S2B14 Adventure Site feedback with Coldlight Press
Manage episode 454458436 series 3348825
Ben from Coldlight Press joins me to field calls about my dream on adventure site design!
Calls from Eric (The Omega 3D Chicken Coop), Daniel (Bandit’s Keep), Anthony aka Runeslinger (Casting Shadows), Riley (Diegetic Advancement), and a late call from Joe (Hindsightless).
Here is a link to the Adventure Site II Contest on Ben’s blog: https://coldlightrpgpress.weebly.com/home/adventure-site-contest-ii-it-begins
You can find Eric and links to all his projects here: https://www.omega3dchickengames.com
You can find Daniel’s YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@BanditsKeep
And his podcast here: https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/daniel-norton
You can find Anthony and links to all his projects here: https://castingshadowsblog.com/
You can find Riley’s podcast here: https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/diegeticadvancement
And Riley’s blog here: https://diegetic-advancement.github.io/
Last but not least Joe can be found in your dreams and at his sporadic podcast here: https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/joe-richter9
Ways to contact me: Google Voice Number for US callers: (540) 445-1145
Speakpipe for international callers: https://www.speakpipe.com/NerdsRPGVarietyCast
The podcast's email at nerdsrpgvarietycast 'at' gmail 'dot' com
Find me on a variety of discords including the Audio Dungeon Discord. Invite for the Audio Dungeon Discord https://discord.gg/j5H8hGr
Proud member of the Grog-talk Empire https://www.grogcon.com/podcast
Ray Otus did the coffee cup art for this show
? provides music for my show.
Spikepit https://www.youtube.com/@spikepit1 provided the "Have no fear" sound clip.
694 episode