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show episodes

Tupý hrany

Tupý hrany

Podcast nejen o lyžování, ale i o všem, co se kolem hor, akčních sportů a vlastně všeho možnýho šustne.. Provozováno Šimonem Bartíkem a Tomášem Kroczkem. https://herohero.co/tupyhrany
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Die Jüdische Welt ist größer, vielfältiger, bunter geworden. Einmal im Monat berichtet hr2-kultur über das Leben in jüdischen Gemeinden und Organisationen. Dazu eine jüdische Ansprache zum Schabbat.
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Za Hranicí Fitness

Charlie a Gárl

Karel Mencl a Karel Ticháček, dva hlasy, které již čtvrtým rokem tvoří podcast Za Hranicí Fitness. Každý druhý týden přinášíme našim posluchačům nové epizody, ve kterých se zaměřujeme na širokou škálu témat. Ať už je to zdraví, cvičení, strava, suplementace, psychika nebo biohacking, vždy se snažíme přinést nejen naše osobní zkušenosti, ale také nejnovější vědecké poznatky.
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In this series, David Green will be speaking to a range of senior HR leaders who are pushing a data-driven and digital HR agenda. There is an increasing need for HR professionals to become more digitally and numerically literate – to acquire the skills necessary to process, produce and leverage digital information to create business value. You'll hear from people leaders who are driving transformation in their organisations on how HR can prepare for the future and what HR leaders need to do ...
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HR Leaders

Chris Rainey

Join Chris Rainey as he chats with the world's top Chief People Officers, CHRO’s and industry experts who share their experience, insights, lessons learned and how they are shaping the future of work for business and society
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Don't HR Alone

Rhamy Alejeal

This podcast is for HR Professionals, Business Owners, and CEOs who want to learn and discuss the tools, tactics, and strategies that help us create a happier, more productive employee workforce.
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HR Gamechangers


Join Dave and Louisa for casual, but deep dives into all things Human Resources. From hiring trends, to helpfull suggestions for industry leaders as well as job seekers. Give a listen and join the conversation!
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HR Empowerment

Aurora Training Advantage

Welcome to the HR Empowerment Podcast. Join our team of industry experts today as they share strategies, insights and regulatory updates that are designed to keep you ahead of the curve.
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The HR Mentor

Melanie Reed

This is the podcast for emerging HR professionals to get practical advice, tools and strategies to build their credibility, confidence and ultimately a fulfilling HR career!
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HR Disrupted

Disruptive HR

Welcome to HR Disrupted, the podcast where Lucy Adams and guests reimagine traditional HR practices for a more agile, people-centric future. Each episode dives into innovative approaches for leaders and HR professionals, offering practical advice on leadership, employee engagement, and organisational culture. As CEO of Disruptive HR, the go-to agency for innovative people practices for the last ten years, Lucy brings fresh perspectives and solutions to the ever-changing challenges of modern ...
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Honest HR is the go-to podcast for aspiring and informed HR professionals intent on transforming workplace challenges into golden opportunities. Hosted by Amber Clayton, Monique Akanbi, and Wendy Fong, this podcast brings you insights, trends, and actionable advice through relatable stories from the REAL world of HR.
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HR Podcast

HR Academy, HR Praktijk en CHRO

In de HR Podcast geven we je elke twee weken inzichten in leiderschap en innovatie in HR. Om je te informeren én te inspireren. Zodat je weet wat er speelt en hoe je daarmee kan omgaan! Van de makers van CHRO, HR Praktijk en HR Academy
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HR Party of One


HR Party of One is your human resources how-to. Featuring engaging discussions on the latest HR issues facing fast-growing small businesses and startups. Each episode provides captivating, actionable insights on topics including hiring, culture, technology, leadership, and more.
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Nine To Thrive HR

HCI Podcasts

Looking for fresh content to solve your human capital issues but don't have a full hour? Subscribe to the HCI podcast series to gain access to leading HR practitioners from Fortune 1000 companies, as well thought-leaders, authors, and academics. These experts cover everything from talent acquisition and analytics to engagement, retention, and development.
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HR Happy Hour Network

HR Happy Hour Network

At Work in America, the longest running and top downloaded HR podcast, focuses on human resources, management, leadership, and workforce technology. The show is hosted by Steve Boese, the Co-Chair of the HR Technology Conference and Trish Steed, CEO of H3 HR Advisors.
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HR aus dem Norden

Wirtschaftsakademie Schleswig-Holstein GmbH

In zwei Staffeln erwarten Sie spannende Gespräche mit inspirierenden Persönlichkeiten aus der HR-Welt. Unsere Gäste - echte Expertinnen und Experten auf ihrem Gebiet - teilen wertvolle Erfahrungen, ordnen aktuelle Trends ein und geben praxisnahe Tipps, von denen Sie im Personalwesen profitieren können. Von Recruiting über Mitarbeiterbindung bis hin zu Leadership und aktuellen Entwicklungen in der Arbeitswelt - jede Episode bietet neue Perspektiven für Ihren HR-Alltag. Jetzt reinhören!
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HR Most Influential Podcast --- The HR Most Influential podcast speaks to some of the practitioners, academics and consultants making up HR magazine's annual HR Most Influential list, which celebrates instrumental figures in the people profession. We’ll be asking them to pull back the curtain on their working lives and explore the major issues facing the world of work. HR Focus Podcast --- HR Focus dives into practical issues surrounding HR leaders. Interviewing expert guests, and bringing t ...
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Welcome to our podcast, where career success meets real talk! 🎙️ Whether you’re navigating the job hunt, trying to boost your workplace experience, or just curious about HR, you're in the right place. Our episodes break down HR topics so you can stay ahead of the curve and make smarter career moves. Subscribe for tips on building your resume, acing interviews, and handling everyday job hurdles! 💼✨ You won’t want to miss what’s coming next.
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show series
Verzuim is het grootste hoofdpijndossier van HR professionals zo blijkt uit het Benchmarkonderzoek 2024 van Brightmine. Waar moet goed verzuimbeleid in essentie aan voldoen en op welke juridische valkuilen moeten werkgevers beducht zijn? In aflevering 115 van de HR Podcast zijn Sacha Luijkx , Head of Content bij Brightmine en Maarten van Gelderen, …
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Ep: 44: HR Insights: The Data Speaks In this episode, podcast host Natalie Ivey discusses some of the data from the 8thannual employee relations benchmark study provided by software company, HR Acuity. Natalie shares important information regarding the trends noted in the benchmark study such as organizations seeing sharp increases in allegations o…
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In this episode, we get to know Jim Boswell while he explores the differences between the industrial and knowledge economies, shedding light on how these distinct work practices and compensation structures impact motivation. Drawing from his personal experience and career in various fields, Jim provides insights on how these shifts affect both indi…
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Send us a text This episode dives into the crucial concept of empathetic leadership and its impact on workplace dynamics. Through a conversation with Javon Wooden, listeners learn how to identify empathetic leaders and navigate challenges faced when leaders lack empathy. • Definition of empathetic leadership and its importance • Javon Wooden's pers…
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US-Präsident Donald Trump hatte im Wahlkampf versprochen, den Krieg in der Ukraine so schnell wie möglich zu beenden. Beinahe im Alleingang hat er nun Gespräche angekündigt und Europa scheint überrumpelt. Welchen Einfluss Europa noch haben kann und was die heutige EU-Konferenz dazu beitragen kann, erklärt der Politik- und Konfliktforscher Stephan S…
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Eigentlich war die nächste Bundestagswahl erst für den kommenden September geplant. Doch durch das Auseinanderbrechen der Ampel finden nun schon an diesem Sonntag vorgezogene Neuwahlen statt und das bedeutet: wenig Zeit für die Organisation. Wie ist es bis dato gelaufen und was hat sich am Wahlrecht geändert?…
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In der heutigen Folge sprechen wir mit Isabella Woitschach, Employer Branding Managerin bei Dataport, über den Relaunch der Karriereseite von Dataport. Isabella Woitschach berichtet, mit welchen Mitteln die Ziele Authentizität, Barrierefreiheit und eine multimediale Umsetzung konkret realisiert wurden. Dabei ist der Schlüsselfaktor von der Zielgrup…
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Die Zwergmangusten im Opel-Zoo im Taunus haben ein schönes neues Gehege bekommen, deshalb will Zookurator Jörg Beckmann sie heute mit seinem Team umsetzen. Leichter gesagt als getan, denn die kleinen Raubtiere sind flink, wendig und gewitzt. Eines der Tierchen schafft sogar kurzfristig die Flucht.Oleh HR
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När digitalisering känns övermäktig är det lätt att tro att nya system är enda lösningen. Men ibland räcker det att förbättra det man redan har. Här är berättelsen om hur ett tvärfunktionellt samarbete gjorde stor skillnad. I veckans avsnitt av HR Digitaliseringspodden tittar vi på digitaliseringens vardagsutmaningar – där framgång inte alltid hand…
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In this must listen episode of Nine to Thrive HR, host Cindi Koetzle explores the power of inclusive language with linguistic anthropologist Dr. Suzanne Wertheim. Together, they dive into the hidden biases within everyday speech, the impact of language in workplace culture, and practical strategies for HR professionals to foster more inclusive comm…
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Lavada English of Bright Places drops knowledge on how Black women continue to break barriers in the workplace, yet they still face unique challenges that impact their career growth. Empowering Black women at work isn’t just about representation—it’s about creating an inclusive environment where their voices are heard, their contributions are value…
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Keine Liebesbeziehung und kein Familienalltag kommen ohne Kompromisse aus. Und eine Demokratie erst recht nicht. Allerdings hat der Kompromiss gerade keinen guten Ruf. Außerdem: Spektakuläre Entdeckung: Jüdische Bittbriefe an den Papst im Holocaust Und: Wie Lampheim an Alfred Delp erinnert, 80 Jahre nach seiner Hinrichtung…
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Für blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen ist der Zugang zu Kultur erschwert. Immerhin gibt es Fortschritte bei der Barrierefreiheit: Bei Filmen sind Hörfassungen inzwischen relativ verbreitet und beim Theater gibt es ab und an Beschreibungen zum Hören. Aber beim Tanz ist die Teilhabe von Sehbehinderten bisher schwierig. Die Tanzplattform Rhein-Main ha…
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The Play by Play - 2024 Year in Review Hosts: Jack McFarlane & Nick Schlemmer Summary In this episode of The Play by Play podcast, hosts Jack and Nick reflect on the major events, sports championships, and music trends of 2024. They discuss the highlights of the year, including the Summer Olympics, the total solar eclipse, and the presidential elec…
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In this episode of the HR Leaders Podcast, we welcome Stuart Martin, HR Executive at Lloyds Banking Group, to discuss the role of AI in reimagining work and transforming HR operations. Stuart dives into how generative AI is reshaping employee experiences, automating tasks, and addressing skill shortages. He also highlights the importance of creatin…
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In this episode, we break down Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs), explaining how they work, the different types available, eligibility requirements, key features like contribution limits and rollover options, and why they’re a game-changer for both employers and employees managing healthcare costs. Payroll + HR + Benefits in an all-in-one so…
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Tired of feeling stuck in your business? What if you could make your time worth $10,000 an hour? Join Rhamy Alejeal and Dr. Sabrina Starling as they reveal the secret to scaling without burnout—by focusing on high-value work and hiring A-Players. 🎯 What You'll Learn in This Episode: ✅ The $10,000 an Hour Mindset – How to spend your time where it ma…
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ถ้าพนักงานต้องเจอกับหัวหน้างานที่เป็นพิษ จะเกิดผลอะไรตามมา แล้วทำไมหัวหน้างานที่เป็นพิษถึงโตมาเป็นหัวหน้าได้ ทั้ง ๆ ที่พฤติกรรมแย่ ๆ แบบนี้Oleh Prakal Pantapalangkura
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As we charge into 2025, the challenges for Australian small and medium-sized businesses continue to grow. In this episode of The HR Cartel Podcast, host Tim Dove breaks down the key decisions business owners must make to stay ahead in an increasingly complex and high-risk environment. From the criminalisation of wage theft to skyrocketing labour co…
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Parent out loud. Host Monique Akanbi is joined by Chelsey Gonzalez, VP Human Resources, Acklen Avenue, SHRM-CP, to discuss how working parents can harmonize their competing priorities and how HR professionals can best support them. This podcast is approved for .5 PDCs toward SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP recertification. Listen to the complete episode to ge…
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Whenever we ask HR professionals about the biggest barriers to innovative people practices, they almost always mention leaders and managers - and this is particularly true in sectors such as engineering and technology. They tell us that, because engineers respond well to process, they struggle to move away from bureaucratic, people processes in fav…
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What do you do when the workforce planning strategy that’s worked for years no longer fits the future? You rethink, reset and rebuild. In this episode of the Digital HR Leaders podcast, host David Green sits down with Dr. Tobias Bartholomé, Project Lead for Strategic Workforce Planning at Lufthansa Group, to explore why—after nearly a decade—Luftha…
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The episode explores the evolving nature of workplace loyalty, arguing that it's not dead but transformed. Modern employees prioritize factors like work-life balance, career growth, and competitive compensation, leading to more frequent job changes. Companies are responding by offering better benefits, flexible work arrangements, and opportunities …
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UK national newspapers have called HR a "parasite," "bloated" and a "shadow empire" – and the vitriol keeps coming. The criticism has been enough to drive the CIPD’s chief executive, Peter Cheese, to defend the profession's work in an open letter. But do the ‘HR haters’ have a point? Or is the profession simply getting caught in the culture war cro…
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اگر به شرکت‌های موفق دنیا فکر کنیم، آمازون بدون شک یکی از اولین نام‌هایی است که به ذهن می‌رسد. این شرکت نه‌تنها در حوزه‌ی تجارت الکترونیک پیشگام است، بلکه نحوه‌ی رهبری و مدیریت آن هم برای بسیاری از مدیران الهام‌بخش بوده است. اما راز موفقیت آن چیست؟ 08:13 - اصول رهبری و مکانیزم‌های آمازون برای حفظ آن 35:41 - بار رایزر (Bar Raiser) چیست و چرا استخدام…
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As a new graduate stepping into the world of HR, you’re entering a field that’s evolving faster than ever before. In this episode, Melanie breaks down the most important trends shaping the industry and what you need to know to stay ahead. From AI-powered recruitment tools to remote work policies, diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) strategies, an…
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Today, February 1st, marks the anniversary of our very first show with an air date of February 1, 2010 and we take a few moments to mark the occasion. Michael and Robin also discuss the first 12 days of the Trump Administration (part deaux) including the assault on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion as well as the massive changes afoot at the NLRB and…
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