Unduh Aplikasinya!
show episodes
Shiurim, Lessons and Mussar from Rabbi Naftali Kassorla of Yerushalayim. Rabbi Naftali Moshe Kassorla learned in the Mir Yeshiva in Yerushalayim and after marriage in Brisk under the tutelage of Rav Meir Soloveitchik zt"l. Rabbi Kassorla serves as a mentor and gives shiurim on Halacha, Mussar and Hashkafa for various Yeshivos and Seminaries in Yerushalayim. He has written several popular series on the Parsha, Pirkei Avos, and the Orchos Tzaddikim. Currently Rabbi Kassorla serves as a Maggid ...
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The Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe Podcasts Collection gives you the opportunity to listen and enjoy to all the Torah & Insights from Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe in one feed. The The Parsha Podcast, Jewish History Podcast, The Mitzvah Podcast, This Jewish Life, TORAH 101 and The Ethics Podcast in one convenient place. Enjoy!
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We will be discussing the most pertinent and important issues regarding the in-gathering of the exiles and bringing the Jewish people back to their homeland via Jewish Aliyah to Israel. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/joshua-wander/support
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Perspective from David Ha'ivri a Jewish Man in The Holy Land. Visiting the places that we read about in the Bible, history and the news. Basic meaning of big ideas. Follow David Ha'ivri for more updates from the Heartland of Israel Vlog https://www.youtube.com/israelheartland Twitter: https://twitter.com/haivri Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/haivri Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/david.haivri Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidhaivri/
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Tired of the fake news? The Yaakov M Show is a refreshing look at politics. Yaakov debunks the lies of the swamp and mainstream media, and tells you the REAL story behind the politics. Yaakov hosted a conservative political podcast for 15 years. He studied in Kollel for 14 years, was a Bais Medrash Rebbi over a decade, and has semicha from a top Rosh Yeshiva. If you’re tired of the fake news media, you will LOVE this podcast. __________________________________________________________________ ...
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Erev Shabbos Drush

Rabbi Yossi Michalowicz

Each Shabbos during world history is different. No two Shabbasos are the same. As you get ready for Shabbos, listen to each, once in a lifetime opportunity ,that you should anticipate, that will get you into the perfect frame of mind for this coming Shabbos.
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show series
In this episode, we explore the profound opportunities that Rosh Hashanah through Yom Kippur offers us—a chance to recreate ourselves and start anew, unburdened by the mistakes of the past. But there’s a powerful secret embedded in how Hashem responds to our pleas for forgiveness: it’s directly tied to how we treat others. Understanding this connec…
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Join Geoffrey Stern and Rabbi Adam Mintz recorded in front of a live audience. God, so to speak, “joining the Jewish People in Exile”, is a radical Rabbinic concept that in the words of Rabbi Akiva would have been blasphemous had it not been supported by Scripture. We explore the source of “God in Exile” (Shechinta B’Galuta - שְׁכִינְתָּא בְּגָלוּת…
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Are the Proud Boys bad people? Did we really cause $2.5 million in damage? Could the right have played Jan. 6 differently? Answering these questions and more is David Sumrall, founder of StopHate.com, the filmmaker of three documentaries on Jan. 6, a licensed investigator with access to all government videos of Jan. 6, and president of the board of…
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We are not machines. We are humans. And that's messy. We have all sorts of struggles doing the right thing. We are influenced by a myriad of impulses, inclinations, and predispositions. We don't operate like clockwork. There are other things that always follow a prescribed pattern: The sun always rises in the East and sets in the West. The sun's re…
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On the last day of Moshe's life, he accomplished a lot. He wrote 13 copies of the Torah, one per tribe and one to be permanently stationed in or near the Ark, he spoke words of comfort to the people, and he formally passed the baton of leadership of the nation to his disciple and successor, Joshua. When we study the Torah's description of Moshe's f…
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I typically avoid conversations about politics; however, given the gravity of the upcoming election and its potential impact on Israel, I’ve decided to break my usual practice and share my thoughts on the matter. Of course I am not referring to the US presidential elections but the election at Rosh Hashanah of Hashem vs. Amalek. Also, I recently st…
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Rosh Hashana is upon us my friends! What is the proper mindset to have when standing before our king and crowning him once again this year? In this Women Shiur we explore this idea while traversing through the different stages of life, each compared to different levels of soul. Donkeys will bray and Dogs will bark in this episode to help us define …
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Repentance is one of God's greatest gifts to mankind. When we blunder; when we err; when we create distance and barriers between us and God, we are afforded the ability to rectify and restore our previous pristine state. But repentance, at first glance, seems nightmarishly hard. To change demands an admission that we are flawed; to change demands a…
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There are only three rules of real estate: location, location, location. When it comes to choosing a place to live, the same principle applies. But what determines a good location? In this very interesting Mishnah we learn about the absolute imperative of living in a place of Torah. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – DONATE to TORCH: Pleas…
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On the final day of Moshe’s life, he gathered the entire nation – men, women, children, and according to the Talmud, all souls of future Jews – to pass them through a final covenant with God. The parsha also contains the prophetic predictions of the Messianic times, and it ends with a simple, binary choice: Moshe tells the nation, “Behold I have pl…
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Why Jews Need to Say Thank you to Mayor Adams as he's facing political turmoil.-Bruce Teitelbaum former chief of staff for Mayor Rudy Giuliani starts Hakores Hatov campaign as explained on Talkline With Zev BrennerOleh JewishPodcasts.fm
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Join Geoffrey Stern and Rabbi Adam Mintz recorded in front of a live audience on Clubhouse. Moses warns the Israelites that if they do not live up to God’s expectations, they will be vilified as a caricature of evil. The world will use the Jew to personify failure and depravity. We discuss the use of the Jew as metaphor in our texts and literature.…
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Blessings and curses. That is the dominant theme of our Parsha. We read the admonition of Deuteronomy - 98 bone-chilling curses that will befall our people in the event that we repudiate our covenant with God. Blessings and curses appear a second time: the nation is instructed to assemble at Mount Gerizim and mount Ebal on the day of the crossing o…
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Rosh Hashana is getting closer, now is the time to begin thinking and preparing our minds for this incredible day. If you will only listen to one Shiur about Rosh Hashana this year , I would highly recommend this one! In this Women's Shiur we delve deep into the concept of Judgment on this most auspicious of days and what our attitude is meant to b…
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On the surface, Bikkurim appears to be an ordinary, tithe-like Mitzvah. When the first fruits of a season's crop begin to sprout, you designate them as Bikkurim, and eventually bring them to Jerusalem with much pomp and ceremony. Upon closer examination, this mitzvah is associated with all kinds of surprising people: When we bring the Bikkurim we i…
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Not everything that we covet in life necessarily redounds to our benefit. There are great many things that are double-edge swords: they can be used for good; they can accelerate our ascent to righteousness, and they can be absolutely destructive and lead us towards a death spiral of decadence. Proceed with caution. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –…
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What if I told you that the Creator of the Universe wrote a letter to comfort you during these challenging times since October 7th? In this episode, we're joined by Jake Turx, senior White House correspondent and chief political correspondent for Ami magazine, and a political contributor at Newsmax. Jake analyzes Sefer Ovadia, the shortest book in …
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As the Book of Deuteronomy draws to its conclusion, the narrative makes a transition: Moshe finishes conveying the mitzvos to the nation, and sets up his final parting message to the people. First, he commands the nation to perform several elaborate ceremonies on the very first day that they cross the Jordan River; then he conveys a scathing, terri…
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His mother gave birth to him at 14, and his father tried killing him when he was five. Mary Goodman, a highly successful businessman in West Bloomfield, MI, didn't have an easy childhood, and a rabbi's ill-chosen words turned him away from Judaism when he was a teenager. But the birth of his son 20 years later changed everything. Marty Goodman desc…
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Join Geoffrey Stern and Rabbi Adam Mintz recorded on Clubhouse in front of a live audience. The Torah teaches that one must return a lost object to its rightful owner. The great sages Abaye and Rava use this as an opportunity to argue over the dynamics of loss and despair! We swim into this iconic Talmudic text to find what we have lost… Sefaria So…
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I recently learned about the Jewish custom of Chanukas HaBayis, a ceremony dedicating a new home to Torah learning and mitzvos. It was suggested that I host this event in my new home. The celebration involves opening one's home to the community, sharing food and drink, and hearing words of Torah. I’ve invited an incredible lineup of rabbis: Rabbi N…
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Of the motley potpourri of subjects featured in Parshas Ki Seitzei are several fascinating mitzvos that we address in this week's Parsha podcast. We begin with a fascinating analysis of the law of the beautiful captive woman. We proceed with a heartening insight based upon the wayward and rebellious son. Finally, we offer a sharp and penetrating in…
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What is the nature of the conflict of life? How, indeed, are we suspended between good and bad, between mitzvos and sin, between the evil and good inclinations? The Almighty designed the world based upon the principle of free will, meaning that we all have the choice of how to live our lives and what to prioritize. In this special Bar Mitzvah editi…
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The foundation for the Jewish people to flourish and fulfill their sacred role in creation begins with building a marriage where the husband and wife can support each other in personal development and continual growth. Unfortunately, in the area of relationships between men and women, we have been deeply influenced by the other nations, and while t…
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Jew hatred is not a new phenomenon. Ever since our people were founded -- and truthfully even beforehand -- we have been the recipients of unprecedented, enmity and hostility. Why are God's chosen people uniquely targeted? What is the underlying reason for anti-Semitism? Why are we not more accepted into and tolerated by the general society? This i…
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The thing that we crave more than anything else is life. We all want life. We all flee from curtailing of - or danger to - our life. How do we indeed get life? In this wonderful Mishnah we learn how Torah bestows life - both here and in the afterlife - upon those who do it. What does the Mishnah mean when it says life? How exactly does Torah serve …
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In the parsha that contains the most mitzvos of any of the 54 Torah sections (a staggering 74 mitzvos), we read about the wayward and rebellious son, the requirement to build a fence around your roof to prevent tragedy, two episodes that we are mandated to remember, and many, many more interesting and insightful mitzvos. – – – – – – – – – – – – – –…
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Join Geoffrey Stern and Rabbi Adam Mintz recorded on Clubhouse. הי״ד the Hebrew acronym הַשֵּׁם יִקּוֹם דָּמוֹ “May Hashem avenge his blood” has been carved after the names of too many victims of bloodshed in the past few months, and especially in the last few days. This week's parsha addresses tribalism, revenge killings and blood feuds which in t…
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