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i denne podcast kommer jeg ind paa livet som udlandsdansker, det kan vaere om alt lige fra daglige begivenheder til spontane tanker jeg gør mig om hvad der sker rundt om i verden men dog nok mest her i sydøstasien og Danmark.
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UDL Forward

Mia Chmiel and Melissa Emler

Mia Chmiel and Melissa Emler share all the strategies to make Universal Design for Learning easier to implement in your school or district. Learn more and join the community at udlforward.community
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Vores Tid - Nationalmuseets mediehus

Den er over alt. I de film vi ser, i de bøger vi læser, i musikken vi hører og de SoMe-posts vi scroller forbi: Udlængslen. Vi længes ud. Det har vi altid gjort, og det vil vi blive ved med. Men hvad er det, vi længes efter? I denne podcastserie rejser vi ud med alle dem, der har rejst før os, for at forstå hvad der drev dem. Fra 1590’ernes dannelsesrejsende til 1980’ernes interrailere. Drøm dig ud med Vores Tids podcast Udlængsel. Tilrettelægger og vært: Nikolai Sørensen. Lyddesign klip og ...
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show series
Jane Somanje, a quality assurance officer and National Reading Programme trainer, shares how teachers are embracing UDL to create more inclusive classrooms. Jane shares success stories, discusses challenges like large class sizes, and explains how UDL is improving learning outcomes. Tune in to hear how UDL is making education more equitable and eff…
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In this episode of UDL in 15 Minutes, host Loui Lord Nelson speaks with Elke Greite, a middle years IB teacher at Dresden International School, about shifting students' focus from product to process using Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Elke shares how personalized goal-setting, inquiry-driven learning, and the integration of IB’s Approaches t…
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Katy McBain, head of secondary school learning support at Dresden International School, shares how she and her colleagues empower students by fostering self-advocacy and ownership of learning. She discusses co-creating IEP goals, cognitive coaching, and personalized learning strategies, emphasizing a strengths-based approach to support neurodiverse…
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Discover how Kisa Laursen transforms co-teaching through Universal Design for Learning (UDL) during this episode of UDL in 15 Minutes. You’ll hear about the 5 statements Kisa and her colleagues created to help every teacher in their building think about and plan for variability. She also talks about inclusive teaching, data-informed strategies, and…
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In this episode of UDL in 15 Minutes, Loui Lord Nelson interviews Tom Tobin, an expert in Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and higher education, as they explore four critical gaps in the UDL 3.0 guidelines. Together, they discuss how to adapt UDL principles for higher education by addressing grassroots assumptions, power dynamics, and the distin…
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Chisomo Katunga, a primary school teacher from Malawi, discusses her experiences implementing Universal Design for Learning (UDL) techniques. She shares how UDL strategies, introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic, transformed her teaching approach and positively impacted her students' engagement and learning outcomes. Chisomo emphasizes the importa…
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Dalitso Ntambalika, a primary school teacher in Malawi, shares her transformative experiences with Universal Design for Learning (UDL). She shares stories of two students: one who was very quiet and became more engaged through pair-sharing and another who was very, very active and learned new behaviors for learning through positive reinforcement. D…
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Zacham Kabantiok, a dedicated educator from Wauro Jabbe Community School in Northeastern Nigeria, shares how UDL has helped her and other educators transform the lives of out-of-school children, foster inclusive learning environments, and empower students to overcome barriers.Oleh Loui Lord Nelson
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Lillian Nave shares her experiences applying Universal Design for Learning (UDL) at Appalachian State University's new Hickory campus. She emphasizes the importance of flexibility in teaching practices, communication strategies, and support for diverse student needs, particularly for first-generation students, as the university aims to create an in…
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Martha Dobboh is using UDL to shift her teach training courses so all of her learners understand not only the structure of UDL, but the heart of UDL - to include and value all learners. Hear how UDL has shifted the way her adult learners expereince education and how they are sharing that shift in their own lesson and learning environment design.…
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Liliana Vidal shares the importance of inclusive education for students with disabilities in English as a second language (ESL) classrooms. Liliana, an experienced English teacher from Argentina, shares her journey of implementing Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles to create a more accessible learning environment. She emphasizes the nee…
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This episode is a special episode from UDL-Con, powered by CAST, originally appearing on the Transformative Principal podcast. CAST just released the Guidelines for (Universal Design for Learning) UDL 3.0, which you can find here. If you don't know what UDL is, it's a way to make learning accessible for everyone! You can check out more about the we…
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In this episode of UDL in 15 Minutes, host Loui Lord Nelson sits down with Patrick McGrath to discuss the organic growth of UDL in educational settings. Patrick shares insights from his work with a group of schools within the LEO Academy Trust that initially adopted a one-to-one technology approach without a formal UDL framework. As the schools emb…
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This is my chance to introduce you to another podcast. Think Inclusive is hosted by Tim Villegas and produced by the Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Education. While this podcast is not specifically about UDL, the ideas shared definitely align with the framework. During this episode of Think Inclusive, Tim talks with DJ Nicholson. She is an experi…
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Elaina Fennell shares her journey of shifting her approach to delivering professional development by embracing Universal Design for Learning (UDL). In this episode, Elaina dives into the importance of learner variability, teacher efficacy, and intentional design to facilitate meaningful and accessible learning experiences.…
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Heather Avery and Anthony Carey share their experiences with UDL implementation in New Brunswick, focusing on the importance of asking, “Am I leaving anyone out?” Heather discusses their work in designing a professional learning program that prioritizes inclusivity and support for educators. Anthony emphasizes the importance of setting up systems f…
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Chynel McCrink and Colin Syron, two primary school teachers from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, respectively, about their experiences with Universal Design for Learning (UDL). They discuss how the UDL framework has helped establish a shared language for teaching across Ireland and how it has transformed their approach to education. C…
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Arie Werder, a district educational technology district consultant teacher, bravely shares her K - 12 through college experiences as a learner with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and ADHD with a lead up to why UDL feels like home to her.Oleh Loui Lord Nelson
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With a diverse student population, Burlington-Edison School District needed a common instructional framework. UDL was adopted and transformed Tracy’s understanding of instructional design and her PDs. During this podcast, she talks about shifting from the checklist mentality, embracing learner variability, expert learning and flexible goals as the …
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Former guest Liz Hartmann from Lasell University and the Harvard Graduate School of Education shares how her understanding and implementation of the framework have evolved over time. She shares her thoughts on the dynamic nature of UDL and the need for educators to be flexible and open to growth.Oleh Loui Lord Nelson
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The principle of Engagement is entirely rooted in the nervous system. Anne Bishop and Chantill Lopez use their deep knowledge of the nervous system to help educators tap into that critical piece of UDL all while using UDL to develop their own instruction. This is the second podcast of a 2-part series.…
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Anne Bishop and Chantill Lopez share their backgrounds with Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and movement education as well as their experiences of applying UDL to their business, The Embodied Business Institute. By leveraging brain-based learning, motivation science, and the nervous system, they help entrepreneurs and educators create meaningfu…
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Kelly Ackerman and Lisa Renz have collaboratively taught for 24 years and have taught 31 and 33 years respectively. They are also brand new to UDL. In this episode, share how they brought choice into their English II lessons and co-created rubrics with their learners. They also share their amazing results.…
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Kelly shares her experience of guiding students to create “Brain Stories”, which help them understand their own learning needs and the needs of others. She also shares the benefits and challenges of co-creating rubrics with her students, ensuring inclusivity and accountability in the learning process.…
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Co-teachers Kyanne Obrock and Carrie McSwain share how they saw a significant increase in student effort and motivation when they started designing lessons that shifted from planning for individual students to planning for learner variability. They created a learning environment where students worked individually, in groups, and checked-in at presc…
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Beth Stark and Jérémie Rostan, the co-creators of the AI tool LUDIA, share how educators can use the process of “tell, tinker, tweak, and transfer” to enhance their journey with Universal Design for Learning. We dispel common myths about AI and listeners will walk away with clear next steps to use LUDIA as part of their toolbox.…
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Doug Smith, an adapted physical education specialist, discusses his journey with Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and how he applies it in his work. During our conversation, he explains that adapted physical education is required by law for students who have difficulty accessing the physical education curriculum. Doug emphasizes the importance o…
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In this episode of the UDL Forward podcast, hosts Melissa Emler and Mia Chmiel discuss the intersection of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). They highlight the opportunities that tools like CHAT GPT provide for teachers and students, emphasizing the power and potential of AI in education. The hosts share their pe…
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Kade Friedman, an adjunct professor at New York University, shares their journey in education and how they use UDL to create inclusive learning spaces for adults. They discuss the importance of using UDL not only in teaching students, but also in designing courses and facilitating meetings. Kade emphasizes the value of sharing power with students a…
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Shannon Costley and Megan Babb discuss how they have used a combination of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), shared unit planning, and a focus on Power Standards to guide their middle school learners back to the face-to-face classroom after the pandemic shutdown.Oleh Loui Lord Nelson
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Kyle Carlin and Andrea Wichers from the West Central Kansas Special Education Cooperative discuss how they have implemented a UDL-aligned flexible digital tool, Read and Write, and how it has improved students' engagement and expression.Oleh Loui Lord Nelson
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Jeremy Miller, the principal of Pike Valley Junior/Senior High School, and Stephanie Jensen, a Resource Teacher at the same school, discuss their school's journey with Universal Design for Learning (UDL). They highlight the importance of both instructional and technical leadership skills in implementing UDL effectively. Jeremy and Stephanie share h…
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In this episode, Loui Lord Nelson interviews Nicole Glynn and Nicole Peters about their experiences with UDL and their facilitation of the Kansas Interstate book study. They discuss their journey with UDL, the design of the book studies, and the activities they provided for high-level thinking during the discussions. They also talk about the profes…
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Krigsturisme er en mørk afkrog af rejsehistorien. Det er en gren af fænomenet ’Dark Tourism’, som går ud på at rejse til steder forbundet med død. For krigsturisterne er ’krig’ omdrejningspunktet. I nyere tid har turister rejst til krigszoner i Afghanistan, Syrien, Gaza og senest Ukraine, men fænomenet er meget ældre end som så. I 1864 rejser krigs…
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Hvis du har været på spa-ophold, så har du sikkert svedt i saunaen for derefter at blive overhældt med iskold vand. I 1700-tallet dyrkede man vandets helende kvaliteter. Her stimlede den europæiske elite sammen på eksklusive kuranstalter, og i 1792 rejser adelsdamerne Charlotte og Sybille til kurbyen Bad Pyrmont. De rejser begge af sted for at bliv…
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I dag findes der over 400 campingpladser i Danmark, for vi danskere elsker camping, men det har vi ikke altid gjort. Da de første campister rykkede ud i naturen for 100 år siden, skulle samfundet lige vænne sig til de nye naturelskere. I 1934 cyklede den i dag 102-årige Herdis af sted med teltet på cyklen. Herdis forældre var forgangsmennesker. De …
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This episode continues our journey with the Inclusionary Practices Project in Washington. Sara Lucero, the principal of Olympic Park Elementary School, shares the steps she took to shift away from self-contained environments to inclusive classrooms and how UDL influenced that shift. Cassie Stevens shares how the project supported Sara’s vision and …
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In this episode of the UDL Forward podcast, hosts Melissa Emler and Mia Chmiel discuss the importance of empathetic design and the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in creating a more inclusive and effective learning environment for all students. They dive into the myths surrounding the implementation of UDL and how it can cater to …
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Lige siden antikken har vi kombineret rejser og fest, men fra 1980’erne slår festrejsen for alvor igennem som turismefænomen. Sidenhen har rejseselskaber sendt horder af unge til festdestinationer som Ibiza, Sunny Beach og Lloret de mar. Og i sommeren 2011 rejser Nikoline og hendes veninder af sted for at feste. De tre veninder er lige blevet 18 år…
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Måske du har hørt om dannelsesrejsen som den fjumretur, danske konger og adelige tog på for at løbe hornene af i Europas pulserende hovedstæder. Men gad vide, om der ikke er mere til det her fænomen, end hvad man lige skulle tro? I 1580 sætter den 15-årige adelsdreng Sivert sig i kareten, og rejser ud i Europa. På vegne af Sivert afgiver hans far e…
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The ultimate UDL question is “what does UDL look like?” Loui shares how her new tool, The UDL Gears, helps UDL users in all fields and around the world shift that question to, "What are the consistencies of UDL application?" In this episode, guest host Dakota Hudelson (from episode 8) is asking the questions and Loui is the guest!…
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Sommerhuset er indbegrebet af dansk sommer. Der findes omkring 230.000 sommerhuse i Danmark, og det vurderes, at over halvdelen af danskerne har tilknytning til mindst ét sommerhus. Sådan har det ikke altid været. I starten var sommerhuset en luksus kun forbeholdt borgerskabet, og som en af de første bygger forretningsmanden Albert Abel et enormt s…
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