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Fitness & Sushi

Tony & Deanna Schober

Your Ideal Body isn’t dictated by superficial beauty standards. Nor does it have anything to do with changing your body so you’ll feel accepted by others or deemed beautiful and worthy by society. Your Ideal Body isn’t even a what - it’s a when. It’s the body you’re in when you’re no longer obsessing over your food and body. It’s when you’re comfortable and confident in your own skin. And it’s when you’re living your full life experience without fear of judgement from others or from yourself ...
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Polish Sushi - Kanał stworzony przez dwójkę przyjaciół, których dzieli aż 8550 km. Poruszamy tematy polsko-japońskie. Omawiamy je z dwóch różnych perspektyw, nadając jednocześnie z Mysłowic i Tokio. Rozmawiamy z ciekawymi ludźmi, którzy są związani z japońską popkulturą i kulturą. Omawiamy filmiki, kręcimy nasze reakcje i nagrywamy video-podcast. |
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Kaviar Sushi Bar is a restaurant in Pasadena. Upscale Japanese kitchen serving up an exquisite selection of sushi and fusion masterpieces. We are the pinnacle of quality, and the cornerstone of service. Join us and create incredible memories in our peaceful and cozy environment.
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Entrepreneurs Sushi Club

Woon Tan, Loubna Zarrou, Gayle Edwards

Entrepreneurs Sushi Club Podcast share the personalities of successful sushi adoring entrepreneurs. We are here to show that success is all about having fun with your business without the hustle and grind. Hosted by Woon Tan, Loubna Zarrou and Gayle Edwards
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🎙 這是一個已經改過很多次名字、失敗過很多次的日常閒聊 PODACST,想方設法的讓每天過得很舒適。 - 🐾 特別企劃 - 老闆我步行了 (🇹🇼徒步環島) 1⃣️ 第一階段預計從 4/2 (嘉義火車站) > 4/14 (台北火車站) 🥃 每天到達下榻處如果沒累死都會錄一集跟大家分享當天的路線、事物、趣事。 - 🍽 常駐主題 - 食話食說 9⃣️:值得特地前往造訪這間餐廳 8⃣️:同類型裡表現出色值得推薦 7⃣️:順路或剛好經過可前往用餐 6⃣️:可以嘗試看看,但並不驚艷 5⃣️:吃過即可,下次不考慮再訪 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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人間俗事 Sushi Life 了解你們 了解我 了解世界 了解他 我們的播客節目將帶來一場新炫風 聊點俗事、聊點設計、分享觀點,祝你幸福。 和我們分享你的俗事吧! 請我們吃魚,求你了 追蹤起來! IG: @sushilife_haha Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Dorito And Sushi 🍣🍙🧀🔺

Subscribe to me for no reason

Talking about stuff and acting stupid 😂😂 😂and also subscribe to this boy channel if you want Chipzyt and follow me on IG @waaatzup Support this podcast:
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Designer Sushi

Lori Chai & Mikah Razon

Designer Sushi podcast is about the everyday life of a UX designer through the perspectives of two career switcher UX designers that have a shared lived experience in Japan. UX Design is a hot industry and popular among people that are looking to transition from their previous careers. But it also comes with struggles especially when you’re working in a different country. This show will give an insider look at our UX career where we discuss our wins, growth, and challenges as we navigate our ...
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show series
This week: The Vermont Handshake, Nathan’s L.A. Hot Takes, Ellijay Cinema’s 2, Nathan Works the Harry Potter Wand Shop, Girls On Trampolines, Delaware, Esoteric Vending Machines, Skittles Are All the Same Flavor, Flow Rider (No, not that one). Want to Join SJK’s Fantasy League? Just email us! Bandcamp Store: https://sushija…
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In Folge 304 unseres Japan-Podcasts geht es um Japan als Shoppingparadies, das Comeback für Jugendherbergen, Toilettenprobleme, Denkmal für Opfer von Kyoto-Animation-Anschlag, Kishida entschuldigt sich bei Zwangssterilisations-Opfer, neue Ermittlungen in der LDP, Problem Mindestlohn, japanische Medien gegen KI, Drogenkrieg in NRW, Kranspiele als Ex…
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When people decide to get themselves out of Diet Culture, they're confused about how they're supposed to change their physical activity. It's still important to them that they achieve their fitness goals, but they're worried they're making the wrong choices. Is forcing yourself to work out considered Diet Culture? What about tracking your workouts?…
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In der heutigen Folge unseres Japan-Podcasts reden Micha, Matze und Benks über den Fortschritt der Aufräumarbeiten in Noto, die neuen Banknoten, den sehr albernden Wahlkampf in Tokyo, die ersten neuen Premierminister-Kandidaten, der Sieg über Disketten, Ärger mit dem US-Militär in Okinawa, Rente erst mit 70 und Rekordsteuereinnahmen. Werbung Wirkli…
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Vacations are meant to be enjoyable, but many times concerns about our body, food, exercise, and navigating personal relationships get in the way. The standard Diet Culture advice tends to focus on getting in shape for your vacation and how to eat and exercise while you're there to keep it in great shape. But what normally happens is you get thrown…
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Heute in unserem Japan-Podcast geht es um ernste Kritik an Kishida, technische Praktikanten, steigende Preise wegen der Hitze, der Digitalminister will LDP-Vorsitzender werden, Lebensmittelverschwendung, seltene Metalle, Belästigungen durch Kunden, Duty-Free-Umsätze und den weiter fallenden Yen. Die Themen der Folge Mehrheit in Japan glaubt nicht, …
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This week: More Fucks Than Levar, Pike’s Peak, Falcons All the Way Up, Nathan Conquers Colorado, Humidity Wimps, OOB (pronounced “ewwwwb”), The Endless Pit, America’s Highest Donut Fryer, Poutine Pizza, Embrace the Beach Fowl, Why the Speedo Was Invented, Beach VS Mountain, The Most Petty Person In the World. Want to Join SJK’s Fantasy League? Just…
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When people join our Mentorship program, they typically struggle with how they perceive and interpret the situations they experience in their life. These perceptions are keeping them stuck and preventing them from experiencing the life they want. They lead to self-sabotage, feeling bad about yourself, unwanted eating behaviors, motivation struggles…
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In der heutigen Folge unseres Japan-Podcasts geht es um die Umleitung von Touristen, erste Ärgernisse beim Wahlkampf in Tokyo, die Bedrohung eines Pilgerwegs, höhere Eintrittspreise für ausländische Touristen, das Problem mit illegalen Taxis, Katastrophentourismus auf der Noto-Halbinsel, gefährliche Streptokokken-Infektionen, das Ende der Floppy Di…
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In this episode - “How to Navigate Social Situations Without Dieting”, you'll learn... 🔶 Strategies for enjoying get-togethers without food anxiety 🔶 How to handle food pushers with confidence 🔶 How to enjoy celebrations without overeating 🔶 Why "pre-dieting" doesn't balance out social overeating 🔶 How to feel comfortable eating differently in publ…
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In der heutigen Folge unseres Japan-Podcasts reden Micha, Matze und Benks über das neue Einwanderungsgesetz, vergängliche Daueraufenthaltsgenehmigungen, einen sehr wütenden Oberpriester, den skurrilen Abriss eines Hauses, das Problem mit den Lohnerhöhungen, das Rentensystem für Ausländer, die Forderung nach getrennten Nachnamen, das Ballungsgebiet …
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It's normal to have thoughts and urges about wanting to diet. And it's normal to romanticize the good parts of Diet Culture while ignoring the bad parts. We selectively remember and focus on the parts of dieting we did like - body change, "confidence", etc. But we block out the parts we hated - constant food and body obsession, feeling restricted a…
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In Folge 298 unseres Japan-Podcasts geht es diesmal um ein Yakuza-Waffenlager, das Alkoholverbot in Shibuya und Shinjuku, Steuereinnahmen durch Touristen, das neue Waffengesetz, die Reform für Parteispenden, den Ausbau vom Anime-Export, teure Fan-Geschenke und steigende Lebensmittelpreise. Die Themen der Folge Polizei stößt in Kitakyushu auf verste…
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This week: Smutz, Wind Condoms, Pedantic Fuckheads, The Return of the White People Racial Slur of the Week, What’s Up with Kendrick this Week?, The History of Nashville Hot Chicken, Fourth Grade Mustache, Podcastle Presents…, The Inspirobot Quote of the Week, Welcome to Paradise, Eurythmics, Top 500 Albums, Bad Digital, Thick and Full, Stone Roses,…
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Pretend for a moment that you're ready to give up dieting. One big problem is that you just don't know what eating without dieting is supposed to look like. You've lived so long following diet rules, that without them you feel a little lost in space. The good news is that there's no reason to feel that way. There actually is a framework and process…
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Heute in unserem Japan-Podcast geht es um die Rettung eines Festivals, den bereits berühmten Sichtschutz gegen Touristen, Benimmkurse für den Fuji, Japans geplantes Tempolimit, die Bedrohung der Fischereiindustrie durch den Klimawandel, die Untersuchung von UFOs, die weitere Ausbreitung des LDP-Skandals und die Gouverneurswahlen in Tokyo. Im ersten…
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This week: Catch Phrase Procurement, Stealing Taylor Song Titles, Soda for Dudes, TAB, Free Booze in the Building, Garbage Adventures, We Get Heavy, The Meaning of Life, The Andromeda Strain, Somewhere Between Comedy Bang-Bang and Brene Brown, (That’s Why) Coal Miners Don’t Cry, Justin Met Jason Isbell, Debuting the Inspirobot Quote of the Week, An…
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In der heutigen Folge unseres Japan-Podcasts reden Micha, Matze und Benks über mögliche Vorschriften für KIs, warum Ridehailing in Tokyo floppt, die tragische Schließung eines Badehauses, Umzüge für den Job, Japan als Top-Reiseziel, Außerirdische als Touristenattraktion, kostenlose Entbindungen, das neue Einwanderungsgesetz, Unterhaltszahlung für A…
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Mit Folge 295 unseres Japan-Podcasts gibt es ein Spezial mit der Nippon Connection 2024, die am 28. Mai in Frankfurt am Main startet. Micha spricht mit unserem Gast Florian Höhr, dem Filmprogrammleiter des Festivals, über das Event und was Gäste erwarten können. Wie auch schon in den letzten Jahren bietet die Nippon Connection ein umfangreiches Pro…
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In der heutigen Folge unseres Japan-Podcasts geht es um den Gesetzesentwurf zum gemeinsamen Sorgerecht, vergessene Koffer, Kündigungswünsche nach dem Urlaub, höhere Preise für Touristen, Ridehailing wird sofort zum Erfolg, neues Mautsystem, Altersarmut in Okinawa, Künstliche Intelligenz gegen Schulschwänzer und gemeinsame Nachnahmen für gleichgesch…
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This week: Lateness Is Next to Nathaness, Justin Is A Shitty Uncle, Typewriters In This Modern Age, Meek Mill, Nicki Minaj, Beef Coverage Continued, Justin Goes to New York and Ends Up in Alabama, Going Up Inside A Famous Lady, Subway Surfin’, Where to Live?, Football Approaches, Unfrosted, Seinfeld Was Not That Edgy, Brady Would Crumble, A Kicker’…
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Your hormones are powerful. They affect your behaviors, and even the outcomes in your life, more than you might think. Your eating and your body are prime examples of your hormones at work. We think we have absolute control over what, when, and how much we eat, and the way our bodies look, but our experiences have shown us that is not the case. Und…
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In Folge 293 unseres Japan-Podcasts reden Micha, Matze und Benks über umweltfreundlicher Tourismus, Atommüllendlager in Genkai, Gesetz zur Löschung von Online-Kommentaren, Japans Bigfoot, die „Tour der Lügen“, Manga-Übersetzungen mit KIs, Geheimhaltungsklausen, Sitzmöglichkeiten für Kassiererinnen, Ärger mit Grillfans, das Ende von Workspaces und A…
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This week: Loose Podcast Meat, Curb Your Enthusiasm Finale, The Kendrick/Drake Beef, Dispatches from Vermont, Nathan’s Horoscope, Love Letters by Elvis Presley, Missed Connections, Fending Off the Crudeness of Reality, Grab A Caprese?, Orbs of Immeasurable Beauty, Orally Bi, Bipolar But Will Treat You Amazingly, Do You Eye-Gaze All the Gays? Record…
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In der heutigen Folge geht es diesmal um Japans Pressefreiheit, die Zustimmung für ausländische Arbeitskräfte, eine Kaiserin als Thronfolgerin, ausländische illegale Manga-Webseiten im Visier, ein Tourismusprojekt für Muslime und Vegetarier, Kühlzonen, Wahlschlappe für LDP, Wahlalter ab null, verwehte persönliche Daten und Tokyo schließt sich der H…
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This is the FINAL day of the Ideal Body Challenge. It's being held LIVE April 29 - May 3 on Zoom, and discussions are being held in our private Facebook group. The recordings are being shared here on the podcast for your convenience. If you'd still like to be a part of this challenge, get the workbook, and the details for the live calls, you can si…
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This is the fourth of five days of the Ideal Body Challenge. It's being held LIVE April 29 - May 3 on Zoom, and discussions are being held in our private Facebook group. The recordings are being shared here on the podcast for your convenience. If you'd still like to be a part of this challenge, get the workbook, and the details for the live calls, …
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This is the third of five days of the Ideal Body Challenge. It's being held LIVE April 29 - May 3 on Zoom, and discussions are being held in our private Facebook group. The recordings are being shared here on the podcast for your convenience. If you'd still like to be a part of this challenge, get the workbook, and the details for the live calls, y…
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In Folge 291 unseres Japan-Podcasts geht es um die Klage gegen Meta, das Urteil gegen das „Profi-Sugarbabe“, wie Touristenmassen den Ausblick zerstören, fragwürdige Schulbücher, die Reformpläne der LDP, das enorme Aussterben von Gemeinden und das neue Fettnäpfchen des Bürgermeisters von Nagoya. Die Themen der Folge LDP stellt Reformpläne vor Reform…
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This is the second of five days of the Ideal Body Challenge. It's being held LIVE April 29 - May 3 on Zoom, and discussions are being held in our private Facebook group. The recordings are being shared here on the podcast for your convenience. If you'd still like to be a part of this challenge, get the workbook, and the details for the live calls, …
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This is the first of five days of the Ideal Body Challenge. It's being held LIVE April 29 - May 3 on Zoom, and discussions are being held in our private Facebook group. The recordings are being shared here on the podcast for your convenience. If you'd still like to be a part of this challenge, get the workbook, and the details for the live calls, y…
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In episode 249 of Fitness & Sushi, Deanna and I are going to show you how to recognize and get out of Diet Culture so that you can achieve your Ideal Body. In this episode - “The 5 Key Steps to Getting Out of Diet Culture", you'll learn... 🔶 How Diet Culture has influenced your eating habits 🔶 Why an anti-diet support system is necessary for lastin…
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This week: Mad Libs, Mountain Goats, Caverns, Jam Band Garbage, Sniffle AI, Mr. Bob Dobalina, Progress! Progress! Progress!, Detroit Style Pizza, Drake VS Kendrick, GWAR VS Hall & Oates, Tiny Desk Concerts, Tears In Heaven II, Wonka Pulls, John Carpenter’s Escape From New York, Highlander 1986, Outlander, Teen Wolf, Rocky, Indiana Jones, The Barten…
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In der heutigen Folge unseres Japan-Podcasts reden Matze, Micha und Benks über das Urteil gegen eine Manga-Piraten-Webseite, die Phishing-Attacke auf, steuerfreies Einkaufen, die Klage zur Benachrichtigung der Vollstreckung von Todesurteilen, Fangrechte für Ainu, den Prozess wegen Racial Profiling, die schwierige Situation für Minamata-…
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Have you ever wondered why you self-sabotage? Why you struggle to do the things you know are good for you? Our intentions are usually good. We want to be healthier. We want to be more fit. We want to be happier. But for some reason we keep coming back to our old way of living - getting our old "results". Why does that happen? For the last 4 days we…
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