The latest scientific research reveals that 12 minutes of meditation a day yields benefits like increased attention, focus, creativity, calm, resilience and compassion. Start your 12-minute sit with guided meditations from today’s leading mindfulness experts, brought to you by Mindful. With a new mindfulness meditation each week, 12 Minute Meditation invites you to bring the benefits of mindfulness to daily life.
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Personalized guided meditations narrated by AI celebrity voices. Enhance mindfulness, relaxation, and sleep.
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Sleep better, reduce stress and anxiety, and feel happier about your life. If you yearn for simpler calmer days, settle yourself down to explore the rich tradition of meditation for your modern life. Journey through a weekly theme to gain insight and understanding of the biggest stressors of our time. Be guided in a brief mini-meditation using a time-proven meditation technique in each episode to sleep better, manage anxiety, and improve mental focus. Described by listeners as a daily therap ...
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Meditations and mutterings from a Catholic priest
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Come relax with the #1 Sleep Podcast. Our unique stories help calm the mind and relax the body. Press play, it's time to Get Sleepy... Become a premium member for access to bonus episodes and ad free listening.
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Hello my friend! Welcome to Guided Meditation. We are so glad you joined us here today. And we invite you to make this your place to find inner peace, strength and relaxation. Our intention is to create meditation practices that will benefit you and to develop strengths, flow and personal growth. Much love and peace, 💗 Jody and the Guided Meditation team
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Relaxamento e Meditação com foco na consciência corporal, atenção e conexão interior.
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Morning meditations created for women or anyone who feels called to listen. 💗 Start your day with a moment of mindfulness with the Morning Meditation for Women podcast. Whether you’re new to meditation, trying to kickstart your meditation practice, or a seasoned meditator, you’ll love these quick meditations designed to start your day with intention, love and a deep sense of peace. Brought to you by the Women’s Meditation Network and hosted by Katie Krimitsos. Get more meditation resources a ...
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8D Tekniği ile hazırlanmıştır. Lütfen kulaklıkla dinleyiniz.
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Meditative Story combines extraordinary human stories with meditation prompts embedded into the storylines — all surrounded by breathtaking music. Think of it as an alternative way into a mindfulness practice, through vivid stories and cinematic music and production values. Meditative Story is an original series produced by WaitWhat and supported by our members. Our community tells us that they listen to the same episodes over and over again, and according to data provided by Apple Podcasts, ...
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Evangelho Meditado - Padre Jurandir
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Bei Mindlook findet ihr verschiedene geführte Meditationen für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene. Die Meditationen haben unterschiedliche Themen wie z.B. Achtsamkeit, Stress bewältigen, Angst loswerden, Atemübungen, negative Phasen überstehen, einschlafen u.v.m. 🎧 Podcast werbefrei hören: 📖 Meditation Journal: 🛒 Mindlook: 📷 Instagram: @mindlook.meditation ...
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Learn more at: Rain, rain sounds, thunderstorm, nature sounds, waterfall, ambient sounds, relaxation, sleep, meditation, white noise, calming, peaceful, atmospheric, weather, rain, lightning, stormy, dark skies, soothing, natural, environment, ASMR, podcast
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These meditations are 5-10 minute segments to help focus on what God might want for us in the new day!
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Sleep meditations created for women or anyone who feels called to listen 💗. Can’t sleep? Insomnia? Mind racing with worries and a never-ending to-do list? Tune in to the Sleep Meditation for Women podcast and let these guided meditations help you ease into sleep peacefully. Brought to you by the Women’s Meditation Network and hosted by Katie Krimitsos. Get comfy, press play and let yourself be guided into dreamland. Get more meditation resources at
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Mă numesc Andrei Vasilachi. Meditații e un proiect despre condiția umană în diverse domenii: filosofie, psihologie, literatură, istorie și cultură. ... Susține-mi munca: ... Poți găsi video-eseuri pe ... Dacă ai comentarii, critici sau sugestii, scrie-mi la acest email: [email protected] ... Ce înseamnă emoticoanele? 🎞️ — Video-eseu 💬 — Dialog 🎬 — Vlog 📖 — Lectură 📃 — Articol 📜 — [A-Z] Filosofie esențială 🔴 — LIVE pe YouTube ...
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Short, weekly guided meditations to help you stress less and live more. Each week join Kelly Smith, founder of Yoga For You, for simple and grounded guided meditations that are 20 minutes or less and cover an array of topics that will help you with real life struggles like anxiety, insomnia, self-esteem and creating a morning ritual.
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The Rubin Museum of Art presents a weekly meditation for beginners and skilled meditators alike. Each episode is inspired by a work of art from the Museum’s collection and is led by a prominent meditation teacher. This podcast is recorded in front of a live audience at the Museum, and includes an opening talk and a 20-minute meditation session. Join us as we learn to quiet the mind, open the heart, and engage with the world more consciously
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Relax and fall asleep with Guided Sleep Meditation and Sleepy Stories, hosted by me Karissa Vacker, an award-winning voice and meditation guide. We'll bring you an original Sleep Meditation and Sleepy Story every week. Become a Premium member of Sleep Wave for access to over 100 bonus episodes and ad free listening via: We are sponsored by Indeed. Go to for £100 sponsored credit.
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El Podcast donde os hablaré de las dudas que nos surgen cuando lo practicamos, de Mitos, realidades y dudas generales del Mindfulness y de Meditación. También comentaremos algunas Investigaciones, ultimas noticias y beneficios de estas prácticas. Además aprenderemos los Conocimientos básicos para realizar este tipo de técnica basada en la Atención Consciente plena quizás algún que otro monográfico sobre los problemas de la vida diaria y sus efectos y beneficios al aplicar este método. http:/ ...
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Short guided meditations to calm your anxiety, overcome negative thinking, increase your confidence, and more. Don’t think you have the time, or mental focus, to meditate? Most of these mind-shifting meditations are 10 minutes or less. Soothe your stress away and feel better fast with this award winning guided meditation podcast by Hypnotherapist Chel Hamilton today. For more information visit: ( Please Note: The meditations presented ...
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Uploaded by friends of Father Francis Ongkingco, with his guided meditations from the Philippines. We also have guest priests.
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Nutrir nossos ventres com energias meditativas e reflexivas pode nos ajudar a vibrar em bem-estar e harmonia. Estas Visualizações Meditativas são partes de terapias, que estendo aqui, neste Canal, para todas aquelas que também sentirem esse chamado. Aproveitem! Amoroso abraço, Ise Mahsati
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Redemption Meditations is a theological ministry of Redemption Bible Church in Bellefontaine, Ohio.
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Want to start praying, but don't know how? Join one of the most downloaded Christianity and Catholic podcasts every morning for scripture, meditation, and a Rosary - all under 25 minutes! It's perfect for your daily commute or morning coffee listening.
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Willkommen im Podcast Meditation für jeden Tag! Mein Name ist Paulina Thurm und ich nehme dich hier mit meiner Stimme an die Hand und begleite dich durch die Meditationen. Seit Januar 2019 habe ich regelmäßig neue geführte Meditationen veröffentlicht - mittlerweile sind es weit über 250 für die verschiedensten Gelegenheiten: für den Start in den Tag, zum Einschlafen, als Begleitung bei unterschiedlichen Herausforderungen des Alltags.Sei es bei Stress, bei Selbstzweifel oder bei Kopfschmerzen ...
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Áudios para meditação guiada gravados durante os encontros de meditação que ocorrem na Casa dos 7 Saberes em Copacabana na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Com a voz da Beatriz Acampora. Ouça sempre com fones de ouvido e sentado com os olhos fechados. Áudio para meditação guiada com a voz da Prof. Beatriz Acampora. Ouça sentado com fones de ouvido e olhos fechados. Para conhecer mais sobre os cursos, palestras e Workshops entre em:
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A Contemporary Buddhist Mindfulness Meditation Community For Central Florida
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Experience the peace of true meditation's easy!
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Meditaciones preparadas (aunque no exclusivamente) para hacer un retiro espiritual y mejorar en su vida cristiana, de oración y de trato con Dios. A cargo del Padre Ricardo Sada Fernández de México.
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Meditación católica del Evangelio del día para fomentar en cada persona una vida de oración de calidad con medios ordinarios. Síguenos en: Instagram @meditaciondeldia_ Whatsapp Correo [email protected] Este podcast es parte de
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Anleitungen zur Meditation. Für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene. Meditation verhilft zu inneren Frieden, zu mehr Energie, zu Selbsterkenntnis. In ihren höheren Aspekten führt sie zu höheren Bewusstseinsebenen und Einheitsgefühl. Keine Vorträge – praktische Übungsanleitungen. Wenn du dich hingesetzt hast (auf einem Stuhl, kreuzbeinig oder kniend), kannst du gleich loslegen. Ideale Ergänzung zu dem Vortrags-Podcast „Yoga, Meditation und Spirituelles Leben“ (auch hier auf Podster). Hier findest d ...
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Una meditación diaria, centrada en Jesucristo, tal y como aparece en el evangelio y las oraciones de la misa del día. Meditaciones extras de retiros mensuales y cursos de retiro espirituales. Audiolibros de espiritualidad.
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Practicas de mindfulness y meditaciones guiadas para cultivar la paz interior. Entrevistas inspiradoras para disfrutar y aumentar nuestro bienestar.
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Meditación Guiada para la Relajación Profunda y el Equilibrio Interior
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Meditações Pura Energia Positiva
Vanessa Scott - Terapeuta Energética Intuitiva e Facilitadora de Breathwork
Infinitas possibilidades ao seu alcance. Acompanhe Vanessa Scott e seu método único para promover o bem-estar através da lei da atração, positividade, breathwork, mindfulness. Com a mente calma e presente no momento, você estará equipado para vencer todos os desafios da vida, incluindo estresse e ansiedade. Episódios novos toda semana!
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Are you interested in meditation and want to use meditation for more than relaxation? Do you want to do more exciting stuff with meditation? This podcast is about using meditation as a powerful tool for transformation and manifestation.
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Deine Reise zu mehr Ruhe und Gelassenheit beginnt hier bei Koala Mind! Ich bin Petra und ich freue mich sehr, dass du meinen Podcast gefunden hast. Mit meinen Meditationen möchte ich dir helfen, mehr Leichtigkeit und Freude in deinen Alltag zu bringen. Ob zur Entspannung, Selbstfürsorge oder den Umgang mit Ängsten und Sorgen: Ich freue mich, dich in deinem Alltag zu unterstützen! Du wünschst dir noch mehr Gelassenheit durch eine tägliche Meditationsroutine? Bestell dir jetzt mein Meditation ...
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As Experiências em Meditação são portais para um mundo interior vasto e silencioso, onde o cotidiano se dissolve e a essência do ser se revela em toda a sua profundidade. Cada Meditação é única, um encontro íntimo com as camadas mais profundas do Corpo, do Coração, da Mente e do Espírito... "Mesmo que pratiquemos a mesma Meditação, cada um tem sua própria Experiência" - Shanti-Rham
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Med den här podden i dina öron kan du lägga dig ner och ge dig själv en välförtjänt vila. För ur vila, ur pauser kan det nya växa. Det är i vilan som det gror. Så boka in dina måndagar från och med nu för då sänds nya guidade meditationer av Karin Björkegren Jones. Support this show at Become a member at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Podcast de Alcio Braz Eido Soho, fundador de Eininji, templo Zen Budista no Rio de Janeiro. Meditações guiadas, Zazen, introdução ao Budismo, leitura do Shobogenzo e outros livros variados tendo como tema principal o desenvolvimento humano, sabedoria, engajamento, silêncio e compaixão. Áudios gravados por Alcio Braz Eido Soho,, a não ser quando expressamente referido outr(a)o autor(a).
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Guided Meditations & Sleep Stories for Kids and Adults of all ages. Download our App for Free:
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A short, spoken meditation to complement Oswald Chamber’s daily devotion.
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Musically Meditated with Joe Riley is a show about Musical Exploration. Musically Meditated host Joe Riley talks about all genres of music and occasionally talks about the importance of meditation. Joe reviews music and frequently has some fantastic guests. This is what a show about music should be. We’re always sending positive vibes. Hit that subscribe button and check out "Musically Meditated" on Instagram and watch on YouTube. Email Joe and the show with any comments or questions at musi ...
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The Daily Meditation podcast covers everything you need to know about mindfulness and meditation
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Fantasiereisen Anleitungen für Entspannung und Meditation
Sukadev Bretz - Gekonnt Entspannen und Aufladen
Lass dich in Tiefenentspannung und Meditation auf Reisen führen - in wunderschöne, mystische Welten. Erfahre tiefe Entspannung, Liebe, Freude - und neue Erkenntnisse. Ganz spezielle spirituelle, mythologische Fantasiereisen - und einfache Phantasiereisen an besondere Orte.
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Reflections on the martial art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and how we can translate its lessons to personal development, peak performance, and leadership.
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10/30/45 Minutes of guided meditation which anybody can do any where any time - By Chaitanya
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Feeling Our Interior Life (Rebroadcast)
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30:42March 11, 2025. Gospel Passage: Matthew 6:7-15. Quoting Exodus 20:1-6 and John Paul II’s Message for the 14th World Youth Day, January 6, 1999 in and "Christ Is Passing By" Point 164, “The Forge” Point 750, and “Friends of God” Point 152 by St…
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SPECIAL SERIES for Sleep Awareness Week! Deep Sleep Meditation to Ease an Overactive Mind
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32:39It’s Sleep Awareness Week this week and to celebrate, we’ve curated some of Our favorite sleep meditations to help you get deep, restorative sleep! We even created a few extra long episodes (8 hours and 10 hours) so you can be soothed all night long Sweet dreams, Beautiful Katie To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: htt…
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SPECIAL SERIES for Sleep Awareness Week! Deep Sleep Meditation to Ease an Overactive Mind
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33:39It’s Sleep Awareness Week this week and to celebrate, we’ve curated some of Our favorite sleep meditations to help you get deep, restorative sleep! We even created a few extra long episodes (8 hours and 10 hours) so you can be soothed all night long Sweet dreams, Beautiful Katie To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: htt…
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💗 Meditation Monday 🧘♀️ - Feel All the Feels
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18:13Life is always moving. Life is always presenting us with new experiences and circumstances…and it’s up to us to dance with it all. Today’s meditation will give you an opportunity to feel all the feels, to allow all of the emotions inside of you to exist, without making them wrong or putting meaning behind them. To simply be present to them all… If …
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💗 Meditation Monday 🧘♀️ - Feel All the Feels
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19:13Life is always moving. Life is always presenting us with new experiences and circumstances…and it’s up to us to dance with it all. Today’s meditation will give you an opportunity to feel all the feels, to allow all of the emotions inside of you to exist, without making them wrong or putting meaning behind them. To simply be present to them all… If …
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Nina’s Dreamy First Day at Witch School
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48:40Narrator: Heather Foster 🇺🇸 Writer: Frankie Regalia ✍️ Sound effects: forest ambience, birdsong 🌲🐦 Includes mentions of: Cats, Magic, Flying, Heights, Children, Witches, Fantastical Elements, School, Science & Nature, Fantasy. Welcome back, sleepyheads. Tonight, we will be joining Nina on her first day of witch school. 😴 Watch, listen and comment o…
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10.03.2025 - Segunda-feira - Evangelho Mt 25,31-46
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9:4810.03.2025 - Segunda-feira - Evangelho Mt 25,31-46Oleh Padre Jurandir
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Join Sleep Wave Premium, Free for Spring! ✨💤 Flash Sale
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1:06Subscribe via Apple Podcasts, or using this link 🌊 This week, we’re running a flash sale on Sleep Wave Premium! From March 10th to March 17th, you can get a whole year of ad-free, premium access for just 39.99 - that’s 33% off the usual price! ✨ With Sleep Wave Premium, you’ll get full access to our entire back cata…
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Choosing to Trust Meditation (Female Voice)
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10:40Hey friend, it’s Jody Agard here. Trusting can be hard, especially when life feels uncertain. But today’s meditation is a choice—an invitation to release doubt and choose surrender and trust, knowing that everything is unfolding as it should. So, find a comfortable spot, take a deep breath, and let’s choose trust together. Xo, Jody Learn more about…
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Tributary - 10 hours for Sleep, Meditation, & Relaxation
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10:00:00Listen Ad Free - Listen to hundreds of audiobooks, thousands of short stories, and ambient sounds all ad free!Oleh Sol Good Media
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March 10: Being an Example of His Message
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3:192 Timothy 4:2Oleh Det Bowers
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Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Join our Premium Sleep for Wome…
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Lent 2025 Today's transcript. We depend on donations from exceptional listeners like you. To donate, click here. The Daily Rosary Meditations is now an app! Click here for more i…
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In this episode, we see job crying out and God seems to be silent. We are reminded that this is when our faith is revealed!
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Hej Balans! Är en guidad meditation för att uppnå just balans. Karin Björkegren Jones guidar dig i en meditation där du får visualisera både positiva och negativa känslor som du kanske går runt och bär på. För livet innehåller både glädje och sorg samtidigt och du har förmågan att balansera båda de här känslorna, utan att värdera dem. Ge dig själv …
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602. ¿Cómo ser consciente?. Paso a paso. Etapas del proceso de ser consciente. Profundización (D4)
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29:09Contenido simplificado en el 23:50. Hoy vamos a ver paso a paso como ser consciente y que tenemos que hacer mentalmente Primero, veremos cuatro conceptos clave para este proceso, estímulo, memoria de trabajo, atención y ser consciente Luego, exploraremos cómo generamos esa consciencia por etapas, desde la entrada sensorial hasta la conciencia de se…
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Kindermeditation // Der magische Wunschbaum
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18:55Schließ deine Augen und stell dir einen wunderschönen Baum vor – groß, stark und voller magischer Blätter, die in allen Farben schimmern. In dieser Meditation begibst du dich auf eine kleine Fantasiereise zu deinem ganz eigenen Wunschbaum. Eine liebevolle Meditation, die Kinder auf spielerische Weise in ihre Fantasie eintauchen lässt und ihnen ein …
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Mental Detox Affirmation, Day 2: "Releasing Toxic Thoughts, Renewing Your Body"
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7:56Our minds often hold onto negative thought patterns, like stubborn weeds in a garden. In this meditation, we'll use an affirmation to intentionally replace those toxic thoughts with positive, life-affirming ones. This process of intentional thought replacement will not only clear mental clutter but also release the physical stress that accompanies …
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Lunes 10 de marzo de 2025. Del Amor al Amor.
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10:36Les compartimos la meditación del Evangelio de hoy tomado de San Mt 25, 31-46. Para más recursos para encontrarte con Dios en la oración, visita nuestra página web o síguenos en Instagram @meditaciondeldia_ y compártenos tu opinión! Conviértete en donante de Meditación del Día en este enlace: Santa M…
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Bringing Christ Out Of Us (Rebroadcast)
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28:52March 10, 2025. Gospel Passages: John 13:1-15; Matthew 20:26-28; Matthew 25:35-40. Also Isaiah 52:7. Meditation with Fr. Francis Ongkingco, Woodrose School Chaplain. Image: “In Humility” by Simon Dewey. Used with Permission from Altus Fine Art and the artist.Oleh Blessed Meditations
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Finding Contentment Through Gratitude | Sleep Meditation
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51:54In tonight's Sleep Meditation with Karissa, we're going to practice gratitude, and meditate on how to live our lives with a glass half full, finding contentment from all of those wonderful little things that build our lives and make us who we are. Join Sleep Wave Premium ✨ in just two taps! Enjoy 2 bonus episodes a month plus all episodes ad-free a…
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A Sleep Meditation to Release Creative Blocks
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28:56Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Join our Premium Sleep for Wome…
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Meditación en el lunes de la I semana de Cuaresma. Jesús, en el Evangelio, nos habla del juicio, y nos dice que el único criterio será el modo en que hayamos cuidado y socorrido a los necesitados. La cuaresma es un buen momento para poner el foco en este punto, y hacer que ese reencuentro con Jesús sea gozoso.…
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SPECIAL SERIES for Sleep Awareness Week! 8 Hour - Sleep Talk Down
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8:01:28It’s Sleep Awareness Week this week and to celebrate, we’ve curated some Our favorite sleep meditations to help you get deep, restorative sleep! We even created a few extra long episodes (8 hours and 10 hours) so you can be soothed all night long Sweet dreams, Beautiful Katie To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https:…
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SPECIAL SERIES for Sleep Awareness Week! 8 Hour - Sleep Talk Down
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8:02:28It’s Sleep Awareness Week this week and to celebrate, we’ve curated some Our favorite sleep meditations to help you get deep, restorative sleep! We even created a few extra long episodes (8 hours and 10 hours) so you can be soothed all night long Sweet dreams, Beautiful Katie To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https:…
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SLEEP: Let The Tears Come Sleep Meditation (Male Voice)
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21:44Hey, it's Evan and I'm so grateful you're here joining me for a soothing sleep meditation that I hope will relax your body and clear your mind, so you can drift off to sleep with ease. If you're loving these meditations, make sure to rate and review them on Apple always helps others just like you find the meditations they need. https:…
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Here's an affirmation style meditation you can use to create (or REcreate) your own GOOD DAY no matter what other people or situations throw at you. 😀 This episode is brought to you by Factor. Eat smart with Factor. Get started at and use code FACTORPODCAST to get 50% off your first box plus free shipping! Music…
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Energizar toda a região do ventre vivifica e amplia possibilidades de criação, de saúde e bem-estar.Ise Mahsati
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Release Toxic Thought Patterns, Day 1: "Releasing Toxic Thoughts, Renewing Your Body"
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8:48You have the power to transform your mental landscape. This meditation is a tool for reclaiming your inner peace by releasing toxic thoughts that hold you back. By consciously letting go, you'll not only experience mental clarity but also a profound sense of physical liberation, allowing your natural vitality to shine through THIS WEEK'S THEME: Wel…
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Creek Dam - 10 hours for Sleep, Meditation, & Relaxation
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10:00:00Listen Ad Free - Listen to hundreds of audiobooks, thousands of short stories, and ambient sounds all ad free!Oleh Sol Good Media
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March 9: Turning Back or Walking with Jesus?
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3:32John 6:67Oleh Det Bowers
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Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Join our Premium Sleep for Wome…
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Lent 2025 Today's transcript. We depend on donations from exceptional listeners like you. To donate, click here. The Daily Rosary Meditations is now an app! Click here for more i…
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Meditation: Sanfte Selbstwahrnehmung
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10:45Diese Meditation ist eine sanfte Einladung, dich mit dir und deinem Inneren zu verbinden. Wir nehmen uns Zeit, zur Ruhe zu kommen und die Aufmerksamkeit nach innen zu lenken. Hier kommst du achtsam mit deinen Gedanken, Gefühlen und Empfindungen in Kontakt. Diese Form der Selbstwahrnehmung ohne Erwartung kann ein tiefes Gefühl der Verbundenheit ausl…
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In this episode, we hear job lamenting the injustice in his world, and we can relate!
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Boost morning energy with this quick 7 minute guided meditation. This practice is designed to get your breath moving with "bellows breath" and then you visualize energy pouring into your body as you release all fatigue with your breath out. More Mindful in Minutes Join the free 5-day Nervous system reset to overcome overwhelm Books Order Meditation…
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09.03.2025 - DOMINGO - Evangelho Lc 4,1-13
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7:5009.03.2025 - DOMINGO - Evangelho Lc 4,1-13Oleh Padre Jurandir
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Domingo 9 de marzo de 2025. Abrazar el desierto.
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6:44Les compartimos la meditación del Evangelio de hoy tomado de San Lc 4, 1-13. Para más recursos para encontrarte con Dios en la oración, visita nuestra página web o síguenos en Instagram @meditaciondeldia_ y compártenos tu opinión! Conviértete en donante de Meditación del Día en este enlace: Santa Mar…
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Driven By the Spirit Into the Desert (First Sunday of Lent)
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28:02March 9, 2025. Gospel Passages: Luke 4:1-13, Mark 1:12-13. Also Romans 8:14. Quoting from Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation, "Christus Vivit," by Pope Francis dated March 25, 2019 in and Apostolic Exhortation, "Evangelii gaudi…
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📚 Book club | Friedrich Nietzsche: Nașterea tragediei
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1:46:08Nașterea tragediei, sau "Nașterea tragediei din spiritul muzicii" este o lucrare din 1872 de teorie dramatică a filosofului german Friedrich Nietzsche.Nietzsche propune o nouă interpretare a originii tragediei grecești antice. El susține că tragedia a apărut din interacțiunea dintre două forțe contrastante: apolinicul și dionisiacul. Apolinicul rep…
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Sleep Sounds: Chilrdren Finally Close their Eyes
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1:02:18Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Join our Premium Sleep for Wome…
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Meditation Einschlafen und gesund werden | Innere Heilung
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40:00Die geführte Meditation zum Einschlafen beinhaltet Selbstheilungs Affirmationen zum gesund werden. Durch die Einschlafmeditation können sich dein Körper und dein Geist regenerieren und stärken. Die Einschlafhypnose hilft dir deine innere Heilung zu aktivieren. Du kannst die Meditation anhören, wenn du krank bist oder wenn du gesund bleiben möchtest…
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Meditación en el Domingo I (C) de Cuaresma. La Iglesia nos propone el Evangelio de las tentaciones de Jesús en el desierto: «Jesús, lleno del Espíritu Santo, volvió del Jordán y el Espíritu lo fue llevando durante cuarenta días por el desierto, mientras era tentado por el diablo». Todo empieza con el desierto, que es un lugar duro, áspero, de soled…
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Hello, it’s Jody Agard. Gratitude can change the way we see the world, and today, we’re focusing on waking up with a heart full of gratitude. This meditation will help you start your day grounded in appreciation, no matter what’s ahead. So, find a quiet spot, take a deep breath, and let’s begin. Xo, Jody Learn more about your ad choices. Visit mega…
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River and Lake Connecting - 10 hours for Sleep, Meditation, & Relaxation
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10:00:00Listen Ad Free - Listen to hundreds of audiobooks, thousands of short stories, and ambient sounds all ad free!Oleh Sol Good Media
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Dia internacional da mulher, para você Deusa! O Sagrado Feminino, a Deusa é uma força vital que vive em você. Vem celebrar e ativar a Deusa em você nessa poderosa meditação! Você sente que tem sua energia feminina oculta? Aprisionada? Essa energia precisa ser vista, aceita, valorizada e usada para um propósito maior. Chegou a hora, o nosso planeta …
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Galatians 2:20Oleh Sam Hunter
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Align with Your Intuition (Feminine Wisdom)
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12:39Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Join our Premium Sleep for Wome…
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Lent 2025 Today's transcript. We depend on donations from exceptional listeners like you. To donate, click here. The Daily Rosary Meditations is now an app! Click here for more i…
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