283: Susan Mendoza (Illinois), Scott Klug (Wisconsin)
Manage episode 442408929 series 1607548
Tokrat se nam pridružita Susan Mendoza, nekdanja demokratska kongresnica v zvezni državi Illinois, in Scott Klug, nekdanji republikanski kongresnik iz Wisconsina, da se pogovorimo o bližnjih ameriških predsedniških volitvah.
Od elektorskega sistema in “swing” držav, ki kar nočejo stati pri miru, do anket in vprašanja, ali utegne Taylor Swift res prebuditi mlajše volivce in volivke. Z nami sta delila tudi svoja opažanja o trenutnem političnem ozračju in medijih, ki spopad med Harris in Trumpom spremljajo kot konjske dirke.
Epizoda za vse, ki spremljate dogajanje v ZDA in potrebujete kanček navdiha ali pojasnilo zapletene politične igre.
#MetinČaj S12E02
SUSAN MENDOZA – The comptroller of Illinois and a former Illinois state representative. Mendoza is the first Hispanic official elected to Illinois state office and was the first woman elected as Chicago city clerk. She can speak about campaigns, state and local elections, and promoting diversity in elected office. As comptroller, Mendoza focuses on transparency and fiscal responsibility, having paid down the state’s debt to achieve Illinois’s first credit upgrades in 20 years. Mendoza was a delegate to the 2024 Democratic Convention.
SCOTT KLUG – Former member of the U.S. Congress from Wisconsin (R), and the public affairs director and co-chair of the Federal Public Affairs Practice at the law firm of Foley & Lardner LLP. Klug is the founder and host of the website and podcast “Lost in the Middle: America’s Political Orphans,” about the disappearance of centrists in federal and local government. His areas of expertise include the U.S. electoral system, health care, financial services, telecommunications, and energy policy. Previously, Klug spent fifteen years as an Emmy award-winning television reporter, where he crafted proactive media strategies.
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134 episode