Episode 29: Jake's Last Minute Sealed Prime Prep and the Event Report
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In this week's episode, the knights change course at the last moment to help Sir Jake prepare for an imminent competition, with tips on how to evaluate decks when choosing one out of three in the single deck sealed format. This competition, a KeyForge prime tournament, does indeed come to fruition and with Sir Jake in attendance. Thanks to the marvel of modern technology (thanks to our friends in house Logos to be sure), we manage to bring you a report of the event within this very episode. Also, we suffer not one, but two major technical difficulties (to be sure, thanks to our "friends" in house Logos). But we at castle Sanctumonius are known for nothing if not for our stubborn determination to continue on. And continue on we do, right on down to FORGING THOSE KEYS... just mind the explosions.
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Sound credit: Explosion sound provided by Soundbible. (http://soundbible.com/1847-Bunker-Buster-Missile.html)
56 episode