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show episodes
Want proof of life after death? Your loved ones may be physically gone but they still exist and you will see them again...your pets don't die either. Each episode of We Don't Die you'll hear the experiences of men and women, and why they believe life after death is REAL and why your life on earth is important. Join your host, Sandra Champlain, author of the #1 international bestseller, We Don't Die - A Skeptic's Discovery of Life After Death, for podcast episodes that aim to give you goosebu ...
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Sandra Rea is an author, healer and spiritual teacher. She helps empaths get crystal clear guidance from the Angels each day so they can stop doubting their decisions. She is the host of the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast and creator of Fiercely Spiritual Family members group. She lives in Ireland where she spends her days doing the work that she loves, meditating and mountain biking with her husband and two boys. If you are an empath who wants to connect with your Angels, register for my free t ...
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Die Online-Marketing Expertin Sandra Holze teilt, was im Marketing und Business bei ihr und ihren Gästen funktioniert. Sie zeigt dir die wirksamsten Online-Marketing-Strategien, mit denen du Reichweite aufbaust und bessere Kunden gewinnst. Hol dir Inspiration für dein Business.
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Do you ever feel like you’ve ticked all the boxes of who you’re supposed to be and how you’re supposed to live, but… something is still missing? Meet Sandra Possing, life coach and host of “Oh, Hi Self”, a personal development podcast full of practical tips and tools, expert interviews, and unconventional success stories. She is on a mission to bring you back home to who you are and help you create an extraordinary life you love, on your own terms.
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Dr. Sandra Kennedy is the founder and Senior Pastor of Whole Life Ministries, as well as the founder and president of Sandra Kennedy Ministries. For nearly forty years Sandra has boldly preached the Word of God without compromise. She has remained faithful to the mandate to grow up the Body of Christ by raising up disciples dedicated to living righteously for the Lord and actively watching for His return. Every sermon resonates with the message “JESUS IS COMING…BE READY FOR HIS RETURN”! Alth ...
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Want proof of life after death? Your loved ones may be physically gone but "they" still exist and you will see them again. Want to believe when your body disappears, "you" go on living? Want to believe that your life here on earth is important? Each episode of "We Don't Die" you'll hear the experiences of men and women of why they believe life after death is REAL. Join your host, Sandra Champlain, author of the #1international bestseller, "We Don't Die - A Skeptic's Discovery of Life After D ...
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Actor, Inter-spiritual minister and Impactful Communication teacher, Sandra Bargman leans into the understanding that life isn't black or white, but rather it's where these two meet where we find the most creativity, chaos and ultimately, understanding. Based on her hit one woman show of the same name, The Edge of Everyday podcast is an exploration of the edges we all face and grapple with in our challenging times. Sandra Bargman shares her own stories and perspectives around opposing belief ...
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En Blanco y Negro con Sandra: análisis de noticias, política y temas sociales basado en mi programa de radio que se transmite en varias estaciones de radio regionales y la Cadena WIAC en Puerto Rico. Las emisoras son: X-61 610 AM, 94.3 FM, WGDL 1200AM, 93.3 FM, WYAC 930 AM , WISA 1390 AM, WIAC 740 AM, WLRP 1460 AM Radio Raíces, y mis segmentos semanales en WPAB 550 AM y el sitio de noticias El Demócrata en República Dominicana. En Blanco y Negro con Sandra:news analysis, politics and social ...
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Helen’s always dreamed of ditching her hometown, so when she lands a job at the company that makes Sandra, everyone's favorite A.I., she figures it’s the next-best thing. But working behind the curtain isn’t quite the escape from reality that Helen expected.Sandra stars Kristen Wiig, Alia Shawkat, with Christopher Abbott, Avi Rothman and Ethan Hawke. Directed by Sebastian Silva; written by Kevin Moffett and Matthew Derby; executive produced by Mimi O'Donnell; produced by April Lamb, Katie Pa ...
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Do you want to be a Sales Super Star? This is a step by step guide on exactly what you need to do to be a high performing sales person in any sales role. I will guide you through the habits, tools and practices that I have created over the past 22 years so you can stand apart from the rest and make more money than you ever thought possible. This Podcast is ideal for anyone in SALES who wants to fine tune their daily business practices to make sure they are consistently kicking goals, achievi ...
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Sandra J. Williams

Sandra J. Williams

Your gateway to literary excellence. Unveiling captivating tales and timeless classics. Embrace the art of reading with our curated gems. 📚✨ #BookDiscoveries #Books #eBooks #Audiobooks #PDF #Kindle #Mobi #ePub Powered by Firstory Hosting
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You’re not new to the wedding photography game. Everywhere you look for help with the business side of things feels like it’s at a beginner level, tailored for someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing. You implement your takeaways and come out feeling like you’re no further ahead than when you started… And that’s definitely not what you signed up for. You want your time back. You’re done with saying “I just need life to slow down and then I can do XYZ”. You’re ready to say goodbye to endl ...
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Ob Mailand, Paris, New York oder Berlin: Sandra Semburg gelingt es, die angesagten Styles auf den Straßen der Welt einzufangen. Die gefragte Fotografin veröffentlicht ihre Bilder regelmäßig in renommierten Magazinen und auf internationalen Onlineplattformen. Sei dabei, wenn Sandra von ihrer spannenden Karriere berichtet, und erfahre, wie sie es schafft, eine Person in voller Natürlichkeit im perfekten Moment abzulichten.
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"Sweet Bytes with Sandra" is a weekly podcast hosted by Dr. Sandra Colton-Medici where she dishes up digestible bytes of digital business tips, funky asides of her time in entertainment, motivating move-your-butt straight talk, simple lifestyle hacks, and a sweet dollop of inspiration to help you obtain increased success for your business.
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Sex Nerd Sandra

Sex Nerd Sandra

Curious about the naughty side of life? Come giggle with Sandra at the cuddly side of the sex pool! Exploring fascinating topics & perspectives on sex & love, join sexuality educator Sandra Daugherty & special guests for a loving laugh at the fundamentals of human nature.
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Many people with a fatty liver are unaware that they even have a liver problem, as the symptoms can be vague and non-specific, especially in the early stages. Most people with a fatty liver feel generally unwell, and find they are becoming increasingly fatigued and overweight for no apparent reason.
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show series
Learn what an "Indestructible Eternal Soul" YOU are with Claire Broad, the Honest Medium! Claire is a Medium, Teacher, Healer and Author with now 27 years experience and is accredited as a registered and approved medium with the Institute of Spiritualist Mediums. Claire is known as “the honest medium” and has appeared widely on radio & podcasts and…
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Hoy es el Día Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa Abogamos por que haya una Prensa Libre en Puerto Rico. Este año el enfoque es la cobertura delmedioambiente, y honrar a los periodistas asesinados en Gaza, pero insistiendo en que se necesita libertad en el oficio. Hoy uno de los detenidos en las protestas contra Gaza, el profesor Danny Shaw nos envía …
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In this episode, we are joined by Matt Zemon, who shares his fascinating transformation from a skeptic to a passionate advocate for the use of psychedelics in spiritual and medical healing. We dive deep into the history, current research, and future implications of psychedelics in healthcare, while also exploring their spiritual and ethical dimensi…
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This message is JUST FOR YOU! You may ask, ME? Yes, the God Almighty wants you to know how really precious, valuable and important you are to Him. Now, whether or not you're willing to accept what He is saying, that is up to you. But the fact remains, He is talking directly to each of us, this is an individual message. So what is an irreplaceable h…
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In today's episode, join host Sandra Bargman with Amy Lynn Durham, CEO of Create Magic at Work and a UC Berkeley-certified executive coach, also known as the corporate mystic. Together, they explore how modern leadership is evolving to foster genuine connections in the workplace better, addressing the challenges and transformative potentials therei…
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Perhaps no extant product of the U.S. Constitution has received more bipartisan animus than the Electoral College. Since 1800 there have been more than 700 proposals introduced in Congress to amend or eliminate the way in which America chooses its presidents. Yet the Electoral College lives on. Why do we have this system? Why does it inspire such c…
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Selbst bei den erfahrensten Experten sind die "Über mich" Texte oft total nichtsaussagend. Es kommt einfach nichts rüber. Dabei ist es extrem wichtig, dass du dich von der Masse abhebst und dich überzeugend darstellen kannst. Damit dir das gelingt, teile ich heute wichtige Fragen und Punkte mit dir. Hier schonmal zwei Fragen, die du dir stellen sol…
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Learn what an "Indestructible Eternal Soul" YOU are with Claire Broad, the Honest Medium! Claire is a Medium, Teacher, Healer and Author with now 27 years experience and is accredited as a registered and approved medium with the Institute of Spiritualist Mediums. Claire is known as “the honest medium” and has appeared widely on radio & podcasts and…
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"Incumplimiento: La histórica batalla judicialpor la reestructuración de la deuda argentina de 100.000 millones de dólares vs el caso de Puerto Rico”, ese será el tema que traerá el profesor de Harvard Gregory Makoff a una charla que anuncia el director ejecutivo de la Fundación Luis Muñoz Marín, Javier Alemán Iglesias. La inteligencia artificial y…
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Un panel del Tribunal Apelativo revocó ayer el fallo que descalificaba candidatos del Movimiento Victoria Ciudadana y del Proyecto Dignidad. El Partido Popular anda tratando de encontrarrelevancia y mientras, el gobernador Pierlusi está por Washington, aprovecha para tirarle a Jennifer González. Pero por encima de lo que digan esos partidos, todaví…
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El jueves EnBlanco y Negro revelamos quela jueza que halló causa en el caso de los manifestantes de La Parguera, GeysaD. Villarrubia, tenía serios conflictos éticos por el rol político y lo quehace su esposo en las redes sociales. Ayer la jueza se inhibió delcaso por motivos éticos, pero nombraron a otro juez con conflictos. Estas son algunas de la…
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EN EXCLUSIVA: Nuevos acusados junto alpresidente de Autogermana. Presidente de Autogermana y Autocentro en Puerto Rico, Donald Guerrero, acusado formalmente con 33 exfuncionarios de República Dominicana por desfalco de $350 millones. Uno de sus acusados es su hijo. Mientras aumentan los feminicidios, el juez federal Francisco Besosa ordenó que 12 c…
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Honran al líder nacionalista don Heriberto Marín en el Festival de Claridad, que a su vez, conmemora el 65 aniversario del periódico. La táctica de emergencia: un plebiscito. Pierluisi nodescarta convocar otro plebiscito que se lleve a cabo en noviembre ¿Tendrá miedo en las encuestas? Katherine Angueira levanta banderas ante programas para agresore…
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Jueza del caso de La Parguera y la ética judicial. La jueza Geysa D. Villarrubia ayer halló causa contra los 6 manifestantes, pero calla ante acciones pasadas; su esposo lleva campaña contra los manifestantes en redes sociales Causa a los 6 manifestantes arrestados en la casa de los suegros de Jennifer González en La Parguera Gobernador Pierluisi d…
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Estamos ante la descomposición de el país. Un sistema judicial y na polica versus el pueblo. Matan mujeres, Depto. De Corrección deja libre a los asesinos, la Policia cuida a los agresores y los jueces les dan protección ¿Qué dice Pierluisi al respecto? Nada. Quieren meter presa a Mariana Nogales. Supremo ordena paralizar proceso de Primera Instanc…
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Listen to the Prophets! Question, how many of you are familiar with the saying, “those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them”? Pastor Sandra Kennedy said, today we really need to listen, repeat really listen! Jesus said this, and there's a condition to it, “that greater blessings come to those who OBEY what they hear, f…
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Una semana caliente en los tribunales por casos contra la prensa y temas ambientales que quieren evitar que usted se entere de las cosas Agua en el sur de Puerto Rico tiene material cancerígeno por depósito de cenizas de carbón Puerto Rico recibe $156 millones de la EPA para energía solar en hogares de bajos ingresos Interceptan 289 kilos de cocaín…
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En la controversia por el pseudo-debate del PPD, hoy Katherine Angueira viene a poner los puntos sobre las íes, y a llamar la atención de lo que aquí nadie se atreve a decir: Que Juan Zaragoza y todo su equipo de trabajo no pueden reclamar ser víctimas de violencia por parte de Rubén Sánchez cuando tienen demasiados entuertos y protegen maltratante…
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For over 40 years, Sue has been connecting with the Spirit World. She says she stumbled into that connection as a young child and that stumble turned into a lifelong walk with the unseen world. Sue is the author of the book “My Way Home - A Journey with The Spirit World and The Afterlife.” (find on Amazon at ) Joining us fro…
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For over 40 years, Sue has been connecting with the Spirit World. She says she stumbled into that connection as a young child and that stumble turned into a lifelong walk with the unseen world. Sue is the author of the book “My Way Home - A Journey with The Spirit World and The Afterlife.” (find on Amazon at ) Joining us fro…
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Converso con Eliezer Molina de la corrupción enRecursos Naturales con la salida de la comisionada del Cuerpo de VigilantesHaydelin Ronda en medio de denucnias, en Justicia en la Policía y aún en losmedios de comunicación masiva y el periodismo. Gremios periodísticos exigen a la CEE que se expresesobre publicación de información privada de miembros …
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Qué pasó en laexposición de Garvin SierraEditorial-PuertoRico, arte y censura en la colonia ¿Qué pasa con la Policía? Investigan al que acosó auna víctima de agresión sexual, y los acusados de matar a un adolescente desarmadosalen bien por ahora. ¿Por qué hay tantos problemas con la Fuerza?Reclamanuna comisión independiente de expertos que encarril…
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How does this man called Demas, a well-trained minister, highly respected in the Christian communities in the spreading of the Gospel, and traveled with the Apostle Paul, fall under the dilemma of deception? Demas is a vivid example of why people fall away from the Lord, and the Church. As Pastor Sandra Kennedy reveals insights in this message abou…
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Join us as we welcome Dr. Katelyn Lehman to the podcast, where she shares the innovative wellness experiences at Quantum Clinic, dedicated to healing the autonomic nervous system. Our conversation unveils the power of flotation therapy, not just as a tool for relaxation but as a means to reset our distress tolerance and build resilience. Dr. Lehman…
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Conversamos con Juan Carlos del Valle sobre la realidad de los pacientes y enfermeros en los hospitales. El candidato del MVC nos cuenta lo que pasa Estudiante de Utuado, víctima de violencia doméstica, acude al cuartel de la Policia, y elagente que le asistió, utilizó los datos personales de la víctima para acosar la joven Persiste la desinformaci…
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La destituida curadora de la Poligráfica, Lisa Ladner,asegura que ella no censuró, pero el artista Garvin Sierra tiene pruebas de lo contrario. Hoy conversamos con dos de las partes en esta controversia que tiene sumido al mundo de las artes en una gran polémica ¿Es honesto Pierlusi con sus comentarios sobre su fe? Ese es el cuestionamiento que le …
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Día de radicar las planillas Lospopulares dicen que salieron unidos JGOle sale al paso a los recortes de Pierluisi Pierlusi dice que se entregó a Dios Laura Restrepo habla sobre Gaza Global. Más allá dela literatura, la laureada escritora colombiana habló ante independentistas desus años en la guerrilla y cómo el genocidio en Palestina nos debe mov…
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In today’s episode, host Sandra Bargman dives deep into the concept of connection in our modern world, which is marred by disconnection from ourselves, each other, and our planet. Sandra explores these themes with special guest Zoe Kalar, founder and CEO of WeAre8, a revolutionary social media platform that aims to mend the fragmented state of digi…
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Douglas Hodgson is a dual Canadian-Australian citizen currently residing in Perth, Western Australia. He is a former Dean and Professor of Law, and author of many legal texts and articles on human rights and causation law as well as author of several books including… "Transcendental Spirituality Wisdom and Virtue,” “Spiritual Revelations from Beyon…
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Douglas Hodgson is a dual Canadian-Australian citizen currently residing in Perth, Western Australia. He is a former Dean and Professor of Law, and author of many legal texts and articles on human rights and causation law as well as author of several books including… "Transcendental Spirituality Wisdom and Virtue,” “Spiritual Revelations from Beyon…
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Siguen atornillando empleados antes de las primarias. El turno ahora es Rehabilitación Vocacional Operativo primarista del PNP atacan a JGO y al Colegio de Médicos Los beneficiarios de la Ley 22 se lo llevan todo y no quieren dejar nada. Eluden el requisito de donativos a sin fines de lucro A juicio en dos cargos el Dr. Irizarry Pabón El IRS abre C…
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Periodistas unidos por Julian Assange y el presidente de los Estados Unidos, Joe Biden se plantea retirar los cargos contra el periodista fundador de Wikileaks El salsero Gilberto Santa Rosa será condecorado con un doctor honoris causa de Berklee Denuncian irregularidades en nuevo plan de retribución en ACAA Abismal diferencia en solicitudes de vot…
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Funnel sind eine super Möglichkeit dir neue Kontakte zu bringen, die später bei dir kaufen oder dich weiter empfehlen. Sie können aber auch ein schneller Weg sein, das Vertrauen deiner Kontakte zu versauen. Genau das habe ich erlebt, als ich Antworten auf die Frage "Wie bekommt man einen Welpen stubenrein?" gesucht habe. Damit du es zukünftig besse…
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Regreso al pasado: Pierluisi insiste en botar dinero de Educación Especial a pesar de que padres y organizaciones de servicios a niños con impedimentos advierten del riesgo La JCF dio hasta el viernes para que Pierluisi y OGP expliquen de donde sale el dinero para todos los aumentos a empleados de confianza que han dado en los últimos 180 días La d…
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Pastor Sandra Kennedy stated that God intends, and He expects that All the Grace He has provided for us will be ALL we need to be Obedient. So, the question is are we standing firm in the truth of what we have been taught and obedient to what the Lord says? Do we want to be in a position, like Saul in 1Samuel 15, where God says, “I’m sorry I did th…
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1. Amplían residencias médicas bajo Salud y ofrecen hasta $12 mil como incentivo económico para residentes 2. 10 semanas de aumento en el dengue 3. La JCF le pide cuentas al gobierno sobre los aumentos a empleados de confianza nóminas en las agencias públicas y le hace claro que “cualquier aumento sin autorización de la Junta es contrario a lo esta…
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Sobre la censura en los Estados Unidos contra quien cuestione las políticas contra Haití y Palestina, converso con el profesor de ciencias políticas, del John Jay College of Criminal Justice CUNY, Danny Shaw, quien ha sido censurado y pretenden silenciarlo Denuncian supuestas violaciones ambientales de hijo de Pierluisi con propiedades de alquiler …
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Amber Kasic is an evidential medium, author, speaker, former longtime classroom teacher and US Department of Education Fulbright participant. After a shared death experience with her father in 2020, she began a journey of discovery and connection with our greater reality, guided by her dad. She shares her journey and stories in the book "Life Reima…
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Amber Kasic is an evidential medium, author, speaker, former longtime classroom teacher and US Department of Education Fulbright participant. After a shared death experience with her father in 2020, she began a journey of discovery and connection with our greater reality, guided by her dad. She shares her journey and stories in the book "Life Reima…
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Controversial Súper PAC que formaron miembros de MIDA, Industriales, empresarios y ricos anuncia que apoyarán a 18 candidatos del PNP y 6 del PPD en las primarias con más de medio millón para anuncios en billboards, radio y redes sociales. Este es el SuperPac Democracia es Prosperidad que hasta ahora ha lanzado anuncios violentos contra mujeres. Ex…
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Converso con el fotógrafo y documentalista Sebastián Castrodad Reverón sobre el documentalRamona, que se presentará próximamente, sobre la crisis y la resistencia en Playuela Las acciones dictatoriales, antidemocráticas, represivas del cabildero por la estadidad Roberto Lefranc Fortuño y su intento por violar la Constitución de los EEUU El panel de…
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Say goodbye to feeling depleted and resentful by mastering the art of clear and consistent boundary setting, ensuring that your generosity comes from a place of genuine desire, not obligation. It's about creating room for healthy, respectful relationships that honor your needs, leading to a more grounded and fulfilling life. In this episode, we’ll:…
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