Did you play the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies? Not even sure what an MMORPG is? Perhaps you're just a fan of Star Wars? No problem, we've got you covered! Listen to us, Yivvits the Wookiee and MrBubble the Sullustan, discuss our love affair with Star Wars - among other things.
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Surprise! Catch up with your old pals Yivvits and MrBubble as the podcast awakens!Oleh Yivvits and MrBubble
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Episode 148 - We Have a few Comments on "The Trailer"
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10:19Yivvits and MrBubble have definitely been waiting for the trailer a LONG TIME, and the idea of recording just a quick podcast to get their opinions out there was a great idea! Listen to the boys talk about how the trailer affected them, in a podcast that will take you all the way back to 1977!Oleh Yivvits and MrBubble
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Check it out! Another new episode of Star Wars Galaxies with Yivvits and MrBubble!Oleh Yivvits and MrBubble
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Oh my goodness, can this be possible? I guess it is! This is a brand new, fresh podcast of Yivvits and MrBubble, where we catch up with the boys as they discuss Sony, Star Wars Galaxies, the new Rebels cartoon, and the future of the emulator "Swgemu." Throughout the episode, look out for plenty of familiar voices, soundboard playfulness, deep thoug…
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After a long break... a very long break, we finally dusted off the microphones and we're back! In this episode: Yivvits has a really awesome idea, we fill you in on what we've been doing for the past year, and for the first time ever hear what MrBubble *really* sounds like. Enjoy!Oleh Yivvits and MrBubble
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Episode 144 - Connection to SWG Lost!
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57:07In this episode, we lay to rest our very good friend, Star Wars Galaxies. We take some time to give a brief history of the game, listen another player's opinion of the shutdown, discuss our own feelings on the matter, and MrBubble tells us a little bit about the SWG EMU. Finally, Yivvits wonders if some virtual worlds should be preserved even after…
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It's been a while but we are finally back in the swing of things! Much like a moisture vaporator that never quite performed as well as Owen Lars expected, it won't be long before the SWG power generators are shut down one last time. On the plus side, your pals Yivvits and MrBubble are still here! In this episode, first we fill you in on why this ep…
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Episode 142 is our first live call in show and we had a blast hearing from you! You'll probably remember some of our callers from previous episodes or the SWG forums. Hear what they have to say about the closure of SWG, what games they'll be playing, and much more. Didn't get a chance to call us? You're in luck! We'll be making this a fairly regula…
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Episode 141 - It’s a Bright Future, SWG
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1:01:01After an extremely crazy start to summer Yivvits and MrBubble are back! As we mentioned in episode 140, each show will now be "disclaimed" by one of listeners reading the SWG Pledge. This week it's Jackson - thanks Jackson! Next, we begin to plan for the return of our in-game parties in 2012. Unfortunately, our plans hit one impassable roadblock. M…
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Looking for something to do while you sit patiently at your computer or TV, waiting for some indication of when SOE or PSN might come back online? Need something to fill up all the free time you've had lately? You've already watched some informational videos about the honey badger, so what else is there? Maybe this will help - a new episode of Yivv…
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Episode 139 - I don't want to be liked, I want to be loved!
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57:25Looking for an episode of Yivvits and MrBubble with LOTS of Star Wars Galaxies content? Look no further than episode 139! MrBubble has been popping in to check out the recent entertainer update and in between his grueling dance sessions he's been playing with some of the vendor and bazaar changes from previous game updates. Also this week - we chat…
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Start your day off right with a delicious helping of Yivvits and MrBubble! We begin this episode with an update on we've been playing - Yivvits has been running around in DC Universe Online and MrBubble has been flinging some Angry Birds. After another Mystery Beverage we listen to something sent to us by SOE's Jason "Pex" Ryan. We won't spoil the …
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Episode 137 - Jar Jar's Big Love
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1:20:13Welcome to the first 2011 episode of Yivvits and MrBubble! This week, we hear about some part time work Jar Jar recently picked up and fill you in on what we've been doing in Star Wars Galaxies. Also, voice mail left by 'Dr. Quest' and 'Zurthas' spark some pretty nerdy Star Wars and techy discussions. All of this and much more awaits you in this co…
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Happy Holidays from Yivvits and MrBubble! Here's your gift from us - another episode of YaMB! There isn't much to say about this one other than e-mail, e-mail, E-MAIL! We have a bunch of e-mails to go through and they cover all sorts of topics such as SWG, old vs. young Aunt Beru, and gathering around map readers. If you'd like to send us a gift in…
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Welcome back to another episode of Yivvits and MrBubble! We start out this episode with a rousing discussion about raw foods and reality shows based on little people. After those important discussions we move on to a big announcement about the future of Yivvits and MrBubble in Star Wars Galaxies! We round things out with a brief look at the recent …
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Episode 134 - Grinding and Tumbling
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1:25:01Greetings friends! We're so glad you could join us for another episode of Yivvits and MrBubble! Here is what you'll find inside Episode 134: MrBubble goes on a trip to visit his brother Pirates of the Burning Seas goes free to play EQ2 server mergers, oh noes! Lots of SWG specific listener e-mails - Keep them coming! Listener voice mail messages, a…
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Episode 133 - String Cheese Theory
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1:08:30Hello and welcome to another episode of Yivvits and MrBubble! This week we continue to answer more of your voice and e-mail questions. Thanks to all of you who are sending us stuff to talk about! Remember, your questions and comments drive what is discussed on the show so don't be shy - you've got nothing to lose - send us an e-mail or leave us a v…
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Here it is, another action packed episode of YaMB! We have a lot to talk about this week thanks to you, our listeners. (keep sending in those e-mails and voice mails!) You're sure to enjoy all of the SWG talk again this week including a magnificent rehash of a past discussion - the expansions SWG SHOULD have had: SWG The Empire Strikes Back and SWG…
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Episode 131 - Hot Dish or Casserole?
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1:09:20Welcome to another episode of Yivvits and MrBubble! This week we have a pile of listener e-mail messages to read through, we discuss the Clone Wars Adventures, and offer our thoughts about the longevity of SWG. We also take a quick look at the recently released "free-to-play" version of EQ2 and wonder if something similar could work with SWG. If yo…
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Episode 130 - There's a Salve for That
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49:48The past couple months have been very busy for Yivvits and MrBubble but our hiatus is at an end! You'll find out all sorts of fun things in this episode such as MrBubble's move and what games we've been playing (or not playing). This one is a chance for you to catch up on what we've been doing but don't forget to let us know what YOU'VE been doing …
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Episode 129 - Off the Rails with Wowie Pies
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57:00He's got a red head, loves Diet Pepsi Max, and recently used up one of his nine lives. He's RedHeadedTim the podcast librarian and he's our guest for the entire episode! We've been fairly light on SWG news lately but Tim has been playing like crazy and has a lot to talk about. Also in this episode: some of Tim's "Tuesday Tips," another mystery beve…
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Here comes another delicious helping of SWGwYaMB! This is yet another addition to our collection of gab-fest episodes. Of course, that describes about 98% of our shows. We touch a lot of topics including: more NPR comedy, MrBubble's recent exploration into a certain Facebook game, 2012 predictions, listener e-mail, and a bunch of your voice mail me…
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Episode 127 - Rootleaf, this is not.
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1:30:29Just in time for your weekend is Episode 127 of SWGwYaMB! Not as much SWG discussion as other episodes, but it IS full of everything you love about us (or, everything you love to hate). We bid farewell to MrBubble's first MMO, There.com and consider what parts of SWG were influenced by the kind of gameplay There offered. One of your favorite past b…
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Episode 126 - Don't cut the ribbon!
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55:12Well hello there! So nice of you to join us for another installment of Star Wars Galaxies with Yivvits and MrBubble. This one has something for everyone! Yivvits talks about the new GCW system and quickly goes over the latest "Letter from the Producer." MrBubble updates us on what he's been playing while enjoying more expensive pistachio nuts. Fina…
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Episode 125 - The Tailor Made the Padding
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1:11:08Here is a little something for you to enjoy while defending (or destroying) Bestine tonight! First up, we dedicate this episode to our friend "Red Headed Tim" aka the podcast librarian who is currently in the hospital. Get well soon Tim! The cantina just isn't the same without you! Next, we go over our first impressions of STO and MrBubble has some…
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Hi friends! Our first 'normal' episode of 2010 is really from 2009, crazy! We held this one back in order to focus on our holiday special. Actually, the delay allowed it to ripen on the vine and grow into a deliciously plump episode. Yivvits describes a new MMO he's developing, we hear about Obi-Wan's latest business venture, and we play a bunch of…
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Episode 123 - Yivvits & MrBubble Holiday Extravaganza 2009
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39:09While traveling to their homeworlds, Yivvits and MrBubble run into some trouble and reluctantly resort to calling on an old friend for help. Will Yivvits make it back to Kashyyyk in time for Life Day? Will MrBubble make it back to Sullust for The Thirteen Days of Licking?Oleh Yivvits and MrBubble
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Here's another gab-fest episode of Yivvits and MrBubble! Let's get right down to business: MrBubble wonders where all the dancers have gone, Yivvits finds more road blocks to fun, players generate 3 million quests using the Chronicle Master system (4 of which were not just for grinding), and Padme spins the big General Grievous wheel. Will she win …
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Episode 121 - Tickling the Roller Grill
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1:08:23Haven't listened to episode 120 yet? Well you better get going because here's 121! This week we welcome Padme back to the show and we have a new sponsor! We find out that MrBubble has fooled all of us and he's really a Jawa (which explains a lot), Yivvits has a new power-rant you won't want to miss, we remember an event that happened in November of…
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Here is the latest episode of SWGwYaMB! This one was crafted with loving care using only the softest handpicked silk, the most luxurious cashmere, and only the finest ribbons. The most important part of this week's show is the fact that our old pal Obi-Wan is back in the studio! How can you top that? We can't, but this episode also contains the fol…
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Episode 119 - Reptoid, Robot, or Real?
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51:22Hello again friends! We're finally settling into our new studio and boy do we have a lot to chat about. In this episode MrBubble talks about the sorts of things he searches the Internet for when he can't sleep and this leads us to a new game, "Reptoid, Robot, or Real?" Listen to find out how we classified Smed, Draakull, and other very important pe…
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Episode 118 - From the Couch 2
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1:01:15If you remember from our last episode we are currently in the process of moving into a new recording studio. Unfortunately, construction was delayed when the contractor uncovered a nest of lava fleas in Yivvits' house but do not fear, for here is another "From the Couch" episode! Listen as we discuss topics such as: what we've been up to, does SWG …
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Hello again everybody! We're currently in the process of moving our studio to a new location but that doesn't stop us from gabbing about Star Wars Galaxies! We broke out the mobile recording rig and whipped up this little beauty for ya. We discuss the recently announced server closures (which opens up a few old wounds), the upcoming Chronicles upda…
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Episode 116 - Premarital Counseling
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56:10Hey looky here, a new episode of SWGwYaMB! In this episode we read a couple of letters from listeners and one includes a nice little gift. This, of course, made us very happy. The happiness continued with some great voice mail messages, updates on what we've both been doing the past few weeks, and some Update 12 discussion. Unfortunately, the happy…
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Episode 115 - Fan Faire 2009 Memories
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2:10:39Here it is, our gargantuan two hour long Fan Faire 2009 Memories episode! You've probably listened to the SWG panels we recorded, but this is the episode where we pull it all together and tell you about our Fan Faire experiences. In fact, there's so much SWGwYaMB goodness in this one that we had to resort to using bullet points for the show notes! …
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Fan Faire 2009 - SWG Panel - "Galactic Gathering" (Part 2 of 2)
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53:08This is part two of the two hour long "Galactic Gathering" panel. In this panel the developers explained what the rest of this year holds for SWG and answered a ton of questions from the audience. Also, Dotanuki spent some time explaining Death Troopers in greater detail. If you're still not exactly sure what Death Troopers will mean for SWG then l…
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Fan Faire 2009 - SWG Panel - "Galactic Gathering" (Part 1 of 2)
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58:07This is part one of the two hour long "Galactic Gathering" panel. In this panel the developers explained what the rest of this year holds for SWG and answered a ton of questions from the audience. Also, Dotanuki spent some time explaining Death Troopers in greater detail. If you're still not exactly sure what Death Troopers will mean for SWG then l…
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Fan Faire 2009 - Discussion Panel - "Podcasting"
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46:43This was the podcasting discussion panel which MrBubble and I participated in. The audience was mostly made up of EQ/EQ2 players as there happened to be a SWG TCG panel at the same time. I think Brenlo "I'm Alan" Crosby scheduled it that way as payback for all the sound clips of him we've played on our show. Ah, of course I'm only kidding! I'm Alan…
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Fan Faire 2009 - SWG Panel - "The GCW"
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52:44Brought to you by "Star Wars Galaxies with Yivvits and MrBubble!" This is a recording of the Star Wars Galaxies panel "The GCW" from Fan Faire 2009 in Las Vegas, NV.Oleh Yivvits and MrBubble
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Fan Faire 2009 - SWG Panel - "The Next Big Thing"
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57:30Brought to you by "Star Wars Galaxies with Yivvits and MrBubble!" This is a recording of the Star Wars Galaxies panel "The Next Big Thing" from Fan Faire 2009 in Las Vegas, NV.Oleh Yivvits and MrBubble
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Episode 114 - Super Action Yivvits and MrBubble
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1:17:44What an exciting week! Fan Faire 2009, Empire Day in SWG, another TCG expansion with even more "exciting" loot, and now this - a new episode of SWGwYaMB! In this episode we talk about our Fan Faire plans, hash out a couple of ideas for SWG, and once again remind everybody why we feel the way in which the free character transfers were done actually …
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It's the eve before recording Episode 114, and MrBubble can't sleep! If Larry can't sleep, no one can sleep! MrBubble calls Yivvits and they talk about the feedback for Episode 113 and what Episode 114 may contain. MrBubble also tries to have another conversation with Lola, but yet again blows it.Oleh Yivvits and MrBubble
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We have so many exciting things to discuss in this episode! In fact, we got so excited that we read the wrong date during the intro. Thankfully, we were able to hire an affordable voice over actor to fix the problem. I think he's a pretty close match for MrBubble so you won't even notice it! We start out this episode with some discussion about SOE'…
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Hungry for a little something before Episode 113? MrBubble sets up his old podcasting gear and surprises Yivvits by calling him EXACTLY when Yivvits is editing our next episode! It's wacky!Oleh Yivvits and MrBubble
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Hello friends! This week's episode is a "Dantastic" mix of topics! Some listener voice mail messages prompt us to revisit a bunch of discussions from previous episodes including the most recent debate, "should you hide your geek toys before a date visits?" Also, we give some advice to a couple of aspiring podcasters, give a shout-out to one of our …
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You're probably wondering, "Hey! Where's episode 110?" Well, one of our guests in 110 (the "missing" 2008 YaMB Holiday Extravaganza) has yet to return his release papers. Until we get them, we can't put the show out. I won't say who it is... but his name rhymes with Pando Ralcissian. So, while you wait please enjoy episode 111! First, Yivvits and M…
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Here's a little something to get you in the mood for a very special upcoming episode of SWGwYaMB!Oleh Yivvits and MrBubble
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Welcome to another installment of Star Wars Galaxies with Yivvits and MrBubble! First up, MrBubble finally explains why he doesn't like worms. Yes, ever since the show started in 2005 we know you've all been waiting to find out why that is. Your wait is over! Thankfully, later in the episode Yivvits ties this story back into the Star Wars universe …
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Welcome to another fine episode of Star Wars Galaxies with Yivvits and MrBubble! Recently while shopping for some MSE droids, Yivvits picked up a new studio helper droid, Roger. We think you'll like him just as much as we do. Next, we catch up on voice mails and letters from you, our fantastic listeners! Then, a very special treat - the reading of …
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Two new episodes in three days? Either you're really lucky or "we've got a lot to talk about!" Yes, episode 107 is a Bothan sized slice of SWGwYaMB pie. MrBubble give us a rundown of his latest in-game endeavors, we have some thank you messages, and even an apology. We also talk about the housing pack-up event and some additional Update 8 tidbits.…
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