💥 Link to book a session with me… https://booking.appointy.com/zerotosixtyhypnosis Ive wanted to talk about this for a while, though I just needed to deliver it a certain way to get the message across in the best way I could… I hooked up with Savvas Elias, who overcame his mental health issues with the help of a hypnotherapist… He fronts his own podcast Sit Down With Sav, where he champions mental health awareness and resolution, interviews cool guys from all walks of life on how to overcome tumultuous times with a stronger mindset…. I shall link his show Sit Down With Sav in the show notes…. ⚡️How Sav was dubious about seeing a Therapist, and how he came to reaching out for help ⚡️How he found the right guy for the job, and how they came to using hypnosis as the intervention ⚡️Reaching the Threshold for making the change (I mention this a lot, because It’s an important point) ⚡️When us Therapists tailor our approach to the client, rather than the client bending to the therapists commands… ⚡️Did Sav disclose all the deep and buried issues that created the anxiety? Did he really assume the root cause of his anxiety was down his work? ⚡️People hire a Personal Trainer in the gym to get in shape, people hire a Nutritionist to get their diets in line, so is hiring a Therapist to strengthen their mental health and mindset the same thing? ⚡️How many sessions did Sav have? Was that enough for him? ⚡️How much of a game changer was seeing a therapist for Sav? Would he see a therapist, even if he needed one or not? 💥 Sit Down With Sav Podcast 🔥 Insta https://www.instagram.com/sitdownwithsav/ 🔥 Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/sit-down-with-sav/id1462929684 🔥 YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/SaveUsEntertainment 🔥 Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/1HHkph6CCIEqGNnMafVJkr?si=MU0tE9WvRmSM8wCeR5DE7w…