The Lord Is Close to All Who Call on Him - the Promise & the Prayer of Psalm 145 (Episode #193)
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Thanks for listening to this special episode of The Burt (Not Ernie) Show. Today we're taking a look at Psalm 145 and praying the promises we find there. And fair warning - since this is a special bonus episode, it does cut off at a seemingly random point... but it really isn't random at all. (There was just a smidge of no-longer relevant info that I cut from the tail end of this episode.)
I’m thankful you’re listening, and I have been praying that today’s verse and today’s prayer will be a huge blessing and encouragement for you, right now, in the midst of all that is transpiring in your life, good or bad, ups and downs, no matter what. Let’s talk about it.
Psalm 145:18 in the NLT says this:
The LORD is close to all who call on Him, yes, to all who call on Him in truth.
Praying Colossians Chapter One
So if you happen to know me from my first podcast, which is all about God’s promises, then you’ve probably heard me mention how God means it when He uses the words will and all in a promise from the Bible. So of course, the word all being used twice in Psalm 145:18 stood out to me. Who is the Lord close to, according to this verse? To all who call on Him in truth. And it’s doubly emphasized. He states this twice. We should take Him at His word.
All means all, it cannot mean anything else or less than all.
And so, you can go to Him in prayer, you can call out to Him (in truth, as it says…and that indicates honesty in the inmost parts, which we know from the Bible is what God desires from us, and in the name of Jesus, who is The Way, The Truth and The Life). Call out to the Lord. Tell Him what is on your heart, on your mind, stressing you out or what you are celebrating. Call out to Him about your biggest need. And expect Him to be close to you.
I take this literally. I expect Him to be so near that I know He is near, that He is right here with me. That I am not ever going to be abandoned or forsaken, because my God does all that He has promised to do. And so, yes, I call out to Him in truth. I don’t sugar coat my needs or my concerns, and I don’t try to be all cleaned up and perfect before I come to Him in prayer.
If my friend is facing something overwhelming and I am praying for them, it is not with a phony, this is not big deal but if You have time God please help my friend out. No, I get in there and pray. I am honest about what is happening in their world, and I seek God’s actual, tangible help for them in their time of need.
Little bit harder to do this for myself, if I am honest. But I don’t think it should be more difficult, because God clearly is okay with His people calling on Him.
How about you? Are you super good at calling on God when you are facing something, at a point of need? When you are afraid, do you trust in Him fully and call on Him honestly?
This is your birthright, if you will, and God does want you to have the absolute most possible peace and grace in your life right now, and every moment hereafter. There is not any of His peace or His grace or His love that He wants you to set aside and leave for later, or leave for heaven. He has all this for you here and now, but often we leave it on the table and we miss what He wants for us.
As I pray today, would you pray with me and ask the Lord to give you an overflow, an abundance of His blessing? Love and mercy and grace and help and wisdom and healing and all the things you know you need? Would you join me in asking our good and faithful God to hear you as you call out to Him, and to answer in ways that move mountains and reveal how close He is to you - that He is right here in this thing with you, and you are not alone and you are so dearly and even fiercely loved by Him.
Father, today I am coming to You in prayer asking that You would hear me according to Your Word, which says that when I call out to You in truth, You will be close to me. And that is exactly what I am praying for today. That as I call out, You would show up, even in a way that seems overwhelming to the ones for whom I am praying. Overwhelm them with Your love today. Give them direct and clear and profound answers to their most pressing needs. And where they are celebrating in some way, and maybe for many of them feel as if they are celebrating alone, feeling a bit isolated perhaps, would you in some way show them that You rejoice with them.
Be honored as we pray and by the way we live our lives in Your presence. You are the friend who sticks closer than a brother, and for that, we praise You. Can I ask, Lord, for You to do it again? Those moments when the one listening has felt so close to You, so much in Your favor, loved so dearly and walking with You moment by moment, blessed and joyful and covered by Your grace and peace…would You do it again, Lord? Right now? Do that today. And I boldly ask that You keep on doing that, day by day, so that they can live in a state of peace of mind and heart that can only come from You.
Move in their lives. Show Your will, Your love, and Your hope to others through them. Provide richly for their needs. And even beyond that, Lord, I am asking for You to give them enough that they can share with others who have needs. Be generous with Your people, and remind us often to in turn be generous with others. Life is a gift, and we want to spend our gifts well for Your glory. Thank You that You are always only a prayer away, in fact You are never far and never forsake those whom You love.
Teach us how to best pray for one another, and teach me how to best pray for those who listen to this podcast. Favor them highly, comfort them in amazing ways, be much with them and may they bear so much fruit. Comfort them, and give them the opportunity to comfort others. May no weapon of the enemy that is formed against them prosper, and may every tongue that rises up against them be condemned, as Your word says, Lord. Do the things that only You can do, and do it in ways that glorify only You. We give no quarter to the enemy, we do not dwell in doubt but rather in faith and in trust, for we know the One to whom we pray.
May we trust You in all things, knowing that not one of Your good promises will ever fail to come to pass. And so, Holy Spirit, I ask You to move and keep on moving in the life of the one listening today. Move and keep moving, because I ask and I keep asking, as Jesus taught in the New Testament. We are choosing to believe You above all else, and we are certain that our hope in You will lead to blessing and favor and glory for Your name, because He who promised is faithful and He will do it.
Bless them, Lord. Draw them ever closer to You. Hear them as they call out to You, and do not be slow in answering their heart cries.
Thank You for the privilege of prayer, for making a way into the Holy of Holies to pray before Your throne of grace. I am eternally grateful and am thankful that You made a way where there was no way. Do it again, Lord. Do it again. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to pray for you. It really is a blessing! And in one of my prior episodes of The Prayer Podcast I shared a free resource with you, and in case you have not gotten it yet, I am sharing it again. It’s a link to a Daily Prayer Tracker that you can download and print and use in your daily prayer time. And I am also adding a link to a prayer based on Colossians chapter 1 that you can download and pray. And there will be more things like this coming in future episodes, I will try and rotate through and add things to bless you.
201 episode