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Speculative fiction writer, long-term resident of Japan and Bram Stoker Award finalist Thersa Matsuura explores all that is weird from old Japan—strange superstitions, folktales, cultural oddities, and interesting language quirks. These are little treasures she digs up while doing research for her writing.
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This podcast, assembled by a former PhD student in History at the University of Washington, covers the entire span of Japanese history. Each week we'll tackle a new topic, ranging from prehistoric Japan to the modern day.
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This is the latest news in Indonesian from NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN. This service is daily updated. For more information, please go to https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/.
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A Japanese teacher talks in Japanese. As a teacher, I try to speak in not too difficult but not too easy Japanese. 日本語を勉強している人のための日本語トーク!日本語教師の友が、難しすぎない簡単すぎない、ちょうどいい日本語で話します。 Any levels of Japanese learners are welcome to this Podcast. Each title has a number from N1 to N5, which shows JLPT level. タイトルのN1〜N5の数字はJLPTのレベルです。 応援はこちらまで↓ https://www.paypal.me/ltjtomo/ 意見、感想、トピックのリクエストetc lets_talk_in_japanese@ruby-s.net https://twitter.com/L_T_I_J https://www.instagram.com/lets_talk_in_Japanese s ...
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Escucha los programas en vivo por medio de nuestro blog: japan-next.blogspot.com Participa de nuestras redes sociales: Facebook: JapanNext Oficial Twitter: JapannextRadio
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I’m Noriko 🌸, a certified Japanese teacher and the creator of the popular Learn Japanese with Noriko podcast! I'm also a certified Neurolanguage Coach 🧠. My Japanese Neurolanguage Coaching program launches in 2025—sign up for my newsletter to stay updated! And don’t miss Japanese Together, my community where learners connect, share knowledge, and dive into the fascinating world of Japanese language and culture.
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Independent filmmaker Chris Broad brings you his multi-award winning YouTube channel Abroad In Japan in podcast form. Aided by broadcaster Pete Donaldson, they bring you a taste of life in the most unique country in the world, from great cuisine to capsule hotels, current events and tips on how to spend your time there. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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This is the latest news in English from NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN. This service is daily updated. For more information, please go to https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/.
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The GOT FADED JAPAN podcast opens a tinted window into Japan’s subculture, wild news, hidden peoples, underground parties, and all the other weekly fun, mischief & mayhem!
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Japanese podcast for beginners (Nihongo con Teppei)
Japanese podcast for beginners (Nihongo con Teppei)
“AI Transcripts are now available on my Patreon! patreon.com/nihongoconteppei Japanese podcast for beginners,Nihongo con Teppei,The best way to learn how to speak Japanese naturally!,is a podcast for learners of Japanese language. Listen,learn and have fun while picking up natural Japanese as it really is spoken.Let’s study Japanese with me! If you like this podcast, and you have the means, please consider making a donation. サポーターをどんどん募集中!! http://teppei.nihongoconteppei.com https://www.ital ...
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Stories of Japan’s Dark History, Unbelievable Folklore, Ghost Stories, and Urban Legends.
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这是一档关注日本消费与生活的节目,由蓝莓评测编辑部与长期旅居京都的妮子共同打造。 我们希望通过不同品牌背后的故事、主播们与品牌之间产生的真实链接,陪你一起深度探索别样和风。 微信搜索并关注「蓝莓评测」公众号,发现更多消费灵感。
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This is a weekly English podcast about all things Japan! If you want to learn English or about Japanese culture, news life, and other fun things, give us a listen.
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Slow Japanese is a podcast for beginner and intermediate Japanese learners (A1-B1/B2). As the program name shows, in this podcast, project founder Akari talks about various topics in slow Japanese. Listen to this slow and easy Japanese, and grow your ears into "Japanese ears". Transcripts & Exclusive Contents: https://www.patreon.com/mochifika Private Lesson: https://mochifika.com
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Do you want to practice listening to Japanese the way we really speak it? Are you finding it difficult to communicate in Japanese even though you study hard? This podcast is to help you to have natural conversations in Japanese and share Japanese culture with the world!! If you want to learn to speak natural sounding Japanese fast, please consider getting my course: https://www.mikurealjapanese.com/
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A podcast about Japanese literature and some of its best works New episodes more-or-less monthly
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This is the perfect Podcast for Japanese learners to improve their Japanese listening skill!! I’m going to talk about anything related to Japan and my life. You can get transcripts of all of my episodes on my Patreon! きいてくれてありがとう!❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ - Layla from Bite size Japanese
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Interviews with Scholars of Japan about their New Books Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://newbooksnetwork.supportingcast.fm/japanese-studies
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A history of the people of Japan, from the prehistoric Jomon period to the modern era. WARNING: This podcast occasionally touches on subjects of human sexuality, suicide, violence, and torture.
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Welcome to Unpacking Japan, a podcast that explores the experiences of people living in Japan. Our channel is dedicated to discussing topics related to work and life in Japan as well as cultural differences, language barriers, food and travel. Unpacking Japan is hosted by Tobi who is passionate about Japan and has a first-hand experience of the challenges and joys of living as a foreigner in this beautiful country. Tobi's guests include expats or locals who share their unique perspectives an ...
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A look into the curious world bridging Japan and the USA.
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Informationen und Gespräche aus der mit Japan befassten akademischen Welt.
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Stories of travel, life and culture beyond the big cities. Outland Japan is a bi-weekly podcast hosted by Peter Carnell - a freelance tour guide based in northern Nagano – that transports you to rural, regional and the wilds of Japan in pursuit of stories that lie outside the neon hum of Tokyo and golden trimmings of Kyoto. Stories from the Japanese outlands.
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Discover Japan through conversations with fascinating people. Every episode host Tony Vega is joined by a guest to talk about all aspects of Japan, including the Japanese language, history, Japanese pop culture, food, anime, manga, movies, music, comedy, the impact of Japanese culture around the world, underground social movements, social issues in Japan, and much more. Episodes are released on the first of every month. Bonus episodes are regularly released on the fifteenth of the month. For ...
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This is the latest news in Chinese from NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN. This service is daily updated. For more information, please go to https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/.
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A hodgepodge of guest interviews, personal narratives, recent news, history, and Japan-related memes and cultural phenomena.
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Japanese with Teppei and Noriko, The best way to learn conversational Japanese! is a podcast for learners of Japanese language. Listen,learn and have fun while picking up natural Japanese as it really is spoken.Let’s study Japanese with us! https://www.patreon.com/teppeinorikojapanese https://ko-fi.com/teppeinorikojapanese
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Independent news and stories from SBS Audio, connecting you to life in Australia and Japanese-speaking Australians. - 世界やオーストラリアのニュース、インタビュー、特集、そしてコミュニティーの話題などを、SBSの日本語放送でお聴きいただけます。
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Disrupting Japan gives you candid, in-depth insights from the startup founders, VCs, and leaders who are reshaping Japan.
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This podcast offers a firsthand exploration of my and other foreigners' experiences living in Japan, providing intimate insights into daily life, cultural nuances, and the unique aspects of Japanese society. Through personal anecdotes and discussions, listeners gain a deeper understanding of the intricacies of Japanese culture and the enriching journey of adapting to life in Japan.
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ドイツ語と日本語半々で友だち同士のリアルな日常会話をお届け♩ドイツ語のリスニング勉強にも最適です。 私日本人のみやことドイツ人のリケが日本語とドイツ語で会話をします。2人ともドイツ語オンラインレッスンVollmond(フォルモント)の講師です。 日本とドイツで過ごす私たちの日常、言語学習の話、文化の違いを楽しく配信中! Wir begrüßen euch recht herzlich zu unserem Podcast! Wir sind Miyako und Rike und möchten in diesem Podcast auf japanisch und deutsch sprechen. Wir wollen euch aus unserem Alltag in Japan und Deutschland berichten und euch mit Freude an unseren Erlebnissen teilhaben lassen. Gleichzeitig möchten wir damit unsere und eure sprachliche u ...
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Dari lebt in Japan, Ela geht sie dort gerne besuchen. Kommt mit auf unserer Reise durch Japan, was wir dort erleben. Über ein faszinierendes Land, welches sein Galapagos Syndrom nicht so ganz loszuwerden scheint. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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A Bi-Weekly adventure on all things Japan, our lost without moments and so much more.
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Welcome to EASY JAPANESE PODCAST!! We are MASA and ASAMI. This is a Podcast for Japanese learners. Mostly JLPT N3 level. We talk everyday topics in easy and natural Japanese. Please SUBSCRIBE our YouTube as well. Thank you! ー EASY JAPANESE PODCAST へようこそ! 「まさ&あさみ」です! N3レベルの簡単で自然な日本語のお話をお届けしています。 毎日の出来事を、日本語だけで、 少しだけゆっくり、ていねいにお話します。 YouTubeもチャンネル登録をお願いします! ー YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/EASYJAPANESE Mail: welcometoeasyjapanese@gmail.com ー #JAPANESE #NIHONGO #日本語 #にほんご #やさしい日本語 #JLPT #jap ...
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Sengoku Daimyo's Chronicles of Japan is a Japanese history podcast where we will be going through a chronological history of Japan. We will start with prehistory and continue up through the Meiji period. Episodes are released as soon as they are available--working on a monthly release schedule.
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This is the latest news in Arabic from NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN. This service is daily updated. For more information, please go to https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/.
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Supernatural Japan is a podcast about the weirder side of Japan. Learn about hauntings, ghostly tales, legends, UFOs, and a lot more. Join host Kevin O'Shea and guests as they investigate and research the spookier side of Japan. Sometimes serious, sometimes light-hearted and always interesting, this podcast has a little something for everyone interested in Japan, history, and the supernatural.
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Location Weekly Japanは、位置情報データを活用したビジネス・マーケティング・サービスを推進する、一般社団法人LBMA Japan(ロケーションビジネス&マーケティングアソシエーションジャパン)が運営するポッドキャストです。毎週、メンバー企業の経営メンバーや、事業担当メンバーへのインタビューを行い、最新の位置情報データ活用の事例をご紹介したり、世界で注目のイベントや、ここでしか聞くことができない裏話など、を配信しています。 I T関連のメンバーが多い団体ではありますので、横文字たくさん出てきますが、本ポッドキャストでは、なるべくわかりやすく皆さんに位置情報データを活用した事例をご紹介して行きますので、気軽にお聞きください。 MC:川島 邦之(一般社団法人LBMA Japan 代表理事) https://lbmajapan.com 毎週月曜日更新。 https://listen.style/p/6eiezwco?rs7JQFMS
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The Japan Reach Podcast covers the experiences of the Japan Reach team, as well as the fun facts and the amazing people that we discover as we learn all about Japan.
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Japanpodden är en svenskspråkig podcast som handlar om allt som har med Japan att göra. I redaktionen ingår japan-veteranerna Göran Edman, Hans Rhodiner och Lars Vargö. Poddens producent är journalisten Jon Thunqvist. japanpodden.substack.com
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NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN - English News at 18:00 (JST), March 28
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14:59NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN - English News at 18:00 (JST), March 28Oleh NHK WORLD-JAPAN
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NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN - Arabic News at 15:00 (JST), March 28
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8:57NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN - Arabic News at 15:00 (JST), March 28Oleh NHK WORLD-JAPAN
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NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN - Chinese News at 13:00 (JST), March 28
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13:55NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN - Chinese News at 13:00 (JST), March 28Oleh NHK WORLD-JAPAN
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IJ114 - Menschliches Angrillen
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1:03:18Es wird endlich wieder wärmer! Man merkt es am Kompost und der Sakura Vorhersage. Wollt ihr Hallo sagen? @InsomniaJapan auf Instagram oder: insomniajapanpodcast@gmail.com Falls euch der Podcast gefällt, freuen wir uns sehr über eine Bewertung bei Apple Podcast, oder wo ihr den Podcast hört! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more informatio…
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NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN - Indonesian News at 20:15 (JST), March 27
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8:56NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN - Indonesian News at 20:15 (JST), March 27Oleh NHK WORLD-JAPAN
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The Great Hanshin Earthquake, also known as the Kobe Earthquake, struck on January 17, 1995, in Japan. It measured 6.9 on the moment magnitude scale and caused widespread devastation, particularly in Kobe and its surrounding areas. The quake resulted in the loss of over 6,000 lives, injured tens of thousands, and left hundreds of thousands homeless…
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Climbing Mount Fuji in 2025 Just Got Harder
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30:44Just don't wear shorts, Chris! AbroadInJapanPodcast@gmail.com for all your messages, ya big hunks! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Season 3-104 Noriko's Japan Journal 2025-2 京都のホテルから with 特別サプライズゲスト!(音声のみ)
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21:4100:18:12 There are a few silent moments in the middle of the podcast. This happened because my phone received an earthquake alert (for training purposes), which briefly interrupted the recording. I left it as it is—I hope you enjoy the atmosphere! Summaryこのポッドキャストでは、NorikoさんがMizukiさんとRitsuさんと話しました。テーマは「京都での女子会」です。Mizukiさんとは、京都で会ったときのことを話しました。Ritsuさ…
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Fish. Farm. Hunt. A Year in the Kyoto Countryside with Vincent Ng / Kyoto Insider
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46:03Send us a text In Episode 48 we travel to rural Kyoto Prefecture to speak with Vincent Ng, otherwise known on Instagram as Kyoto Insider. As Kyoto Insider, Vince documents his life in rural Kyoto, and in doing so, explores the interconnection of food chain origins while showing off his lifestyle. He is hands on in that exploration, embracing all as…
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詐欺(さぎ)に気(き)をつけましょう! * Nasal voice due to allergies 👉 Get full transcripts (+ Bonus Call) on Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/mochifika/membership 🎁 How to use Slow Japanese:https://mailchi.mp/mochifika/get-your-podcast-guide ✅ Japanese Evaluation Call with Akari…
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Got Faded Japan ep 771! Matthew Moss From Tokyo Game Bridge Tells All!
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1:35:17Got Faded Japan ep 771! In this action-packed episode we have a truly special guest joining us, Matthew Moss! From the sunny shores of Miami to the mean streets of New York, Matthew has made his mark as an incredibly talented entrepreneur right here in Tokyo. He’s not just living in the city; he’s thriving and making waves in the gaming world, as t…
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Aziraソリューション by 山本 武志 マカグア(株) 代表取締役
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18:24Aziraソリューション:オフラインデータをオンライン購買へつなげる世界最大のロケーションプラットフォーム 位置情報データビジネスを網羅するツール「位置情報データソリューションカタログ」。 https://www.lbmajapan.com/catalog 会員企業の多岐にわたるサービスをLBMA Japanサイトにて掲載しています。 今回お話を伺ったのはマカグアが日本総代理店的な立場で提供する、米・Azira社のソリューション。Aziraのソリューションの大きな特徴は、海外・日本国内の人流データを一つのプラットフォームで収集・整理しているという点。海外から日本国内、日本国内から海外の移動データを収集・分析できることから、インバウンドを需要にも対応しています。 この強みをいかした、ターゲティ…
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Enjoying the show? Please support us on Patreon and get access to our members-only videos! : https://www.patreon.com/smalltalkjapan
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Episode 28: Teke Teke and Kuchisake no Onna
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38:57Three urban legends in Japan strike fear into the hearts of middle and high schoolers. Hear these legends and their mysterious origins: Teke Teke, The Slit-Faced woman, and Kashima-san.Oleh Heath A Havey
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Osorezan (Mount Fear) – Japan’s Gateway to the Afterlife
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9:42In this episode, we look at Osorezan 恐山, or Mount Fear, as it’s ominously known. Located at the northern tip of Honshu, Osorezan is more than just a mountain. It’s believed to be one of Japan’s entrances to the underworld—a sacred, haunted land where souls pass on… or linger. The Supernatural Japan Podcast uncovers Osorezan’s history, religious sig…
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What it's like running a bar in TOKYO! (Pintology Craft Beer & Whisky) | Japan Station 150
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43:09On this episode of Japan Station, I talk to Kyle Broyles of Pintology Craft Beer & Whisky in Tokyo. In this interview we talk about what it's like running a bar in Tokyo, starting a business in Tokyo, Japanese craft beer and more. 👉Topics Discussed About Pintology Craft Beer & Whisky About running a craft beer bar in Tokyo Japanese craft beer in To…
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500 Milliliters with Mike Burke
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2:29:20The Deep in Japan Podcast is entirely independent and funded by listeners like you. If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting us to help keep the lights on. Every contribution makes a difference. Got something to say? Drop me a line on Twitter at @DeepinJapanPod or email me deep.in.japan.podcast@gmail.com. The outro and all BGM is from I AM…
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Mt. Fuji: A Fire Resistant Princess and a Sword Licking Mystic (Ep. 168)
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17:30Ad-free versions of episodes are available to Patrons. Thank you for your support and helping us pay the bills. We couldn't do this without you! --Rich, the sound guy. Explore the fascinating legends surrounding Japan's most iconic mountain. Discover the extraordinary myth of Konohana Sakuya Hime, the stunningly beautiful goddess of Mt. Fuji who ga…
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"Light in Japan is different. It just is." Photographer Joe Allam on moving to Japan
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1:05:03Meet Joe Allam, a British filmmaker and a photographer who was fascinated by Japan so much that he decided to move to Osaka and restart his entire life in Japan. Follow Joe Allam: https://joeallam.co.uk/about/ https://www.youtube.com/AllamJoe https://www.instagram.com/joeallam http://facebook.com/JoeAllamLtd http://twitter.com/joeallam Follow us on…
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Episode 570 - The Revolutionary, Part 5
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32:45This week: Miyazaki Manabu's dramatic departure from the Communist Party, as his faith in the revolution wanes. What does a wannabe college revolutionary with no prospects turn to when the revolution fails to materialize? Show notes here.
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SALMO 40:6 Sacrifício e oferta não quiseste; os meus ouvidos abriste; holocausto e expiação pelo pecado não reclamaste"
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Good Times Episode 10: Lost Without Japan Time To Buy Some Expensive Plastic 107
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49:34Good Times Episode 10: Lost Without Japan Time To Buy Some Expensive Plastic 107 Lost Without Japan Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lostwithoutjapan/ Please Consider Kindly Supporting Our Crowd Funded Show By Supporting Us Through Our Shows Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/paying-for-our-4-109129803?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=c…
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Japan Academy winner Junichi Yasuda on the essence of the "Japanese spirit" - 日本アカデミー賞受賞の安田淳一監督が語る「日本人の心とは」
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18:28Director Junichi Yasuda’s film A Samurai in Time has won the Best Film Award at the 48th Japan Academy Prize. The low-budget production took a toll on Yasuda’s finances—he even sold his car to fund it. Listen to the interview recorded in September 2024. - 安田淳一監督の映画『侍タイムスリッパ―』が第48回日本アカデミー賞・最優秀作品賞を受賞しました。この作品は、昨年、オーストラリア全土で開催された日本映画祭でも上映されています。当時のインタ…
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1:01:22第 75 期,是吉井忍和她的新书《格外的活法》。 这是 Top of Japan 的新专题(坑),我们想通过不同的人物聊聊创作和生活本身的关系:聊人物的逻辑和聊品牌不太一样,毕竟因为人类的客观寿命有限,但也因为这样的限制,人类生命力的爆发更随机,也可能更有力量。第一位是这几年坚持在用中文创作的日籍作家吉井忍。 她很特别,也很当代。不仅仅是因为她用非母语写作,更因为她一直在记录日常里平凡、但好像没有那么主流的生命故事和生活片段。 本期活动: 欢迎大家在留言区和我们分享你感兴趣的 Top of Japan 人物,或者和我们分享你对吉井忍老师作品的感受~我们将在 2025 年 3 月 24 日选出 3 位幸运听友,送出吉井忍老师的这本《格外的活法》。 另外这本书也已经在 Top of Japan …
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This episode we will finish up the travels of Xuanzang, who circumnavigated the Indian subcontinent while he was there, spending over a decade and a half travelings, visiting important Buddhist pilgrimage sites, and studying at the feet of learned monks of India, and in particular at Nalanda monastery--a true center of learning from this period. Fo…
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Shownotes: JETRO-Video: 【日本で働こう!】Step2-5 日本企業で活躍する外国人材 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iasHVR1crQ Literatur: Conrad, Harald und Hendrik Meyer-Ohle (2017) “Brokers and the Organization of Recruitment of ‘Global Talent’ by Japanese Firms—A Migration Perspective”, in: Social Science Japan Journal, Vol. 21, Nr. 1, S. 67–88 (Druckversion: 2018). Conrad…
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How AI employees are solving Japan’s labor shortage
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26:24While American AI startups are dominating the headlines, one Japanese company has begun rolling out "AI employees" to famously cautious Japanese enterprise customers.Today we talk with Shota Nakagawa the CEO of Caster and discuss their model of human-AI collaboration, why Japan is positioned to lead real-world AI deployment, and the big steps neede…
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この番組は、日本の音楽シーンを振り返りながらそこに登場した数々のロックアーティストやレジェンド、時代を変えた重要なアーティストを毎回1組取り上げて、ロッキングオンジャパン編集長・山崎洋一郎がリアルな情報をお届ける番組です。今回のアーティストはSEKAI NO OWARIです。
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Send us a text In this episode, Ethan shares why he would never work for a Japanese company again. Traditional Japanese business culture is deeply ingrained, with older generations—especially men—resisting change. While younger workers seek a better work-life balance, corporate leadership continues to push the outdated idea that work should define …
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