CDL 36: Your Network Will Determine Your Net Worth With Larry Hagner...
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So the big question is this, what would you do if money didn't matter? So you had millions in your bank account, what would you focus on? Would you spend more time with your family, with your wife, with your kids? Take family vacations.
Would you pursue your gifts and talents and dreams? Serve your local community, teach others, serve your church. You see if what you would do if money didn't matter, it was pursuing your gifts and talents and dreams to serve others, and that is probably what you should be doing.
The problem is most people are in the rat race, living five inches in front of their face with no time to pursue what they were born to do. That is the problem, and the solution is to develop enough passive income to replace your working income so you can quit your job and be free to live your life the way you were created to.
That is a solution and this podcast will show you how...
What's up everybody? Welcome to another awesome episode of Cash Flow Dad Life. I'm your host, Ryan Enc. And I'm stoked for today's guest. We have a special guest, Larry Hagner with us. He is the... What do you, what do you call it? Podcast, podcast host. I'm sorry, I get my words tangled up the podcast host for the Dad Edge, and the Good Dad Project and it is the number one rated podcast on itunes for dads right now.
So it's awesome to have this decorated guest on our show...
I've gotten to know Larry for the past couple months or so, just a super cool dude and he's really done something amazing and special things in the data space and in the space of accountability and just growing your network and proving yourself and all the different areas that are needed.
Being a dad, he's the father of four boys, which is much like myself...
I got one up on him, but, you know, I don't know if he's a quitter or not, but we'll see what happens in the future. Just want to make sure you can hear me. All right Larry, you there?
Larry Hagner: I'm here, man. I'm so pumped to be here, talking to you on your show and, and Gosh, gotten and gotten a chance to get to know you, work with you closely and you're helping me, you know, even with my, you know, an investment that I'm going wouldn't be possible without you, so appreciate you man.
Ryan Enk:Awesome man. Awesome. Well, one of the things that I've been kind of putting off on the show talking about and, and why I thought it would be perfect to have you on as a guest is, you know, it's more of from the mindset standpoint because real estate, it's all, you know, strategies and skills and, but one of the things that most people overlook the most is mindset...
And one of the things that you've been able to create is this accountability system...
I always say with real estate that your net worth is the same as your network, so you look at the five people around you that you're hanging out with the most and it's one of those things where show me your friends and I'll show you your future, you know, you look at the people that you surround yourself with and those are the people that you end up becoming.
So you have created an amazing, not just the podcast, but you've actually created amazing a virtual group of men. Can you tell us a little bit about how that got started and what's become of it?
Larry Hagner: Yeah, man, thank you so much. And when it comes to mindset, so one of the reasons I started you know, Good Dad Project, that's pretty much the umbrella organi --- Support this podcast:
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