We bring you 5 stories that will get you up to speed and on with your day. Updates at 6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm and 6pm Eastern, every weekday.
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Todas as semanas, debate com Sérgio Sousa Pinto, Ana Sá Lopes e João Marques de Almeida - com moderação de Anselmo Crespo. Na CNN Portugal
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You’ve been overwhelmed with headlines all week – what's worth a closer look? One Thing takes you beyond the headlines and helps make sense of what everyone is talking about. Host David Rind talks to experts, reporters on the front lines and the real people impacted by the news about what they've learned – and why it matters. New episodes every Wednesday and Sunday.
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Join CNN Political Director David Chalian as he guides you through our ever-changing political landscape. Every week, David and a guest take you inside the latest developments with insight and analysis from the key players in politics.
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Start your day with Audie Cornish bringing you the latest headlines and analysis.
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Each weekday, Dana Bash and a panel of well-sourced reporters bring you the most important political stories of the day. On the weekend, Manu Raju kicks off CNN's Sunday morning political programming with Inside Politics Sunday. Dana and Manu get answers from the people making headlines, explain the political stories that matter, and report on how the news will impact you.
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Te presentamos 5 historias para que estés informado todos los días. Escucha las 5 Cosas de CNN en Español, de lunes a viernes, a las 6 a.m., 12 p.m. y 6 p.m., hora de Miami, y los fines de semana con un resumen noticioso. 5 Cosas, un podcast de CNN en Español.
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How about a break — for your ears? At CNN, we know the news can be a lot to take in. So each week, 5 Good Things offers you a respite from the heavy headlines and intense news cycle. Treat yourself to something fun and uplifting every Saturday as we share the bright side of life from all over the globe.
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Hear about news as it breaks—right in your podcast app. From the team behind CNN 5 Things.
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Ένα podcast αφιερωμένο σε ανθρώπους που ξεχωρίζουν με τη ζωή και το έργο τους. Σε κάθε επεισόδιο, μια μοναδική προσωπικότητα μοιράζεται την εξαιρετική της ιστορία, προσφέροντάς μας μια ματιά στις εμπειρίες και τα μαθήματα που διαμόρφωσαν την πορεία της. Μέσα από τις αφηγήσεις τους, ανακαλύπτουμε τι σημαίνει να ζεις μια «μεγάλη ιστορία» γεμάτη έμπνευση και σοφία.
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Nejdůležitější události dne analyzované ze všech úhlů pohledu. Pokud o nich mluvíte, my taky. Stránka pořadu 360°: https://cnn.iprima.cz/porady/360deg-0 Navštivte web CNN Prima NEWS na https://cnnprima.cz Sledujte CNN Prima NEWS na sociálních sítích: Facebook: https://facebook.com/cnnprima Instagram: https://instagram.com/cnnprima Twitter: https://twitter.com/cnnprima #CNNPrimaNEWS
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Podrobný rozbor aktuálních událostí a témat s významnými postavami veřejného života. Stránka pořadu: https://cnn.iprima.cz/porady/k-veci Navštivte web CNN Prima NEWS na https://cnnprima.cz Sledujte CNN Prima NEWS na sociálních sítích: Facebook: https://facebook.com/cnnprima Instagram: https://instagram.com/cnnprima Twitter: https://twitter.com/cnnprima
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Wind Farms
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CNN's "Quest Means Business" brings you the business headlines, every weekday, after the closing bell on Wall Street.
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Debating about under water exploration vs outer space exploration Cover art photo provided by Vanessa Ives on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@vanessaives
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From Town Halls to Political Debates, CNN hosts open forums that give our audience the chance to hear directly from the people shaping their world. Politicians and newsmakers alike answer the tough questions from CNN's top anchors and political experts. Subscribe to get the full, unedited audio from these special events.
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This episode has information from CNN 10’s news
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This podcast talks about red pill content politics and current events from a conservative perspective Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/REDPILLMAN II/support
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CNN 10 is a 10-minute digital news show that serves a growing audience interested in compact on-demand news broadcasts ideal for explanation seekers on the go or in the classroom.
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Join HLN's Michaela Pereira for a limited series as she takes you on a journey back to the era of rollerblades, Blockbuster nights and dial-up internet. Discover what made the 1990s so special and the ways it still leaves its mark on us today.
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Uma perspectiva informativa e abrangente sobre o cenário internacional. Nesta produção da CNN Rádio, o analista sênior da CNN em Londres Américo Martins e a jornalista Camila Olivo apresentam um resumo de tudo que foi notícia pelo mundo ao longo da semana, com análises, entrevistas e relatos dos correspondentes da CNN abordando os principais eventos e temas globais. Novos episódios todas as sextas-feiras.
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InFocus by CNN Portugal contribui para uma reflexão mais aprofundada de áreas críticas para a economia e o desenvolvimento do país, da Europa e do mundo.
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تصور ما از یک قهرمان چیه؟ قهرمانها حتما باید لباسهای عجیب و غریب بپوشن و از افراد بیگناه در مقابل دشمنهای پلید دفاع کنن؟ شبکه خبری CNN اینطوری فکر نمی کنه! در این برنامه قهرمانهای CNN که در دنیای واقعی خودمون تغییراتی اساسی در زندگی هزاران یا حتی میلیون ها نفر ایجاد کردن را معرفی می کنیم. قهرمان های برنامه ما برندگان جایزه CNN Hero هستند. روزهای جمعه با ما همراه باشید و با این قهرمانها آشنا شوید.
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Vozes de todos os cantos e de todos os tons, que carregam todo tipo marca, vivência, conquista e conhecimento. A cada episódio, a jornalista Luciana Barreto convida os ouvintes a furarem suas bolhas. Neste espaço, ela escuta histórias e entrevista especialistas para tratar de temas urgentes, mas que muitas vezes acabam negligenciados no debate público. Questões de classe, gênero, raça e tantas outras reunidas na primeira temporada do Entre Vozes, um podcast da CNN Brasil.
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CNN Money é o podcast que ajuda você a tomar as melhores decisões. De segunda a sexta pela manhã, Thais Herédia e Priscila Yazbek apresentam um balanço dos assuntos do noticiário que influenciam os mercados, as finanças e os rumos da sociedade e das dinâmicas de poder no Brasil e no mundo.
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Os principais fatos do dia contados de forma simples e dinâmica. Direto dos estúdios da CNN Rádio, Camila Olivo traz as notícias mais importantes do Brasil e do mundo, com as palavras do time de repórteres, analistas e especialistas da CNN Brasil. De segunda a sexta, no final da tarde.
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The Community Nonprofit Network Podcast - aka The CNN Podcast - is a platform that shines the spotlight on nonprofit organizations, and the good work they do in the community. There are two goals of The CNN Podcast: 1. Create a global network of nonprofit organizations, to share information that will empower each other to do better and go BIGGER! 2. Share low-cost and free resources, understanding that many nonprofit organizations are founded on a shoe-string budget. Hosted by Ericka Scott, ...
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Zajímavé příběhy, zajímaví lidé, otázky na tělo. Epizody. Reportáže. Bonusy. Stránka pořadu: https://www.iprima.cz/porady/interview Sledujte CNN Prima NEWS na sociálních sítích: Facebook: https://facebook.com/cnnprima Instagram: https://instagram.com/cnnprima Twitter: https://twitter.com/cnnprima Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/CNNPrimaNEWSCZ #CNNPrimaNEWS
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Este canal trata de difundir los audios de las entrevistas en CNN y eventualmente también del programa completo que se transmite en la "primera emisión de Noticias MVS". Este esfuerzo se realiza sin ningún ánimo de lucro, únicamente con la finalidad de difundir la información que genera y recopila esta extraordinaria periodista y su ya leyenda, equipo de trabajo. El programa de CNN se transmite por televisión de paga a las 22hrs y se retransmite al siguiente día en MVS Radio a las 5:30 hrs. ...
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CNN 5 cosas 03/06/25 6pm Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesOleh CNN en Español
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Tariff yo-yoing, Musk position ‘course corrected’, Tesla shares drop & more
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6:37We start with the latest on President Donald Trump’s tariff walkdown and how it’s affected Wall Street. Trump has announced biweekly Cabinet meetings with Elon Musk to make cuts more precise. A federal watchdog fired by Trump has backed down from his appeal. A lack of rain in Texas has worsened drought conditions and increased risk of wildfires. Pl…
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As we came on the air today, news was breaking on those tariffs Donald Trump slapped on Canada and Mexico. But as you'll hear, the specifics were confusing to say the least. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesOleh CNN
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Cacao Rocks: Ζωγραφίζω για να ζήσω, αλλά και να μείνω ανεξίτηλος στον χρόνο μέσα από την τέχνη μου
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44:08Πώς ξεκινά ένας καλλιτέχνης το ταξίδι του στην τέχνη; Πώς ισορροπεί ανάμεσα στο δρόμο και τη γκαλερί; Ο Ιάσονας Μέγκουλας (γνωστός ως Cacao Rocks), ένας από τους πιο ξεχωριστούς εικαστικούς της γενιάς του, μιλάει στο CNN Greece και τη Σοφία Μαυραντζά για τη «μάχη» του με τη ΔΕΠΥ, την πορεία του, τις επιρροές του, την τέχνη του, αλλά και το μέλλον τ…
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Concerned Republicans deliver a message to Elon Musk: Go easy with that chainsaw and send those cuts to Congress. This, as DOGE sets its sights on veterans affairs, with tens of thousands of jobs on the chopping block. What it will mean for veterans and their families? Plus, if you're looking for a new car, you might want to buy now. President Trum…
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Nečas: ČT neví, co s penězi. Popsal, co Prima na rozdíl od ní dokázala vybudovat
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1:00:24Chápu, že se léta letoucí koncesionářské poplatky nezvyšovaly. Česká televize (ČT) ale neví, co s penězi. V pořadu 360° na CNN Prima NEWS to řekl expremiér Petr Nečas (ODS). Argumentoval tím, že veřejnoprávní vysílatel má v programu komerční pořady či kupuje drahá vysílací práva na sportovní přenosy. Veřejnoprávní roli v některých aspektech podle n…
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Zrno: Trump a Putin? Chlapci s velkým „přirozením“ se respektují. Pád Ukrajiny zatím nehrozí
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22:04Amerického prezidenta Donalda Trumpa neváže k šéfovi Kremlu Vladimiru Putinovi sympatie, řekl v pořadu K věci na CNN Prima NEWS šéfredaktor webu Aktuálně.cz Matyáš Zrno. K popsání vztahu mezi mocnáři si vypomohl slovy europoslance Alexandra Vondry (ODS): „Tihle chlapci s velkými pinďoury se vzájemně respektují.“ Vyloučil scénář, že by Ukrajina bez …
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In MAGA Country, Musk Has Free Rein (For Now)
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23:58As President Donald Trump reshapes international relations and Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency continues to gut the federal workforce, CNN wanted to know how his most diehard supporters feel about Trump 2.0. We found some are willing to tolerate potential financial hardship – but for how long? Guests: Elle Reeve, CNN Correspondent H…
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Doctors had to get crafty to save a three-month-old's life. A retired ocean liner is embarking on its final journey with a new mission for the record books. A dog lover left the corporate world and found his calling behind a camera. A new study pinpoints where massive sources of clean energy could exist. Plus, why a family cat is living her best ni…
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Contrapoder com Anselmo Crespo See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Oleh CNN Portugal
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As he pushes for a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine, President Trump has repeated Russian talking points about the war—like falsely blaming Ukraine for starting the conflict and calling Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky a “dictator.” New Yorker staff writer Susan Glasser says this pro-Putin turn has sent a "shock wave” through Europe. And…
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Mexico tariffs delayed, Trump FDA pick, Roy Ayers dies & more
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6:33We start with the news that President Donald Trump has delayed tariffs on Mexico. Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky has met with EU leaders to discuss security funding. Trump’s FDA pick was questioned today about seed oils, food dyes and abortion medication. George Floyd’s brother has spoken about calls to pardon Derek Chauvin. Plus, we celebr…
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Labor market woes, Trump policy chaos, congressman censured & more
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6:42New data shows a recession level spike in lay-offs last month. We’ll give you the latest changes to President Donald Trump’s tariffs, as he faces accusations of “destroying” the world order by a Ukrainian Ambassador. House Republicans have voted to censure Democratic Rep. Al Green. The US government will stop sharing air quality data, worrying scie…
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Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesOleh CNN en Español
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Education Department smack down, Macron’s nuclear backlash, $88,000 Cheeto & more
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6:09We’ll tell you what we know so far about President Donald Trump’s plans to dismantle the Education Department. Mexico’s President Claudia Sheinbaum is set to talk tariffs with Trump. Russia is taking French President Emmanuel Macron’s comments on expanding its nuclear protection as a direct threat. A new artificial intelligence model has just dropp…
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CNN 5 cosas 03/06/25 6am Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesOleh CNN en Español
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Tariff talks, Trump’s Hamas warning, bombing mistake & more
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6:40Mexican and Canadian automakers have been given a temporary reprieve from US tariffs, as the White House opens the door for other potential carveouts. President Donald Trump has given what he says is his last warning to Hamas to release hostages. EU leaders are meeting to come up with a peace plan for Ukraine. Millions of people are under fire warn…
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Trump’s auto tariffs backdown, US-Ukraine relations, World Cup halftime show & more
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6:13We start with President Donald Trump’s decision to delay tariffs on automakers. There’s a more positive tone to relations between the US and Ukraine. We'll tell you what happened at Elon Musk’s long lunch with Republican senators. A suspect in the Kabul airport bombing was in court today. Plus, there’s going to be a musical twist to the 2026 Men’s …
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CNN 5 cosas 03/05/25 6pm Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesOleh CNN en Español
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Trump-Trudeau talk, US rejects Gaza plan, why businesses aren’t hiring & more
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6:47We start with details of President Donald Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s "constructive" conversation about tarrifs. The US has rejected a plan endorsed by Arab leaders for restructuring Gaza. Four mayors of "sanctuary cities" tell Congress about their approaches on immigration. We'll tell you why American businesses are nervous …
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First: President Trump makes clear in his historically long speech to Congress that, from culture wars to trade wars, he's not retreating from the divisive agenda that seeks to upend American government and society. Plus: A divided Supreme Court deals the president a blow in his effort to shut down American foreign aid. And: Will "Mayor Pete" try t…
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Trump mulls trade compromise, SCOTUS rejects Trump, island citizenship & more
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6:51President Donald Trump and Canada’s prime minister are slated to speak today about a potential compromise on tariffs. The Supreme Court rejected the Trump administration's request to keep billions of dollars in foreign aid frozen. The US has paused intelligence sharing with Ukraine, but that might not last long. HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. …
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Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesOleh CNN en Español
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Voters React to Trump's SOTU Speech
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47:16President Trump touts his accomplishments and taunts his rivals in a big speech to Congress. But how did voters feel about his first major speech since returning to power? Meanwhile, Canada and Mexico hit back with tariffs of their own. How long before the trade war starts hitting your wallet? And a mammoth storm is marching east right now, reachin…
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Possible trade deal, Hackman death update, DEI boycott & more
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6:44Voters have had their say on President Donald Trump’s record long address to Congress last night. Trump could announce a trade deal today with Canada and Mexico. The IRS is considering plans to halve its workforce. Authorities have given an update about Gene Hackman’s mysterious death. Plus, we’ll tell you which major store is facing a 40-day boyco…
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CNN 5 cosas 03/05/25 6am Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesOleh CNN en Español
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Trump speech highlights, Democrat protests, LeBron James milestone & more
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6:44We’ll bring you some of the key moments from President Donald Trump’s record address to Congress. Democrats ignored party instructions by making their feelings known. At least two people have died as a mammoth storm continues to pummel parts of the US. Trump says a “top terrorist” has been apprehended. Plus, LeBron James adds another historic recor…
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Trump makes his case, PA president pledges elections, RFK Jr. on vaccines & more
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6:48President Donald Trump is expected to make the case for his sweeping domestic and foreign policy plans during his first address to Congress tonight. We breakdown what a trade war could mean for Americans. A judge thwarted the Trump administration's attempt to fire the chairwoman of a critical agency. The president of the Palestinian Authority has p…
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CNN 5 cosas 03/04/25 6pm Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesOleh CNN en Español
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Trade war erupts, Ukraine’s possible ceasefire plan, YouTube crackdown & more
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6:43We start with Canada’s retaliatory tariffs on goods imported from the US. Ukraine's president offered a potential ceasefire agreement with Russia in his appeal to President Donald Trump. Arab leaders are ironing out a counterproposal to Trump's postwar Gaza plan. Millions of federal workers describe their return to offices as "messy." Plus, we'll t…
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First: After 43 turbulent days, Donald Trump will address Congress for the first time in his second term, and he's bringing Elon Musk with him. The president will take credit for his promises kept. But what will he do about the chaos? Plus: Higher tariffs are likely to mean higher prices from everything from the cars you drive to the vegetables you…
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Mexico’s retaliation tariffs, Zelensky wants peace, driverless Ubers & more
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6:59Mexico is promising to join Canada and China to retaliate against President Donald Trump’s sweeping tariffs. Ukraine's President says he’s ready to negotiate peace. Four people have been charged with allegedly operating "one of the largest human smuggling rings" in the US. A storm knocked out power for hundreds of thousands of people in two states.…
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Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesOleh CNN en Español
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Canada, Mexico, and China are hitting back as US tariffs go into effect. How could a trade war impact your bottom line? Plus, President Trump says he'll tell it like it is during tonight's big speech to Congress. We talk to a top Trump adviser about his message to Americans. And we examine the ramifications of the president halting military aid to …
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Trump freezes Ukraine aid, Mexico’s US gun lawsuit, ‘gladiator fights’ charges & more
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7:06President Donald Trump is pausing US aid for Ukraine, we’ll hear what the impact could be. American consumers and business could pay a hefty price for Trump’s tariffs. Israel is considering cutting off electricity and water to Gaza. Mexico wants to be able to sue American gunmakers. Plus, officers have been charged for allegedly staging “gladiator …
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CNN 5 cosas 03/04/25 6am Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesOleh CNN en Español
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Sweeping tariffs, Ukraine aid paused, Mardi Gras weather & more
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6:57Sweeping US tariffs are now in effect for goods from Mexico and Canada. President Donald Trump has frozen all military aid for Ukraine. He’s expected to mention that and other moves he's made in his first weeks back in office during his address to Congress tonight. Democrats have blocked a Republican-led bill on transgender sports. Plus, severe wea…
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Evropa je podle Šándora hysterická: Je třeba věřit tomu, co Trump dělá. Ne tomu, co říká
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23:01Evropa se příliš soustředí na to, co americký prezident Donald Trump říká, a ne na to, co skutečně dělá. V pořadu K věci na CNN Prima NEWS to řekl bezpečnostní expert Andor Šándor. Evropa je podle něj hysterická. Zároveň dodal, že je vhodná doba na zahájení jednání s ruským prezidentem Vladimirem Putinem. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy inf…
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Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesOleh CNN en Español
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Tariff fears, US manufacturing investment, wild weather & more
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6:33US stocks slid over investors’ worries about President Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs on Canada and Mexico. The world’s largest semiconductor manufacturer is making a big investment in American manufacturing. We have the latest on Pope Francis’ health. A powerful storm is triggering a wide range of weather hazards across parts of the US. Plus, wha…
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First: The global community is still trying to process the ramifications of the Oval Office rumble that's put both the future of war-ravaged Ukraine and America's role as leader of the free world in serious question. Plus: President Trump says he will punish America's largest trading partners in fewer than 12 hours. Will he follow through on his pl…
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Fragile ceasefire deal, Highland Park shooting suspect's plea, Europe’s defense plan & more
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6:46We start with the latest round of emails demanding federal workers justify their jobs. A delicate truce between Israel and Hamas hangs by a thread as Israel sets new conditions. The man accused of killing seven people during a 4th of July parade in a Chicago suburb made a surprise move in court. We'll tell you about a deadly car attack in Germany. …
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USAID contract reinstated, RFK Jr. on measles vaccine, home buyers' markets & more
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6:44The Trump administration is welcoming the Ukraine peace deal the UK, France and other allies are working on. A USAID contract was reinstated – we’ll tell what it’s for and how that came about. A federal department President Trump wants to axe is offering buyouts to certain employees. HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. talks about the measles vacci…
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