24 | A Heart to Serve: Walking with a Game Plan
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In this episode, our friend Tammie Hood, joins us at the table to share her own testimony of Walking with the Lord. Tammie felt called to full-time ministry as a teenager, and over the years God has continued to give her a HEART to SERVE in the local community. She is passionate about loving others and leading them to Jesus, and many times that begins by first meeting their physical needs. Tammie founded both L.E.A.P. (Love Everyone Always Passionately) and Leaping Forward ministries starting in 2020. Both ministries exist so that children, families, the homeless, and ALL people can know: that God loves us, Jesus is our Hope, and we were created for a purpose. We hope you are encouraged and challenged to serve and love others well every opportunity you get. This week many people will celebrate Valentine's Day and we want you to know that GOD loves you so much! #keepwalking Matthew 25:42-45 NIV - For I was hungry and you gave me - Bible Gateway Matthew 22:37-39 NIV - Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your - Bible Gateway "LOVE the Lord your God with ALL your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment, and the second is like it, LOVE your neighbor as yourself." If you have been encouraged and want to reach out to Tammie Hood and find opportunities to get involved in LEAP and LEAPING FORWARD ministries, her email is below. [email protected]
77 episode