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show episodes

Wise Traditions

Weston A. Price Foundation w/ Hilda Labrada Gore

The Wise Traditions podcast is for those who seek optimal health, based on ancient wisdom. We believe that vibrant health cannot be cultivated in a lab, engineered through modern technology or found through “improving” nature. On the contrary, “life in all its fullness is mother nature obeyed,” as Dr. Price put it. We thrive when we live as our ancestors did, and we can look to the past for clues on how to go about it. This show, sponsored by the Weston A. Price Foundation, is an invitation ...
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Examining family and cultural traditions and rituals associated with wedding ceremonies; their origin -- variations -- derivation -- ritual -- costume/attire -- history -- nationality
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Tattoo Traditions

Tattoo Traditions

Tattoo Traditions Is a series of interviews and discussions with people that are an integral part of tattooing and its history. The series will be ongoing as we dive deeper into these rich back stories and share it all with you monthly. Thank you for your kindness and interest.
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Discovering how the whole Bible is relevant to society today, what it means to be grafted in, and what God said, Jesus taught, and the disciples walked out. Leaving out traditions and taking God’s Word to be just what it claims to be, the blueprint to our lives. Brought to you by a Non-Denominational Minister and observant Torah Observant grafted in member of Nation Israel.
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Après Retour de terrain, la rédaction de Geo vous présente Traditions du monde ! Vous êtes curieux, vous avez soif de voyager ? Embarquez-vous pour un tour du monde un peu particulier : traditions insolites, curieuses, loufoques, saugrenues, découvrez toutes les semaines les pays par leurs us et coutumes. Retrouvez dans les archives de ce podcast les épisodes de Retour de Terrain. Des plages des Seychelles aux volcans d’Islande, des canaux de Venise aux routes du Mexique, les reporters de GE ...
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Bienvenue sur le podcast de l'Atelier Sentulia. J'entends souvent "la mythologie nordique c'est vraiment trop compliqué, je n'y comprends rien". De fait, c'est une mythologie parfois compliquée à aborder, c'est une réalité. Alors les podcasts qui seront publiés ici auront pour vocation de vous partager mes connaissances sur la mythologie, les anciennes cultures et traditions Germano-Scandinaves, de manière ludique et la plus pédagogue possible, afin de les rendre accessibles au plus grand no ...
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show series
When you look up, you may see streaks or stripes in the sky that don't seem to dissipate, like contrails of the past. If you're concerned about what's happening in our sky and how it's impacting humanity, you're not alone. Matt Landman created the documentary "Frankenskies" to draw attention to weather modification, aerosol injections, and geoengin…
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How can we be sure viruses don’t exist? What about the “patient 0” who transmits diseases at the start of nearly every pandemic? And do germs and microorganisms exist? What’s making us sick, if not these things? Dr. Samantha and Dr. Mark Bailey are the authors of “The Final Pandemic” and today they answer frequently asked questions about viruses. T…
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Animals, climate change, the Wuhan lab, and germs and viruses. All of these are convenient scapegoats when looking to blame something/anything for sickness and disease. But what if they're not to blame? Is it possible that the mainstream narratives are leading us in the wrong direction? Drs. Samantha and Mark Bailey are physicians and the authors o…
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Do you struggle with bloating, diarrhea, anxiety, acne, and even depression? These can be symptoms of gut issues, along with more well-known conditions like GERDs, Crohn's, Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Dr. Loredana Shapson of LifeMod Solutions goes over the obvious and not-so-obvious symptoms that can let us know that something is amiss with our guts.…
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On the periphery of this online cemetery, we grubby humans rifle through the garbage, looking for a movie on Netflix or flicking past several hundred TikTok’s, all the while, beyond the gates of the graveyard, the bots replicate and babble to one another - the animated, digital ruins of a society that once built pyramids and dared to cross the ocea…
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Our air is contaminated. We’re so disconnected from the earth. We often get more artificial light than natural light in our daily routines. And this situation is threatening our health. What can we do to turn things around? Thaddeus Owen, of the Primalhacker brand and the Corporate Escape Artist podcast, has some brilliant ideas for how to go about…
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Sophia Nguyen Eng was in the tech world when she decided to make a dramatic shift. She left her high-paying corporate job, exchanged it for a homestead with chickens and sheep, and began cooking real food for her family. The next thing she knew, she was working on "The Nourishing Asian Kitchen" cookbook in an attempt to preserve the rich culinary t…
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Industrial farming is on the rise and small farmers are being put out of business. But this isn't a coincidence or an unfortunate accidental side effect of progress. Dutch investigative journalist Elze van Hamelen suggests that there is a deliberate campaign to control the land and our food supply, that is not only damaging our health but ripping a…
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Is there biotech food on your plate? Foods derived from cell-cultures or made in a lab? How would you know if there was? Elze van Hamelen is a researcher and journalist, and today she covers the topic of "pharma food". This is, in essence, her term for the takeover of our food supply, as we know it, by the tech industry, that results in pseudo food…
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