Podcast by Aftenskolen
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At many American universities, being in a sorority is an essential part of establishing a social circle during your study years. Sororities can be a place for women to find support and sister solidary but it also tends to be a hierarchy with men on top – fraternities being the real gatekeepers of social life - where money and beauty equals power. I…
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Another love story: ”How did your parents meet?”
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Aftenskolen Episode XII - Another love story: ”How did your parents meet?” with Kripa Metha“Age? Job? Religion? Smoking status? Vegetarian?” Sounds like a dropdown-menu from a dating website? These are some of the questions asked in biodata-profiles for arranged marriages. In this episode of Aftenskolen, Kripa Metha tells us about her parents’ love…
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Aftenskolen - Lektion XI - Københavns Unge FeministerHvordan er det mon at være ung feminist? Hvorfor har Sverige en hær af feminister og massere feministisk ungdomskultur, mens feministiske forbilleder i Danmark mest er at finde blandt Politikens kulturelite? Mød Karla Borg, initiativtager og forperson i Københavns Unge Feminister (KUF) der tog ti…
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