MK7 = Satanic Panic in the 1980s McMartin Daycare at the center, AFTER the original MK7 program was shut down and records DESTROYED. ALL the terror toward children was at the hands of USA Military PSYOP Operations running it all.. Aquino and Mind War.
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The McMartin preschool trial was a day care sexual abuse case in the 1980s, prosecuted by the Los Angeles District Attorney, Ira Reiner. Members of the McMartin family, who operated a preschool in Manhattan Beach, California, were charged with hundreds of acts of sexual abuse of children in their care.
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The book “MindWar” was published in 2013 by one of the Psy-warrior officers from the U.S. Army’s 7th Psychological Warfare Group who with a fellow psy-warrior came up with, in 1980, the name of a new concept in psychological operations. The book author is Michael A. Aquino. In his mind, MindWar is a tactic in psychological warfare to be employed and exploited by the U.S. military world-wide for all-out control of the mental states and perceptions of all populations.
You will notice that Mind/War came about in 1980 at the time of Satanic Panic and day care centers like the McMartin Case. Likely McMartin set up the same kind of places around the world.
Aquino's Boss: Paul E. Vallely - Wikipedia
Same file different location. MindWar (
Book Review: MindWar, by Michael A. Aquino - One Great Work Network
Maybe instead of chips under the skin, this is part of the process? Transcranial magnetic stimulation - Wikipedia
In 2010 MIT neuroscientists discovered that application of a magnetic field to the right [tempo-parietal junction], by means of a noninvasive technique called transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) temporarily disrupts an individual's ability to make judegments based upon previously-learned morality. In effect, pre-indoctrination is suppressed, resulting in the subject's tendency to judge situations more on a discrete cause-and-effect basis.
In theory, TMS could be used to condition personnel to make decsions unencumbered by prior moral social, or ethical indoctrination; and to remove that same protective indoctrination from a hostile individual being interrogated. TMS thus approaches in scientific reality the mythical "brainwashing" of classic conspiracy legend. .
TONS of links in this file to explore: THE MONTAUK PROJECT AND CAMP HERO TODAY (
Michael Ray Aquino - Wikipedia
If you want to explore Michael Acquino use this search: 13th Baron of Rachane (Clan of Campbell) in Scotland UK
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Clan Campbell - The Argyll Campbells (
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A history lesson for Americans. You’re still British. – Patriots for Truth (
Psychopath In Your Life – Dianne Emerson – YouTube
Tune in: Podcast Links – Psychopath In Your Life
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