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Dr. Daniel Olukoya

Dr D.K. Olukoya

Welcome to the Official Page of Dr. D.K Olukoya The General Overseer of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries. A platform for the unlimited demonstration of the power that delivers to the uttermost.
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Saade on eetris laupäeval kel 09:10. ERR-i arvamussaade "Olukorrast riigis" jõuab podcastina kuulajateni iga reede pärastlõunal ning saate peamine teema on Raadio 2 eetrisse igal laupäeval. Saadet saab järele kuulata ja alla laadida 365 päeva. ERR-i arvamussaade "Olukorrast riigis" jõuab podcasti ehk taskuhäälinguna kuulajateni iga reede pärastlõunal ning saate peamine teema on Raadio 2 eetrisse igal laupäeval kell 09:10. Päevakajalises arvamussaates "Olukorrast riigis" analüüsivad ajakirjan ...
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Olumlu Dünya

Podbee Media

Yazar/komedyen Deniz Özturhan tarafından hazırlanan Olumlu Dünya'da, her şeye rağmen delirmeme ve kendimizi iyi hissetme hakkımızı, (bir takım gülüşmeler eşliğinde) doyasıya kullanmayı deneyeceğiz.
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Music. Social Commentary. Entertainment. Olumide Is A Goat Podcast is hosted by Olumide Akinwale, and co-hosted by PapiMaxi. They discuss topics pertaining to the entertainment industry, music especially while spicing it up with a touch of social commentary. • Follow the podcast IG: @olumide.is.a.goat.podcast • Follow Olumide: @FreeOlum1d3 (Twitter) & @olum1d3 (IG) • Follow PapiMaxi: @0luwakay0de (Twitter) & @_papimaxi_ (IG) Invest in our podcast, a high ROI is guaranteed! Follow, subscribe ...
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"Take it or leave it", is a discussion on trending issues on social media. View expressed are based on constructive criticisms. Every podcast will educating, and entertaining and informative as it mirrors the society. Cover art photo provided by sutirta budiman on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@sutirtab
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The Olu-FUSION Podcast

Olumayowa Adekuoroye

These podcast is strictly for those who needs or loves happiness and laughter! Na joke oooo! It's for everybody abeg.🤣 WhatsApp: 07057629278 IG: @olu_fusion Twitter: @olu_fusion Facebook: Adekuoroye Olumayowa
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Oluloseyi ❤️

Oluloseyi Funmie

Hey hey everyone. I'm Oluloseyi and I love to talk. I would be discussing and trying to address certain contemporary issues and challenges facing teenagers, young adults and youth from the Biblical point of view. Also occasionally, I would be teaching on the Word of God. This is my little way of propagating the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Be blessed. 😘
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STEAM Spark: Think STEAM Careers Podcast with Dr. Olufade. Welcome to STEAM Sparks: The Think STEAM Career Podcast, hosted by Dr. Ayo Olufade. Our mission is to raise awareness about the importance of pursuing college and careers in STEAM fields and the positive impact they can have on BIPOC communities. Dr. Ayo's journey, fueled by his passion for STEAM education, lies at the heart of this podcast. His experiences and meaningful conversations with guests from STEM and STEAM backgrounds insp ...
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The Oluwaferanmi Podcast

Odewale Feranmi Omotayo

This podcast is all about relating to youthful stuffs ranging from love❤️, arts, culture, health, motivations, entertainment, friendship, social life, family, emotions😵,and a whole lot of other interesting stuffs plus my personal experience on certain issues. The Oluwaferanmi Podcast is all about Fun and Facts😊😊.
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Markus Olsson

Öluffarpodden- din lots i den grekiska övärlden är en podd av resebloggaren Markus Olsson (mittgrekland.se) som med gäster delar med sig av personliga erfarenheter och upplevelser av att öluffa och att resa i Grekland. Fakta, rekommendationer och reflektioner blandas med inspiration och reseberättelser.
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I am a recovering people pleaser delivered by grace to live purposefully for God! I am on the journey to becoming like Jesus. And as I share here and introduce you to some other great people, the aim is that you will break free from the people pleasing life and embrace God's purpose for you.
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Anlatsam Roman Olur bir kültür, sanat ve edebiyat söyleşileri podcasti. Ancak bu seri, kültür-sanat denilince aklımıza gelenden fazlasının peşine düşüyor. Gündelik yaşamın içine sızan, ekonomiyle, politikayla dönüşen kültürün de izlerini sürüyor, sanat dünyasından çarpıcı haberlerin de peşine düşüyor. Yolunu sıklıkla edebiyata düşürmeyi de seviyor. Bu seride değişen dönüşen yaşam ve çalışma kültürleri, deneyimlerden beslenen söyleşiler, güncele dair haberler, çarpıcı isimlere ait kanaatler, ...
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Eski Sevgiliden Olur Mu?

Eski Sevgiliden Olur Mu?

İki eski sevgili. Yağız ve Lara. Yıllar sonra, yer; Ankara. Zamanında yaşanamayan bir aşk, şimdiki zamana ait olabilir mi? Berk Alan’ın yönettiği, başrollerinde Sertan Müsellim ve Fulden Nartur’un oynadığı yeni podcast dizisi “Eski Sevgiliden Olur Mu?” yayında! Yönetmen ve Yapımcı Berk Alan Senaryo ve Yaratıcı Yapımcı Fulden Nartur Oyuncular Sertan Müsellim Fulden Nartur Kurgu & Ses Tasarım Berk Alan Miksaj Cem Saydam Müzik Hayalet-i Ruhiye Kelle Paşa Yapboz Tasarım ve Sosyal Medya Fulden Na ...
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Hi! Welcome to the Zero Limit Life Podcast with Oluseye Igbafe where I share proven tools guaranteed to help you build the required skills and mindset to excel in every area of your life. Develop the right mindset with this weekly podcast as you are immersed in topics spanning Self love, Emotional Intelligence, Goal Setting, Time management, Self Leadership, Team Leadership, Career, Relationships and more. Be warned! this podcast will inspire, motivate, energize and entertain you greatly.
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show series
Selle ümber tahavad vanamehed viinavabriku kõrvalt mitteakadeemiliselt mõtteid vahetada oma saates "Olukorrast ajakirjanduses". Lisaks sellele tahavad nad kindlasti kiita neid ajakirjanikke, kes suudavad vahet teha kosmosesüstikul ja puupiiritusevabrikul. Veel on kavatsus asutada saates firma, mis tegeleb raha taotlemisega ja kui see ei õnnestu sii…
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Episode 50 finally! Thank you for always listening, one love --Do well to share after listening, rate us 5 stars, and SUBSCRIBE to be notified on time when we upload.Follow us on: • IG: https://instagram.com/olumide.is.a.goat.podcast?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== • TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@0lumide_is_a_goatpodcast?_t=8ceLEq8cPaQ&_r=1…
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“Have you subscribed to our YouTube channel? Have you clicked on the notification bell? If you haven't, please do so now. For every Friday night, it will be Prayers That Move Mountains with Dr. DK. Olukoya. 12 midnight on YouTube. Subscribe now. God bless you in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is your friend in the School of Prayer a…
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“Have you subscribed to our YouTube channel? Have you clicked on the notification bell? If you haven't, please do so now. For every Friday night, it will be Prayers That Move Mountains with Dr. DK. Olukoya. 12 midnight on YouTube. Subscribe now. God bless you in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is your friend in the School of Prayer a…
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“Have you subscribed to our YouTube channel? Have you clicked on the notification bell? If you haven't, please do so now. For every Friday night, it will be Prayers That Move Mountains with Dr. DK. Olukoya. 12 midnight on YouTube. Subscribe now. God bless you in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is your friend in the School of Prayer a…
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“Have you subscribed to our YouTube channel? Have you clicked on the notification bell? If you haven't, please do so now. For every Friday night, it will be Prayers That Move Mountains with Dr. DK. Olukoya. 12 midnight on YouTube. Subscribe now. God bless you in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is your friend in the School of Prayer a…
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“Have you subscribed to our YouTube channel? Have you clicked on the notification bell? If you haven't, please do so now. For every Friday night, it will be Prayers That Move Mountains with Dr. DK. Olukoya. 12 midnight on YouTube. Subscribe now. God bless you in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is your friend in the School of Prayer a…
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“Have you subscribed to our YouTube channel? Have you clicked on the notification bell? If you haven't, please do so now. For every Friday night, it will be Prayers That Move Mountains with Dr. DK. Olukoya. 12 midnight on YouTube. Subscribe now. God bless you in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is your friend in the School of Prayer a…
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Bu bölümde konuğum Silk & Cashmere markasının kurucusu ve 30 yıla yakın yöneticisi olan Ayşen Zamanpur. Ayşen Hanım ile sohbete 'çok taşınmalı' çocukluğundan, okullarının ve ailesinin ona kazandırdıklarından konuşarak başladık. Ardından Şişecam'daki planlama yılları, Galleria-Benetton ile perakendeye giriş ve 1992 yılında daha da bilinmez olan Çin'…
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Kuna vanamehi ei kutsutud presidendi vastuvõtul isegi mitte akendeta ruumi, kus kannatasid mõned uurivad ajakirjanikud, siis pühendame saates sedapuhku suure osa ajast rubriigile „Millest me ei jõudnud rääkida“. Rääkida ei jõudnud me ei sellest, kus ja kuidas kanda ülikonda, ega ka sellest, kes ja kellega presidendi vastuvõtule tuli ning palju ta k…
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Bu bölümde konuğum davranış nörolojisi ve nöropsikiyatri alanlarında çalışan Doktor Diler Acar. İstanbul Üniversitesi İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi'ndeki eğitiminin hemen ardından ABD'ye giden, oradaki eğitim ve araştırmalarının ardından yaklaşık 25 yıl boyunca Harvard Üniversitesi’ne bağlı Brigham and Womens Hospital’da Davranışsal Nöroloji bölümünde çal…
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Neli jänkit põhjustas üleeuroopalise paanika. Pole tähtis, mida öeldi ja mida sellega mõeldi, tähtis on pealkiri. Sellest, potisetudest ja Quentin Tarrantino ettenägelikkusest kavatsevad rääkida oma saates "Olukorrast ajakirjanduses" Rein Lang ja Väino Koorberg ehk vanamehed viinavabriku kõrvalt. Saade algab, nagu ikka, kohe pärast kella üheseid uu…
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This episode shines a light on the journey of Savanah Saldaña-Shumaker, a chemist and entrepreneur who successfully bridges STEM and entrepreneurship and finds inspiration in the performing arts passions. She emphasizes the importance of mentorship for women in STEM and discusses her innovative ventures, including SCS Laboratory Solutions and 8 Cou…
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*Polonius: Mida te loete, mu prints?**Hamlet: Sõnu, sõnu, sõnu...*Mis see siis oli – võitlus eesti keele ja kultuuri kestmajäämise nimel, kultuurimperialism, andmekolonialism või lihtsalt autorite vara natsionaliseerimine? Vanamehed Rein Lang ja Väino Koorberg räägivad möödunud nädalal lahvatanud skandaalist nelja miljardi sõna ümber ning vaatavad,…
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Ring the bell, sound the alarm, call your lovers, and text your enemies—let everyone know Olumide Is A Goat Podcast is back!!! Do I promise to be consistent? Listen to find out. Please don't forget to SHARE & RATE the podcast. 🙏🏼⭐--Do well to share after listening, rate us 5 stars, and SUBSCRIBE to be notified on time when we upload.Follow us on: •…
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Herkesin ve her şeyin delirdiği noktada, bireysel olarak akıllı kalmak ne kadar etik? Öfkeyi topraklaya topraklaya köstebek olarak, ne kadar yaşayabiliriz? ------- Podbee Sunar ------- Bu podcast, Hiwell hakkında reklam içerir . 50podbee koduyla Hiwell’de ilk seansınızda geçerli %50 indirimi kullanmak için Hiwell'i şimdi indirin. ------- Podbee Sun…
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Nasıl Olunur’un 234’üncü bölümünde konu menopoz; konuğum Operatör Doktor Banu Çiftçi. Çiftçi, kadın hastalıkları ve doğum uzmanı. Mesleğinin ilk yıllarını da özellikle bu alanda başarılı çalışmalar yaparak, çocuk sahibi olamayan pek çok kişinin anne-baba olmasını sağlayarak geçiriyor. 34 yaşında aniden yaşadığı 'erken menopoz' süreciyle başka bir d…
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Kuidas näevad maailma meediajuhid oma äri tulevikuväljavaateid, selgub äsja avaldatud küsitlusest, mida vanamehed viinavabriku kõrval sedakorda lehitseda võtavad. Näiteks trükiajakirjanduse osakaal kirjastuste kogutulust langes esimest korda ajaloo jooksul alla 50%. Eks sekka räägivad Rein Lang ja Väino Koorberg ka möödunud nädala poliitilistest mä…
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Vanamehed viinavabriku kõrvalt mõtisklevad kivide kolina saatel sedapuhku, kas loll on ikka raske olla. Eriti kui see muutub kandvaks teemaks. Kuna see võtab ilmselt kogu saateaja, on ebatõenäoline, et Rein Lang ja Väino Koorberg jõuaks rääkida uutest toitumissoovitustest, elektrist, tervishoiust ja rohepöördest. Võib-olla põgusalt sellest, kuidas …
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