Who We Are and How We Got Here
Manage episode 336930909 series 3379081
Description: Welcome to the Who Will Feed Us Podcast! In this first episode, we will meet our host, Ayla Fenton and our three co-hosts: Stuart Oke, Aliyah Fraser, and Madeline Marmor. Together, they will introduce the podcast and set the scene: who they are; why they wanted to create a podcast from the perspective of young farmers; and, what they hope to achieve/gain/offer from the process. Join our hosts as they lay the groundwork for the episodes to come and explore the forces that shape our food production system.
Disclaimer: The thoughts and opinions expressed by the guests and producers of this podcast do not necessarily represent the thoughts, opinions or policy of our sponsors, including that of the National Farmers Union.
Host: Ayla Fenton
Bio: Ayla is a first-generation farmer and community organizer. She graduated from Queen's University in 2011 with a B. Sc (Honours) in Biology, and since 2013 has been working on local organic farms, learning regenerative production methods for vegetables, livestock, cereal grains and dairy. Since. Ayla has been a board member of the National Farmers Union, and is a former Youth President. She has been involved with organizing young farmers and farmworkers nationally and internationally, advocating for the transition to agroecology, food sovereignty and climate justice. Ayla also represents the NFU in the global peasant movement La Via Campesina.
As always, a huge thank you to the National Farmers Foundation http://nationalfarmersfoundation.ca/
Show notes/links
- http://nationalfarmersfoundation.ca/
- www.whowillfeedus.ca
- www.nfu.ca @NFUCanada
- https://viacampesina.org/en/
- www.rootedoak.ca @rootedoakfarm
- https://luckybugfarm.com/ @luckybugfarm
Who Will Feed Us first edition( 2009) - https://www.etcgroup.org/content/who-will-feed-us
Who will feed us Posters (2013) :https://www.etcgroup.org/content/poster-who-will-feed-us-industrial-food-chain-or-peasant-food-webs
Who will feed us third edition (2017): https://www.etcgroup.org/whowillfeedus
Who Will Feed Us Video (Pat and Nnimmo) (2017 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QE4ubI5XkA4
Who will feed us animations (2018): https://www.etcgroup.org/content/new-video-who-will-feed-us-peasant-food-web-vs-industrial-food-chain
27 episode