FREE! Subscribe to our Patreon for more hot Frasier action and bonus RFTB episodes each week at Patreon…
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IT'S HOT! Except in Chicago its fine here for now. But everyone else on the show this week is gettin scorched and I mean EVERYONE cause we've got all three of the Librarypunk hosts with us, it's Sadie, Jay, and Justin, it's a goddamn panel show so we're talking inter-podcast romance and an embarrassing dating story from Sadie and then it's your que…
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Polizist Fabian S. war es, der Mouhamed Dramé erschossen hat. Im Interview hören wir den Schützen exklusiv. Wie ist es ihm seither ergangen? Wie blickt er auf den Einsatz? Wären die Schüsse vermeidbar gewesen? Alle Hintergründe zum Podcast gibts hier: Bei Fragen oder Feedback melde dich gern, schreib uns an:…
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Fünf Polizisten müssen sich bald vor Gericht verantworten. Währenddessen sind ihre Kollegen in der Dortmunder Nordstadt weiter auf Streife. Doch seit Mouhamed Dramés Tod werden sie auch angefeindet. Wie geht die Polizei damit um? Alle Hintergründe zum Podcast gibts hier: Bei Fragen oder Feedback melde dich gern, schreib uns an:…
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Auch ein Jahr nach Mouhamed Dramés Tod demonstrieren immer noch hunderte Menschen. Viele sind People of Color. Sie kritisieren illegale Polizeigewalt und strukturellen Rassismus. Auf ihren Bannern steht: "Es gibt 1.000 Mouhameds!" Was steckt dahinter? Alle Hintergründe zum Podcast gibts hier: Bei Fragen oder Feedback melde dich…
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4.700 Kilometer liegen zwischen dem Dortmunder Innenhof, in dem Mouhamed Dramé erschossen wird – und dem Dorf im Senegal, in dem er aufgewachsen ist. Er ist vor seinem Tod monatelang auf der Flucht. Was hat seine Flucht mit dem 8. August zu tun? Alle Hintergründe zum Podcast gibts hier: Bei Fragen oder Feedback melde dich gern,…
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