Episode 15 - Covid-19 and its damage on sperms and procreation
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In this Episode 15 I have interviewed Dr. med. Olivia Pojer again on the subject of sperm quality and its improvement after a covid infection. A subject that is not that know of, but is in discovery and every fertility center should know about.
Dr. med. Olivia Pojer is a medical doctor and TCM therapist. She is co-owner of “Femme&Fertile”, an integrative fertility clinic near Graz (Austria). She has specialized entirely in the integrative treatment of fertility disorders with a focus on andrological problems. Among other things, she is the holder of the European Acupuncture Diploma and has completed study visits in Wuhan and Nanjing. She holds the international certificate of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (ABORM). Dr. Pojer is an international speaker and author. Her book on the integrative treatment of male infertility with Chinese Medicine is published by Singing Dragon in November 2022.
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