Well, here we are again. It’s cold out, the sun may or may not be shining, the holidays have finished, you may or may not have put away all of the decorations. So now what? People tell you it’s time for arbitrary resolutions and a push towards productivity. But the winter season says it’s time to slow down, make friends with the darkness, and look inward. But you do you. And if you want to do you with others, Tania ( taniawalshyoga.com ) and I are running our Winter Workshop on January 30, 2025 and registration is open at letgoandbegin.com. We would love to see you there. And for those who come for books, here are the three I have going at the moment: Yoga and Ayurveda , David Frawley I Have Some Questions For You, Rebecca Makkai Ghost Girl, Banana , Wiz Wharton x A Share…