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This podcast is build on honest career advice and career growth tools, made for those of us who are shy, socially anxious or introverted. It will help you to develop the leadership skills required to take your career to the next level without having to change who you truly are. Whether you are fresh out of college, or already busy building your career, if you aspire to be a leader in your field, this career advice is for you.I created the shyest in the room, to share insights and learnings w ...
In today's episode # 37, we dive into the world of sales and focus on why being good at selling does not require you to be extroverted or any more outgoing that you are. Being great at selling requires you to simply follow a few basic sales techniques, that will help you understand what you are selling and to whom, to reach the perfect customer at …
Do you ever ask yourself: Was it ok that I told that story? Did I share too much personal information at work today? Is this really an anecdote I can share at work functions? Oversharing at work can get you in trouble. Whether you tell the wrong story, or you share something with someone who is not trustworthy, you do not want to ruin your career b…
I have said many times that I do not believe in one recipe to follow for a successful career, but I do have established some rules for myself, that have helped me grow my career at full speed. I figured out, that we have to leave our comfort zones every once in a while to speed things up, and manage our career path constantly ourselves. Leaving our…
Do you dread going to conventions, because you are not one for hanging out at the bar after a full day of networking? Do you feel overwhelmed? Good news is: you do not have to! Networking at conventions is one of the key assets for career growth, but if you do not feel like doing so at night, you are not alone. You can still grow an amazing career …
If you ever feel like you need to change who you are, be more outgoing, more talkative or more of an entertainer do have a successful career, this is your reminder on why you should not change who you are. Instead activate your amazing introvert powers and utilize them to kickstart your career. In episode 33 of my career advice for introverts podca…
Did you ever have to fire someone? Just like hiring people for your business, there can be a variety of reasons, brining firing someone to the table. And as unfortunately many companies are known for rather ruthless firing techniques, I think respect and a personal talk, should always be a part of letting someone go. If you feel like firing someone…
Rude customers. Clients. Partners.... the list goes on. And at one point in your career we will all encounter one. But do not worry. There are ways to handle customer expectations, and manage a complaint professionally. It can be stressful, to have a yelling or screaming customer standing in front of you, but do not be overwhelmed. I will share som…
Spoiler alert: Rejections are what shapes the way to success. Rejections form us, push us to create new ideas, change approaches and drive ourselves out of our comfort zone and into the lane that leads to a growing career. We need to embrace rejections and not let them take us out of the game and into dark places. Listen in to find out how to handl…
Do you feel like you are not yourself at work? Do you try to fit in, by trying to be more outgoing or extroverted than you are? Does it drain you, being someone else at work? If you struggle with these situations, I want to help you find the confidence in being who you are. Being yourself will help you grow faster, by managing your energies correct…
Nightmares, sweaty palms, out of breath, shaking hands? Do you feel like giving a presentation can be the most overwhelming hurdle to take? Trust me, I have been there. But let me tell you, showing great presentation skills to any kind of audience, does not require you to be a born speaker, the most charismatic individual or full of confidence. It …
Happy Friday. Celebrating achievements, especially small ones, can be a difficult talks for many introverts, as we do not like to be the center of attention most of the times. But if you are not celebrating your achievements, and learn how to actively acknowledge how far you have come, you will have a hard time being your own (and most important) c…
Are you guilty of trying to always finding out things on your own? Do you spent hours searching google or finding out how to complete tasks, when there might be someone in your office or team, who could help you or teach you? Asking for help is the simplest, yet sometimes scariest part about proper time management. I know many of us want to be inde…
Everyone in business knows, negotiations can go in your favor or not. But of course, we want them to go in our favor and help us seal the deal or get that salary increase we are pushing for. But, did you know that it all depends on one moment? The moment that determines your success in seconds? If the answer is no, you better listen know to find ou…
Do you struggle with delegating work. Do you sometimes feel like you are taking on too much of a workload, because you do not fully trust to hand over tasks as a manager. Let me tell you, being a manager is not always easy, but delegating work is a tool, that will help you reach your and your team's full potential. You need to build trust and learn…
Speaking up can be a big hurdle for those of us who are shy and are not always confident that what we want to say, or the idea we want to share is good enough. And it can take some time to build yourself up to become confident enough to speak up in meetings, and share your ideas. But it can be done! I had to come a long way to build myself up to ac…
I want to take todays episode, to share with you 3 major lessons, I had to learn the hard way in my career, and I wished I would have known sooner. Weather it is salary negotiations, doing the job of four people, or sticking around, when the company is not helping you grow. I wish I would have known these sooner, and I hope my experience can help y…
If you feel exhausted after work, or feel the need to re-charge all weekend alone, you might want to review who is stealing your energies. I have been there before, and I know it can be very easy, to let people drain important energy from you, that you need, to actually focus on your job and your life after work. Many times, extroverts do not know …
Crying, yelling, punching things.... I think everyone has experienced all sorts of emotions at work But what about the ones, that we do not really want to share with our co-workers and do not want anyone to see. Unfortunately it happens. Emotions are a part of our life, and they will come up (most of the time when we do not need them...). How to ha…
Group projects have always given me major anxiety. But whether you like them or not, they follow you into your career. (Unless you work a job where you are fully independent. Then good for you.) But, if you have to sit through them like the rest of us, and they tend to overwhelm you, this episode is for you! I will share my tips on how to actually …
Goal setting for me, together with proper time management, is really what a successful career is all about. In episode #18 on career advice for introverts, I will share with you why you should set goals for yourself, how you set them and how you guarantee to follow through. Goals are the key to ensure you develop yourself, you grow in your career, …
I noticed people love to apologize at work, especially for things that do not need apologizing. Apologizing too much can cost you your credibility and make you look weak, which is something that does not go too well with shooting to the top in your career. Showing weakness is not a flaw, do not get me wrong, but apologizing for things that do not d…
Are you ready to get promoted? Do you know it is your turn, but nothing is happening? Spoiler alert: promotions will not rain down on you, you need to actively pursue what you deserve to develop your career and grow! Pushing for a promotion can be overwhelming and scary for some, and that's why I will share with you three things you need to do now …
How to sell yourself successfully is a question I get asked a lot. In episode #15 I want to share with you what is actually required to sell yourself in a job interview, or your services and leave a lasting impression. You do not have to be a born speaker, sales person or the most charismatic person on earth, to have a good sales pitch of yourself …
Episode #14 is all about salary negotiation. Salary negotiation skills are essential to any viable career, and help you get the pay day you deserve. But if you are shy like me, you might need some extra encourage to actually go all in on your next salary negotiation and that's why I have compiled my proven tips, that will ensure you will be well pr…
Knowing your market value and how to determine how much salary you can ask for, is the key focus of episode #13. There are different ways to determine how much salary you can expect, and what you should be getting paid. Knowing your salary worth is an important part of growing your career - you should know this at any point in your career. You may …
Episode #12 is all about team motivation ideas. If you are running a team, keeping motivation high needs to be your top priority and part of your team management strategy. I will tell you my killer tips on how to motivate your employees and ensure to create a thriving work atmosphere for your team. My career advice for introverts goes team motivati…
In episode #11, we are going to look at how to connect with your team as a manager and develop team management skills. How close should you get with your team members, how do you balance the act of being a manager and a trusted co-worker for your team, how do you take feedback from your team? If you have asked yourself these questions before, this …
Episode #10 is all about your first steps as a newly in charge manager. How to start getting to know your team, key aspects in team management, and what factors to look out for to ensure your team members are comfortable with you. Grow your career with my career advice for introverts one step at a time. Tune in on all the leadership skills needed t…
In episode #9, the shyest in the room looks at the topic of mental health and how to leave work at work. With the weekend approaching, it is important that we look at how to switch off our phones, clock out from work, and make small efforts to recharge. Career advice for introverts is not only about how to grow your career, but also how to make sur…
Episode 7 is all about networking in business for introverts. While networking can be stressful for many of us, networking at conferences can be even more overwhelming, given the amount of people attending. While I used to hide in bathrooms when I started out, I have grown into a networking pro, and I want to share my go-to tips with you. Networkin…
In episode #7 of the career advice podcast for introverts, time management takes the focus. Scheduling your day, allocating time for projects, meeting deadlines and ensuring productivity are all aspects required to be successful in your career. To develop leadership skills, time management and organization are key. Managing your time goes a long wa…
This career advice episode #6 is dedicated to job interviews ( truth be told I am not a fan, but have been to many and conducted many as well) and how to ace them if you are shy or introverted. I will give you my 3 killer hacks, plus how to use your 'shy' powers to sell yourself: 1. Turn your CV into a story 2. Mirror your interviewer 3. Be short a…
Episode #5 is part 2 to my previous episode, where I spoke about hacks for a leadership meeting. This time, it is all about business meetings outside the company with clients, partners etc. The focus is on 1. the setting of the meeting 2. listening skills 3. the small talk hurdle Thank you for tuning in, and I am excited for your feedback. In the n…
Hi everyone, in episode #4, I am sharing 3 keys to handling meetings within your company and to actually be able to voice your opinion, even if speaking up is not your strength. 1. Do not bring personal luggage 2. Pick yourself right up when someone cuts you off 3. Capitalize on other attendees Thank you for listening in and for more hacks follow m…
Hello leaders of tomorrow, in episode #3 I am going to talk about how I get myself to not put off sending an email 📧 or making a phone call 📞 at work. I know most of us like to put these off, but there are simple hacks that will help you get things done. If you struggle with picking up the phone and calling someone or keep that email draft in your …
With over 10 years of experience in different industries, I was lucky to work with and meet many managers, executives, or leaders. And along the way I could not stop to notice, that I always had to push a little bit harder than my competition to grow as a leader, as I am not an extrovert. I wish someone would have told me that being shy or introver…
Welcome to my first episode. I will be talking about mastering the hurdle of leaving your home office to return to your "actual" office. As this can be very stressful and overwhelming, I want to share 3 simple life hacks with you, that will help ease the transition (they did for me!). Leave me a review or let me know about your experience returning…
Hi leaders of tomorrow, in episode #2, I will be sharing my life hacks for surviving your first day at work at a new job. Plus ways you can use your own strengths as leverage. Sharing my own experiences, I will show you how to prepare yourself to actually start your new job on a high note. First impressions are important, but that does not mean we …