show episodes

Islamic Media Podcast

Islamic Media Podcast

Islamic Media Podcast is an independent podcast run by a team of Sunni Muslims who are dedicated to providing the Muslims all around the world with authentic Sunni Islamic knowledge that can be traced back all the way to our Prophet (peace be upon him). We believe the Muslims today are in extreme need for authentic Islamic knowledge to practice their Religion. The ignorance in the Religion is the main reason why the Muslims are going through extremely tough times today. We ask Allah to facil ...
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لو لم يكن رسولا..!

عبد الجليل البكوري

حلقات تعريفية بالمواقف الإنسانية للنبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم #إلا_رسول_الله #فداك_ابي_وأمي #محمد_صلى_الله_عليه_وسلم #ISLAMIC #mohammed #prophet
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القُرآن الكريم بصَوت القارئ عبد الباسِط عبد الصّمَد Quran recitation by Abdelbasset Abdessamed ●‘Uthmān ibn ‘Affān (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The best of you are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it to others.” [Al-Bukhari] Please listen, Follow , and share, so that interest prevails●عن عثمان بن عفان رضي الله عنه عن النّبي صلّى الله عليه وسلّم قال: «خَيرُكُم مَن تعَلَّم القرآنَ وعلَّمَه -روَاه البُخاري- فض ...
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Today With God Arabic language version is a new TV series bringing the Visual Bible to the world. The 37 half hour episodes and one hour premier episode provide spiritual clarity to the question, Who Is Jesus? The series is broadcast in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. Numerous foreign language versions are in production. Matthew, the Acts of the Apostles, and the Gospel of John are presented in the series with insightful explanation from Dr. Randy Weiss in the land of I ...
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show series
Wahabies are considered by many Muslims to be the biggest threat to Al Islam and Muslims due to their influence and money in the Islamic world. They are also very well supported by major Western governments because their existence weakens the Muslims. Learn about their history and their evil agendas and beliefs.…
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دقات قلبي تستجير من الأنينما بين أشواقي وأسراب الحنينحنين قلبي للنبي كُلّي أسرفالشوق في نفسي كحبات المطرفمتى أرى نور الحبيب وقد ظهرطال انتظاري أعِن إلهي من انتظرسنين عمري في هواه عشتهاما بين الحب والحنين قضيتهاومن سبى لُبّي ومن له قلبيطه حبيب اللهباقٍ له حبيهذا الذي ازدانت به الدنيامن روضة في جنة علياليتني أُسقىمن كفه الأنقىونظرة بعدهاأنسي فلا أشقى…
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‎جُد لي حبي هادينا ‎إني صبٌّ مشتاقُ‎واروِني ذابَ حنينا ‎قَلبي الظامي التَّواقُ------------------------------------‎بكَ أصحابٌ نالوا ‎شرفاً وكذا الآلُ‎وعلَوْا وصفا الحالُ ‎وحلاوةَ ذا ذاقوا‎مِنهُمُ الغُرُّ العَشَرَة ‎قومٌ سيرتهُم عَطِرَة‎أنجُمُ الأمةِ بَرَرَة ‎وَسَناهُم برَّاقُ------------------------------------‎فالصِّدِّيقُ أبو بكرِ ‎وابنُ الخَطاب …
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