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The Go-to Podcast for Struggling Adoptive Parents Who Need Support In Their Parenting Journey! **TOP 2% GLOBALLY RANKED PODCAST** ** TOP 50 CHRISTIAN PARENTING PODCAST** Did you finally realize your dream of having a family only to have your happily ever after turn into a nightmare? Are you constantly second-guessing your parenting, anxious about whether your child will make good choices and remain faithful? Do you wish more than anything that your child would know Christ and just turn out ” ...
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show series
“The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.” ~Philippians 4:9 Hi Neighbor, In this episode, I’ll share a personal story from my adoption journey and how it inspired my words for the year. Ever think about the secret sauce to navigating the highs and lows of the ad…
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“Take hold of my instructions. Don’t let them go. Guard them, for they are the key to life.” ~Proverbs 4:13 Hi Neighbor, How can adoptive parents be okay even if their kids aren’t? May I suggest you hold on to an anchor. In this episode, I’ll consider a concept I call an ”anchor point,” which involves anchoring yourself in biblical principles to fi…
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It’s a conversation I never wanted to have with my son, Jonny. It’s a conversation I hope adoptive parents never have to have with their children. But it’s a conversation you need to be prepared to have. Hi Neighbor, Today marks a change for this podcast. We’re pivoting from Anchors of Encouragement to Adoption Struggles and Support. In this episod…
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Whenever you find yourself triggered and negative thoughts are running through your head, what can you do? May I suggest it's time to empty the garbage? Hi Neighbor, Welcome to another unplugged episode of Anchors of Encouragement. This is the last episode in our series where I’ve been laying the foundation for my words this year, giving you breadc…
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“Then a despised Samaritan came along, and when he saw the man, he felt compassion for him.” ~Luke 10:33 NLT Hi Neighbor, Welcome to another unplugged episode of Anchors of Encouragement. In our previous episodes, I began laying the foundation for my words this year, giving you breadcrumbs to a word jumble. Here’s a hint: I’m going to reveal these …
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“Therefore, don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6:34 CSB Hi Neighbor, Welcome to another unplugged episode of Anchors of Encouragement. In our previous episodes, I began laying the foundation for my words this year, giving you breadcrumbs to a word jumble. Here’s a …
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“Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul and healthy for the body..” ~Proverbs 16:24 NLT Hi Neighbor, Welcome to another unplugged episode of Anchors of Encouragement. In our previous episodes, I began laying the foundation for my words this year, giving you breadcrumbs to a word jumble. Here’s a hint: I’m going to reveal these words slowly. W…
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“The generous will prosper. Those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” ~Proverbs 11:25 NLT Hi Neighbor, Welcome you to another unplugged episode of Anchors of Encouragement. In our previous episodes, I began laying the foundation for my words this year, giving you breadcrumbs to a word jumble. Here’s a hint: I’m going to reveal these w…
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“When snow falls, nature listens.” ~Antoinette van Kleeff When snow falls, nature seems to slow down. Everything becomes quieter and calmer. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could harness that sense of calm for ourselves? I believe we can. Hi Neighbor, Welcome you to another unplugged episode of Anchors of Encouragement, this one during a winter stor…
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“All for One and One for All!” Hi Neighbor, Welcome you to another unplugged episode of Anchors of Encouragement. In our previous episode, I began laying the foundation for my words this year, giving you breadcrumbs, if you will, to a word jumble. Here’s a hint: I’m going to reveal these words slowly. We’ll dive deep into their meanings by breaking…
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“Your road led through the sea, Your pathway through the mighty waters, a pathway no one knew was there.” ~Psalm 77:19 Hi Neighbor, Welcome you to another unplugged episode of Anchors of Encouragement. Today, I’m going to begin revealing what my words are for the coming year. Here’s a hint: I’m going to reveal these words slowly. We’ll dive deep in…
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Hi Neighbor, December is a month where a lot of us select our word for the coming year. A word to provide a compass and guidance and direction as we anticipate the challenges and aspirations of the coming year. Have you ever chosen a word to guide you through the year? As we enter the New Year, I want to encourage you to choose a word, or words, th…
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“When the dark clouds of despair have darkened the pathway of life's progress, just remember that behind each cloud is a silver lining, if you will only learn to see it.” ~Napoleon Hill Hi Neighbor, Adoptive parents sometimes face dark clouds of adversity in their adoption journeys, but remember: every dark cloud has a silver lining. In this journa…
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He faced one discouraging obstacle after another, yet through it all, he persisted. How did he do it? First, he partnered with God. Hi Neighbor, In this journaling episode, I’ll share a journaling prompt inspired by the story of one of my favorite Bible characters. I’ll also share with you an easy way to begin journaling even if you have never done…
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The adoption journey can be difficult and adoptive parents often need support but won’t ask for it. What’s the solution? A kind gesture! Hi Neighbor, In this journaling episode, I’ll share a kindness quote and show how it can be used to support adoptive parents. We’ll consider how important compassion is in supporting adoptive parents through their…
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Whenever life is interrupted, whenever you lose a loved one, or whenever you turn around and all of a sudden your kids are grown, it’s then that a lot of people understand just how precious time is. Hi Neighbor!⁣ Are you grateful for the time you have? We all have a finite amount of time. We just don’t know how finite. Whenever life is interrupted,…
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If you’re an adoptive parent who feels like you’re all alone, I’m here to tell you there are other adoptive parents who feel the same way. They are going through the same struggles as you. What can you do when you feel this way? I believe it’s important to hold on to and embrace an anchor of encouragement. Hi Neighbor!⁣ Adoptive parenting can often…
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Have you ever had one of those days? A really hard day with your adopted child? You’re at your wit’s end! What do you do? Maybe it’s time to hit the Pause Button! Hi Neighbor! There are days when adoption can be really hard. In this episode of Anchors of Encouragement, we’ll consider 7 ways for adoptive parents to find support and achieve respite. …
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Have you ever had rain in your heart? Maybe you should seek shelter under the umbrella of a friend. Hi Neighbor! Have you ever had rain in your heart? Sometimes it can feel like a drizzle while other times it feels like a downpour. Where can adoptive parents go for shelter? I believe the solution is found under the umbrella of a friend. In this epi…
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Have you ever struggled with trusting that adoption is what God wants for you? May I suggest that you ask God for clues? Hi Neighbor! In this episode, I would like to respond to an answer a listener gave me to the following question... What would support you the most RIGHT NOW when it comes to adoptive parenting? We’ll consider this answer by looki…
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Your body is the first to know. Know what? That it’s time to be still. Hi Neighbor, Are you an adoptive parent struggling with a challenging storm in your life? You might feel out of sorts. You might feel a heaviness about you. You might even feel emotionally drained. It’s time to listen to your body, step back, step away, and show yourself grace. …
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For those times when life has you rattled and you find yourself needing to catch your breath, what do you do? May I suggest you look up and regulate yourself with the anchor of a pause. Hi Neighbor, In this episode of Anchors of Encouragement, I’ll share a couple of stories that happened in a span of just one week. Two remarkable events that gave m…
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In life’s hustle and bustle, how can adoptive parents regulate themselves? May I suggest? There are times when you need to retreat. Hi Neighbor, Welcome to a special hiking episode of Anchors of Encouragement. Today, let’s talk about something crucial for adoptive parents navigating life’s hustle and bustle: self-regulation. Retreating to a place w…
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As an adoptive parent, for those times when you feel anxious or overwhelmed, what can you do to regulate yourself? Sit with that question for a moment. Hi Neighbor, Welcome to another walking episode of Anchors of Encouragement. Feeling anxious and overwhelmed as an adoptive parent? It happens to all of us. But today, I have a simple yet powerful t…
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Why can't we be like other families? Hi Neighbor, Welcome to another walking episode of Anchors of Encouragement. I have a personal confession to make, something I have wrestled with my entire life. And something that causes me anxiety. But it pales in comparison to the anxiety I want to address in this episode. Many adoptive parents struggle with …
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“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” ~The Serenity Prayer Hi Neighbor, Welcome to another walking episode of Anchors of Encouragement. Ever feel overwhelmed by things beyond your control? I understand because I’ve been there. Let’s talk abou…
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“Who are the kids that actually need permanency? Who are the kids that actually need permanency through adoption? It tends to be kids with disability, kids that are older, sibling groups...” ~Brandon Stiver Joining me today is my neighbor from Seattle, Brandon Stiver. Brandon has worn several hats, but has one vocation, to see God’s kingdom come to…
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Is it possible for adoptive parents to feel gratitude even during the struggles they may encounter in their adoption journey? The answer is yes. Grab a pen and paper, and let’s explore the concept of gratitude together. Hi Neighbor, In this journaling episode, I want to consider with you the concept of gratitude, and how it applies to adoptive pare…
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Hi Neighbor, Welcome to another walking episode of Anchors of Encouragement. Do you ever feel like you’re not good enough as an adoptive parent? Maybe you feel like a failure, or perhaps in extreme cases, you don’t even feel worthy to be an adoptive parent. I understand because I’ve been there. For those times when I didn’t feel good enough or I fe…
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He faced one discouraging obstacle after another, yet through it all, he persisted. How did he do it? Grab a pen and paper and I’ll show you how he first partnered with God. Hi Neighbor, In this journaling episode, I’ll show you how you can persist in your adoption journey with a story inspired by one of my favorite Bible characters. We’ll consider…
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When you discover a process that works for you, it makes sense to do it over and over. You’ve probably heard the old adage, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. That’s certainly the case with the concept I share in this encore episode, and the main reason I’m bringing it to you again. Because It Works! It’s a process I use on a regular basis, and it’s …
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Do you ever feel like a failure as an adoptive parent? If you answered yes, I know how you feel because I’ve been there. Grab a pen and paper, and I’ll share 3 affirmations to restore your confidence as a parent. Hi Neighbor, In this journaling episode, I want to help you navigate your adoption journey for those times when you feel like a failure a…
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Hi Neighbor, Is it possible to experience hope and healing after a tragic decision? Today’s episode features an incredible story of faith, healing, and advocacy for life. Joining me is my neighbor from North Texas, Jeff Bradford. Jeff serves as president of Human Coalition, one of the largest Pro-Life organizations in America. He and his wife, Tric…
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Hi Neighbor, Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you had at your fingertips the ability to heal yourself? Well, you do. It’s something I like to call the self-help jackpot. Grab a pen and paper, and let’s explore the self-help jackpot with journaling. This is the seventh and final episode in our 7-part series on journaling. Journaling can act as a filter a…
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Hi Neighbor, Do you find yourself thinking the same thoughts over and over, especially negative thoughts? Imagine if there was a way to purge those negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. There is. Grab a pen and paper, and let's explore how to go from a stagnant mind to a new mind through journaling. This is the sixth episode in a 7…
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Hi Neighbor, Is it possible to experience opportunities in obstacles? I believe it’s not only possible but often the very catalyst that promotes personal transformation. Grab a pen and paper, and let’s explore how to turn your obstacles into opportunities with journaling. This is the fifth episode in a 7-part series on journaling. Reflecting and jo…
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Hi Neighbor, Have you ever had so many ideas running through your head at one time that it was hard to think straight? Grab a pen and paper, and let’s explore how to unclog a log jam of ideas through journaling. This is the fourth episode in a 7-part series on journaling. Your Daily Doable includes a journaling prompt to help you easily clear your …
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Hi Neighbor, The right word at the right time by the right person has the power to not only change your mood, it can change your entire day. It’s an amazing feeling when that happens. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could do that for yourself without waiting for someone to do it for you? You can! Grab a pen and paper, and let’s explore how to tap i…
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Why do bad things happen in life? One might say, that’s just life. But I believe there is a deeper meaning to that question. Hi Neighbor!⁣ Today’s episode marks the second anniversary of this podcast. I want to thank those of you who have supported this podcast, many from the beginning. As I’ve gotten to know more of you over these past 2 years, th…
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Hi Neighbor, Do you find yourself reliving reruns in your life? Another way to put it is this, do you see yourself living out your version of Groundhog Day? Grab a pen and paper, and let’s explore this concept together. This is the second episode of a 7-part series on journaling. As we consider the concept of reliving reruns in our lives, I have so…
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Hi Neighbor, How do you typically handle mental blocks? Have you tried unplugging? In this first of a 7-part series on journaling. I want to share how to get unstuck when your brain just won’t cooperate. Whether it’s finding answers or solving problems, sometimes we just need to UNPLUG. Here’s how. We’ll consider this concept with a jumble of the w…
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Hi Neighbor, Welcome to another walking episode of Anchors of Encouragement. Today, I’m coming to you from my backyard studio. Based on three separate conversations I’ve recently had with adoptive parents, I want to share an important concept with you. The ONE thing adoptive parents NEED to know. It’s something that makes navigating the highs and l…
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I wish the conversation you’re about to listen to had been available for me years ago, not because I like to hear myself speak. Conversations like this could have helped me navigate some of the challenges my wife and I faced in our adoption journey. Hi Neighbor, Returning on this episode of Anchors of Encouragement, is my neighbor from Alabama, Eri…
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“To the world, you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world.” ~Dr. Seuss Hi Neighbor, In this unplugged episode of Anchors of Encouragement, I share my reaction to the movie Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot, brought to you by Angel Studios. This film is a mirror for so many of us on the adoption journey. As an adoptive pare…
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How can I serve you better? Hi Neighbor, As an adoptive parent myself, I’ve walked the path filled with both joy and challenges. My mission is to share stories, offer biblical encouragement, and bring on experts to help you navigate this unique journey. I want to walk you home! That gets us to today’s question: How can I serve you better? In privat…
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Foster care is intended to be a temporary solution to what should be a temporary problem. The goal is always reunification. The focus is to find families that meet the needs of the child, rather than finding children that fit the needs of the family. The child comes first! Hi Neighbor, Joining me on this episode of Anchors of Encouragement is my ne…
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I surprised my friends who went with me. Honestly, I surprised myself too because I never imagined that I would allow myself to do what I was about to do. I was anxious and I was nervous. And not to be overly dramatic, but in some respects, I was scared to death. However, I did it. And it was one of the most exhilarating forms of respite I've ever …
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When it came time to say goodbye, I couldn’t get the words out. I gently rubbed his head one last time and walked away. Hi Neighbor, Welcome to a special memorial episode of Anchors of Encouragement. I want to share something deeply personal and touching with you today. There comes a time in every pet parent’s life when we must say goodbye to our b…
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I couldn't sleep, so I’m up doing what I learned from Jonny to regulate myself. I never know the direction these quiet moments will take, but I know something positive always happens... and that’s what I want to share with you today. Hi Neighbor, Do you enjoy unexpected, positive surprises? I do! In this episode of Anchors of Encouragement, I share…
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Are you having trouble sleeping? You’re restless. You’re tossing and turning. Maybe you had too much caffeine that day. Maybe you have a busy calendar the next day and you’re concerned about everything you have to do. For adoptive parents, maybe it’s out of concern for your children. I know this can leave you anxious. Your mind is racing. You’re lo…
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