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Welcome to the Good Christadelphian Talks Podcast! On this podcast we will be posting a new talk to listen to at the start of each week. We pray this podcast is a blessing to you and a benefit to your walk! Send talk suggestions or comments to: Podcast Notes and other episodes: For full series, check the GCT Extended Podcast:
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show series
Exodus 28 describes the clothing of the priests and of the High priest. The clothing of Aaron and his four sons was, verse 2, for glory and for beauty since they were the LORD’s representatives. These garments were skilfully embroidered by Aholiab, whose name means “from the Father’s tent”. John Thomas wrote about these clothes one and a half centu…
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This week we are listening a class by Bro. Dennis Gillett titled “Get to Grips with God's Word” that was given at the Birmingham Ecclesia in 1979 . We hope this strengthens your Faith and brightens your day! Thank you for listening, God bless, and talk to you next week. Send talk suggestions or comments to: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠…
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Exodus 27 describes the first item of furniture encountered by the worshippers upon entering the courtyard of the Tabernacle. It is the bronze altar on which the sacrifices are placed. This teaches us that the first need of anyone who wants salvation is for the LORD to provide a redemptive sacrifice. It was made of bronze speaking of purified flesh…
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Exodus 25 tells us of the Tabernacle itself. Verses 1-14 describe the curtains which served as the roof of the Tabernacle. Eleven curtains made of linen and embroidered with golden, blue and scarlet threads woven through the linen in a cherubic pattern. These would have been visible to the priests, who served in the Holy Place; and to the High Prie…
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Exodus 24 deals with the confirmation of the covenant. The commencement tells us that Moses, Aaron, Nadab and Abihu (two of Aaron’s sons) together with 70 of the elders of Israel came towards God on the outskirts of Mount Sinai. Moses alone is invited to draw nearer. Moses rehearsed the LORD’s Words to the people of Israel. The people’s response wa…
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Exodus 23 has three chapter directions - verses 1-9 are about honest dealings between Israelites and with strangers (the reason is stated in verse 9 to remember your powerless position when the Almighty became your protector). Verses 10-19 laws about the Sabbaths and the major Festivals; and two sundry laws about principles of living. Verses 20-33 …
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The first fifteen verses of Exodus 22 deal with restitution of property. The theft of a sheep, when discovered had to be repaid fourfold: cp David's repaying for his theft of a ewe lamb in losing four of his sons 2 Samuel 12 verses 1-6. There were different rates for other animals. Verses 5-6 cover damage to grain through negligence - non controlli…
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Exodus 21 covers laws about slaves (verses 1-32) and laws about the restitution (verses 33-36). Slavery was a part of the world from the beginning of time until recently. In some countries it still exists. Israel had just been delivered from two centuries of servitude in Egypt. There Israel were severely afflicted and cruelly abused. Yahweh would n…
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Exodus 19 tells us that it was on the third new moon of the year that the Israelites arrived at Sinai, to worship God as Moses had been told in Exodus 3. Calculations reveal that the 10 commandments were given 50 days after the Passover (hence the New Testament name for the Feast for this occasion, Pentecost). In verses 4-6 Yahweh reminds Israel of…
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This week we are listening to an exhortation by Bro. Robert Evans given at the Abilene, Texas Ecclesia on December 12th, 2023. We hope this strengthens your Faith and brightens your day! Thank you for listening, God bless, and talk to you next week. Send talk suggestions or comments to: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ For Show Notes, vis…
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Exodus 17 tells us how Israel’s God provided water in the desert from the rock, when His people were extremely thirsty. And as the people had shown they always grumbled against the LORD, verse 3. This was typical of God’s provision, for us in His Son the Lord Jesus Christ (see 1 Corinthians 10 verses 1-6). Moses struck the rock, representing Israel…
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Exodus 16 speaks of the LORD’s provision of bread for His grumbling and ungrateful people in the wilderness. Despite the wonders that they had seen in Egypt and the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea, they complained that God had only brought them out of Egypt to kill them. What twisted thoughts! They remember the food of Egypt, but forgot their sl…
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Exodus 15 records the deliverance Song of Moses. Miriam, Moses’ sister led the women of Israel in singing and dancing, accompanied musically by timbrels. It celebrates Yahweh’s mighty power and saving strength. Israel were now, finally, a freed nation. The immortalised believers of the Kingdom Age will likewise rejoice to the strains of an unrecord…
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Exodus 13 tells of the instructions for the 7 day long Feast of Unleavened Bread; which was incorporated with the Passover, when Israel entered the Promised Land (see Joshua 5 verses 1-12). Note how this Feast, together with the Passover and circumcision, were together emblematic of God’s covenant with His people Israel. The Feast told of the need …
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In Exodus 11 the 10th and final plague is announced to Israel, who Moses commands that they borrow (take spoil) from their Egyptian neighbours. The totally traumatised Egyptians gave plentifully in the hope that Israel would leave peacefully, and that their God would bring no more plagues upon Egypt. At midnight, said Moses, the firstborn from ever…
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Exodus 10 records plagues 8 and 9 – the ravenous grasshoppers (plague locusts) and the intense supernatural darkness, which gripped every Egyptian household. Israel has been learning of what Yahweh’s Name meant personally to them. Remember that God has severed His people from the Egyptians from plague 4 onwards. Well might they say what the Psalmis…
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Exodus 9 tells of the 5th plague (a grievous disease which killed the livestock of the Egyptians); the 6th plague (of sore boils on man and beast); and the 7th plague (hail which smote the grain and vegetables of the Egyptians). The economy and food of Egypt was being destroyed by Pharaoh’s stubborn arrogance and defiance of Yahweh. A man whose hea…
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This week we are listening to a class by Bro. Everett Muniz that was give at the Ontario Winter Bible School in 2015 on the subject "Be Ye Holy", this is Class 5 which is titled, "If God Be For Us". Be sure to subscribe to the GCT Extended podcast to hear the first 4 classes in this series! We hope this strengthens your Faith and brightens your day…
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Exodus 7 verses1-13 describe Moses' and Aaron's next encounter with Pharaoh, who was the embodiment of supremacy over all Egypt's gods. The Almighty had told his representatives that Pharaoh would mightily resist until God's signs and wonders had been multiplied in Egypt and Yahweh shown to be superior and incomparable in all the earth. The demand …
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Exodus 5 tells of Moses and Aaron standing before Pharaoh and issuing their demand and ultimatum. Pharaoh arrogantly responds, “Who is Yahweh?” Proud man you will learn when He abases you. He tells his slaves – no more straw for bricks – it will become worse for Israel should you try to resist me. Back to rigorous work you idle slaves, Pharaoh says…
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Thoughts on the readings for January 31st (Exodus 3, 4; Psalms 56, 57; Romans 9) In Exodus 3 Moses had brought his flock to the edge of the desert, Mount Sinai - known as Jebul Miss (the Mt of Moses to the Arabs. Here he saw in the distance an amazing sight - an acacia bush burning brightly, but remaining unconsumed (a symbol of God's providential …
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Israel’s family had multiplied greatly with time. And the Egyptians were fearful that if a war happened the Israelites might side with Egypt’s foes. For they were the friends of a former, but now despised dynasty – most probably that of the Hyksos shepherd-kings from Chaldea, who had conquered Egypt before the arrival of Israel’s family. Although t…
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Genesis 48 tells of the nearing of Israel’s death and his blessing both sons of Joseph in faith. The writer to the Hebrews comments on this in chapter 11 verse 21. Israel recounted God’s faithfulness to Joseph and his grandsons – Ephraim and Manasseh – before giving his blessings. He relates that his Egyptian-born grandsons are as acceptable to him…
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Genesis 46 tells of the arrival Jacob’s family’s in Egypt and gives their names and number – 66 persons who came from Israel’s procreation. Together with Israel and his 3 of his 4 wives 70 people in all came into Egypt. The chapter concludes with Israel and Joseph being joyfully reunited. Chapter 47 tells of their presentation to Pharaoh – in parti…
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In Genesis 44 Joseph sets up yet another test for his brothers. As they journey from the Governor’s house homeward they are overtaken by a group dispatched by Joseph. They are accused of stealing the Governor’s silver cup. Naturally, the accusation is denied and the brothers’ sacks searched. The cup is found in Benjamin’s sack and they are escorted…
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This week we are listening to a class by Bro. David Smith that was give on 2000 on the topic, "The Moral Imperative". We hope this strengthens your Faith and brightens your day! Thank you for listening, God bless, and talk to you next week. Send talk suggestions or comments to: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ For Show Notes, visit our webs…
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Thoughts on the readings for January 26th (Genesis 42, 43 Psalms 46, 47, 48, Matthew 28) In Genesis 42 we read of Joseph’s 10 brothers being forced by the severe regional famine to go to Egypt to buy grain. Joseph, who was now the Governor in Egypt, spoke roughly to them in order to test them. Joseph did not yet know how events would unfold. The 10…
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In Genesis 41 we have Joseph’s elevation from prison to be the highest ruler in Egypt after Pharaoh. The butler had been restored to Pharaoh’s service so that he might be there at the time of Pharaoh’s double dream. Joseph, however, had to be patient for 3 more years before God would bring him out of the prison house – just as our Lord spent 3 days…
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Our Matthew reading (ch. 26) recounts the agonies of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane and his prayers. “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless not as I will, but as you will.” [v.39]. Jesus made his “will” conform to his Father’s will. And what of our “will”? Peter was to later write of how Christ, in his commitment …
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Thoughts on the readings for January 23rd (Genesis 38; Psalms 41, 42, 43; Matthew 25 Genesis 38 speaks of a very unsavoury set of circumstances surrounding Judah and his daughter-in-law, Tamar. The chapter commenced with a visit from Judah to a prostitute, who bore him a son, Er. The prostitute bare Judah two further sons Onan and Shelah. As the tw…
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Genesis 37 tells us about Joseph, Israel’s (Jacob’s) favourite son of his old age. Joseph’s mother was Rachel, Israel’s favoured wife. Joseph’s half brothers were envious of their brother, who was deeply loved. The other brothers were ill disciplined and wicked in their behaviour. Joseph reported this to Israel. To show the love Israel had for Jose…
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Thoughts on the readings for January 21st (Genesis 36; Psalm 38; Matthew 23) Genesis 36 contains yet another genealogy – this time Esau’s who settled in the mountains around Petra. This territory is sometimes called Mount Seir (meaning “hairy”. So named because of Esau’s hairy appearance). Esau through his 4 wives produced 12 sons just as his twin …
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This week we are listening to an exhortation by Bro. Mark Lloyd that was give on June 3, 2022 titled, "When God's Way Makes no Sense to Us" based on a reading from Habbakuk 3. We hope this strengthens your Faith and brightens your day! Thank you for listening, God bless, and talk to you next week. Send talk suggestions or comments to: ⁠⁠⁠GoodChrist…
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Genesis 34 records an incident which is extremely instructive for us. Dinah, Jacob’s daughter, went out to see the daughters of the land; the result of which is she is defiled by a Hivite, named Shechem. She is trapped into a marriage out of covenant with the LORD. Her brothers deceive the Hivites and insist that every male Hivite in the town be ci…
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Thoughts on the readings for January 19th (Genesis 32, 33; Psalm 36; Matthew 21). Jacob in Genesis 32 journeyed to Bethel. As he did so he noticed that journeying alongside Jacob’s was a troop of angels. Jacob named the place Mahanaim (meaning “two companies”). It was a reassurance to Jacob that the God of Bethel was always with him, as He promised…
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Thoughts on the readings for January 18th (Genesis 31, Psalm 35, Matthew 20). In Genesis 31 Jacob feels the antagonism towards him from Laban’s sons. So he determines to return home. Jacob plans to do so secretly so that he might protect his family from Laban’s hostility. Jacob tells his wives that their father is a dishonest man, who has shown no …
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Thoughts on the readings for January 17th (Genesis 30; Psalm 34; Matthew 19) Genesis 30 tells of Rachel’s exasperation in seeking children; demands from Jacob that he give her children. Rachel gives Bilhah her maid to Jacob. A son is born and named Dan (meaning “vindication”, or “judgment”) claiming that she (Rachel) has God on her side. We notice …
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In Genesis 28 we are told that Isaac in response to Rebekah’s entreaty sends Jacob to Haran to seek for a wife who is of the Abrahamic faith. The Abrahamic promises are given to Jacob in verses 3-4. Jacob took his journey in haste still worrying over Esau’s intention of killing his twin. Verses 6 to 9 tell us that Esau has not the faintest idea of …
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Thoughts on the readings for January 15th (Genesis 27, Psalm 32, Matthew 17) Genesis 27 is a pivotal chapter, which explains much about the 4 principal characters of this record – Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob and Esau. All of them show defects when compared against the divine standard. Isaac knew his Sovereign’s revealed will that Jacob would be the bless…
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Thoughts on the readings for January 14th (Genesis 25 and 26 Psalm 31 and Matthew 16) Genesis 25 tells that Abraham took another wife, called Keturah. We are not sure at what time Keturah became Abraham’s wife; but, she bare him 6 sons. These sons became the progenitors of many of the Arab nations – already we see Abraham has becoming the “father o…
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