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Many women desire to reconnect with their body and natural instincts through the entire perinatal period, including natural birth. Unfortunately, the American culture (and most mainstream cultures) do not teach young women about any natural ways to care for their bodies and, in fact, teach that the body and childbirth cannot be trusted. In this podcast by Rachel Mans, Doula and The NaturalBirth Site, co-hosted by Tiffany Muniz, we explore all aspects of natural, physiological birth, as well ...
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Ammie Harris joins us again, this time to tell us about her 3rd home birth (4th birth) and the importance of having a care provider who matches with your needs and takes time to get to know you! Ammie's YouTube Channel: Accidental Unassisted Home Birth w/ Ammie:…
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Fascia connects throughout our entire bodies and can play a large role in labor patterns, including prodromal and stalled/prolonged labors. Marya Eddaifi is back again, this time to chat about fascia and tell us about a new app she created to help moms & birth workers troubleshoot difficult labors patterns! The best part? There is no previous knowl…
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WELCOME BACK!!! Tiffany & Rachel are here to update you about the past several months AND tell you about some wild and wonderful VBAC stories they've encountered recently! Check out Informed Pregnancy+ NOW IT'S YOUR TURN! The NaturalBirth Site- SIGN UP for the NaturalBirth Education course t…
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Stillbirth is especially hard for the parents, but it is also hard for the birth team & the rest of the family. Whether the birth is in a hospital, birth center, or at home, we could all use some tips on how to best support parents through stillbirth, no matter what our role is. Cynthia was a labor & birth nurse for years with special training in l…
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Stillbirth is always sad and traumatic. Jillian shares her stillbirth with subsequent home delivery in this 2-part story, explaining why she chose to birth at home instead of in a hospital, even after she knew her baby passed. Jillian shares her entire labor story, how she found out her baby passed, why she & her husband chose to stay home, what th…
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Stillbirth is always sad and traumatic. Jillian shares her stillbirth with subsequent home delivery in this 2-part story, explaining why she chose to birth at home instead of in a hospital, even after she knew her baby passed. Jillian shares her entire labor story, how she found out her baby passed, why she & her husband chose to stay home, what th…
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Most women use hormonal methods of birth control, but there is another effective option that has no side effects! Fertility Awareness Method is a mode of tracking fertility & ovulation for the sake of preventing or achieving pregnancy. Tiffany has been using a very similar method for years, and loves it! Learn more from Carly in this episode! Resou…
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Moms are not the only ones who feel nervous about birth, dads often do, too! Here are some pro tips for dads from an experienced dad who has had a hospital birth, birth center birth, & home birth. Dads, soak in the education & learn how to feel more confident prior to birth! Resources Mentioned: The Fourth Trimester by Kimberly Ann Johnson: https:/…
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Many moms are afraid to advocate for themselves in the hospital. But that shouldn't be the case! Nurse Christina joins us today to tell us all about how she advocates for her patients and how they can advocate for themselves! Resources Mentioned: The Midwife's Apprentice book: C…
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Our modern cultures teaches us that we should fear birth. But that just isn't true! Regardless, many of us still have fears and concerns surrounding birth that are very hard for us to work through. In this episode, Aly McClain, registered nurse, homebirth mama, & producer of the Peaceful Homebirth podcast & previous Empowered Birth podcast, shares …
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Gestational diabetes is fairly common among pregnancy women in America. Lily Nichols, author of Real Food for Gestational Diabetes and renowned registered dietician & certified diabetes researcher, covers many important topics regarding how to care for your blood sugar and healthful eating during pregnancy! Resources Mentioned: Lily Nichols' Site h…
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We covered so many topics in our birth intervention series, but we couldn't cover everything! Here are several questions from listeners & our corresponding answers! We cover: Hospital-provided/volunteer doulas Enema for induction Placenta care Cervical exams Induction at 42 weeks And more! Check out Informed Pregnancy+ https://www.informedpregnancy…
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There are many postpartum interventions that are standard in most hospitals. But many women don't think about these things when they make their birth plan. Tiffany & Rachel will tell you all about many of the intervention, including some things that you don't think of as interventions! Resources Mentioned: Rabbi Mike for Circumcision: https://easyc…
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Many hospitals want mom to stay in bed during labor & then push on her back. But Tiffany & I know from experience that upright positions & movement through your entire birthing experience is not only safe, but very beneficial! Learn different laboring positions & the stats that support it in this episode! Check out Informed Pregnancy+ https://www.i…
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Pain medications during birth are incredibly common in developed countries. Unfortunately, most moms don't understand the full potential side effects of these meds. Tiffany and I talk about the 4 main pain meds (below) offered during birth AND their potential side effects! Nitrous Oxide Narcotics Epidural General Anesthesia Resources Mentioned: "No…
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Medical induction is extremely overused in developed countries, and it is often made to seem perfectly safe and risk-free. Unfortunately, that is NOT true. In this episode, Tiffany & I chat about the facts regarding the 6 main medical induction & augmentation techniques commonly overused today! These include: Membrane Sweep/Strip Breaking the Water…
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There are many natural labor induction techniques out there. They are often thought of as harmless, so why not try them?! But most people don't realize that these still have risks & should only be used to avoid medical induction or for another really good reason. Join Tiffany & I as we discuss the most common ones & the evidence & history that do o…
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Continuous fetal monitoring during birth is the most common way to monitor a baby in a hospital, but is it the best way? Join Tiffany & Rachel as we discuss fetal monitoring history, options, risks, & more. We discuss: Electronic Monitors Mobile Monitors Doppler & other hands-on options Continuous vs intermittent And more! Social Media Mentioned: R…
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IVs are standard during most hospital labors. And many hospitals still have a rule against eating during labor. Why is this? Join Tiffany & Rachel as they explain & debunk these rules (& go on tangents)! PLEASE REMEMBER TO: Review our podcast! Send us questions or stories to share on the final episode of this series! Check out Informed Pregnancy+ h…
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Many of us have traumatic birth stories in some way, but we don't know how to deal with them. Emmy Kissinger talks with us about the Birth Story Listening Sessions she offers & how she helps moms process those difficult memories. The unique approach Emmy uses has helped so many moms feel better about their birth experiences, including herself. The …
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Mental exhaustion & adrenal fatigue are real problems in our modern society, especially for pregnant & postpartum moms. Maura Eliza, a traditional naturopath & adrenal fatigue specialist, joins us to talk about her journey with adrenal fatigue & how she handled it. Flex Health with Maura has a FREE workshop, as well as a paid course that teaches yo…
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Most moms know to prepare for birth, but many don't realize you need to prepare for postpartum, too! Holly from Mama Meals has created a fabulous way to make your postpartum journey easier through her nutritious, Ayurvedic & Tradition Chinese Medicine meals. She'll teach you: What to eat What NOT to eat How to balance things How to meal prep And ot…
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Eastern medicine has always valued the effects of emotions on the body, but that thinking has been lost in most western medicine. Join Marya Eddaifi, a highly educated & experienced birth coach, as well as a previous labor nurse, as she teaches us about the Emotion Code, Body Code, & how our emotions affect our lives. Resources Mentioned: Marya's W…
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Many women know that breastfeeding can affect their posture, but did you know that it also affects their pelvic floor? Join Jenn from Tighten Your Tinkler in this episode where she gives us tips to support your pelvic floor while nourishing your baby! Resources Mentioned: Code for $50 off the Signature Program: TNBT50 Tighten Your Tinkler Website I…
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Learn how to start your day well, pregnant or postpartum, with these tried & true tips from Andrew Pudewa, a classical educator & researcher from the Institute for Excellence in Writing! I (Rachel) have tried many of these tips myself & they have made SUCH a difference in my daily mood & routine. Mr. Pudewa covers things like: Sunlight Exposure (my…
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Transition is the hardest time during most labors, but it is much easier to cope with if you know that ahead of time & are prepared with a good mindset! Pitocin is a very common intervention during labors, but it is not as safe as most doctors make it sound. And it is NOT the same as your natural oxytocin hormone. Learn this & more in this episode …
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Twins occur in 1 out of 35 pregnancies! If you are expecting twins, you'll likely automatically be labeled high risk. But Dr. Stuart Fischbein has training & experience that says otherwise. Dr. Stu from Birthing Instincts explains much of this to us in this episode! He covers: Different types of twins Potential risks Why most providers treat twins …
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In the hospital, breech babies are almost always born via c-section. But many home birth providers will offer vaginal breech birth! Listen to Kellsie tell us all about her pregnancy, including finding out baby was breech late in pregnancy, all the ways she tried to turn her baby head down, & her safe vaginal breech home birth! Resources Mentioned: …
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Vaginal breech birth IS possible! Join Holly as she tells us all about her surprise vaginal breech home birth. Baby had been head down just a short while before the birth, but was discovered breech during pushing at home. She opted to skip the hospital transfer and trust her body, baby, & instincts! Resources Mentioned: Holly's birth video Breech W…
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It is hard to find a doctor or midwife who attends vaginal breech birth! In most areas of the United States, home birth is the only option if you don't want a c-section, although there are some hospitals who have providers that are trained. Join nurse midwife Deb Lowrence as she talks about vaginal breech birth (VBB) at home! We'll cover: How she b…
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Movement in pregnancy, including yoga, is SO beneficial and necessary. In an unplanned turn of events, we also heavily focus on queefing and what you can do to prevent or fix that. Big thanks to Becca Meredith, occupational therapist & perinatal yoga instructor, for joining us and helping us dive deeper in these awesome, and sometimes awkward, topi…
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After birthing their babies, most moms wait a full 6 weeks for a postpartum check up. Christina Walsh, physical therapist & co-founder of Tighten Your Tinkler, shares a series of questions you should always ask at that appointment. Be sure to bring a list, and add any other questions that you thought of to ask your doctor or midwife! Resources Ment…
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Learn more about the midwifery model of care, how to choose a good provider, hear some good & bad birth stories, & get to know our new co-host, Tiffany Muniz, CLC, nurse, & doula. Resources Mentioned Submit your birth COMPLAINT and/or QUESTIONS for upcoming episodes! Doula Match Tiffany's Facebook & Instagram Check out Informed Pregnancy+ https://w…
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VBAC, or vaginal birth after c-section, has been proven safe for the large majority of moms. However, it is often not offered as an option, especially in suburban or rural areas of the country. Dr. Elliot Berlin, an award winning, pregnancy-focused chiropractor & host of the Informed Pregnancy Podcast, talks with us about this and more! History of …
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Your pelvic floor is SO important in pregnancy, birth, AND postpartum! There are many methods for supporting that, including online & in-person. Lindsay McCoy from The Body Ready Method chats with us about this, educates, & provides tips in this episode. Resources Mentioned: Lindsay's website & class options: The Body Ready Method* SAVE $10 on clas…
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Vaginal steaming, also called yoni-, womb-, or V-steam, is a time-honored tradition in many traditional cultures. It is very safe & can help moms heal faster & connect to their bodies in the postpartum period. Jessica Pratt of Leia Moon chats about this with us today! We chat about: History of steaming A couple studies Safety Benefits And more! Res…
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When interviewing a birth doula, you want to find someone who fits with you. Here is a comprehensive list that Doula & Lactation Counselor, Tiffany Muniz, helped put together! BE SURE TO TAKE NOTES!!! *Note: Near the beginning, I referenced "" BUT I meant "," which is linked below.* Previous Episodes Mentioned: Physiolog…
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Ultra processed foods (UPFs) are a common part of the American Diet. But more & more studies are linking these foods with increased rates of mental illness, especially within the PREGNANCY & POSTPARTUM periods. David Greenwalt joins us to talk about UPFs & benefits of consuming real food instead! Topics include: Life experiences Research Tips Why g…
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Vaginal Breech Birth used to be a variation of normal & everyone was trained in how to safely attend one, but the art has been lost in the last several decades. Dr. Hayes from Breech Without Borders talks about safety when attended by a trained professional! Resources Mentioned: Breech Without Borders Breech Provider Directory NOW IT'S YOUR TURN! T…
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An accidental unassisted birth happens when you planned a birth with a care provider, but your birth is so fast that they don't make it! Join Ammie Harris as she shares her accidental unassisted home birth story & a couple tips in case it happens to you! Resources Mentioned: Tips for Having a Natural Hospital Induction w/ Ammie Ammie's birth video …
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Spinning Babies® is an approach that brings comfort in pregnancy & ease in birth. Using different movements/exercises that supports the body from head to toe, it helps prepare the body & baby for birth. Gail Tully, the midwife who created Spinning Babies®, joins us to talk all about the origins of the approach, many helpful movements & exercises fo…
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Homeopthy in pregnancy, birth, & postpartum has many benefits & minimal negative side effects. Listen to Molly, a classically trained homeopath, teach us all about homeopathy in this episode, including some wonderful suggestions for birth! Resources Mentioned: Molly's Website- Schedule a complimentary Zoom meeting! (or use this email: joyfulhomeopa…
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Birth is not only physical & mental, but also very spiritual. Mary Haseltine from "Made for This Birth" joins us to give her best reasons & tips for bringing spirituality & Christianity (if that applies to you) into your pregnancy & birth, including: Value/benefit in surrendering during birth Positive, individualized affirmations Using prayer Findi…
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Teen & surprise pregnancies are never easy. BUT that doesn't mean they can't be empowered, inspired, & beautiful. Anna Kanoy shares her entire teen pregnancy & birth journey with us today! She shares: Why she chose home birth What her family felt How she relied on God to make something good out of her "mistake" How she found a supportive midwife He…
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Nutrition is VERY important in pregnancy, but it is often overlooked. Lily Nichols, RDN, author of Real Food for Pregnancy, joins us today to talk about this beneficial topic! We cover: The lack of evidence for nutrition in pregnancy The lack of proper recommendations for Macro-nutrients The importance of several specific micro-nutrients And more! …
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Mindset & mental preparation are SO important when preparing for birth. Marya is a military nurse that has extensive training in this topic, breaking down paradigms, & helping moms achieve a natural birth. Learn all about this topic & Marya's Natural Birth & Beyond Method in this episode! Resources Mentioned: Marya's Website- mention this episode i…
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Dr. Andrew Dorough is a chiropractor specializing in pediatrics, who has been committing much of his time lately to researching how birth plays a roll in the baby's spine, neck, shoulder, & head alignment AND how that relates to oral function. Many hospital births are induced or assisted in some way, & even out-of-hospital births can be long or hav…
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If you are planning on becoming pregnant or struggling to conceive, you have options! Lindsey Langendorf touches the tip of the iceberg with our chat in this episode about her methods for preconception & fertility! Dutch hormone testing Previous blood work Analyzing environmental factors, including food, health & beauty products, cleaning products,…
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Dad's/partner's need more recognition in the birth world! We don't often hear about how birth affects dad/partner, so that is the goal for this episode. Dr. Danny Leach joins us to share about his perspective of his wife's births. He tells his both stories & how he felt each time. Resources Mentioned: Learn more about Spinning Babies® Find a local …
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It is much harder to have a natural birth in a hospital setting, especially if you are induced. Ammie Harris shares the different techniques that helped make her 3-day hospital induction a success. Some tips include: Relying on God-given/motherly instincts Natural birth education Hiring a doula Being confident & kind while standing your ground Prac…
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