Welcome to the Sebin77 podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Selamat datang di podcast Sebisikkata, sebuah podcast yang membahas segala hal tentang dunia sastra.
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Crosstalks is made with cheer to proclaim the word of God. As the cyber Apostle Carlo Acutis showed the path... Crosstalks ministry is here to do a small part in the big evangelization. Jesus in me loves you . Let's talk about Jesus. Let our talks be crosstalks.
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Through a pre-recorded session from South Africa is an extraordinary musician named Sebinio. His story is one of tragedy and triumph. It’s a poignant reminder of the therapeutic power that music embodies; both for the listener and the creator. Join us for part I of this month’s artist spotlight featuring Sebinio, as well as music from his solo project and his former band ”Why Not Naked.”
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Discussing the tragic death of nipsey as well as big pharma...
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In episode 3, Sebinio, a musician from South Africa, delivers an evocative performance in his song “Forever,” played on the slippery jack guitar—a unique and soulful instrument. The song radiates hope, courage, and the essence of simply being, woven into the delicate yet resilient notes of the guitar.…
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In episode 2, South Africa musician Sebinio, plays the slipperyjack guitar that helped him recover from a tragic accident and enable him to continue creating music. From darkness to hope, music was key to his journey. Episode 2 features a new demo song "Into The Void" and is hosted by W. Chris Brown and songs4change.net…
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In episode 1, South Africa musician Sebinio, starts his story speaking to a tragic accident that changed his life forever. From darkness to hope, music was key to his journey. Episode 1 features songs from his previous band Why Not Naked and is hosted by W. Chris Brown and songs4change.netOleh SONGS4CHANGE
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We amplify artists' voices, the causes they care about, and help them create positive change one podcast at a time.Oleh Songs4Change
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Caffe latte of the best
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Crosstalks Episode 5 " ഒരു യമണ്ടൻ പ്രേമ കഥ"
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4:41The LOVER who conquered the world with selfgiving Love. God loved the world to give His Son as a ransom for it... Jesus is the true love and the model of any good. This is the Valentine story of Jesus, the 33 years old carpenter...Oleh Sebin Bro
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Crosstalks Episode 4 " യാത്ര" the Travel...
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6:23The life is a travel. If you go alone... It will be a though time. Be with Jesus, the best travel guide. Then our trips willbe hassle free. Let's make some beautiful memmories with Jesus in this short life... GoD bless youOleh Sebin Bro
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Are searching for the meaning in your prayer life?? Do you want to make a change?? Yess! Its the right time. Prayer is the treasure of our life. The times we made our prayers as a duty will make our prayer life borring and barren. Let's make a change in our lives. Let us pray with love God bless you....…
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Crosstalks Episode 2 "താലന്ത്" Talents
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3:56The parable of talents are great. Let's think about ourselves. How we are using the talents given to us. Whether we are multiplying them or hinding it in the ground. No more regrets. Let's take out the hidden talent for Jesus. God bless you Song: DaivamthannathalkathonnumOleh Sebin Bro
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Crosstalks Episode 1 അച്ചൻപ്പട്ടം... The Priest
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2:38The episode is dedicated to all the new priests. How is the Seminarian... So is the Priest. Lets pray for all priests, seminarians and those who are called to this beautiful voctaion. God bless you ️Oleh Sebin Bro
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Let our Talks be Crosstalks about Christ. God bless youOleh Sebin Bro
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Big pharma
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Pada episode kali ini dibacakan puisi D. Zawawi Imron (Penyair dari Madura) yang berjudul "Ibu".
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Mencintai salah, dicintai juga salah. Apakah cintaku salah?
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#2. SebisikCerpen: Puthut EA, Hamsad Rangkuti, dan Idrus.
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1:11:12Sebisikkata kali ini membahas cerpen (SebisikCerpen) dari 3 penulis beda generasi, Puthut EA (Angkatan 2000-an) kepala suku Mojok dengan cerpennya Sebuah Peristiwa Tentang Kematian, Hamsad Rangkuti (Angkatan 60-an) dengan cerpennya Sampah di Bulan Desember, dan Idrus (Angkatan 45) dengan cerpennya Dari Ave Maria ke Jalan Lain ke Roma.…
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#1. SebisikPuisi: Daruz Armedian, Sapardi Djoko Damono, dan Amir Hamzah.
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44:20Pada episode #1 kali ini, kita membaca dan membahas puisi dari 3 penyair yang berbeda: Daruz Armedian (Milenial): Aku Akan Mencintaimu Semampuku Sapardi Djoko Damono (Angkatan 70-an): Hatiku Selembar Daun Amir Hamzah (Pujangga Baru 30-an): Padamu Jua
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Halo, Sebisikkata adalah podcast yang membahas segala hal tentang dunia sastra. Bersama Maryam, Emmuhammad, dan Ghufron. Instagram: @sebisikkata
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