Conversation with Moses Musa Jawara
Manage episode 354446233 series 3412929
Moses, our guest this week, starts off by sharing a powerful testimony, then goes on to share some sad truths on why some BAME pastors won't confront the issue of domestic abuse.
Born into a Muslim family, Moses gave his life to Jesus after encountering His love at a Reinhard Bonnke crusade. He now ministers under Christian Reformed Church Sierra Leone, as their National President.
Christian Reformed Church Sierra Leone | Facebook
My name is Moses Musa Jawara, I am happily married to Ruth Jawara and blessed with a baby boy. My parents are Muslims, as such I grew as a Muslim until the age of 6years when my uncle who was the only Christian in our family took me to be educated. He became a Christian because of the scholarship given to him by the Catholics, so out of gratitude for his educational support he gave his life to Jesus. Staying with my uncle and seeing his family going to church every week, I started joining them to church though not on regular basis and there was no personal conviction.
When the Rebel war break out in 1995 in our village, we moved to the capital city of Freetown for safety. There I started having regular worship though there was yet no personal encounter because I was still quietly doing my Muslim prayers. On the 8th April 2012, I attended a crusade organized by Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke at our national stadium and that was the last day for it. I went because it was the talk of the town, so I also wanted to see this man and witness what people were saying. On that fateful night, he preached from 1 Corinthians 15:17-19 and the topic was “He is Risen Indeed!” This sermon about Christ death and resurrection and the benefits touched my heart greatly, an alter call was made after the service and there I gave my life to Jesus, since then I have never turned back. Coming back home as now born in Christ I started saving money to get a Bible in order to be reading it personally and know this Jesus better, after a month of saving money, I was able to purchase a Bible and was growing with my relationship in Christ. I later joined a Pentecostal (Word of Faith Ministry) that was close to our house and had a close relationship with the pastor, who became my mentor and was able to disciple me to knowing God more. There he spotted the call of God upon my life and helped me develop into that.
As I continued to grow in Christ, I became the youth pastor of the Word of Faith Ministry Aberdeen. And formed a youth organization called Youth Alliance for Jesus, a non-denomination Christian Youth organization aimed at uniting and empowering youths with the word of God and reaching out to lost souls. After much prayers and supplications, it dawned on me that if the minds of youths are transformed for the Lord Jesus Christ, then the great commission of Christ can be carried out.
As I continued reaching lost souls through a nationwide crusade across the country and youth empowerment seminars and youth leadership seminars, I was called to join the Christian Reformed Church Sierra Leone, a presbyterian church with it’s headquarters at the Northern Province, a Muslim dominated area. My service in this ministry touched the hearts of the leaders and God, and I was elected National President overseeing over 160 churches across the country of Sierra Leone.
Thank you for listening.
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It's either we're part of the problem, or part of the solution. Our silence is part of the problem.
18 episode