13: Land is Life: Jordan Valley Solidarity
Manage episode 379794767 series 3444869
In this episode Tom and Nicole talk to Rashed Khudairy of the Jordan Valley Solidarity Campaign.
The Israeli state has wanted to annex the Jordan Valley since it occupied it in 1967. In 2021 Netanyahu announced plans to finally incorporate the Valley into the State of Israel. People in the Jordan Valley resisted strongly against these plans, and there was international outcry. Thankfully the plans have been shelved for the moment - but the people of the Jordan Valley are under a constant threat from settlements expanding onto their lands, from the violence of the Israeli settlers, from the closures imposed by the Israeli army and from the constant demolitions of their homes.
This interview was carried out in late 2022. Things have been getting progressively worse throughout 2023, and are getting exponentially more urgent for the people of the Valley since the latest attacks on Gaza in October.
As well as talking about the violence of the occupation, Rashed talks about the beauty of life, nature and the land in the Jordan Valley - and how connection to the land strengthens the steadfastness of the people.
Click here to view the transcript
Jordan Valley Solidarity website
International Solidarity Movement website
International Solidarity Movement statement - October 2023
Information about joining ISM in Palestine
If you would like an explanation of the terms used in this podcast, you can find a useful glossary on pages 140-154 of Shoal Collective's Ebook
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Shoal Collective
13 episode