The Boston Strangler Case Explained and who was Albert DeSalvo?
Manage episode 377492083 series 3430947
The Boston Strangler was the name given to a murder of 13 victims in the Boston area in the early 1960s. In this episode of Cauldron Capsules, I will give an overview on the boston strangler, the boston strangler victims, how albert desalvo was caught, albert desalvos sentencing, the multiple killer theory, recent dna evidence and more. If you enjoyed this video, The Boston Strangler, please make sure to like and subscribe. Additionally, feel free to comment your theories on Albert DeSalvo and the Boston Strangler case. And, let me know if you watch the new Boston Strangler 2023 film!
Introduction (0:00)
Overview of the Boston Strangler (0:47)
The Boston Strangler Victims (4:00)
How was Albert DeSalvo caught? (4:35)
The Sentencing (7:00)
End of DeSalvo (8:10)
Multiple Killer Theory - Not Desalvo? (8:50)
DNA Evidence (9:57)
77 episode